THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE WASHINGTON D 0 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1902 111 Annie Herlich New York City ternity Charity and Loyalty hoping ever ENCAMPMENT NOTES CHAT OF THE CORRIDORS NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT Frances M Johnson New York City for your prosperity nnd happiness and 1 Consumption TBIRTMIXTB Cook Montpelier Vt Jennio Pep¬ bespeak for my successor courteous Jane that Headquarters of the Department ¬ ¬ The A few years ago one of the street rail- per Orlando Fla Cornelia Brooks Nor- and fraternal regard apifassistancc it has of Tennessee will be at the St Louis Ho-¬ folk Va Emma O Wildman Danbury been mine to enjoy W way lines of Washington lost its great tel 14th and II streets power house on Pennsylvania Avenue by OF THE Conn Emma J Smith New Britain With cordial good willloyally jours in Can be Cured Conn Nellie Stitsel Pecatonica 111 F C and L S - Philadelphia fire Not one brick was left upon another John A koltes Post 228 except in the tremendous chimney which Mary A Johnston Covington Ky Anna EMMA S WALLNiftional President Rcmi Boerner Commander has se ¬ Discovery fay Famonj Dr National Pa towered into the sky 150 feet It has Marvelous the McDowell Dayton Ky ANNA L DYKE LKARKARD cured quarteis for Encampment week at Kalamazoo Hiea State announcements will be made Secretary stood for five years on the brick strewn Yoakerraan of Further tho Cutler House 222 3d street northwest Officials Medical Hen Pro ¬ 6RANS ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC at the opening of the National Convention lot an eye sore and blot on the landscape and Great This is my last General Orders to you A fine new City Building is to be erected nounce it the Only Cure for Con ¬ PRESS HEADQUARTERS J P Van Nest 120th Ohio Wooster on spot week chimney sumption and All Throat and I would thank each and every member O in several of the and last the who has been a winner was toppled over of tho base on Lung Troubles of the Womans Relief Corps who has so Vi3itins Newspaper Vetttand Women to be Tho National Tribuno guessing contests Part and on Oct ¬ ono side was removed and wooden beams THE PARADE take place in Washington D C loyally and steadfastly upheld this Admin- Well Cared For will attend the National Encampment in 8 with assurances the compliment unceasing made inserted A big charge of dynamite was that istration and by efforts ¬ October accompanied by his wifo and Consumptives Given up to Die and Sent ap- ¬ The Chairman of theaCommittee on Re- opening Coausaaaer-in-Chi- et Toi ranee Issues Orders implied by this invitiation is warmly possible great along all the then put in the and set off The advancement ¬ daughter Hopeless Committee preciated unions Col Jolm McElroy being a news chimney rose straight in the air for the Back From California and Freo Quarters far Veterans lines of our work provi- ¬ ¬ paper man himself has made ample of second and then as work- ¬ For all the loving and gracious mes old his- ¬ fraction a a Helples3 are Now Alive and Heetinss sion for newspaper people on the Reunion A few of the survivors of the man said jus sot down on REGULATIONS sages of confidence and good will granted expected at- ¬ herself Won-¬ Gen Torrance has issued the following POLICE grounds Carip Roosevelt Tho Wash ¬ toric U S S Kenrsarge are to Well Through This of at ¬ It fell a little to one side crumbling like me all the year especially the words Encampment Wash- ¬ General Order filled with Encampment ington newspapers Evening Star and tend the National at ¬ derful Cure for Con- to Well Pro- ¬ sympathy during my hours of a house of cards It was called a beau- information National Encampment Cuests be delicate Morning Post and Times will each have ington D C in October and participate be Unhindered Good confinement to the hospital from injury Sur- ¬ tiful job sumption tested Parade to special tents where they will have tele ¬ in the festivities of the week The Headquarters will be established at the Sanitary Arrangement will ever be cherished a sweet memory vivors Association meets every year on ¬ phones telegraph instruments and all the society is making Ebbitt House Washington 1 C on Mon For all these I thank you in commem- ¬ Washington official Sufficient Cos- - The very best of police regulations will paraphernalia of a city editors depart- ¬ June 19 and holds a Reunion A Free Package Containing to day Ott 0 at 10 oclock a ni To the Commander-in-Chie-f of the Kcarsarges the faces at the Duchess of Marlborough who ¬ meeting oration of the battle with ¬ Tine the Kott Skeptical seat to The Executive Committee of thp Na- prevail iu Washington during the Grand Army of the Itcpnblic and his ment stole a march on it and visited the war- of Army Republic Alio The Press Chairman of the Woman3 Alabama off Cherbourg France