Man and Environment XLI(2) – 2016 K. Kumar and K. Rajan, Man and Environment XLI(2): 50-84 [2016]. © Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies Table 2: List of Archaeological Sites in Tamil Nadu No. Site Longitude Latitude Taluk Period Description 1 Adukkamparai 78.96556 12.98028 Vellore Iron Age Urn, Black-and-Red ware, Red ware, Russet coated ware 2 Agaram-Colony 78.68889 12.99944 Vellore Iron Age Stone Circle 3 Agavalam 79.60417 12.96083 Arakkonam Middle Palaeolithic, Black-and-Red ware, Iron Age Red ware, Russet coated ware, Black ware 4 Akkapuram 79.76667 12.97417 Kanchipuram Lower, Middle Pal- Handaxes, chopper- aeolithic, Neolithic chopping tools, cleav- ers, discoids, points and scrapers, Neolithic celt 5 Alanganeri 78.95028 13.06667 Gudiyattam Iron Age Urn 6 Alangayam 78.75028 12.62667 Vaniyambadi Early Historic Early Historic Rock Art 7 Alanguppam 78.77056 12.92806 Gudiyattam Iron Age, Early His- Early Historic Rock Art, toric Black-and-Red ware, Red ware, Habitation mound, Iron smelting Iron smelting furnace 8 Alasandapuram 78.51639 12.22111 Vaniyambadi Neolithic, Iron age Neolithic celt, pestle, granary pits, Stone Circle, Dolmen 9 Ambarishipuram 79.70111 13.08611 Arakkonam Lower Palaeolithic Handaxes, chopper- chopping tools, cleav- ers, discoids, points and scrapers, 10 Ambur Kasba (Dadi 78.71417 12.78750 Vaniyambadi Neolithic, Iron Age Neolithic celt, axes, Hills) chisels, mullers, Black- and-Red ware, Red ware, Black ware, Habitation mound 11 Amirthi 79.05833 14.74111 Vellore Neolithic Habitation mound, Neo- lithic celt found from the lower most of the cultural deposit 12 Ammanankovil 78.67333 12.94361 Tirupattur Iron Age Stone Circle, shell bangle 13 Ammanankuppam 78.82417 12.95000 Gudiyattam Iron Age Black-and-Red ware, Habitation mound 14 Ammananthangal 79.37528 12.91444 Wallajapet Upper Palaeolithic Blades, scrapers, points, burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 15 Ammavaripalli 79.22556 13.05028 Katpadi Upper Palaeolithic Blades, scrapers, points, burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 16 Amoor 79.00083 12.97528 Wallajapet Upper Palaeolithic Blades, scrapers, points, burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 17 Anaicut 78.76917 12.87861 Vellore Iron Age Stone Circle 18 Anaigundugevi 78.76583 12.97639 Gudiyattam Iron Age Iron Age Rock Art 68 Archaeology of Vellore Region, Tamil Nadu No. Site Longitude Latitude Taluk Period Description 19 Anandagiri (Aravatla) 78.68889 12.99944 Gudiyattam Neolithic, Iron Age Neolithic celt, Black- and-Red ware, Black ware, Red ware, Habita- tion mound 20 Ananthalai 79.39611 12.94028 Wallajapet Upper Palaeolithic Blades, scrapers, points, burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 21 Ananthapuram 79.74806 13.02028 Arakkonam Lower, Middle Pal- Handaxes, chopper- aeolithic, Iron Age chopping tools, cleav- ers, discoids, points and scrapers, Urn, Sarcopha- gus 22 Andiyappanur 78.81667 12.87333 Vaniyambadi Iron Age Dolmen, Dolmenoid cist, Cist, Habitation mound 23 Appukkal 78.99083 12.85306 Vellore Neolithic, Iron Age Stone Circle, Iron Age, Rock Art, Neolithic and Iron Age, Habitation mound, Excavated site 24 Arakkonam 79.66361 13.08222 Arakkonam Lower, Middle