Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1980 Daily Egyptian 1980 11-13-1980 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 13, 1980 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1980 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 13, 1980." (Nov 1980). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1980 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1980 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I 1;us says bt-forP RPagan gPLt; 'Daily 'Egyptian too busy in Washington. ma~·tw Sll' officials should gPt him to •how 'f'm how to cut ff'P!I, boost Thursday. :'\on•mbt>r 1:1. 19110~\'ol. 79. :'\o. 59 Southern Illinois University thP athlf'tin budgPts and gPt a Y.inninJ( football tf'3m. Voyager 1 gives best-ever look at Saturn's surface P:\SADE:'\A. Calif. tAP1 - Saturn it was probing the little scientists a look at the never­ Propulsion Laboratory here. several of the smaller frozen \'oyaJ(er I sailed beneath the worlds i'otirnas. Enceladus. seen surface of Titan. But. He sa1d an intepretation of the moons . .-.Iimas displayt'd what shmuneri.1g rings of Saturn and Dione. Rhea and Hyperion nonetheless. they reported hints apparent ft>atures must await looked Jikt' a giantic impact t•xplored a half-dozen icy moons before beginning an endless of streaks and other vague the comt .tt'r wizardry that crater. and Dione showt'd huge as it climaxed a 38-month trek into the far reaches of details on the orangish clouds dramaticallv t'nhances the bright streaks across its o;ur­ Journey Wednesday by taking space. surrounding the moon ~pacecraft's pictures. face. rnan·s best-ever look at the The ship began its Saturnian Voyager's nine other in­ During the Titan encounter. planet ·s hazy. churning surface tour late Tuesdav when it strumt>nts sent back a wealth of Voyager's radio signals were Voyager. wh1ch sailed skimmed with uncannv ac­ data after probing Titan's at­ receivt'd at a tracking station in triumphantly past Jupiter :md The robot spaceship. 94i curacy past the giant ·moon mosphere of natural gas: or Spain. where thunderstorms its many moons in Man:h tli9. rmlhon miles from home and Titan. methane. scrambled five hours of data on followed a trail blazed by :he reaching speeds of more than After covering 1.24 billion "We clearly are s~ing .some Saturdav. Hibbs said the littlE' Pioneer 11 s~rait. 50.1100 mph. followt'd an ex· miles in a circuituous route to cloud structure." said David :\Jadrid station was soaked bv which visited Saturn late last ploratory route that passt'd Saturn. VoyagPr came within :\lorrison of the Voyager heavy rains again Tuesdav year. TT.OOO miles from Saturn's about 12 miles of tt!e photography team. But he said night but "all the riata was But Voyager. a one-ton sh10 golden clouds. predetermined bull's-eye near the "slreaks and things .. received and all is well ... bristling with antennae and Along the wav Wednesdav. Titan. said mission spokesman aren't showing up \'ery con­ As Voyager sped to its en· booms that support its cameras Voyager buzze-d the moon AI Hibbs. vincingly in the raw images" counter with Saturn. it grabbed and scientifc is a far Tethys. and after passing A thick. smoJ4ty haze denied relayed from Voyager to the Jt>t distant but detailed pir:ures of Stttdents were not misled on bond fee., VP says 8.- John t\mbrosia headlines and the articles. Staff Writt-r "I'm an t'thical man. and I Bruce Swinburne. vice think these articles ~ave tht' presidt'nt for student affairs. impression that I was trying to sa1d Wedne~dav he hasn't hidt' something from the withheld informatiOn con­ students ... Swinburne said. ""I cermng the fact that the think there was a misun· L'niversity wasn't legally derstanding concerning the reqUired to follow a 19i8 state situation." policy proh1uiiing the ill>t' of Swinburnt' said that retained retaint'd tuition funtiing to pay tuition and its replacement. the bond dehts. txond retirernt>nt fee. are not used just to JUlY back bonds, but ap~~~:: iT~~t?a~~lya~f~~~~ also for operation and main· tenance ~ts of the Student !~~~~~~ ~~for::J .