The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at http://www.gutenberg.org/license Title: The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Release Date: May 24, 2009 [Ebook 28957] Language: English ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLIES OF THE CHURCH OF SCOTLAND*** The Acts Of The General Assemblies Of The Church of Scotland From The Year 1638 to the Year 1649. Inclusive. Printed in the Year 1682. To which are now added The Index of the Unprinted Acts of these Assemblies; and the Acts of the General Assembly 1690. Printed in the year 1691. Contents To The Reader. .2 The General Assembly, At Glasgow. .5 Act Sess. 6. November 27. 1638. .5 Act. Sess 7. November 28. .5 Act. approving the Registers. ...........5 Act. Sess. 12. December fourth. 13 The six late pretended Assemblies condemned. .. 13 Reasons annulling the pretended Assembly, holden at Linlithgow, 1606. 13 Reasons for annulling the pretended Assembly at Linlithgow, 1608. 15 Reasons for annulling the pretended Assembly at Glasgow, 1610. 15 Reasons for annulling the pretended Assembly at Aberdene, 1616. 17 The nullitie of the pretended Assembly at Saint Andrews, 1617. 17 Reasons for annulling the pretended Assembly, holden at Perth, 1618. 18 Act. Sess. 13. December 5. 1638. 20 Against the unlawfull oaths of intrants. ...... 20 Act. Sess. 14. December 6. 1638. 21 Condemning the Service-book, Book of Canons, Book of Ordination, and the high Com- mission. .................. 21 ivThe Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Sentence of deposition and excommunication against Mr. John Spottiswood, pre- tended Archbishop of St. Andrews; Mr. Patrik Lindsay, pretended Archbishop of Glasgow: Mr. David Lindsay, pretended Bishop of Edinburgh: Mr. Thomas Sid- serfe, pretended Bishop of Galloway: Mr. John Maxwell, pretended Bishop of Rosse: Mr. Walter Whyt-foord, pre- tended Bishop of Brechen. 23 Sentence of deposition and excommunication, against Mr. Adam Ballantyne, pretended Bishop of Aberdeen, and Mr. James Wedderburn pretended Bishop of Dum- blane. 25 Sentence of deposition against Master John Guthry, pretended Bishop of Murray: Mr. John Grahame, pretended Bishop of Orknay, Mr. James Fairlie, pretended Bishop of Lismoir: Mr. Neil Cambell, pretended Bishop of Isles. 26 Sentence of deposition against Maister Alexan- der Lindsay pretended Bishop of Dunkell. 28 Sentence of deposition against Master John Abernethie pretended Bishop of Cathnes. 29 Act of the Assembly at Glasgow, Sess. 16. December 8. 1638. 30 Declaring Episcopacie to have been abjured by the Confession of Faith, 1580. And to be removed out of this Kirk. ......... 31 Act. Sess. 17. December 10. 1638. 43 The Assembly at Glasgow, declaring the five Articles of Perth to have been abjured and to bee removed. ........... 43 v Act. Sess. 21. December 17. 1638. 49 Act. Sess. 23, 24. December 17. 18. 49 Act Sess. 14. December 18. 1638. 68 Act. Sess. 25. December 19. 1638. 68 Against the civil places and power of Kirk-men. 69 Act Sess. 26. December 20. 1638. 70 Act. Sess. 26. December 20. 1638. 71 Act Sess. 26. December 20. 1638. 72 Act Sess. 26. December 20. 72 Act Sess. 26. December 20. 1638. 74 Concerning the subscribing the confession of Faith lately subscribed by his Majesties Commissioner, and urged to be sub- scribed by others. ............. 74 Act. Sess. 26. December 20. 1638. 75 Concerning yearly generall Assemblies. ..... 75 Ordaining an humble supplication to be sent to the Kings Majestie. ............ 76 The General Assembly, At Edinburgh, 1639. 83 Sess. 8. August 17. 1639. 83 Master George Grahame his renouncing and abjuring of Episcopacie. ......... 83 Sess. 8. August 17. 1639. 84 Act containing the Causes and Remedie of the by-gone Evils of this Kirk. ........ 84 Sess. 18. Aug. 26. 1639. 88 Act approving an old Register of the Generall Assembly. ................. 88 Act Sess. 19. August 27. 1639. 89 Act approving the deposition of the Ministers by the Committees. .............. 89 Act Sess. 20. Aug. 28. 1639. 90 Act anent receiving of deposed Ministers. .... 90 Act Sess. 21. August 29. 1639. 90 viThe Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Act anent the keeping of the Lords Day. ..... 91 Act Sess. 22. Aug. 29. 1639. a Meridie. ........ 91 Articles and Overtures approved by the Assembly. 91 Sess. 23. August 30. 1639. 93 The Supplication of the General Assembly to the Kings Majesties Commissioner, con- cerning the Book, called, The large Dec- laration. 93 The Supplication of the Assembly to His Majesties High Commissioner, and the Lords of secret Councell. ......... 95 The Act of the Lords of Councel at Edinburgh, August 30. 1639. containing the Answer of the preceding Supplication. 96 The Kings Majesties Commissioners Declarations. 97 Like as his Majesties Commissioner, read and gave in the Declaration following, of his consent to the Act of the Assembly 17. August, anent the causes of our by gone evils. ................... 