Kansas State University Libraries New Prairie Press Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture 1992 - 4th Annual Conference Proceedings ESTIMATING VARIANCE FUNCTIONS FOR WEIGHTED LINEAR REGRESSION Michael S. Williams Hans T. Schreuder Timothy G. Gregoire William A. Bechtold See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://newprairiepress.org/agstatconference Part of the Agriculture Commons, and the Applied Statistics Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Williams, Michael S.; Schreuder, Hans T.; Gregoire, Timothy G.; and Bechtold, William A. (1992). "ESTIMATING VARIANCE FUNCTIONS FOR WEIGHTED LINEAR REGRESSION," Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.4148/2475-7772.1401 This is brought to you for free and open access by the Conferences at New Prairie Press. It has been accepted for inclusion in Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture by an authorized administrator of New Prairie Press. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Author Information Michael S. Williams, Hans T. Schreuder, Timothy G. Gregoire, and William A. Bechtold This is available at New Prairie Press: https://newprairiepress.org/agstatconference/1992/proceedings/13 Conference on153 Applied Statistics in Agriculture Kansas State University ESTIMATING VARIANCE FUNCTIONS FOR WEIGHTED LINEAR REGRESSION Michael S. Williams Hans T. Schreuder Multiresource Inventory Techniques Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station USDA Forest Service Fort Collins, Colorado 80526-2098, U.S.A. Timothy G. Gregoire Department of Forestry Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0324, U.S.A. William A. Bechtold Research Forester Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Forest Inventory and Analysis Project USDA Forest Service Asheville, North Carolina 28802-2680, U.S.A. ABSTRACT For linear models with heterogeneous error structure, four variance function models are ex­ amined for predicting the error structure in two loblolly pine data sets and one white oak data set. An index of fit and a simulation study were used to determine which models were best. The size of coefficients for linear and higher order terms varied drastically across different data sets, thus it is not desirable to recommend a general model containing both linear and higher order terms. The unspecified exponent model (]"2v; = (]"2(Dl H;)k 1 is recommended for all data sets considered. The kl values ranged from 1.8 to 2.1. We recommend kl = 2.0 for simplicity. 1. INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW Weighted linear regression estimation is widely used in forestry to estimate total volume (V) as a function of diameter (D) at breast height squared times total tree height (H). The model commonly used is Vi = 0: + (3Df Hi + ei [1] where Dr Hi = Xi, with E[e;ej] = (]"2X~1 for i = j E[eiej] = 0 for if:.j and kl determines the rate of increase of the variance of the ei's. Cunia (1964) suggests kl = 2; McClure et a1. (1983) suggest using kl = 1.5 for white oak and loblolly pine. Gregoire and Dyer (1989) also estimate the heterogeneity in volume equations. They assume model (1) and estimate kl in several ways for loblolly pine (n = 209) and red pine (n = 91) data sets. They obtain kl = 1.70 - 1.84 for the loblolly pine and kl = 1.01 - 2.07 for red pine using three estimation methods. In the statistical literature Scott, Brewer, and Ho (1978) suggest that [2} might be generally suitable for data in many applications and Figure 3 in McClure et a1.(1983) confirms this to some degree. Davidian and Carroll (1987) note that reliable variance estimates are important in yielding improved estimates of the regression coefficients and are also of interest in their own right. The authors consider the heteroscedastic error regression model E[Yd = f(Xi, (3); Var (Yi) = (]"2 g2 (Zi, (3, 0) where g expresses the heteroscedasticity, the Zi are a function of known factors (for example Dr Hi), (]" is an unknown scale parameter, and 0 (r xl) is a vector of unknown New Prairie Press https://newprairiepress.org/agstatconference/1992/proceedings/13 154 Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture Kansas State University parameters. No assumption about the distribution of the Yi other than the form of the first two moments is made. Davidian and Carroll (1987) state several definitive conclusions that apply only to symmetric error distributions but should not be ignored in practice. 1. Robustness is quite important in the efficiency of variance function estimation, probably even more so than in estimation of a mean function. The authors state, "For a standard con­ taminated normal model for which the best robust estimators have efficiency of 125% with respect to least squares, the absolute residual estimator of the variance function has efficiency of 200%". 