MMiilllliimmeetteerr AAssttrroonnoommyy lliinnkkeedd ttoo tthhee FFaarr--IInnffrraarreedd CCaarrsstteenn KKrraammeerr IIRRAAMM,, GGrraannaaddaa Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MM3333 Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 AAnn eexxaammppllee:: TThhee nneeaarrbbyy ssppiirraall ggaallaaxxyy MM3333 Optical image (B,V,I,Ha) + 21cm line of HI in blue (Rector, Hanna 2005) Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 TThhee nneeaarrbbyy ssppiirraall ggaallaaxxyy MM3333 + Morphological type: SA(s)cd + Major & minor diameters: 70.8, 41.7 arcmin + PA = 22.5 deg, Incl.: 55.0 deg + Distance = 840 kpc (180 kpc from M31) + 12 arcsec = 49 pc + Brightest HII complex in Local Group (NGC604) + Metallicity: subsolar by a factor 2-3 Shallow gradient Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 TThhee nneeaarrbbyy ssppiirraall ggaallaaxxyy MM3333 Location of Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) overlaid upon an integrated intensity map of the HI 21cm line (Engargiola et al. 2003). GMCs are formed from large structures of atomic gas. Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 NNGGCC660033//MM3333 The HII region NGC603 in M33. (Optical image by HST) Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 TThhee IInntteerrsstteellllaarr MMeeddiiuumm iinn GGaallaaxxiieess Phases of the Interstellar Medium and their main constituents and tracers: HII Regions HII, NII, CII T~104K Warm Ionized Medium (WIM) HII, NII, CII n~10-3cm-3, T~105K Warm Neutral Medium (WNM) HI, CII n~0.3cm-3, T~8000K Cold Neutral Medium (CNM) HI, CII n~40cm-3, T~70K Dense Molecular Clouds H , CII, CI, CO n~103-6cm-3, T~10-100K 2 All stars form inside molecular clouds ! McKee & Ostriker 1977, Wolfire et al. 2003 Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 TTOOCC Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo MMiilllliimmeetteerr AAssttrroonnoommyy TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss I. An example: The nearby galaxy M33: Star formation and dense gas II. Tools of Millimeter Astronomy II-1 Molecular and atomic lines II-2 Dust Emission III. Telescopes: IRAM-30m & Herschel Space Observatory IV. Far Infrared lines V. Sources at high redshift Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MMoolleeccuulleess && AAttoommss Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 TToooollss ooff MMiilllliimmeetteerr AAssttrroonnoommyy + Molecular clouds are best studied at millimeter and far infrared wavelengths (3mm to 10mm) + Observations at visible, UV, or soft X-ray wavelengths are hindered by dust extinction + In the continuum, thermal emission from dust particles dominates over Bremsstrahlung and synchrotron emission + Spectroscopy of atomic and molecular transitions allow detailed studies of physical conditions (density, temperature, mass, magnetic field,...) abundances [X/H], structure of the ISM and its dynamics (velocity fields) + More than 150 molecules have been detected in the ISM and in circumstellar envelopes to date. Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MMoolleeccuulleess iinn tthhee IISSMM aanndd iinn sshheellllss ((MMaayy 0099)) from the Cologne Data Base for Molecular Spectroscopy (CDMS) >150 molecules ongoing research +laboratory work Benzene C H : 6 6 organic chemistry but also S,P,F,Cl,Fe,... (Cernicharo et al. 2007 with ISO) kations and also few anions! Ethyl-formate C H OCHO: 2 5 Many radicals like CH, C H, OH, HCO, CN, ... 2 fairly complex (Belloche et al. 2009 with the 30m) molecules like Benzene, ... Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MMoolleeccuullaarr TTrraannssiittiioonnss Orion CO CN CH SiO CS SO 2 HNC HC N 3 CH OH 3 ... 3mm spectrum of the Orion Irc2 massive star forming region taken during commissioning of the new 30m receiver EMIR. Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MMoolleeccuullaarr TTrraannssiittiioonnss && AAttmmoosspphheerree Atmosphere: +Transmission +“Windows” +H O, O , + ... 2 2 +Models Molecular lines: +CO, HCN, HCO+,... +Transitions +Spacing Atmospheric zenith transmission, T=exp(-t), in the frequency range accessible to the IRAM 30m telescope Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 HH OO:: IInntteerreessttiinngg && hhaarrdd ttoo oobbsseerrvvee 2 Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 HH OO:: hhaarrdd ttoo oobbsseerrvvee,, bbuutt ppoossssiibbllee!! 