99 Like as His Majesties Commissioner, read and gave in the Declaration following: .... 99 Act ordaining the subscription of the Confession of Faith and Covenant, with the Assem- blies Declaration. ............. 100 Act anent Appellations. .............. 101 Act anent advising with Synods and Presbyteries before determination in Novations. ... 101 Act anent Ministers Catechising, and Family Exercises. ................. 102 Sess. 24. Aug. 30. a meride. .............. 102 The Assemblies Supplication to the KINGS MAJESTIE. 103 vii The Generall Assembly, Conveened at Aberdene, July 28. 1640. 105 Sess. 2. July 29. 1640. 105 Overtures given in by the Committee appointed by the last Assembly, anent the order- ing of the Assembly-house: Which being read in audience of the Assembly they approved the same. ............ 105 Act anent the demolishing of Idolatrous Monu- ments. ................... 106 Act against Witches and Charmers. ........ 107 Sess. 5. Aug. 1. 1640. 107 Act for censuring speakers against the Covenant. 107 Sess. 10. Aug. 5. 1640. 108 Act against Expectants refusing to subscribe the Covenant. ................. 108 The Generall Assembly, Holden at St. Andrews, and Edinburgh. 1641. 109 Sess. 1. July 20. 1641. 109 Sess. 3. July 28. 1641. 110 Sess. 5. July 30. 1641. 111 Act anent old Ministers bruiking their Benefices. 111 Sess. 8. Aug. 2. 1641. a meridie. 112 Act against sudden receiving Ministers deposed. 112 Sess. 9. Aug. 3. 1641. 112 Sess. 10. August 4. 1641. 113 Act against Impiety and Schisme. ......... 113 Sess. 14. August 6. 1641. a Meridie. 115 Act anent Novations................ 115 Act. Sess. 15. August 7. 1641. 116 Overtures anent Bursars, and Expectants. .... 116 Act Sess. 17. August 9. 1641. 117 Act against unlawfull Bands. ........... 117 Sess. 18. August 9. 1641. a meridie. 118 viiiThe Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland A Letter from some Ministers in England to the Assemblie. ................ 118 The Assemblies Answer to the English Ministers Letter. ................... 120 The Assemblies Answer to the Kings Majesties Letter. ................... 124 Act anent the Kirk of Campheir. 125 The Generall Assembly, Conveened at S. Andrews, July 27. 1642. 126 Act Sess. 1. July 27. 1642. 126 The Kings Letter to the Generall Assembly, pre- sented by His Majesties Commissioner, the Earle of Dumfermling, July 27. 1642. 126 Act Sess 3. July 29. 1642. 128 Act for bringing in of the Synode Books yeerly to the General Assemblies. ......... 128 Act Sess 5. August 1. 1642. 129 Act anent the choosing of Kirk Sessions. ..... 129 Sess 6. August 2. 1642. 129 The Report of the Interpretation of the Act at Edinburgh, anent tryal of Ministers. ... 130 Act Sess. 7. August 3. 1642. 130 Act anent the order for making Lists to His Majestie, and other Patrons for Presen- tations; The order of tryal of Expectants, and for trying the quality of Kirks. .... 131 Act anent Lists for the Kirks in the High-lands. 134 Overtures against Papists, non-Communicants, and profaners of the Sabbath. ...... 134 Act anent the joyning of the Presbyterie of Sky to the Synode of Argyle. 137 Sess. 8. August 3. post Meridiem. 137 The Supplication of this Assembly to the KINGS MAJESTIE. 137 ix The Declaration of the Parliament of England, sent to the Assembly. ........... 140 The Assemblies answer to the Declaration of the Parliament of England. 141 Act Sess. 8. Aug. 3. 1642. 148 Act Sess. 11. Edinb. August 5. 1642. 148 Sess. 11. August 5. 1642. 153 Act anent contrary Oaths. ............. 153 Overtures anent Family Exercises, Catechising, keeping of Synods and Presbyteries, and restraint of Adulteries, Witch-crafts, and other grosse sins. ............. 153 Sess. 11. Aug. 5. 1642. 154 Act against Petitions, Declarations, & such- like in name of Ministers, without their knowledge and consents. ......... 154 Sess 11. Aug. 5. 1642. 155 Act anent the Assemblies desires to the Lords of Counsell, and Conservators of Peace. .. 155 Sess. 11. Aug 5. 1642. 156 The Assemblies humble desire to the Kings Majestie for the Signator of 500 l. Ster- ling and recommendation thereof to the Kings Commissioner. ........... 156 Sess. 11. Aug. 5. 1642. 157 The Assemblies Letter to the Commissioners of this Kingdom at London. 158 A Letter from some Ministers of England. 159 Answer to the Ministers Letter. .......... 161 Act for the Lord Maitlands presenting the Assem- blies Supplication to His Majestie, and for going to the Commissioners at Lon- don, with the Answer to the Parliament of Englands Declaration.......... 162 xThe Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland Sess. 11. August 5. post meridiem. 163 Commission for publike affairs of this Kirk, and for prosecuting the desires of this Assem- bly to His Majestie, and the Parliament of England.
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