GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF MINES & GEOLOGY From To P. Raja Babu, M.Sc (Tech), Smt D. Anitha Reddy, Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, W/o. D. Ravindranath Reddy, KURNOOL. H.No. 2-38, Raja Street, Owk (V&M), Kumool District. Cell: 9440211222. Letter No. 1631/MP-BPL/2018. dt: -04-2018 Sir, Sub:- Mines & Quanies — Approval of Mining Plan (including Progressive Mine Closure Plan) for a period of 5 years for Limestone Slabs (Black) over an extent of 10.449 Hectares in Sy.No.284/P (8.821 Hectares) & 285/P (1.628 Hectares), Cherlopalli Village, Owk Mandal, Kurnool District in favour of Smt D. Anitha Reddy, prepared by Sri E.V. Naresh Kumar, R.Q.P. - Mining Plan - Approved - Regarding. Ref:- 1) G.O.Ms.No: 56, Ind. & Comm: (M.II) Dept., dated: 30.04.2016. 2) Prodgs.No: 28594/P.RQP/2001, dt: 13.05.2016 of the Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad. 3) This office Notice No: 1120/Q2/2018, dt: 29.03.2018 addressed to the applicant. 4) Letter Dated: 08.04.2018, alongwith draft Mining Plan from the applicant received in this office on 17.04.2018. 5) Lr. No. 163 l/MP-BPL/2018, dt: 17.04.2018 to the R.Q.P. / Applicant of the Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Kurnool. 6) Letter dated: 30.04.2018, along with five sets of fair copies of mining plan from the applicant received in this office on 30.04.2018. * * * $ In exercise of the powers conferred as per amended Rule 7 A (I), (II), (III) and (IV) of APMMC Rules, 1966 read with Proceedings No: 28594/P.RQP/2001, dt: 13.05.2016 of the ' Director of Mines and Geology, GoAP, Hyderabad and G.O.Ms.No: 56, Ind. & Comm. (M.II) 1 Dept., dated: 30.04.2016, I hereby approve the Mining Plan (including Progressive Mine Closure Plan) for a period of 5 years for Limestone Slabs (Black) over an extent of 10.449 Hectares in Sy.No.ZSl/P (8.821 Hectares) & 285/P (1.628 Hectares), Cherlopalli Village, Owk Mandal, Kurnosd District in favour of Smt D. Anitha Reddy. This approval is subject to the following conditions. 1. This Mining Plan (including Progressive Mine Closure Plan) is approved without prejudice to any other laws applicable to the mine area from time to time whether made by the Central Government, State Government or any other authority. 2. It is clarihed that this approval of the Mining Plan (including Progressive Mine Closure Plan) does not in any way imply the approval of the Government in terms of any other provisions of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 and any other laws including the Forest Conservation Act, 1980 and APMMC Rules, 19-6. 3. The approval authority does not owe responsibility with regard to recovery factor of Limestone Slabs (Black) and assessment of reserves, any erroneous certification made by the R.Q.P. if any, since the evaluation is done on random basis. 4. The Miivng Plan (including Progressive Mine Closure Plan) is approved subject to strictly a fhering to the relevant Regulations of MMR, 1961 and obtaining prior permissio i from the Director General Mines Safety whenever and wherever it is required. 5. The applicant/ lessee shall safeguard the structures, public buildings, roads, railway line, electric li .e and water bodies exists if any as per regulations 109 & 127 of MMR, 1961. 6. The approval of Mining Plan (including Progressive Mine Closure Plan) shall- be subjected to vacation of prohibitory orders or notices or determination orders etc., if any issued by die competent authority. Contd...2 -2- 7. If anything is found to be concealed as required by the Mines Act in. the contents of the approved Mining Plan and the proposal for rectification has not been made or if at later stage the information furnished in the document to be incorrect or misrepresentation of facts, the approval shall be revoked with immediate effect. 8. This Mining Plan was approved as per the quarry lease executive sketch of the subject area. Any deviation found later, approval authority does not owe responsibility. 9. The approval authority does not owe responsibility with regard to erroneous certification made by the R.Q.P if any and approval is tentative subject to modification of new findings at a later date as per the provisions of Rules inforce, since the evaluation is done on random basis. ' • . Yours faithfully, End: (2 copies of A.M.P.) Copy submitted to the Director of Mines & Geology, Vijayawada along with A.M.P. Copy to Sri E.V. Naresh Kumar, R.Q.P. Plot No. 867, Road No. 45, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500033 for information. Copy submitted to the Regional Controller of Mines, IBM, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad for favour of information. Copy submitted to the Director of Mines Safety, Bellary for favour of information. Copy submitted to the Zonal