VOLUME 42 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN; FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1838. NUMBER 24 Rev. C. R. Harper Dairy Herd Test - George Mayhew Addressed Chamber Hits New Record Ends His Life of Commerce, Monday Throughout Michigan The regular June meeting of the Hathaway — Pierccf Dairy herd Improvement associa- Chamber of Commerce was held at MAD BEEN DESPONDENT SINCE . Misa Ardis A. Hathaway, daughter tions in Michigan now number 74, lar- the High School Monday evening, gest number ever on record in, the HIS WIFE DIED June 13th. A delightful dinner was of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hathaway prepared and served by the ladies of of East Jordan, was united in mar- state. New associations include Wash- Coffee Cups Chalk the Presbyterian Church. The todies riage to Newton D. Pierce, son of tenaw, Houghton, Sanilac No. 3 and Defeat Boyne Up Another Victory The remains of George Mayhew tried something new by serving the Harris K. Pierce of Norwood, Satur- Kalamazoo No, 2, were found in the barn on his farm in dinner in the Ag. room located in the day evening, June 11th, at the home Reports of the activities of the as- . At Petoskey Jordan township about six o'clock new addition to the high school. The of the bride's parents. i sociations compiled by -E. C. Schei last Monday evening, June 13. Mr. Second Time experiment was a decided success as The bride was dressed in navy denhelm, extension dairyman at The local Coffee Cup Softball team Mayhew had been quite despondent the -mailer banquet room proved to blue georgette and her attendant, Michigan State College, indicate far. since the death of his wife last April Look another victory at Petoskey last be much more cheerful as well as a' MisB Ilene Hathaway, a sister, wore mers are increasingly anxious that EAST JORDAN BASE BALL TEAM Wednesday evening, winning over 27th. He left the dwelling about noon, great deal cozier and more suited to navy blue crepe.-Tho groom wat) at- their herds earn their keep. With one IN ANOTHER WIN and, it was thought, Had gone to East the Petoskey Electrics 7 to 2 to move the' acoustic requirements of a meet- tended by his brother, Carroll Pierce. dollar in three of farm income in the into second position in the Petoskey Jordan, fie committed suicide by us- ing of 75 persons. v Rev., James Mathews performed the state coming from milk pails, it is ing a rope and hanging himself. The local Independent baseball League standings. A second departure from ordinary ceremony in the presence of the im- important that these dollars be part The Jordanites made good* a nine Mr. Mayhew has been a well-known mediate families. ' - profit. nine took its second straight win over I and esteemed resident of this region custorn was the inviting of ladies. he Boyne City Independents there hit attack for seven .runs, featured by The clfre- reason for extending an in- Dainty refreshments were served. What are these associations doing? homeruns by Hegerberg in the open-, / since 1884. The bride is a graduate of the lo- last Sunday, winning 8 to 4, behind vitation to the ladies was so. that they In April alone members reported the eight hit pitching of the local ing frame and Kenny in the second.. \_ George Wellington Mayhew was would have an opportunity to hear cal high school in the class of 1987. they removed 537 head from their born at Detroit, Feb'y 3, 1867, his :outhpaw star Amos Johns. John's Both circuit drives came with no one Rev. C. R. Harper who had agreed to The best wishes of their friends herds. Of these 134 were sold for aboard however. parents being Christopher and Har- are extended for a long and happy hurling his first game this spring eas- relate some of his experiences in dairy purposes but the remaining ily muffed the Boyne batting attack, M. Cihak hurled all the way for the riette Mayhew. He came with his par- Brazil. Rev. Harper had just return- wedded life. 403 found 46 per cent sent to slaugh- ents to this region some 54 years ago. striking out eleven men. He was Jordanites, giving up eight bits to ed from a seven' year tour of duty ter because they weren't earning their forced to pitch in the pinch several win his third game of the season as On Nov. 27, 1888, he was united in at the pre-theological college at Sao keep. marriage to Mary Jaquay and resid- times due to frequent errors by his compared with, two defeats. P. Som- Paulo, Brazil, where he represents Healey — Deitz Udder trouble and Bang's disease team-mates. merville worked behind the plate for ed on a farm home in Jordan town- the local Presbyterian Church. ship. Mrs. Mayhew passed away Ap- accounted fop many of the others -he Jordanites. Clayton Healey, son of Mr. and sold out of herds. The Jordanites scored in only two ril 27, 1938. His talk was very entertaining as Mrs. Charles Healey of Willow Bfook innings, the second and eight count- P, Wager and Kelber formed the well as exceedingly educational and More dairymen than usual pastured losing battery^ the latter of which Surviving sons and daughters are: farm (on the Peninsula) and Miss rye this spring. They found it cut ing five and three runs respectively. — Harold Mayhew of Detroit; Mrs. interesting. Some of the many things Agnes Deitz of Boyne City wfere Boyne scored two in the third, and connected for a home run in the sec- of interest that he touched upon feed costs. "Off flavor" difficulties ap- ond inning. Preston Kenny led the Melissa Pineout of Boync City; Gil- very quietly married at the PreSDy- parently were not present when the one each in the seventh and eighth. we're his description of- Pres. Roose- terian parsonage in Boyne City, Sat- Jordanites offensive drive with two bert Mayhew at the farm home; Mrs. velt's visit a year or so ago and the CQWB were taken out of the rye fields Goodrich, Peters and Bisque form- Olive Snyder of Traverse Cityj Er- urday morning, June 11th. ed the losing battery with Johns and hits in three appearances to the plate. delight of Brazilians in feting our a sufficient length of time before Coffee Cup. (7) AB. R. H. win ofPontiac; Oral of Boyne City; President and doing everything pos- They were attended by Mr. and milking. H. Sommerville working for the lo- and Mrs. Lucy Heileman of East Mrs. Elmer Behling of Boyne City. cals. W. Cihak, l.f. — 3 0 0 Jordan. sible to show that they were anxious Two -more trends in the dairy in- to be good neighbors; Sec. of State After" the wedding a very nice din- dustry in the state are found in the This week end Sunday the Kalkas- Hegerberg, 1 b. .- 3 1 1 Funeral services were held from Hull's foreign policy, of repudating ner was served at the home of the association reports. Building of bull ka Independents will be entertained L. Sommerville, s.f. __ 3 0 0 the Watson Funeral Home, Thursday the Monroe Doctrine and allowing bride's parents to the newly-weds and pens is one activity to promote safe- at the West Side Ball Park at 2:30. M. Cihak, p.•_____ 2 1 1 forenoon, June 16, conducted by Rev. Brazilian's to stand on their own; the their attendants and relatives. There ty and permit keeping valuable bulls They have a strong aggregation and Hayes, 3 b. 3 11 J. C. Mathews, pastor of the M. E. warm manner in which Brazilians were eight, at dinner. In the after- that seem to have too much spirit and should give the Jordanites a run for Kenny, s.s. 3 1 2 church. Burial was at Sunset Hill. greet each other by clasping each oth- "oon the happy couple went on a aggressiveness. Rather than send all they're worth, even with Johns on H. Sommerville, c.f. __ 3 0 1 er in their arms when they meet and motor trip to parts unknown. They these bulls to the block, dairymen are the mound. Either H. Sommerville Gee., 2 3 11 when ..hcy depart; and Henry Ford's were to return Monday. They plan building safe pens. Low seed cost for or Bowman will handle the backstop- P. Sommerville, c. 3 1 1 Mrs. Richard Lewis plan to make Brazil the largest rub- to set up housekeeping in a house sudan grass also is leading many ad- ping. C. Sommerville, r.f. — 2 1 1 To Be Laid To Rest ber producing country in the world. railer at Willow Brook farm where ditional dairymen to plan more effi- &ait Jordan (8) AB. R. H. Some of the things he mentioned of Healey & Son have quite an exten- cient midsummer pasture. E. Gee, 2 b. 3 > 2 0 Totals 28 9 sive dairy and milk route to Boyne This Friday Afternoon geographic interest were — that B. C. Mellencamp, H. Sommerville, c. 5 2 1 Petoakey Electricr (2) AB. R. H. T.razil is larger than the United City. Congratulations are extended 1 Homer, r.f. ________ 2 1 0 by all the community. — From Pe- County Agr ]-Agent. A. Hegerberg, s.s. —_ 4 0 2 States (excluding Alaska); his des- L. Sommerville, c.f. _L 4 0 1 Kritner, s.s. , ;3 0 1 Mrs. Richard Lewis passed away at cription of the Amazon River which ninsula Correspondence.
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