Charles Roberts Autograph Letters Collection Coll. Last Name First Name Notes No. Coll. Title 110 American Poets Aldrich Thomas Bailey 110 Allen Elizabeth Akers 110 Allston Washington 110 Alsop Richard 110 Ballard G.M. 110 Barlow Joel 110 Benet William Rose 110 Benjamin Park 110 Bennett Sanford Filmore 110 Bethune George Washington 110 Bogart Elizabeth 110 Boker George Henry 110 Bolton Sarah K. 110 Boyesen Hjalmar Hjorth 110 Bradstreet Anne 110 Brainard John G.C. 110 Brooks Charles T. 110 Brooks James Gordon 110 Brooks Nathan Covington 110 Brown John W. 110 Bruce Wallace 110 Bryant William Cullen 110 Burgess George 110 Burleigh William H. 110 Butler William Allen 110 Carleton Will 110 Carter Nathaniel Hageltine 110 Cary Alice 110 Cary Phoebe 110 Ciardi John 110 Cist Lewis J. 110 Coe Richard Jr. 110 Robert Peter Coffin Tristram 110 Conrad Robert Taylor 110 Coxe Arthur Cleveland 110 Cranch Christopher Pearse 110 Cullen Countee 110 NBC Listeners Aid to Pilgrimage of Poetry 110 Dana Richard Henry 110 Dawes Rufus 110 Day Richard Edwin 110 Dinnies Mrs. Anna Peyre 110 Drinker Anna 110 Duganne Augustine J.H. 110 Dunbar Paul Lawrence 110 Eastman Charles G. 110 Eliot T.S. 110 Ellsworth Erastus W. 110 Enbury Emma C. 110 Emerson Ralph Waldo 110 English Maurice 110 English Thomas Dunn 110 Fairfield Summer Lincoln 110 Fawcett Edgar 110 Ferguson Elizabeth G. 110 Fessenden Thomas Green 110 Field Eugene 110 Fields James T. 110 Flint Micah P. 110 Fosdick William W. 110 Freneau Philip 110 Gidons Movana 110 Gilder Richard Watson 110 Gilmore J.H. 110 Gould Hannah F. 110 Guiney Louise Imogen 110 Hale Sarah Josepha 110 Halleck Fitz-Greene 110 Harbaugh Henry 110 Harte Francis Bret 110 Haven Alice B. 110 Hayne Paul H. 110 Hewitt Mary Elizabeth 110 Hill Theophilus Hunter 110 Hillhouse James A. 110 Hirst Henry B. 110 Hoffman Charles Fenno 110 Holland Josiah Gilbert 110 Hopkins Lemuel 110 Hopkinson Joseph 110 Hosner William H.C. 110 Howe Julia Ward 110 Howell Elizabeth L. 110 Hughes Langston 110 Humphreys David 110 Huntington Daniel 110 Ingersoll Charles Jared 110 Janvier Francis DeHaes 110 Jeffrey Rosa V.G. 110 Johnson James Weldon 110 Judson Emily C 110 Key Francis Scott 110 Coates Kinney 110 Larcom Lucy 110 Lawson James 110 Lewis A. 110 Locke Jane Ermin 110 Longfellow Henry W. 110 Lord W.W. 110 Lowell Amy 110 Lowell James Russell 110 Lunt George 110 Mace Frances L. 110 Macleish Archibald 110 Markham Edwin 110 McLellan Isaac 110 Mellen Grenville 110 Millard Harrison 110 Miller Emily Huntington 110 Miller Joaquin 110 Miscellaneous Poems 110 Moore Marianne Craig 110 Morris George P. 110 Moulton Louise Chandler 110 Muhlenberg William A. 110 Neal John 110 Nichols Rebecca S. 110 O'Reilly John Boyle 110 Osborne Laughton 110 Palmer Ray 110 Palmer William Pitt 110 Parsons Thomas William 110 Payne John Howard 110 Peabody William B.O. 110 Percival James G. 110 Perry Nora 110 Peters Absalom 110 Piatt John J 110 Piatt Sarah M.B. 110 Pickering Henry 110 Pierpont John 110 Pike Albert W. 110 Poe Edgar Allan 110 Pound Ezra 110 Prentice George D. 110 Preston Margaret J. 110 Proudfit David Law 110 Randall James R. 110 Read Thomas Buchanan 110 Rice Harvey 110 Root Edward Merrill 110 Root George