CHENNAI ORIGINAL APPLICATION NO. III OF 2O2O IN THE MATTER OF Tribunal on its own motion. a SUO MOTO ... APPLICANT(S) VERSUS The Principal Secretary to Govemment. ...RESPONDENTS Public Works Department. Chennai & Ors. INDEX S.No Pa rticu lars Page No. Report of the Joint Committee in compliance to the Order of the Hon'ble | -62 NGT dated 05.10.2020 in the matter of O.A No. lll of 2020 regarding 'Frothing of Chemical Foam in River Thenpennai' 1 Annexure I: Copy of Hon'ble NGT Order (SZ). Chennai dated 20.07 .2020 63 -68 -r. Annexure II: Copy of Hon'ble NGT Order (SZ). Chennai dated 13.10.2020 69 -93 1. A"nexnre III: Copy of Office Order dated 24.0E.2020 - Constitution of Joint 94 -97 Committee 5. nnnexure lV: Copy of Office Order d ated 16.09.2020 - Reconstitution of Joint 98 - 100 Committee 6. Annexure V: Status ofSewage Treatment Plants in Koramangla & Challaghatta r0l l0.l Valley and Hebbal Valley, Bangalore by BWSSB 1. Annexure Vl: Water Quality Analysis of River Thenpennai by TNPCB 105 - t09 8. An**ure Vll: List and Status ofclosure directions issued to defaulting units lt0- lr5 9. Annexure VIII: List and Status of legal cases filed against defaulting apartment l16-lr8 w.r.t sewage management 10. Anne*ure IX: List and status of lakes in Bangalore and ils Water QualiO lt9- I2l S. 91--"*rrylZor\lt162o Contd/... - S. SURESH REGIONAL DIRECTOR 6'"-%#.m CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTRO L BOARD RECIONAL DIRECTORATE (SOUTH) MIN. OF ENV, FORESTS & CC, GOVT. OF III LI:I fl{{'ffiiF; BENGALURU - 550 079. MoB :9480672128 \&1,'r'.',l9 -2- ffiof River ThenPennai bY KSPCB 122 123 - 126 t2. ffis of Government of Karnataka bY KSPCB for identify ing defaulting units t2'7 - 159 l3, A"*.*" x-ll,Li.t ,rd Status of Environmental Compensation defaulting Apartments / Commercial establishments w r't sewage by KSPCB collected on 160 -r 62 l 4. I ComPensation defaulring Apartments / Commercial establishments w r't sewage management -= management (as on l6i - l8l 5. ffi STPs and sewage Board before 15.07 .2020\ submitted by Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Hon'ble Tribunal in O.A No 125/2017 on t82- t84 l6 ffinmental comPensation imposed defauhing units bY KSPCB for Phosphorus i, so1P. g 9"t"tg"'E 185-201 t1 . ffis DEPONENT Place: Bengaluru S-- S l^r'-rrlru-.- Date: 20.11.2020 S. SUn[Sg-otP\r-olo REG IONA L DI RECTOR :r_*,9)?-N CENTRAL PO LLUTION CONTROL BOARD 6r--B'trc?f . RICIO NA L DIRECTORATE (SOUTH) r s"(.6 J...-191-q: M r N. r F ENv, Fo REsrs & cc, covr. oF litDIA ra!i'E.fi-Fs BENcALU RU ' 560 079.MOR:9480672L28 [,i:feusf .'..7 i:'0,'* D Report of Joint Committee ON– “Frothing oF ChemiCal Foam in River Thenpennai” in Compliance to Directions of the Hon’ble Tribunal (SZ), Chennai (in the matter of O. A. No. 111/2020) November, 2020 CENTRAL POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Govt. of India Regional Directorate (South) : “Nisarga Bhawan”, A-Block, 1st & 2nd Floors, Thimmaiah Road, 7th D Main, Shivanagar, Bengaluru – 560 079 1 | P a g e CONTENTS S. No. Details Page no. 1. Chapter-1. Background 6 - 7 2. Chapter-2. Constitution of Joint Committee and Meetings 8 - 10 3. Chapter-3. About River Thenpennai 11 - 12 4. Chapter-4. Preliminary Joint Committee Survey and 13 - 28 Investigation 4.0 Preliminary Reconnaissance Survey and Observations 4.1. About Kelavarapalli Reservoir 4.2. Excerpts of Thenpennai River Monitoring in the matter of O.S No. 2 of 2015 & O.A No.125/2017 4.3. Major Sources of Pollution 4.4. Status of Domestic Sewage Management in Bangalore 5. Chapter-5. Sampling and Analysis of Surface Water flowing 29 - 44 into River Thenpennai 5.0 Sampling Locations 5.1. Sampling Protocol 5.2. Analysis Results and Discussion 5.3. Findings of the study and Observations/Recommendations 6. Chapter-6. Action Plan and Remedial Measures 45 - 61 6.0. Action Taken Report on the defaulters 6.1. Environmental Compensation 6.2. Long Term and Short Term Action Plan for improving the Water Quality of River Thenpennai 6.3. Remedial Measures - Action Plan for Rejuvenation of Lakes 6.4. Notification of Standards for Phosphorus in Soaps & Detergents 7. Chapter-7. Concluding Remarks 61 2 | P a g e List of Annexures S. No. Title Page no. Annexure I Copy of Hon’ble NGT Order (SZ), Chennai dated 63 - 68 20.07.2020 Annexure II Copy of Hon’ble NGT Order (SZ), Chennai dated 69 - 93 13.10.2020 Annexure III Copy of Office Order dated 24.08.2020 – Constitution 94 - 97 of Joint Committee Annexure IV Copy of Office Order dated 16.09.2020 – 98 - 100 Reconstitution of Joint Committee Annexure V Status of Sewage Treatment Plants in Koramangla & 101 - 104 Challaghatta Valley and Hebbal Valley, Bangalore by BWSSB Annexure VI Water Quality Analysis of River Thenpennai by 105 - 109 TNPCB Annexure VII List and Status of closure directions issued