BUSINESS REVIEW 2013 Business Review (Re)discover Caisse des Dépôts Group’s 2013 Business Review. rapportannuel.caissedesdepots.fr A compact website (French only) offering a more in-depth look! A 2013 timeline in images, reports, by region, etc. A three-minute film summarising the Group. Déc. 2012 Janv. 2013 Déc. 2013 Janv. 2014 All of Caisse des Dépôts’ Key figures for 2013. Business Reviews… Main CSR indicators. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER, LINKEDIN, AND VIADEO! rapportannuel.caissedesdepots.fr Caisse des Dépôts Group Business Review 2013 1 Contents 2 Highlights 6 Message from Henri Emmanuelli, Chairman of the Supervisory Board 9 Message from Pierre-René Lemas, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Caisse des Dépôts 12 Overview of Caisse des Dépôts Group 16 Enterprise 26 Housing 36 Energy transition 46 Infrastructure, sustainable 58 Digital revolution 66 Fiduciary management mobility and tourism 76 Governance, decision-making and support functions 98 Finance 2 Highlights Centenary of Théâtre des Champs-Elysées 13 January Febuary March April May June 1Creation T of 1 F 1 F Publication1 M 1 WTra nsd ev 1Creation S of 2Bpifrance W 2 S 2 S o2 f G T r o u p’s 2 Twins new 2 S Egis Ports 2012 r e su l t s: 3 T 3 S 3 S 3 W 3 F contracts 3 M(specialising press conference in port and 4 F 4 M 4 M 4 T 4 Sto operate 4 T coastal 5 S 5 T 5 T 5 F 5networks S in 5 Wengineering) 6 S 6 W 6 W 6 S 6Melbourne M and6 T Entrepreneur Shenyang 7 M 7conference T 7 T 7Campus S d’@venir:7 T 7 F 8 T 8 F 8 F 8national M partnership8 W 8 S with Ministry for 9 W 9 S 9 S 9Higher T Education 9Launch T of 9 S 10 T 10 S 10 S 10 W 10acceleratedF technology10 MCooperation agreement 11 F 11 M 11 M 11 T 11transferS companies11 T with EIB (SAT Ts) 12 S 12 T 12 T 12 F 12 S 12 Won growth in Eastern France and 13Convention S with 13G20 W meeting13 on W 13 S 13 M 13 T employment 14 M 14 T 14 T 14 S 14 T 14 F French Ministry long-term investmentFrench Govt. 15of TEducation 15 F 15 Fentrusts the 15 M 15 W 15 S on digital Second meeting th 16 W 16 S 16 SGroup with 16 T 16 T 16109 S technology the programme of Caisses 17 Tschools 17 S 17 S 17 W 17 F 17 M in to build de dépôt Congress world forum 18 F 18 M 1810,000 M units 18 T 18 S 18 Tof French 19 S 19 T 19of T intermediate 19 F 19 S 19 W Notaries 20 S 20 W 20 Whousing 20 S 20 M 20 T 21 M 21 T 21 T 21 SOpening of 21MuséeT 21 F First meeting 22 T 22 F 22 F 22 M Grévin waxworks22 W 22 S of the Board 23Launch W of 23of SBpifrance 23 S 23 Tmuseum in 23Montreal T 23 S 24Société T de 24 S 24 S 24 W 24 F 24 MPPP to 25financement F local25 M 25 M 25 TLaunch of Foncière25 S 25create T a digital (SF IL), l o c a l Veolia Tra nsd ev rénovation montagne 26 S 26 T 26 Tbe come s Tra nsd ev26 F 26 S 26campus W for the and territorial (to renovate real estate University of 