Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 8, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 23-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Foley Proposes Centralized Kindergarten to Replace Hillcrest By MEGHAN GILL tunity to find alternative facilities. attended but left early. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader We will have to give them one year to “It is a disgrace the Mr. Foley has WESTFIELD — Superintendent find another facility,” he said. left,” said Sue Hopper, one of the resi- of Schools William Foley presented a Lisa Stern and neighbors said the dents who organized of the meeting. plan to the board of education (BOE) board should terminate the lease im- Mr. Hartnett told residents about Tuesday night to convert the former mediately and give the school a 90- the function of the UCESC and the Lincoln School facility on Westfield day notice of vacancy, rather than a composition of all of the students Avenue to a centralized who are serviced by this kindergarten. Multiple par- commission. ents expressed support for “I would like people to the option at the meeting. leave here with the under- More than 100 residents standing of what the attended a standing-room- UCESC is, the programs only meeting the previous that have been housed here night, Monday, with BOE and an overview of staff- and Union County Educa- ing, programs and correc- tion Services (UCEDC) of- tive measures that have ficials over ongoing neigh- been put in place after the Cassie Lo for The Westfield Leader borhood safety concerns incident (recent arrest of LINE UP…Luke Ricci, Jennifer Zhu, Jesse Cohn, Matt Carvel, Rachel Charatan, Kayla McDermott, Sam Coulson, Annie for UCESC-operated Hillcrest students) and to Peyton, Alex Kao, Carrie Palumbo, Kevin McAlister, Jenn Metz and Matt Colon pose at Jesse Cohn’s pre-prom party. Hillcrest Academy which provide members of the Westfield High School held its prom at the Woodbridge Sheraton on Saturday night. leases the Lincoln build- community with a chance ing from the BOE. The to offer questions and a meeting followed the ar- plan for a communication BOE Votes to Swap Leaders at Meghan Gill for The Westfield Leader rest of four Hillcrest stu- CONCERNED CITIZENS...More than 100 residents listen as system between the com- dents for allegedly vandal- officials discuss Hillcrest Academy on Monday night. munity and the UCESC,” izing a home in the neigh- he said. borhood and stealing a car at the train one-year notice of non-renewal. A member of the audience inter- Wilson, Washington Schools station last month. UCESC Superintendent Ed rupted him, saying that there was no By MEGHAN GILL Westfield High School due to the large second issue I have to address is the size Mr. Foley said Tuesday, “I see no Hartnett and his staff, Westfield Po- need to go into a formal presentation Specially Written for The Westfield Leader number of parents and faculty pre- of Wilson School and the need for future for Hillcrest Academy at the lice Captain David Wayman, coun- about the UCESC functions and ser- WESTFIELD — The board of edu- dicted to attend the meeting in opposi- additional supervision.” Westfield Avenue location.” cilmen Dave Haas and Mark vices. Mr. Hartnett said that students cation (BOE) voted unanimously Tues- tion to the superintendent’s decision. Board Vice President Ginny Leiz “Yes I think that we need to put an Ciarrocca and BOE member Alice currently attending Hillcrest are from day night in favor of Schools Superin- Mr. Foley addressed the assembly limited public comment on this topic end to this, and I think that this is Hunnicutt attended Monday’s meet- two programs, the interim alternative tendent William Foley’s decision to and board at the beginning of the to one hour. Parents addressed the going to go from bad to worse. It is ing. BOE President Anne Riegel and education program and the Hillcrest transfer the Washington and Wilson meeting regarding his decision. “I board, citing different reasons why unconscionable to evict these kids Business Administrator Robert Academy south campus program. School principals, effective July 1. have been considering a move at Wil- they disapprove of a change of lead- without giving the UCESC an oppor- Berman were not present; Mr. Foley CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 The board held its meeting at son for at least four years. Since I was ership and asking the board to shelf going to place a vice principal in the the agenda item. building, I thought that it would be Parent Christina Bangs said: “It is Town Council Discusses Town Attorney Compensation, appropriate to make this change.” fair to say that the predominant feel- The plan involves moving current ing of the community is outrage. What