Pal- Handaxes, chopper- aeolithic, Iron Age chopping tools, cleav- ers, discoids, points and scrapers, Stone circle 25 Arangaldurgam 78.80361 12.86806 Vaniyambadi Iron Age Dolmen, Dolmenoid cist, Urn, Iron smelting Iron smelting furnace , Habi- tation mound 26 Arappakkam 78.96472 12.99528 Wallajapet Iron Age Cairn Circle, Menhir 27 Aravatla 78.96611 12.98222 Gudiyattam Iron Age Stone Circle, Habitation mound 28 Arcot 78.79944 12.86278 Arcot Iron Age Stone Circle, Graffiti, Black-and-Red ware 29 Ariyur 78.86472 13.02972 Arakkonam Iron Age Stone Circle, Dolmen 30 Ariyur 78.78694 12.94556 Vellore Iron Age Cairn Circle, Stone Cir- cle, Dolmenoid cist 31 Armamali (Arunbhavi- 79.00417 12.67111 Vaniyambadi Neolithic Neolithic celt malai) 32 Arumbakkam 79.45917 12.81778 Arcot Middle, Upper Pal- Handaxes, Cleavers, aeolithic Blades, scrapers, points, burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 33 Arumbalpattu 78.84056 12.96167 Tirupattur Iron Age Dolmen, Dolmenoid cist 34 Arunkundram 79.25194 12.87250 Wallajapet Upper Palaeolithic Blades, scrapers, points, burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 35 Athithangal 79.33861 12.82389 Arcot Historic Historic Rock Art 36 Attuppakkam 78.92333 12.96361 Arakkonam Iron Age Cairn Circle 37 Avalnaickenpatti 78.89139 12.91944 Tirupattur Iron Age Stone Circle 38 Avarampalayam 78.88472 12.76417 Vellore Iron Age Stone Circle, Cairn Cir- cle, Dolmen, Dolmenoid cist 69 Man and Environment XLI(2) – 2016 No. Site Longitude Latitude Taluk Period Description 39 Ayal 79.47611 13.04111 Arakkonam Middle Palaeolithic, Handaxes, cleavers, Dol- Iron Age men, Dolmenoid cist 40 Aypedu 78.77167 12.88389 Arakkonam Iron Age Stone Circle, Dolmen, Dolmenoid cist 41 Badanavadi 78.94194 12.89972 Tirupattur Iron Age Stone Circle 42 Bagaveli 79.41278 12.92611 Wallajapet Lower, Middle, Up- Handaxes, chopper- per Palaeolothic, Mi- chopping tools, cleavers, crolithic, Neolithic, discoids, points, burins Iron Age and scrapers, Celt, Cairn Circle 43 Bagaveli (Mottaimalai) 79.40889 12.92556 Wallajahpet Neolithic Neolithic celt, Rubbing stones 44 Bairapalli 78.80167 12.92861 Gudiyattam Iron Age Dolmen 46 Balur 78.79556 12.90778 Gudiyattam Iron Age Stone Circle 45 Balur 78.86472 12.85306 Vaniyambadi Neolithic, Iron Age Neolithic celt, Grey ware potteries, Iron slag 47 Banavaram 79.48750 13.01361 Arakkonam Middle Palaeolithic Handaxes, chopper- chopping tools, cleav- ers, discoids, points and scrapers, 48 Basavanayanikuppam 78.75000 12.91667 Vellore Iron Age Stone Circle 49 Chandrapuram 78.47167 12.50611 Tiruppattur Neolithic, Iron Age Celt, Dolmen, Dolmen- oid cist Iron Age Rock Art, Habitation mound, Grey ware 50 Chennarayanpalli 78.91000 12.96194 Katpadi Neolithic, Iron Age Celt, Iron Age Rock Art, Iron smelting Iron smelt- ing furnace , Habitation mound 51 Chennasamudram 79.90333 12.90917 Wallajapet Upper Palaeolithic Blades, scrapers, points, burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 52 Chinna Kandili 78.66667 12.83333 Tirupattur Iron Age Dolmen, Dolmenoid cist with porthole, Black- and-Red ware, Black ware, Habitation mound 53 Chinnadamalcheruvu 78.71278 12.87972 Gudiyattam Early Historic Early Historic Rock Art 54 Chinnakandili 78.48333 12.48333 Tiruppattur