27development S bank 27 W 27 W 27 Sin mountainous27 regions) M 27 TBrit tany 28 M 28 T 28Launch T of 28 S 28 T 28 F La Banque Building 29 T 29 F 29 MLaunch of 29 W 29 S Postale “lab innovation” kicks off on 30 W 30Collectivités S 30 T 30 T new hospital 30 S Locales for Belfort- 31 T 31(localS government 31 FMontbéliard development bank) Caisse des Dépôts Group Business Review 2013 3 [nvestments in the future programme: over 4 billion commit ted 13 th July August September October since 2010November December5 anniversary o f G r o u p’s 1 M 1 T 1 S 1 T 1 F 1 permanentS 2 TGaïa Grand2 F 2 M 2 W 2 S 2 representationM 3 WPa ri s loa n 3 S 3 T 3 T 3 S 3 inT Brussels 4 T 4 S 4 W 4 F 4 M 4 W Launch of Russian Novethic 5 F 5 M 5 T 5 S 5 T 5 T Conference 6 S 6 T 6 F Direct6 S Investment6 W Fund 6 F 7 S 7 W 7 S (RDIF)7 M in7 MoscowT 7 S 8 M 8 T 8 S 8 T 8 F CDC8 Sinfrastructure invests in Butendiek offshore 9 T 9 F 9 M 9 W 9 S wind9 farmM (Germany) 10 LaunchW of 10 S Innovation10 T 10 T 10CaisseS des 10 T 11 T 11 S Summer11 W School 11 F 11 M 11 W Novo funds Second Group Dépôts hosts 12 F 12 M 12 T 12sustainableS 12the PRIT academic 12 T 13 S 13 T 13 F 13developmentS 13networkW 13 F awards ceremony Cooperation 14 S 14 W 14 S 14 M 14 T 14 S agreement New convention signed 15 M 15 T 15 S 15 T 15 F 15 S with Completion with FIPHFP 16 T 16 F 16 M 16 W 16 S 16 M the EIB of the Simplification of 17 W 17 S 17 T 17 T 17 theS 20 billion 17 T creation of Framework 18 T 18 S 18 W 18 F 18 programmeM of loans 18 W Bpifrance agreement to partner local and 19 F 19 M 19 CongressT of 19 Son gender 19 Tregional development19 T 20 S 20 T 20 AssociationF 20 Sequality 20 W 20 F of French Congress 21 S 21 W 21 Sr egions (ARF) 21 M 21 ofT French 21 S 22 M 22 T 22 S 22 T 22 F Mayors 22 S 23 T 23 F 23 M 23 W 23 S 23 M 24 W 24 S 24 SocialT Housing24 T 24 S 24 T Congress 25 T 25 S 25 W 25 F 25 M 25 W 26 F 26 M 26 EcocityT World 26 S 26 T 26 T Summit Silic 27 S 27 T 27 F 27 S 27 W 27 F 28 S 28 W 28 S 28 M 28 T 28mergedS 29 M 29 T 29 S 29 T 29 F 29intoS 30 T 30 F 30 M 30 W 30 S 30[cadeM 31 W 31 S 31 T 31 T 4 Highlights Caisse des Dépôts to manage the new Personal Training Account 14 January Febuary March April (CPF) Mayprogramme June 1 W 1 S 1 S 1 T 1 T 1 S 2 T 2 S 2 S 2 W 2 F 2 M 3 F 3 M 3 M 3 T 3 S 3 T 4 S 4 T 4 T 4 F Press 4conference S 4 : W SNI group 5 D 5 W 5 W 5 S good Group5 M resul5 ts T launches6 M 6 T 6 T 6 S 6 T 6 F two7 Tcalls 7Entrepreneur F 7 F 7 M 7 W 7 S conference for8 Wproposals 8 S 8Egis S moves into8 T 8 T 8 S for9 Tthe 9 S 9 S 9 W 9 F 9 M 10 F 10 M Equador,10 M Myanmar10 T 10 S 10 T 11constructionS 11 T 11andT Poland 11 F 11 S 11 W 12of S20,000 12 W 12 W 12 S 12 M 12 T 13units M of 13 T 13New T group strategy13 S 13 T 13 F 14housing T 14Launch F of 14validated F by the 14 M 14 W 14 S 15 W 15CDC S 15Supervisory S Board15 T 