2 183GHz 325GHz Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MMoolleeccuullaarr TTrraannssiittiioonnss E = E + E + E tot el vib rot Assumes decoupling of nuclear and electronic motions (Born-Oppenheimer approx.) E ~ 104 cm-1 is the binding energy at equilibrium seperation of 1Angs. of the nuclei. el Diatomic Molecules. E=kT=hn=hc/l -1 Vibrational Energy: 1 cm = 30 GHz = 1.44 K = 1.24e-4 eV E ~ h (v+1/2) with v=0,1,2,... vib n hn ~ 102-103 cm-1 vibrational bands Dv = +/-1 lie near 3 to 10mm. Rotational Energy: E ~ B J (J+1) with J=0,1,2,.. and the rotational constant B =h2/I with rot e e 2 the moment of inertial I=2 R with the reduced mass m=m m /(m +m . m e 1 2 1 2 -1 E ~ 1 cm rot If the molecule has a permanent electric dipole moment, electric dipole transitions are allowed, with DJ = +/-1. Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MMoolleeccuullaarr TTrraannssiittiioonnss Rotational Energy (continued): CO, HCN, CS have ~7m and J=1-0 transition at a wavelength of a few mm. m H OH, CH, HCl have ~m and J=1-0 transition in the submm/fir range. m H H has no electric dipole moment. Only weak quadrupole transitions are allowed. 2 The lowest pure rotational transition of H between J=2-0 lies at 28 m. 2 m Higher order effects make spectra more complicated: +Anharmonicity of the potential for vibrations, +Centrifugal distortion for rotations, +Coriolis forces couple rotational and vibrational motion. Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MMoolleeccuullaarr TTrraannssiittiioonnss Polyatomic Molecules. Non-linear, polyatomic molecules have 3 axes of rotation If the molecule has a three-fold (or greater) symmetry axis, the moments of inertia of two of the three principle axes must be identical. The molecule is called symmetric top. Prolate case: I <I =I a b c Oblate case: I =I <I a b c Examples are: Ammonia NH , Acetronitrile CH CN, Methylacetylene CH CCH. 3 3 3 Because of symmetry, two quantum numbers only: J, K Selection rules for radiative transitions: DJ=+/-1, DK = 0. Possible further split-up of transitions: inversion (symmetric/antisymmetric nuclear wave function) quadrupole/magnetic dipole hyperfine structure Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MMoolleeccuullaarr TTrraannssiittiioonnss Polyatomic Molecules (continued). asymmetric tops: moments of inertia about all 3 axes differ. None of the projections of the total rotational angular momentum onto these axes is a good quantum number. Rotational levels are labeled by J where K- and K+ are K-K+ approximate quantum numbers. Examples are: H O, SO , H S. 2 2 2 Transitions between different K-ladders are allowed. Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 TTrraacciinngg tthhee pphhyyssiiccaall ccoonnddiittiioonnss Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 MM8822 iinn tthhee rraaddiioo,, mmmm,, ssuubbmmmm,, FFIIRR rraannggeess Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 SJL FFiinnee ssttrruuccttuurree lliinneess ooff aattoommss aanndd iioonnss electrons: orbital angular momentum I, spin s atoms: Total orbital momentum L=Sl, Total spin S=Ss Magnetic spin-orbit splitting leads to transitions in the 10-300mm wavelength range. Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 FFiinnee ssttrruuccttuurree lliinneess ooff aattoommss aanndd iioonnss electrons: orbital angular momentum I, spin s atoms: Total orbital momentum L=Sl, Total spin S=Ss Magnetic spin-orbit splitting leads to transitions in the 10-300mm wavelength range. Spectroscopic notation: 2S+1 L J with the multiplicity 2S+1, the total orbital angular momentum L (denoted S, P, ...) total angular momentum J=L+S. Fine structure doublet with S=1/2, L=1, J=3/2-1/2: C+ with a single fine structure transition 2P -2P at 158 m (1900GHz) 3/2 1/2 m Fine structure triplets with S=1, L=1: O with two transitions at 146 and 63 m : 3P – 3P - 3P m 0 1 2 C with two transitions at 370 and 609 m (810 and 492GHz): 3P – 3P – 3P m 2 1 0 Transitions are magnetic dipole transitions with DJ=0,+/-1, DL=0, DS=0. Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool, September 2009 TThhee [[NNIIII]] 112222 && 220055 mmmm lliinneess Millimeter Astronomy – linked to the Far Infrared IRAM 30m Summerschool,
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