June 19 say All Vho Write tional Council of Administration will meet the Grand of the Staff I extend my heaity appreciation of 1804 Reunion was held at ships during the manuvcrs Some G parade will be roped off with Citizens Committee Mrs Isabel Worrell Their last Consumption can at last be cured Mar- Monday Oct at 3 streets for ¬ she did and she says she didnt Prize at lleadiiunitcrs No boxes many courtesies and the strength of their writing Dover N II The Mayor City Govern- may seem many oclock m wire cables of great stiength unswerving loyalty been of untold Ball will have a large table with Money Capt Chadwick says ho was not velous as it after the i tables barrels ladders chairs or any has materials in Headquarters tent where all ment Naval Reserve and citizens gave the failures a sure positive and certain cure The National Council of Administration value to this Administration old heroes a grand reception and banquet her escort or sponsor and it threatens day at other obstructions will be permitted along newspaper people will be welcome There to become a Billy Patterson affair will meet on the same and iIace parades By command of telephone About 20 of the old crew nnd their ladies S oclock p m the sidewalks or footways during will be telegraph and facilities The stands which are to be erected will CALISTA ROBINSON JONES and some one will be in charge each day were present as guests of the city After The following comrades will constitute National President tho banquet they were given n ride about The War Department after debating Adjut- be artistically designed aud decorated and Mrs Ball will also have a press room on seriously deliberately ha3 the Committee on Credentials The MARY ELLEN COXANT ¬ royally the matter and will be carefully examined and tested by the first floor at Headquarters of tho Na- tho city and were entertained entanglement ant-General It M Smock Depait National Secretary Their banner and the Union Jack that evolved from its red tape II Thatcher Dc the Engineer Department of the District tional Encampment Committee 1405 New tilt decision a retired army officer ntent of Indiana John ¬ down in old ship Roncadow that ¬ Government This will preclude all pos- York avenue where every facility will be went the at Iaitmcnt of Connecticut George A New Reef were greatly admired may wear the uniform of the rank that Department of Iowa Payette Wyclc sibility of disaster from crowding LADIES OF THE provided for quick work This room is for he held when retired from the service man The liquor on any Government GAR the especial convenience of visiting news ¬ Michigan T C Mas saleof ¬ and must not mix bis dates and wear off Dopaitinent of ¬ The Second Corps Committee has com he ¬ reservation street avenue or thorough paper women A register will be provided of California and Ne fol- ¬ the trousers of 1SG5 for Instance the coat tellar lepartment Columbia is strict- ¬ Krs Emma Wall Issues the Last General every to Encamp ¬ pleted its organization which is as They will report duty at Head- ¬ fare in the District of and visitor the National of 1SS0 nnd the cap of the Spanish war vada for ly forbidden Order Headquarters Credentials Eecep- - ment is invited to cail and register lows Col M E Uroll Chairman Capt quarters Ebbitt House Tuesday Oct 7 W P Seville Vice Chairman Capt J period Of course retired ofiicera have on duty While parades are moving no vehicle tlons been wearing the uniform of their rank at 10 oclock a m and continue ¬ S Wyckoff Secretary and Capt John motor car or any kind of wagon or car- Mrs Emma Wall National President Be Here nothing changed during the day Theyll King Treasurer Ways and Means Com- ¬ right along so is will report riage will be permitted to cross the street of the Ladies of the G A R has issued Col G Sample Superinten- ¬ Assistant Adjutants General upon is in Thomas mittee Capt Lyman Chairman Col location or avenue which the parade of administra ¬ Printing the State of Miss Ruth Bryan has been visiting the to the committee the of their progress the last General Order her dent of Public for John Hancock Capt Geo II Lillibridge and Pennsylvania a member of the National ¬ Brides on Capitol Hill During his brief respective Department Headquarters During Encampment no person will tion which contains the following Capt W P Seville and Dennis OCon- the number of representatives present and the Executive Committee and one of its most nor Badge Committee Comrades and not too brilliant Congressional career be allowed to intrude with any vehicle of National Headquarters of the Ladies of Army men has just Col William Jennings Bryan and family entitled to seats in the Encampment ¬ enthusiastic Grand Wyckoff Davis Thatcher and Trout any or kind or obstruc- Kan- - General ¬ The Adjutant General will issue the character other the G A
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