slp!.ts Chiei Se('larv ro Wh.re rhe tinancial Commislloner Rev€nue & AddilionaL oepa ment'i Ha'/ana/ chandigarh has Gov.rnmeni of Haryana, Rovenue & Dnaster Ma^agement (copv encrosed arong t;' .;"." ,",,"' Ps/tcR&Acs/2020/spr's dated 1e042o2o ;;;;;;;; "o rnstructions bv the ;,; ,; ,t",. are subjecr to issuance oI anv Iudher ";.;',;,t,t", 'nsructions Manacemenl Aulhortv and state Disast€r *"0t, *-" GoL add National Disast€f "i rega'd Managemcnr Authoritv"Ont, lfom rime ro t de in ths applicalion comfritee shall be and whereas in order io scrulini" and approve lhe Level comprlsins ol nembe6 indicared in lhis connnuted at Bock L.veL, Towi Leve and citv aforosad etle. with the instructions, staFd above rhe codpliaice 'ommtrt€es ii the distficl ol Bhiwanitorth0 purpoG compa5inS ol lollowin3 mehbe6 are hereby co^stituted A. Approval tor pa$es up to sub oivklonal ofiner (.), Bhiwanl DSP, Bh wani (33140114061 sDPo, sh w;;' t9416215502) Arsista^t labour Cohmss'oner Bhwanl sub Divsional orfi.e(cl BhLwanl sub Divisiona ofiiced.) Bh'tdn {33r!0u'021 Dsp ro, sh ,"1' rss I4bu4O l JDsPiHAI gccr' v C Ed{an rhc a BDpO,lJ, ^q1\nr'd (94163r00re) I tsar:eaerso) I lr- L"r*'- co"i'lon"';^--:.,^;";1 e.ii,ra^iAssi5tant Lau*ilabour c;.;ro";, 1 e"'sr""t-r. (esr3071732) Bhiwani {es13071732) Bhiwani I ('*c_i ] r.l. i'*a D rson'' o":'e' lc) ruo D.. ondr orr!e, ls," {e46601o6s6) (9465010656) I osp.s*itgiDsP \*" r33raolraoal DsP \rd '.33l4ollao4l I BOPO,S:wj1.{94bo33Cdl9r ts"(Y ML.\'Rdn196540)'/oql Ltbour comms;ion€r A$i;ia^t Labour commissione' ^$ktant Bhiwan(9S13o7r732) Bhiwan'(9313071732) sub Divi5ional Orficer {ct Loharu Sub oivisiona Ofiicer (c), toharu (9456010655) (9466010655) DsP, toharu {3314011404) D5P, toharu(3814011a04) B0PO, toharu (9466402039) Asktant Labour Commisnoner A$istant Labour Commitsloner Bhiwani(9313071732) sub Divisional ofiic.r {c), Tosham sq.rort'@3 91L 3oPO, Iosham {9a$302005) Assisrant tabour Commlssloner sub Dlvislonal orti.er k), rorham (3317530000) D5P, Tosham (3314011404) BDPo, (anu (94664020891 A$ktant Labour Commhsioner sub Divisionar orti.e; (a);io;a;; (9466010655) DsP, toharu 14314011404) BDPO, Beha {9465402039) -Lilliii' n<.t""r c...r',t"*, B. rhan 25 but upto 200p.opl€: Ru6l a.d urba. Arear connhe. BN Additional Oeputy Commksioner, Bhiwani (322r35t533) DSP or rhe coicehedAreas S0PO of the.onc€rned Areas E.O. MC, Bhiwani/secy. MC, sawani Khera/siw6ni/Loh6.u A$klant Labour Commis5 oner, Bhidani C. Approvalfor lhe parser lormoreth.n 2(x) people 0eputv comm'ssioner, shiwani (999Ila89891 7 supe ntendentoIPollce, Bhiw.ni(3314011400) l Dy. !abour CommEsioner' ffi-lr; r,r- 7-Lt 't +.2t1"N8 Dated Itr'/1{'- and ne'e$arv A.oov kforwarded to$e foLlowinglor nformdtion of Harvana chandi8a'h .h,cf tecrebrv Gom &"' chlrd'd" ;,;,,;;,;;:';: er,/.'onpoopd(ntrr'r' ol Haryai., e 3 Adolo'dr Ln{' sc'e'ar' to Govemment ! ;;".;'',;;.. ..", nd3a.h efier rer no ;t:';."'; ;*i", Mr,.p"m"r"".'" Deoa-ne- 'd'd", c\d ps/fcR&ACS/2OZO/Spl 5 daled 19 04 2020 rdfl)na Indui e5 ano Commerce DePadme^ts c, t s",*"". c'vc nncd or ^.0,L". P'Lnooal5ecerarv Ch ef Minis!er' Harvana ;,.;;" *., 'o N.dalorlcer{cov".-*.,"-. o 1e), Di*ict Bhwanr' conrm r!io^.r, Rohlak Division Rohhk Addiuona Deputv comdnsio^er' Bh wanr' r suoennlendent of Porce Bhdani s'Lo"luont on"",l.) srt*aniflosham/sLwan'/Lonaru dJitLonaru ' D5P 0h'wam/ (rol,3h wa^'/rushim/s ;;;;;;". "; I'r i y LJbour commusoncr 0h'wai Ihera/siwanL/ronaru 7 E o /so.y Mc sh'wJn/Brwan' .
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