Green and Healthy Streets Fossil-Fuel-Free Streets Declaration - Planned Actions to Deliver Commitments C40 1 OTHER SUPPORTIVE ACTIONS Transform our cities through peo- The Auckland Unitary Plan encour- Auckland ple-friendly planning policies. ages intensification around key pub- lic transport corridors and delivery of this will continue to be monitored Increase the rates of walking, cy- Improvements across the public Continued delivery of the cycling cling and the use of public and transport network. The past four programme including delivery of © Istock / chameleonseye © Istock shared transport that is accessible years has seen the introduction of the 10-year cycle strategy, building to all citizens. AT HOP smart card, electric trains, on successes of separated facility double decker buses, simpler fares, development in the city centre, ac- FOSSIL-FUEL-FREE STREETS ACTION more services and new stations and cessing city centre and local paths. COMMITMENT there are more improvements on the way. Procure, with our partners, only Complete the Auckland Transport In 2018 trial two electric buses, joint- zero emission buses from 2025. Low Emissions Roadmap for buses. ly funded by key partner, the Ener- Reduce the number of polluting ve- With a focus on transitioning people gy Efficiency and Conservation Au- hicles on our streets and begin the to walking, cycling and public trans- thority transition away from vehicles pow- port, a Smarter Transport Pricing ered by fossil fuels. project is underway to determine the most effective financial mecha- Ensure that a major area of our city Focusing on the Auckland city • Deliver the Victoria Street linear nisms to support the shift is zero emission by 2030. centre, which is that part of Auck- park which will connect and build land that is located within the ur- more green spaces in the city and ban motorway system and the integrate pedestrian and cycle Lead by example by procuring zero Auckland Transport has committed Watercare have committed to 30% Waitemata harbour edge, we will: movement with public transport emission vehicles for our city fleets to a fleet of all electric vehicles from of the fleet being electric vehicles as quickly as possible. 2025, with the first 20 electric vehi- by 2019 • Complete the City Rail Link which • Adopt an Urban Forest Strategy cles arriving early 2018. will increase rail capacity to the city centre by 150% • Removed minimum parking stan- Auckland Council has committed to dards which means on-site park- 5% of the fleet being electric vehi- • Building on the success of shared ing is not required in new develop- cles by 2020. spaces on Federal, Elliot, O’Connell, ments, allowing for more efficient Fort Streets and Fort Lane, contin- use of land, encouraging better ur- ue to adapt the public realm and ban design outcomes and support- Collaborate with suppliers, fleet op- Through rail electrification, Auck- Thirty of New Zealand’s leading streets across the city centre to ing public transport erators and businesses to accelerate land Council, Auckland Transport businesses have already committed prioritize walking and cycling and the shift to zero emissions vehicles and Government reduced green- to converting 30% of their fleet to dis-incentivize private vehicles • Increase the capacity of commer- and reduce vehicle miles in our cities. house gas emissions by 85% per electric vehicles by the end of 2019. cial car share schemes with prefer- passenger kilometre overall. Auck- This is approximately 1450 vehicles. • Expand mass transit ence for electric vehicles land Council have committed to electrification of the remaining die- An initial round of public sector and • Investigate how to expand the ex- • Continue the development of sel shuttle rail services from Papak- private sector suppliers are pur- isting bike share scheme Wynyard Quarter as an exemplary ura to Pukekohe. chasing electric vehicles for fleets sustainable development as part of the whole of government • Deploy innovative mechanisms Auckland Transport, as part of its procurement scheme. The pilot pro- such as the recently completed • Investigate how to reduce emis- Sustainability Framework, is devel- curement is led by NZ Government business case for walking to contin- sions from marine transport oping a low emissions roadmap for Procurement. ue to make the economic case for buses, is engaging with bus opera- pedestrianisation • Complete the Low Emissions tors, as well as trialling two electric Roadmap for Auckland and refine buses in early 2018. • Build on the successful programme next steps and actions of activation which has seen the community reclaim car spaces for EXAMPLE OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO DELIVER THE COMMITMENT community activity including Grif- fiths Garden and Pocket Parks • Auckland