PUERTO RICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS AND PUERTO RICO HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) FOR 2016 NEW SMALL MS4 GENERAL PERMIT PRR040000/PRR040080 :x:a :x \...0 W CJ1 SEPTEMBER 2016 United States Environmental Protection Agency National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under the Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit (PRR040000) for Puerto Rico Part A. General Information 1. Name of Municipality or Organization: Departmentof Transportationand Public Works/Highwayand TransportationAuthority 2. Type: o Federal o State o Municipality OOther: _ 3. Existing Permittee: <X>Yes 0 No If yes, provide EPA NPDESPermit Number: £.B.!H21JL~J!.~ 4. Location Address: a. Street: Roberto SanchezVilella GovernmentCenter 17th Floor South Tower b. City: San Juan State: PR Zip Code: 00940-2007 5. Mailing Address: a. Street: P.O. Box 42007 Minillas Statjon b. City: San Juan State: PR Zip Code: 00940-2007 6. Telephone Number: (787) 722-2929. Ext. 2050. 2324 Fax: 7. E-mail: 8. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code (see instructions for common codes): .JL.1...JL ..9... 9. Latitude: (use the format provided.) Longitude: (use the format provided.) Approximate center of the regulated portion of the MS4 . _1_.JL ° _1_..L' L~" N (degrees, minutes, seconds) .....2.-.lo L~' .s.--1L" W (degrees, minutes, seconds) Or __ • 0 N (degrees decimal) __ • 0 W (degrees decimal) Part B. Primary MS4 Program Manager Contact Information 1. Name: Eng. German IrizarrvSantos 2. Position Title: Executive Director 3. Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Location (web address or physical location): DTPW MS4 CoordinatorOffice 4. Mailing Address: a. Street: P. O. Box 42007 Minillas Station b. City: San Juan State: PR Zip Code: 00940-2007 EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 106 of 120 5. Telephone Number: (787) 722-2929, Ext. 2050, 2354 6. E-mail: Part C. Eligibility Determination 1. Endangered Species Act (ESA) determination complete? OVes 0) No a. Eligibility Criteria (check all that apply): 0 A 0 B 0 COD 0 E 0 F 2. National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) determination complete? ® Ves 0 No a. Eligibility Criteria (check all that apply): ® A 0 B 0 COD Part D. Map/Boundaries 1. MS4/0rganization Description of regulated boundaries (narrative): The MS4 owned by the DTPW/HTAcomprises all the state roadwaysthat are located within the limits of the urban areas defined by the U.S. Census. Therefore, in order to provide the required map, the urban areas footprint have been overlayed in the state roads map. It has been included in a CD with this document.Additional informationand details about the system have been included in AttachmentA of this form. 2. Location Map/Boundaries. A location map must be attached showing the pertinent city, town, wards, or boundaries, the boundaries of the Small MS4, including surface water body(s), and the "urbanized area" (UA) when applicable. Is map attached? Q9Ves ONo Part E. MS41nfrastructure (if covered under the 2006 general permit) 1. Estimated Percent of Outfall Map Complete? (Section 4.2.3 of 2006 general permit): % a. If 100% of 2006 requirements are not met, enter an estimated date of completion: 2026 (MM/DD/VYVY) b. Web address where MS4 map is published: Current outfalls maps are included in the accompanyingCD. If outfall map is unavailable on the internet an electronic or paper copy of the outfall map must be included with NOI submission. Part F. Bylaw/Ordinance Development (if covered under the 2006 general permit) 1. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) authority adopted? OVes (J9No a. Effective Date or Estimated Date of Adoption: (MM/DD/yvyv) EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 107 of 120 2. Construction/Erosion and Sediment Control authority adopted? QVes (i) No a. Effective Date or Estimated Date of Adoption: (MM/DD/YYYY) 3. Post-Construction Stormwater Management adopted? QVes Q9 No a. Effective Date or Estimated Date of Adoption: (MM/DD/YYYY) Part G. Receiving Waters list the names of all surface waterbody segments to which your MS4 discharges. For each waterbody segment, please report the number of outfalls discharging into it and, if applicable, any impairments. You may attach additional information. Waterbody Segment Number of Outfalls Have any monitoring List of Pollutant(s) ListofTMDL that receives flow into receiving been performed to causing impairment Pollutant (s) (if any) from theMS4 waterbody segment outfalls? (Yes/No) (if applicable) SEE ATIACHMENT A EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 108 of 120 Part H. Summary of Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) under the 2006 Small MS4 General Permit For every measurable goal and associated Best Management Practice (BMP) listed in the adopted program, provide the following information (You may include additional pages): BMP Description or Goal Continued in next Who was the targeted Modification(s) to goals BMP ID (e.g. MCM-l) Achieved? permit cycle? audience? Explain reason for or BMP for next permit (YesjNo) O'esjNoJ not achievinggoaI. cycle $~e ~iJftbl€;ffilMeNifA. EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 