March 2019 Newsletter www.deepcreekflyfishers.org P.O. Box 8203, Redlands, CA 92375 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Page 2: Presidents Message, & Board of Directors Page 8: Trout in the Classroom Page 3: Meetings, Speakers, Club Store & Opportunity Page 9: Annual Lower Owen trip Drawing Page 10: 2019 San Juan fishing trip Page 4: Education & Outings, Membership registration Page 11: South West Council FFI, Trout unlimited Page 5 & 6: CADFW– Statewide Regulation Page 12: Bob Marriot’s Fly shop discounts Page 7: Fly of the Month and Fred Hall Show Frank Duarte He will be showing which fly rods or spey rods to use along with rod rigging and line choices. Also he will be presenting information about the American River with descriptions about both shore and boat accesses. Meet the Speaker for Dinner All members are invited to meet and have dinner with this month’s speaker. Meet us at Art’s Bar and Grill, dinner will be at 4:00 pm. The food is great and the prices are very reasona- ble - each member pays for their own meal and any drinks. Art’s Bar & Grill 3357 University Avenue, Riverside 92501 951-683-9520 Frank will be speaking on shad fishing in the Sacramento River. President’s Message From Clark Stevens I just received a communication from the Southwest Council Fly Fishers International regarding some special meetings that are coming up, which will ask for public comment on CDFW Inland Trout Regulation Changes. The closest public meeting to give input regarding these changes will be held at the Bass Pro Shop, 7777 Victoria Gardens Lane, Rancho Cucamonga on Saturday, April 6, 2019 at Noon - 2 p.m. rigging your fly rod for small streams in relation to Herit- We need a couple members to attend to give input and age Trout that he will be speaking about. bring findings back to DCFF. See our web site for more detailed information. These The following month’s meeting on May 29, 2019 will fea- new changes will probably effect our fly fishing sport for ture Devin Olsen on the topic of “Modern Nymphing: Eu- years to come. ropean Inspired Techniques.” Our June 26th meeting will be our annual White Elephant Drawing in which we Don’t miss this month’s speaker Frank Duarte on are asking members to bring fly fishing related items for 3/27/19, who will start with a fly tying session at 6:00 that night’s drawings. More information will be forthcom- p.m. His topic for the evening presentation will be “Shad ing regarding the BBQ supper and needs for that even- Fishing in the Sacramento Valley.” In the next couple ing. Bob Williams, our opportunity drawing chair, could months we have some great speakers before our annual use some help on that day and prior for preparations. White Elephant Sale on 6/26/19. There will be sign-up sheets at the next meeting in the Next month, we will have the privilege of Frank Burr back of the room for those wanting to fly fish Lake Perris speaking to us about the CDFW Passport & Heritage from a float tube and the dates/times will be listed. Trout Programs. He will have a session at 6 p.m. on 2019 Board of Directors President: Clark Stevens [email protected] 1st Vice Sandy Schneider Outings: Mike Telles President: [email protected] [email protected] 2nd Vice vacant Opportunity: Bob Williams President: [email protected] Drawing [email protected] Secretary: Jill Wagner Web Master: Greg LaPolla [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer: George Plescher Club Store: Sean Robbins [email protected] [email protected] Newsletter: Roberta Ross First Past Jerry Searcy [email protected] President: [email protected] Trout in the Doug Spieske Second Past Bill Reeves Classroom: [email protected] President: [email protected] Conservation: Jerry Searcy [email protected] Membership: Mike Stuhl [email protected] SWCIFFF Greg LaPolla Education: vacant Representative: [email protected] [email protected] 2 Wear the Logo 2019 Meetings & Speakers Meetings are held 7:00pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month, except May 29 (5th Wednesday), and December 4 (Holiday Banquet), in the Izaak Walton Clubhouse, 2601 Dexter Drive, inside Fairmount Park, Riverside, CA March 27– Club meeting– Frank Duarte April 17– Board meeting April 24– Club meeting– Frank Burr Deep Creek Fly Fishers Club Store May 29– Club meeting—Devin Olsen June 26– Club