Joint Director of Mines and Geology, Kadapa for favour of informatu Copy to the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, Banaganapalle along with A.M.P with a request to obtain valid Bank Guarantee (Financial Assurance) from the applicant. J- > ) ) ") MINING PLAN FOR ,|^ACK) QUARRY LEASE AREA OVER AN EXTENT OF 10.449 Hect. IN% No.s 284/P (8.821 Meet.) ) & 285/P (1.628)* OF CHERLOPAiJ yiLLAGE, OWK MANDAL, ) KURNOOL DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH. ) j (Submitted under Rule 7(A) of MMCR Rules, 1966 & as per G.O. Ms. No.56, 3 Ind. & Comm. (Mines-ll), dated: 30-04-2016.) ) (Open cast Category - A other than Fully Mechanized Mine) ) ) ) ) approved > ifeppp^fm > APPLICANT ) Smt. D. Anitha Reddy, ) W/o D. Ravindranath Reddy, ) R/o H.No. 2-38, Raja Street ) Owk Village & Mandal, Kurnool Dist., A.P, ) Tel No: +91 9440211222 ) ) ) ) PREPARED BY E.V. NARESH KUMAR Consultant Geologist & R.Q.P. ) (RQP/HYD/268/2009/A) (RQP/DMG/H YD/88/10) Plot No. 867, Road No. 45, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad -500 033. T.S. Ph:9989659275 > j ) ■.I,1 Wi a ... o -5. fe -CONSEI\tT',LEiTT€R— ———-Y: ■.■ o The Mining Plan fp-Limestone Slabs (Black) belonging to Smt D.Anitha Reddy, over an extent of 10.446 Hectares in Sy. Nos. 284/P (8.821 Hect.) & 285/P (1.628 Hect.) of Cherlopally (V), Owk (M), Kurhool District, Andhra Pradesh, has been prepared by Shri E.V. Naresh Kumar RQP, (RaP/HYD/268/2009/A) Hyderabad. o This is to request the Deputy Director of Mines Geology, Kurnool District to make further correspondence regarding any correction of the Mining Plan with the said Recognized Person at his Address: E.V. NARESH KUMAR RQP, Mobile No.9989659275 PLOT No. 867, ROAD No.45, JUBILEE HILLS, Hyderabad -500033. o I hereby undertake that all the proposals made in the Mining Plan by Recognized o Qualified person are deemed to have been made with my knowledge and consent and shall o be acceptable and binding on me in all respects. o o o Date: 27 - 04-2018 o Place: Kurnooi ^ (D. ANITHA REDDY) ^ o APPLICANT o o o o o o o o 3 J O O 3 .jmm. - s'k'CERTIFICATE r»• # ^ f . »t ■ -i • ^ ,*■ - •,•.*■.■? i Cl't'l "-v'irSn 01. It is certinwthat the GCOM Circular©. 2/2010 will be implemented and complied U^- .ij; '^4,' ' with whei^^&itliorized ageriw is^pproved by the State Government. V<CN '.{Ail V>v — 1. - V 02. It is Certified that the Progressive Mine Closure Plan of Limestone Slabs (Black) Mine of Smt D. Anitha Reddy, over an extent of 10.446 Hectares in Sy. Nos. 284/P (8.821 Hect.) & 285/P (1.628 Hect.) of Cherlopalty (V), Owk (M), Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh complies with all statutory rules, regulations, orders made by the Central or State Government, Statutory Organization, Court, etc., which have been taken into consideration and wherever any specific permission is required the Applicant will approach the concerned authorities. The information furnished in the Progressive Mine Closure plan is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and records. 03. The provisions of Mines Act, Rules and Regulations made there under have been observed in the Mining Plan over an area of 10.446 Hectares in Sy. Nos. 284/P (8.821 Hect.) & 285/P (1.628 Hect.) of Cherlopaliy (V), Owk (M), Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh belonging to Smt D. Anitha Reddy, and where specific permissions are required, the Applicant will approach the D.G.M.S. Further, standards prescribed by D.G.M.S. in respect of Miners Health will be strictly implemented. Date; 27-04-2018 !)■ /XM Place: Kurnool APPLICANT The provisions MCR'1960 &' APMJ\/1C'1966 have been observed in the preparation of Mining PlarKfor Limestone Slabs (Black) Mine belonging to Smt D. Anitha Reddy, over an extent of 10.446 Hectares in Sy. Nos. 284/P (8.821 Hect.) & 285/P (1.628 Hect.) of Cherlopally (V), Owk (M), Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh and whenever specific permissions are required, the Applicant will approach the concerned authorities of Indian Bureau of Mines or DGMS. The information furnished in the Mining Plan is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Date: 27-04-2018 (E.V.NARESH KUMAR) Place: Hyderabad. Consultant Geologist & RQP o o // '\-x V', > Q Sfefi^i ■ht-1 O iiMIN D E X O -V S. No. CONTENTS Page No. INTRODUCTION 1 01 GENERAL 2 02 LOCATION & ACCESSIBILITY 2 03 DETAILS OF APPROVED MINING PLAN IF ANY 4 PART-A 1 5 GENERAL DETAILS OF APPLIED AREA 2 GEOLOGY & EXPLORATION % 5 2.2 MINING CARRIED OUT 7 2.3 RESERVES 7 3 MINING 11 4 MINE DRAINAGE 15 5 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 15 6 USE OF MINERAL AND MINERAL REJECTS 16 7 PROCESSING OF ROM AND REJECTS 16 8 OTHERS 16 PART-B 17 PROGRESSIVE QUARRY CLOSURE PLAN 1.
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