109 of 120 Part I. 2016 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Summary Public Education and Outreach (See Section 2.4.2 for detailed information of required BMPs): BMP Description or Education Topic Outreach Method Measurahle Goal (What is the end BMP ID (e.g. MCM-l) (Identify the issue your (Describe the method result of this program? What BMP is educating the used to convey this topic, indicator will determine the goal public about.) e.g. mailing, events, has been met? (e.g., number mailing school, etc.) sent, people at event, class participation, etc.) $~~ ~fi~@IilIM~mlDIIl&l' EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 110 of 120 Part I. ZQ1§ Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Summary (continued) Public Involvement and Participation (See Section 2.4.3 for detailed information of required BMPs): BMPDescription or Program Description (Describe the Measurable Goal (What is the end result of BMPID (e.g. MeM-l) program and how it will inspire public this program? What indicator will determine participation, e.g, special events, the goal has been met? (e.g.,participation, volunteer sampling and monitoring amount of sampling performed, waste efforts, household hazardous waste collected, etc.) recycling, etc.) $~~ ~n~©~M~l1!Ii~Jr' EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 111 of 120 Part I. 2016 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Summary (continued) Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (See Section 2.4.4 for detailed information of required BMPs): BMP Description or Program Description (Describe the Measurable Goal (What is the end result of BMP ID (e.g. MCM-l) program and how it will indentify and this program? What indicator will determine remove illicit connections from the MS4, the goal has been met? (e.g., adoption of e.g. new regulations, investigation bylaws/ordinances, amount of investigation practices, removal of illicit connections, performed, identified and removed illicit etc.) connections, etc.} $~~ ~iIi'iW~@fn!&1~~ii~Ii EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 112 of 120 Part I. 2016 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Summary (continued) Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control (See Section 2.4.5 for detailed information of required BMPs): BMP Description or Program Description (Describe the Measurable Goal (What is the end result of BMP ID (e.g. MCM-l) program and how it will help control this program? What indicator will determine storm water runoff at construction sites, the goal has been met? (e.g., adoption of e.g. new regulations, construction bylaws/ordinances, amount of inspections practices, inspection protocols, etc.) performed and sites active!yregulated, etc.] $~~ ~lfiIl'~©IFIM~MnJ~i' EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 113 of 120 Part I. 2016 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Summary (continued) Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment (See Section 2.4.6 for detailed information of required BMPs): BMPDescription or Program Description (Describe the Measurable Goal (What is the end result of BMPID(e.g. MeM-1) program and how it will control this program? What indicator will determine stormwater runoff from properties after the goal has been met? (e.g.,adoption of they are developed, e.g.new regulations, bylaws/ordinances, amount of implemented practices, or resources for contractors to practices, development of capacity building use LowIm~act Development (LID],etc~ resources, etc.) $I§IE~li"f~@II'I~IE~rn' rti. EPA Region 2 Small MS4 General Permit Page 114 of 120 Part I. 2016 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Summary (continued) Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention in Municipal Operations (See Section 2.4.7 for detailed information of required BMPs): BMP Description or Program Description (Describe the Measurable Goal (What is the end result of BMP ID (e.g. MCM-l) program and how it will mitigate this program? What indicator will determine stormwater runoff at municipal the goal has been met? (e.g., structural BMPs properties ort through municipal installed, SOPs developed and implemented, activities, e.g. installation of structural etc.) stormwater controls on the municipal properties, new practices to reduce pollutant exposure to rain events, runoff management, trainings, etc.) $~~~i11iIf~@rel~elSliF ~ MORENO ASSOCIATES ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS PMB 179 Phone: (787) 487-1342 1353 RD. 19 E-mail: [email protected] GUAYNABO,PUERTORICO00966-2700 December 13, 2016 Ms. Carmen R. Guerrero Perez Director Environmental Protection Agency Caribbean Environmental Protection Division City View Plaza -Suite 7000 #48 165 Road km 1.2 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00968-8069 RE: NPDES Phase II Regulated Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Department of Transportation and Public Works Notice of Intent (NOI) Permit PRR040080 Dear Ms. Guerrero: As per the request of the technical staff, and on behalf of my client, find Part J of the NOI application duly signed by Eng.
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