15 T 15 S International 16 T 16 S 16 S 16 WDeparture16 of F 16 Congress M Capital 17 F 17 M 17 M 17 T Jean-Pierre17 S 17of TFrench 18 S 18 T 18 T 18 F Jouyet 18 S 18 Notaries W Exterimmo signs 19first S partnership 19Good W annual resul19 ts W 19 S 19 M Pierre-René19 T Lemas 20agreement M with 20 T published by Icade,20 T 20 S 20 T 20 F Mandres-les-Roses CNP Assurances appointed as new 21 T 21 F 21 F CDC 21 M 21 W Chairman21 S and 22 W 22 S and Bfinance22 S international 22 T 22 T 22 S Capital and Chief Executive 23 TRenewal of 23 S 23 S 23 W 23 F 23 M Launch of Mubadala launch Officer 24partnership F with 24 M 24 M 24 T 24 S 24 T SISA, their investment platform 25Association S 25 TFund for 25 T 25 F 25 S 25 W 26 Sof French 26 W 26 W 26 S 26 M 26 T the Silver CDC Solar 27University M 27 TEconomy 27 T 27 S 27 T 27 F Presidents Caisse des Dépôts Climat Decathlon 28 T 28 F 28 F Group, Bpifrance28 M and 28 Wlaunches 28 S 29 W 29 S 29 T 29 Tits 5E 29 S CDC B io d iv er s ié’st China Development 30 T 30 S 30 W 30 Fprogramme 30 M commitment enshrined Bank consolidatepartnership their 31 inF National Biodiversity 31 M 31 S Strategy Caisse des Dépôts Group Business Review 2013 5 14 July August September October November December 1 T 1 F 1 M 1 W 1 S 1 M 2 W 2 S 2 T 2 T 2 S 2 T 3 T 3 S 3 W 3 F 3 M 3 W 4 F 4 M 4 T 4 S 4 T 4 T 5 S 5 T 5 F 5 S 5 W 5 F Novethic 6 S 6 W 6 S 6 M 6 T 6Conference S 7Solar M 7 T 7 S 7 T 7 F 7 S 8Decathlon T 8 F 8 M 8 W 8 S 8 M 9 W 9 S 9 T 9 T 9 S 9 T 10 T 10 S 10 W 10 FPensions 10ForumM 10 W 11 F 11 M 11 T 11 S 11 T 11 T 12 S 12 T 12 F 12 S 12 W 12 F 13 S 13 W 13 S 13 M 13 T 13 S 14 M 14 T 14 S 14 T 14 F 14 S 15 T 15 F 15 M 15 W 15 S 15 M 16 W 16 S 16 T 16 T 16 S 16 T 17 T 17 S 17 W 17 F 17 M 17 W 18 F 18 M 18 T 18 S 18 T 18 T 19 S 19 T 19 F 19 S 19 W 19 F 20 S 20 W 20 S 20 M 20 T 20 S 21 M 21 T 21 S 21 T 21 F 21 S 22 T 22 F 22 M 22 W 22 S 22 M 23 W 23 S 23Social T 23 T 23 S 23 T 24 T 24 S 24Housing W 24 F 24 M 24 W 25 F 25 M 25 T 25 S 25 T 25 T 26 S 26 T 26 FCongress26 S 26 WCongress26 of F 27 S 27 W 27 S 27 M 27 T French Mayors27 S 28 M 28 T 28 S 28 T 28 F 28 S 29 T 29 F 29 M 29 W 29 S 29 M 30 W 30 S 30 T 30 T 30 S 30 T 31 T 31 S 31 F 31 W 6 Message 2013 was a pivotal year for Caisse des Dépôts and improved results coupled with the Group’s new strategic priorities pave the way for exciting new developments.” Henri First and foremost, an overview of 2013 Behind the abstract figures and a complex business model, Emmanuelli highlights the robustness of Caisse des the results reflect Caisse des Dépôts’ commitment as a Dépôts Group’s business model in what long-term investor in France’s economic development: the continues to be a recessionary business Group is the country’s top provider of social housing finance, Chairman of the environment.
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