Washington School Principal Joseph initially looked like some kind a new Repeals South Avenue, Elm Street Redevelopment Plans Malanga to Wilson School. Cheryl policy now seems to be your rea- By MICHAEL J. POLLACK this is a political ploy. This is the third council members and certain offic- proposal. The measure passed re- Dunkiel Berkowitz, the coordinator soned attempt at dealing with over- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader time you’ve had an outburst. Why are ers, Third Ward Councilman David adopts the July 1998 zoning map, of the gifted and talented program, crowding at Wilson school.” WESTFIELD – At Tuesday’s pub- we not looking at the legal expenses Haas said he would introduce next which predates redevelopment plans. will work as a half-time vice princi- “We do not have any objection to lic meeting, the Westfield council fur- with the same microscope as the rest week a model ordinance to put all The council honored the Westfield pal. Wilson Principal Andrew Perry change; in fact we have been waiting ther discussed lowering legal expenses, of the expenses in town? I’m here as professional services out to bid and Rescue Squad, which is in its 55th will move to Washington. for change to Wilson School. We re- passed on second reading the capital a citizen.” have an oversight committee. Coun- year. Last year, Mayor Skibitsky said In an e-mail he sent to parents, Mr. spectfully, but strongly, urge you to improvement program, amended the Councilman Echausse said he told cilmen Haas and Bigosinski voted no the squad logged more than 32,000 Foley stated, “I believe that school lead- stop this from happening, at least zoning map to revert to its status prior Fourth Ward Councilman Tom on the ordinance to set salaries. The manpower hours and responded to ers grow and schools improve when until next year,” she said. to redevelopment plans and passed on Bigosinski, who introduced the issue of measure passed 6-2, with Fourth Ward more than 2,400 emergency calls. there is a change in leadership…the Wilson parent Sean Reilly said, first reading an ordinance fixing sala- legal expenses, that he “would delay Councilman Jim Foerst absent. “limiting the time to one hour is ries for the mayor, council and certain the vote on the budget if he (Bigosinski) Councilman Echausse presented on wrong. You did not limit it to an hour officers of the town. could provide factual evidence that what second reading an ordinance that ap- WSA Intercounty Soccer VP when discussing the budget.” During the public comment seg- he’s saying is true in terms of other proves the annual capital improve- “I don’t think anyone here ques- ment of the meeting, Jim Baker of towns (paying a lesser rate). He said he ment program at $3,770,000. The pro- tions your authority or decision-mak- Lincoln Road, citing a Westfield ‘didn’t think he could do it.’” gram funds work involving “streets, Questions Field Allocations ing process. As parents and intelli- Leader article, asked First Ward Coun- He said, “Shame on you, Mr. Baker, sidewalks, drainage issues, DPW (De- By SARA MAGNOLA county and traveling soccer teams.” gent people, we believe that this is a cilman Peter Echausse, “Why did the for believing everything that The partment of Public Works) and police Specially Written for The Westfield Leader According to Mr. Oberlander’s cal- wrong decision. I have not yet heard town raise the rate (it compensated its Westfield Leader writes. Mr. Pollack upgrades,” the councilman said. WESTFIELD — On Monday night, culations, intercounty and town rec- anyone express their opinion in favor town attorney) by 50 percent (after knows I sat with him for an hour and The council approved demolitions multiple Westfield residents expressed reation teams are granted use of these of this,” he said. the 2004 budget cycle)?” gave him a breakdown of everything to 658 Tremont Avenue, 218 Sunset concerns to town recreation officials fields for games “three percent of the Deborah Montick, a parent of four “The town deserves to have this put the town attorney had done in 2004 Avenue, 224 Orchard Street, 825 Sum- about the scheduling of soccer games time, while traveling teams get the children who attended Wilson, ad- before competitive bid,” Mr. Baker and 2005. I can’t control what anyone mit Avenue, 819 Embree Crescent, at Houlihan Field. other 97 percent.” dressed the board. “Before turning the said. “The article mentions Mr. in the newspaper said. There’s more 218 West Dudley Avenue and 500- Bob Oberlander of Lenox Avenue, Mr. Oberlander said he has not re- long-established traditions of Wilson Cockren belongs to a national firm. to the story. There (are) some people 512 and 430 Central Avenue.
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