Frederick 110 Sargent Epes 110 Scott James 110 Shillaber Benjamin P. 110 Sigourney Charles 110 Sigourney Lydia Huntley 110 Smith Samuel F. 110 Smith William Moore 110 Sprague Charles 110 Stedman Edmund Clarence 110 Stoddard Richard Henry 110 Street Alfred B. 110 Swanwick John 110 Tappan William B. 110 Taylor Bayard 110 Taylor Benjamin F. 110 Thatcher Benjamin Bussey 110 Thaxter Celia 110 Thomas Edith M. 110 Thorpe Rose Hartwick 110 Tyler Royall 110 Very Jones 110 Ware Henry, Jr. 110 Welby Amelia B.C. 110 Wetmore Prosper M. 110 Wheatley Phillis 110 Whitman Sarah Helen 110 Whitman Walt 110 Whitney Adeline D.T. 110 Whittier John Greenleaf 110 Whittier John Greenleaf 110 Whittier John Greenleaf 110 Whittier John Greenleaf 110 Wilcox Ella Wheeler 110 Wilson William 110 Winter William 110 Woodworth Samuel 110 115 British Poets Adby Maria 115 Aird Thomas 115 Alexander William L. 115 Alford Henry 115 Allingham William 115 Anderson Robert 115 Anster John 115 Anstey Christopher 115 Arnold Edwin 115 Arnold Matthew 115 Atherstone Edwin 115 Auden Wystan Hugh 115 Austin Alfred 115 Bailey Philip James 115 Baillie Joanna 115 Barbauld Anna Letitia 115 Barham Richard Harris 115 Barnes William 115 Barton Bernard 115 Bayly Thomas Haynes 115 Benger Elizabeth O. 115 Bennett William C. 115 Betham Mary Matilda 115 Blackie John Stuart 115 Blacklock Thomas 115 Blair Robert 115 Blake William 115 Blanchard Samuel Lamar 115 Bloomfield Robert 115 Bonar Horatius 115 Bowles William Lisle 115 Bowring John 115 Boyd Henry 115 Broome William 115 Browning Elizabeth B. 115 Browning Robert 115 Brydges Samuel Egerton 115 Bulwer Edward Lytton 115 Burns Robert 115 Byron George Gordon 115 Campbell Thomas 115 Canton William 115 Cary Henry Francis 115 Churchill Charles 115 Cibber Colley 115 Clare John 115 Clough Arthur Hugh 115 Coleridge Samuel Taylor 115 Cook Eliza 115 Cowper William 115 Crabbe George 115 Croly George 115 Cunningham John William 115 Dacre Lady 115 Dale Thomas 115 Darwin Erasmus 115 Davidson John 115 Derby Earl 115 Dermody Thomas 115 DeVere Aubrey Thomas 115 Dibdin Charles 115 Dobell Sydney Thompson 115 Dobson Henry Austin 115 Doddridge Philip 115 Doran John 115 Dowden Edward 115 Dryden John 115 Dyer George 115 Egerton Francis 115 Elliot Ebenezer 115 Elton Charles Abraham 115 Faber Frederick William 115 Falconer William 115 Fergusson Robert 115 Fitzball Edward 115 Fordyce James 115 Garth Samuel 115 Gilbert W.S. Sullivan, Arthur 115 Gisborne Thomas 115 Goldsmith Oliver 115 Graham James 115 Grant Anne M. 115 Gray Thomas 115 Gurney Hudson 115 Hall Spencer T. 115 Harris John 115 Hayley William 115 Heber Reginald 115 Hemans Felicia 115 Hervey Thomas K. 115 Hogg James 115 Home John 115 Hood Thomas 115 Hood Tom 115 Horne Richard Henry 115 Howard Robert 115 Howitt Mary Botham 115 Howitt Richard 115 Howitt William 115 Hunt Leigh 115 Ingelow Jean 115 Irwin Eyles 115 Jerrold Douglas 115 Jones Ernest C. 115 Jones William 115 Keats John 115 Keble John 115 Ken Thomas 115 Knight Henry G. 115 Landon Letitia Elizabeth 115 Landor Walter Savage 115 Langhorne John 115 Leigh Chandos 115 Lockhard John G.C. 115 Lofft Capel 115 Lover Samuel 115 Lyttleton George 115 Lytton Robert 115 MacDonald George 115 Mackay