~:~ert!: Center and CIIH:ampus housing. University was legally exempt An estimated Sl.6 million will from an Illinois Board of Higher be collected from the fee in Education ruling which fiscal 1982. along with more Swinburne savs led to the than $1 million in retained creation of the 'bond retirt'ment tuition. but Swinburne did not fee. comment on how much will be Swinburne said in fall 19i8 he paid out for bonds during that circulated a me1no to year. ~- l'niversity constituency groups Wht•n qut"Stioned about why which stated that the IBHE the fee was named the bond didn't have the lt'gal authority retirement fee if it is not ear­ to stop thE' use or retained markt'd for bond retirement ~ .. tuition for bond payments. but purposes. Lawrence Juhlin, Staff pho&o by Briaa H-e did have tht> budgeta•;• power to assistant to Swinburne, said do so. that it gave bond holders DOES ~OT COMPl'TE-Harold Brown, senior in Pnten bis M'lecti- into tbe comp•ter. AciYaac:etl SwinburnE' also said the security in knowing that money physical toducation. looks ahto!Od to· tbto spring rf' stration for ttndt-rgradualt'S bPgan Oct. 13 aad headlines accompanying the is plt'dgt'd to the retiring of semestn as Lisa HukhPns. freshman In English. continaPs unt-il Dec. 12. articlt"S wen• m•sleading and bonds. questiont'd the fairness of the l{'ontinu~ on Page 21 Evergreen Terrace fights rent hike 8.- :\lichaPI :\lonson made a prt"Sentation explaining crt'ases and Urban Development holds mailed shortly. Staff \\'rittor the administration's plans to Swinburne said the rent in· the mortgage on Evergreen Yet another requirement is a The Evergreen Terrace implement tht' int·reases. crease i~ necessary to keep the Terrace and therefore must open hearing between the Residt'nts Council has voted to Williams said the meeting was co.nplex in the black for fiscal approve any increase. Swin­ residents and a HUD official at oppose a proposed rent increase 'ht' first notice received bv 1982 and to help rt'tire a Sl5i.75i b!lrne st~id. The next step is which maintenance problems going before the Board of Evergreen Terrace residentS deficit accumulated from fiscal approval by the SJU Foun· are discussed. HUD can Trustees Thursdav that would about the proposed increases. 19i&-80. dation. which built the complex detennine what maintenance ra1se rental rates $23 and S28 for Cnder the proposal. tht' "We're trying to get it so that with the federal loan. The projects must be completed, two-and three-bedroom monthlv ratt' will rise from $!98 -~:e are progressing towards L'niversity acts as the foun­ Swinburne said, and be cited apartments. respectl\·t>ly to S22i for a two-ht'droom some reasonable retirement dation's agent to operate and this ability as a major cause of Council President Bruce apartmer.t and from $213 to 5241 schedule of the deficit ... manage the apartments. the deficit. Wilha'lls said the rent proposal for a threo>-bedroom apartment Swinburne said. If the increase survives thest' "Sometimes in the past, we has ar.~ered many •esidents effective July 1. Budget projections for fiscal steps, it goes before the board have asked for the minimum who were hard hit bv $18 and $30 After the vote. a special 1981 show a surplus of $19.034 to for final approvaL The board's amourt necessary to balance rent increases which went into committee to oppose the in· be applied against the deficit. process of approving rent or fee the budget and the government effect on Jan. I and Aug. 1. creases was creatt'd bv the With the rent increase. a sur· increases takt"S two months­ will se.y. ·we will aPP._TOVe your "This has been quite a shock council. Jan Hebert. a reSident plus of $39.946 is projected for one for consideration and the ir~rease, but only if you ap­ for married students With in the JW-apartrnent compll'x, · fiscal 1982. Without the in· second for final action. Tt>e prove these maintenance children.'" Williams sa1d. will chair the committee. crease. a deficit of 54-4.754 is introduction of the proposed projects,"' Swinburne said. "Coming so close on the 'leels of Hebert s.ud :\londay she plans seen. increase before the board "Those repairs required by ihe last increasE'. it really to meet with Bruce Swinburne. When asked why University Thursday is the first step irt a HUD often eat up the extra ~('l'InS unfair. That's a 45 vice president fot· student af· Housing had allowed such a multi-step process. according to income brought in by tbe rent pt•rcent increase in an 18-rnonth fa1rs, on Dec. J to discuss the large debt to accrue. Swinburne Swinburne. increase." pt'r;od .. matter. blamed a (:Umbersome ap· HL'D also requires that the Hebert said she will also raise W11li:;,.·,s said the vote to W11liarns said he will malu: a proval process for rent in­ l'niversity. give Evergreen the matter of ms:alling in­ •>ppose thE' proposed rent hikes presentation before the cr('a'Si's which the t:niversitv Terrace residents 30 days notice cividual utility meters at the ·,,as unammous and carne la~t GraduatE' Student Council on must follow for Evergreen of any impending rent increase.
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