Iron Age Stone Circle, Iron Age Rock Art, Habitation mound 55 Chinnapalampakkam 78.10306 12.79389 Vellore Neolithic, Iron Age Celt, Excavated site, Iron Age Rock Art, Habita- tion mound 56 Chinnapallikuppam 78.75639 12.75222 Vellore Neolithic, Iron Age Neolithic celt, Stone Circle 57 Chinnarampatti 78.55194 12.32861 Tirupattur Neolithic Neolithic celt 58 Chinnasamudram 78.85611 13.03778 Tirupattur Iron Age Dolmen, Habitation mound 59 Chinnaudiyamuthur 78.82000 12.90806 Tirupattur Iron Age Cairn Circle 60 Cholavaram 78.08167 12.81056 Vellore Iron Age Iron Age Rock Art 70 Archaeology of Vellore Region, Tamil Nadu No. Site Longitude Latitude Taluk Period Description 61 D.P. Palayam (Dakshi- 78.85333 12.99556 Gudiyattam Iron Age Stone Circle, Dolmen, napatha Palayam) Dolmenoid cist, Sar- cophagus, Anthropomor- phic 62 Dasaripalli 78.78694 12.96250 Gudiyattam Iron Age Menhir 63 Devadanam 78.99361 12.95694 Wallajapet Iron Age Stone Circle, Cairn Circle, Cist 64 Devaendrapuram 79.23056 13.05944 Katpadi Upper Palaeolithic Blades, scrapers, points, burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 65 Devendrapuram 78.84833 12.97139 Katpadi Iron Age Urn, Black-and-Red ware, Black ware 66 Dhakshinapatha Palayam 78.95028 13.06667 Gudiyattam Neolithic Neolithic celt 67 Dhanakondapalli 78.85194 12.88833 Gudiyattam Iron Age Dolmen 68 Durgam 78.82056 12.98944 Arcot Iron Age Stone Circle, Habitation mound 69 Echampattu 78.62722 12.75194 Vaniyambadi Early Historic Early Historic Rock Art 70 Elagiri Hills 78.51639 12.72111 Tirupattur Neolithic, Iron Age Neolithic celt, axes, Stone Circle, Dolmen, Dolmenoid cist 71 Elayanagaram 78.62917 12.71972 Vaniyambadi Historic Historic Rock Art 72 Eripallam 78.89028 12.94028 Vaniyambadi Iron Age Stone Circle 73 Eripudur 78.96750 12.87972 Vellore Iron Age Stone Circle 74 Erthangal 78.82333 12.94917 Gudiyattam Neolithic, Iron Age Neolithic celt, Rock Art, Grey ware, Black-and- Red ware, Red ware, Habitation mound 75 Esaiyanur 79.44833 12.86000 Arcot Neolithic Neolithic celt 76 Gajjal Naickenpatti 78.59583 12.42750 Tirupattur Iron Age Dolmen 77 Gittapalli 78.80639 12.99611 Gudiyattam Historic Historic Rock Art 78 Govindacheri 79.45583 13.00583 Wallajapet Upper Palaeolithic, Blades, scrapers, points, Neolithic burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores, Celt 79 Gudalur 78.70972 12.84000 Arakkonam Iron Age Cairn Circle 80 Gudanagaram 78.47528 12.42556 Gudiyattam Iron Age Black-and-Red ware, Habitation mound 81 Gurunathapuram 78.97250 12.91250 Gudiyattam Neolithic, Iron Age Neolithic celt, Black- and-Red ware, Red ware, Black ware, Habitation mound 82 Ilavampadi 78.88694 12.72500 Vellore Iron Age Stone Circle, Cist 83 Ilayanallur 78.62583 12.77167 Katpadi Iron Age Habitation mound 84 Jambukulam 79.36250 13.03667 Wallajapet Upper Palaeolithic, Blades, scrapers, points, Microlithic burins, borers, lunates, knives, flakes, cores 85 Jamin 78.84361 12.79278 Vellore Iron Age Black-and-Red ware 86 Javvadu Rama Samu- 78.50333 12.73278 Vaniyambadi Neolithic Neolithic celt, Granary dram pit, Habitation mound 71 Man and Environment XLI(2) – 2016 No. Site Longitude Latitude Taluk Period Description 87 Javvuthumalai
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