to 110 - 115 defaulting units Annexure List and Status of legal cases filed against defaulting 116 - 118 VIII apartment w.r.t sewage management Annexure IX List and status of lakes in Bangalore and its Water 119 - 121 Quality Annexure X Water Quality Analysis of River Thenpennai by 122 KSPCB Annexure XI Letter issued to Departments of Government of 123 - 126 Karnataka by KSPCB for identifying defaulting units Annexure XII List and Status of Environmental Compensation 127 - 159 imposed on defaulting Apartments / Commercial establishments w.r.t sewage management by KSPCB Annexure List and Status of Environmental Compensation 160 -162 XIII collected on defaulting Apartments / Commercial establishments w.r.t sewage management by KSPCB Annexure Status and progress on STPs and sewage 163 - 181 XIV management (as on 15.07.2020) submitted by Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board before Hon’ble Tribunal in O.A No 125/2017 3 | P a g e Annexure XV List and Status of Environmental Compensation 182 - 184 imposed on defaulting units by KSPCB Annexure Notification of Standards for Phosphorus in Soaps & 185 - 204 XVI Detergents List of Figures Figure 1. Drainage River Basin of Thenpennai or South Pennar Figure 2. Bommanahalli tank and Kanithahalli tank in Chikballapur Figure 3. Markandeya tank in Kolar District Figure 4. Hoskote tank in Hoskote taluk Figure 5. a) Solid Waste dumping in Channasandra bridge; b) frothy foam floating in Samethanahalli weir; c) few micro/small scale unauthorized dyeing units were made to close, by KSPCB in Samethanahalli; Google Earth image showing sampling location in Samethanahalli; d) Google Earth image showing sampling location in Mugalur Bridge Figure 6. a) Frothy foam in Kodiyalam; b) solid waste dumping near bagalur bridge; c) Google Earth image showing sampling location in Bagalur Bridge Figure 7. Google Earth image of sampling locations at Kelavarapalli Reservoir Figure 8. Sampling locations in the River Map of Thenpennai a) Karnataka & b) Tamilnadu Figure 9. River Basin Map of Thenpennai showing Industrial Area and Tanks/Reservoirs in Karnatana Figure 10. Analysis results of DO, BOD, COD and TOC Figure 11. Analysis results of Total Coliform and Faecal Coliform Figure 12. Analysis results of Total Suspended solids and Dissolved solids Figure 13. Analysis results of Fluorides and Phosphates Figure 14. Analysis results of Nitrates Figure 15. Action Taken on Unauthorized dyeing units by Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board 4 | P a g e Figure 16. Desilting work under progress by Bangalore Development Authority List of Tables Table 1 Classification as per Designated Best Use Criteria of Samples collected in River Thenpennai Table 2 Analysis Results of Physico Chemical Parameters in River Thenpennai Table 3 Analysis Results of Heavy Metal Concentrations of 12 locations in River Thenpennai 5 | P a g e CHAPTER – 1 BACKGROUND Hon’ble National Green Tribunal, Southern Zone, Chennai in the matter of O.A No. 111 of 2020; Tribunal on its own motion based on the News Item in Tamil Newspaper Dinamalar Chennai Edition dated 13.07.2020, “Frothing of Chemical Foam in the River Thenpennai” Vs The Principal Secretary to Government, Public Works Department, Chennai & Ors., passed orders dated 20.07.2020. Copy of Hon’ble NGT Orders dated 20/07/2020 is appended as Annexure I. Excerpts of the News Item in Tamil Newspaper Dinamalar Chennai Edition dated 13.07.2020, “Frothing of Chemical Foam in the River Thenpennai” is given below: (i) On 13th July, 2020 about 640 Cusecs water was discharged from Kelavarapalli Reservoir, Hosur and huge amount of chemical foam was found in Thenpennai River. (ii) The flow of water into the reservoir increased gradually from 320 cusecs (09th July, 2020) to 480 cusecs (11th July, 2020) due to heavy rainfall in the catchment area. (iii) In general, whenever the flow of water increases in Kelavarapalli reservoir the domestic sewage and industrial effluent from Karnataka mixes into the river in huge quantity. (iv) On the day of 13th July, 2020, a huge quantity of sewage/effluent were discharged into Thenpennai and therefore, chemical froth/foam were found floating on the surface of water flowing in Kelavarapalli and near thattakalapalli bridge. Hon’ble Tribunal (SZ), Chennai vide its orders dated 20.07.2020 appointed a Joint Committee to inspect the area in question and submit status as well as action taken report, if there is any violation found. The Hon’ble Tribunal has also issued following directions to the committee; (i) To ascertain the water quality and also ascertain the sources of pollution and take action against the person who are responsible in accordance with law including imposing of environmental compensation.
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