Charles 115 MacNeill Hector 115 MacPherson James 115 Mahony Francis 115 Mallet David 115 Marston John Westland 115 Marvell Andrew 115 Mason William 115 Massey Gerald 115 Mathias Thomas James 115 Mennes Sir John 115 Merivale John Herman 115 Miles Richard M. 115 Milton John 115 Mitford Mary Russell 115 Moir David 115 Montgomery James 115 Montgomery Robert 115 Moore Thomas 115 Morris Lewis 115 Motherwell William 115 Moule H.C.G. 115 Murray Alexander 115 Neele Henry 115 Newton John 115 Noel Roden B.W. 115 Norton Caroline E.S. 115 Opie Amelia B.C. 115 Palgrave Francis Turner 115 Parnell Thomas 115 Patmore Coventry K.D. 115 Peacock Thomas Love 115 Pearce Samuel 115 Pinkerton John 115 Planche James R. 115 Pollok Robert 115 Polwhele Richard 115 Pope Alexander 115 Porteus Beilby 115 Winthrop Praed Mackworth 115 Pratt Samuel J. 115 Pringle Thomas 115 Proctor Adelaide Anne 115 Pye Henry James 115 Ragg Thomas 115 Ramsay Allan 115 Ridley Glocester 115 Rogers Samuel 115 Roscoe Thomas 115 Roscoe William 115 Rose William Stewart 115 Rossetti Christina 115 Rossetti Dante Gabriel 115 Rowe Elizabeth Singer 115 Scott Walter 115 Seward Anna Letitia 115 Seward Thomas 115 Shadwell Thomas 115 Shelley Percy Bysshe 115 Shenstone William 115 Smith Alexander 115 Smith Horatio Horace 115 Smith James 115 Smythe Percey C.S. 115 Sotheby William 115 Southey Robert 115 Swain Charles 115 Swinburne Algernon C. 115 Symmons Charles 115 Talford Thomas Noon 115 Taylor Henry 115 Taylor Jane 115 Tennant William 115 Tennyson Alfred 115 Thom William 115 Thomson James 115 Thornbury George Walter 115 Thurlow Thomas 115 Tickell Thomas 115 Toplady Augustus M. 115 Trench Richard C. 115 Tupper Martin F. 115 Turner Charles T. 115 Warton Joseph 115 Watson William 115 Watts Alaric Alexander 115 Watts Isaac 115 Wesley Charles 115 Wesley John 115 White Henry Kirke 115 Whitehead William 115 Wiffen Jeremiah 115 Williams Helen Maria 115 Williams Isaac 115 Wilson John 115 Wolcot John 115 Wordsworth William 115 Wright Ichabad Charles 115 Young Edward 115 120 Dramatists Alfieri Vittorio 120 Auffenberg Joseph 120 Barker James Nelson 120 Beaumarchais P.A. 120 Blanchard Edward L.L. 120 Boucicault Dion 120 Brooks C.W. (Shirley) 120 Buckstone John Baldwin 120 Burton William Evans 120 Colman George, Jr. 120 Conrad Robert Taylor 120 Coyne Joseph Stirling 120 Cumberland Richard 120 Dibdin Thomas John 120 Ducis Jean Francois 120 Erskine David 120 Francklin Thomas 120 Golden John 120 Goldoni Carlo 120 Hoare Prince 120 Howard Robert 120 Iffland August Wilhelm 120 Klingemann E.A.F. 120 Knowles James Sheridan 120 Lee Sophia 120 Mackaye Percy 120 Miller Arthur 120 Morton Thomas 120 Payne John Howard 120 Phillips Watts 120 Piron Alexis 120 Pitt George Dibdin 120 Planche James Robinson 120 Racine Jean 120 Reynolds Frederic 120 Sheil Richard Labr 120 Sheridan Richard Brinsley 120 Smith Richard Penn 120 Taylor Tom 120 Vulpius Christian Felix 120 Williams Tennessee 130 120 American Prose Writers Abbot Ezra 130 Abbott John S.C. 130 Adams Hannah 130 Adams John Quincy 130 Allen William 130 Allibone Samuel Austin 130 Bailey James Montgomery 130 Baird Henry Carey 130 Baker William S.
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