2. Iteratively weighted least squares should be used so that the variance function estimate is based on generalized least squares residuals. The authors' experience has been that unweightedleast squares residuals yield unreliable estimates of the variance function when the variances depend on the mean. 3. The precision of eis independent of (J'. Gregoire and Dyer (1989) discuss methods for fitting equation [1]. Their work indicates that maximum likelihood techniques produced superior results to methods based on squared residuals or transformed squared residuals. In this paper, we examine potential improvements in the results of McClure et al. (198:3) with equation [2] and other alternative variance functions using the same data sets but also a large additional data set to determine if a better error model exists. Maximum likelihood estimation procedures, recommended by Gregoire and Dyer (1989), are used to fit 11; = ex + (3xi with E[eiej) = (J'2Vi for i = j where Vi = f(Xi) and E[eiej] = 0 for if. j. [:3) The parameters to be estimated by maximum likelihood are the ex, (3, (J'2, and the ki coefficients which determine the shape of the various different forms of the weighting function f(x;). Use of such regression equations can result in significantly improved overall estimates of volume and also of the estimates of reliability of such estimates. 2. DATA DESCRIPTION Southeastern Loblolly Pine and White Oak Populations Individual sample trees used in this study were measured and tree volumes were computed using methods described by Cost (1978). There are 5,134 loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees and 1,484 white oak (Quercus alba L.) trees in these data sets (data was provided by Noel Cost, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, NC). Since 1963, the U.S. Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA unit) in the southeastern United States. has measured the volumes of individual standing trees on a subsample of all regular Forest Survey sample locations in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. A supplemental sample of felled trees was also measured at hundreds of active logging operations distributed throughout the southeast. Trees were selected to ensure that an adequate sample of trees was taken from the range of tree diameters so that proportionally more large trees were selected for measurement than are found in the population. Trees were measured in a uniform manner by highly trained inventory specialists during the regular periodic inventories of the southeastern states. Special crews used marked sectional aluminum poles (McClure 1968) for length measurements and a McClure mirror caliper (McClure 1969) to measure upper-stem diameters in standing trees. All trees were measured as a series of tapering sections. Diameter outside bark, at both ends of each section, and section length were measured and recorded. Each section was identified to indicate its relative location in the tree and to identify various tree components and product classes. Measurements were taken from ground level to the tip of the main stem, from the base to the tip of each fork, and from the base to the top of all limbs having a base diameter outside bark of one-half inch or more. Therefore, only very small limbs, twigs, and foliage were excluded from above ground biomass measurement. Each tree's location, species, site, quality, diameter at breast height (d.b.h.), double bark thickness at breast height, and total height were also recorded. Double-bark thicknesses at various New Prairie Press https://newprairiepress.org/agstatconference/1992/proceedings/13 Conference on155 Applied Statistics in Agriculture Kansas State University points on the main stem were also measured and recorded for all felled tree samples. Bark­ thickness equations by species were developed using upper-stem bark measurements from felled trees and double bark measurements at d.b.h. for all trees. These equations were then used to estimate diameter inside bark at all measurement points throughout the tree. Section volumes were computed with Grosenbaugh's (1952) cubic-foot volume equation, which provides sensitivity to section form and taper. Total-tree volume and total height were obtained by summing all section volumes and summing section lengths in the main stem. All loblolly pine and white oak sample trees were extracted from the large FIA database to provide data for this study. Southern Loblolly Population The southern loblolly data set consists of 14,379 loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees measured in Alabama (data was provided by Roy C. Beltz, Forest Sciences Lab, Starkville, MS). All standing loblolly pine trees encountered in the regular FIA survey were measured, so that trees in the sample were selected proportional to their basal area. The data set contains d.b.h., total height, height to a 4.0" diameter top, and volume for each tree. A small number of open-growth trees were removed from the data set since morphological differences were expected to exist between these trees and the rest of the data.
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