Council and central government are investing $3billion into the City Rail Link • Investing nearly $40 million in the regional cycleway network this financial year • Auckland Council is currently developing the Long Term Plan which is the mechanism for allocating financial resources to deliver on the actions above • Auckland Council will also work with recently formed new government to attract investment to deliver on the actions above 2 Green and Healthy Streets C40 3 OTHER SUPPORTIVE ACTIONS Transform our cities through peo- The city is implementing the gov- Barcelona ple-friendly planning policies. ernment measure called “fill streets with life.” It is deploying a new mod- el of superblocks, improving walk- ability, cyclability and allocation of public space for people. © Barcelona Increase the rates of walking, cy- The current government is invest- A complete information regarding cling and the use of public and ing more than ever in walking and our cycling strategy can be found shared transport that is accessible cycling. The cycling network will be here. And the cycling strategy can FOSSIL-FUEL-FREE STREETS ACTION to all citizens. doubled from the current 152km of be found here. COMMITMENT network to 308km in 2019 in Barce- lona city. Procure, with our partners, only All new buses procured in our city zero emission buses from 2025. will be zero emissions from 2025. Reduce the number of polluting ve- Further to a general reduction of 21% metropolitan area by 2025. In 2030 hicles on our streets and begin the of vehicles according to the Urban only zero emission vehicles will be transition away from vehicles pow- Mobility Plan 2013-2019, restrictions permitted in the city centre. ered by fossil fuels. to the most polluting vehicles will be progressively applied from 2017 on- We will also continue our supporting Ensure that a major area of our city As part of our Pollution Action Plan wards initially during high pollution policies for electric vehicle through is zero emission by 2030. 2017-2020 the most polluting cars events. By 2020 the restriction will LIVE public-private initiative. will be banned from entering a new GOVERNMENT MEASURE be permanent within the boundar- LEZ that covers the entire city from PROGRAMME OF ANTI-AIR ies of the LEZ and extended to the POLLUTION MEASURES 2020 (most polluting refers to any cars below Euro 3 or diesel cars be- low Euro 4). Lead by example by procuring zero Municipal fleets are being currently The current split is zero emission emission vehicles for our city fleets renewed towards lower emissions vehicles 16.4%, Hybrid 2.1% and bio- Restrictions to the most polluting as quickly as possible. vehicles. diesel 13.4%. vehicles will be progressively ap- plied from 2017 onwards, starting on high level pollution events. Collaborate with suppliers, fleet op- Working with other stakeholders We also provide fiscal and regulato- erators and businesses to accelerate including acting administrations ry incentives to substitute pollutant Moreover, no diesel taxis will be li- the shift to zero emissions vehicles and operators to stimulate demand private cars for public transporta- censed from 2019 and by 2024 there and reduce vehicle miles in our cities. for the cleanest vehicles. This work tion and zero emission vehicles. should be no remaining diesel taxis includes a public-private platform in the metropolitan area. 25 November 2016 (LIVE) open to all those entities in- volved in sustainable mobility, main- More information regarding anti ly electric and CNG vehicles, with air-pollution measures can be found the shared goal of developing proj- here. ects, policies, strategies, new busi- ness models and creating a knowl- We are currently designing a new edge network. mobility plan that will strengthen the existing anti-pollution measures, and will be a major step forward for our sustainability policies. EXAMPLE OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO DELIVER THE COMMITMENT To make this vision a reality the City Council has committed €1.5 million over the next two years for the implemen- tation of the LEZ zone. • In Barcelona 2018 budget, more than 175 million euros will be invested in improving public and sustainable transport. 4 Green and Healthy Streets C40 5 OTHER SUPPORTIVE ACTIONS Transform our cities through peo- The Birmingham Development Plan The City’s Transport Strategy Bir- Birmingham ple-friendly planning policies. sets out the vision for the city to mingham Connected sets out a vi- be an enterprising, innovative and sion to create a transport system for and Transport for the West Midlands green City. The plan seeks to ensure everyone; one that puts people first, Birmingham’s residents will expe- and delivers better connections for rience a good quality
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