meeting– White elephant dinner All items available at the monthly meetings. Prices for 2018 Coffee mugs: Large $15.00 Small $13.00 Tee Shirts: Long Sleeve $15.00 Short Sleeve $10.00 If any members would like to have embroidered our club logo on your fishing shirt or other piece Hats: 1 size fits all $17.00 of clothing, bring it to the club meeting and I will take them in with mine. The people we use Logo Decals: Small $4.00 "Engrave Embroidery N Things" do a very good job and I have always been happy with their Logo Patches $10.00 work. The price is $15 EACH. Logo Fly Box* $15.00 Bill Reeves *Orders for custom image boxes will be taken. See Sean Robbins for details. 3 2019 Education & Outings Calendar 2019 Education and Outings DCFF Calendar is on the Internet March 16–Intro to Fly Fishing The Calendar lists all the activities that are going on in the club, such as training events, outings, meetings, con- March 23–Beginning Fly Casting servation events, and many more. March 30–Advanced Fly Casting To view the calendar: April 6–Lower Owens 1. Go to: www.deepcreekflyfisher.org April 13–Entomology Class, Intro 2. Click on the Calendar Tab at the top of the page April 27 (Date changed to May 18)–Small stream class 3. Then select: This Week, This Month, This Year April 28 (Date changed to May 19) -On the stream To subscribe to the calendar: class-Mill Creek ranger station Select ICAL, then Download the Public Events Calendar. May 2 to 9-Mammoth opener It will appear in your computers default Calendar Pro- gram. As long as you have access to the internet, it will May 23 to 27-San Juan River update automatically or you can “ refresh” to update the current calendar page. Unless otherwise noted, the events above will be held at Izaak Walton Clubhouse at 2601 Dexter Drive - inside the City of Riverside’s Fairmount Park. If you need additional information contact the class instructor or event coordinator. The cost for DCFF members is $10 per class and training outing. Coffee and soft drinks will be available for full day classes and there will be a 1-hour lunch break if necessary. DCFF 2019 Membership Drive 2019 club dues were due by 2-28-19. $30 individ- ual, $40 family. Dues pay for club supplies, news- letter, etc. and about 80% of the quest speaker costs. Dues are a key element of the club financial health. Please submit your dues as soon as possi- ble. Please bring dues to the meeting or mail to Deep Creek Fly Fishers P.O. Box 8203, Redlands CA 92375. On-line on the club web site www.deepcreekflyfishers.org under the heading PARKING PERMITS REQUIRED FOR “About Us”, you will find the applications and Re- OUR MEETING NIGHTS lease Waiver of Liability form. Be sure to ask for a 2018 Parking Per- Be sure to down load, sign, and turn in the a NEW mit when attending the monthly meetings. 2019 Release Waiver of Liability form and with a Per City ordinance, all vehicles parked in new emergency contact information. After clarifica- parking lots at Fairmount Park from dusk tion with our lawyers, our club will need only one of until dawn, without a permit will be ticket- the these as long as you remain in good standing ed. There is limited parking available in with the club. If a NON-MEMBER attends a club front of our clubhouse. Overflow parking is outing, the coordinator of that outing will be re- sponsible for collecting a non-member outing waiv- available directly across the street at Fair- er. mont Park Golf Course. 4 California Department of Fish and Wildlife An article written by Chris Woods from TU concern- CDFW personnel will be available at information sta- ing attending planning meetings with different agen- tions to answer questions and listen to stakeholder cies (https://www.tu.org/blog-posts/planning-whats- interests, needs and ideas. All stakeholder input will the-big-deal), is a good article to read. He talked be taken into consideration as a regulation simplifica- about the US Forest Service and BLM owning 20 tion package is developed for formal public review percent of the nation’s land. Every 10-15 years through the California Fish and Game Commission. these agencies have to come up with a plan to man- age these lands. They ask for public comment. Meetings will be held on the following dates: On March 8, 2019 the California Department of Fish Wednesday, March 20, 2019 6-8 p.m. Talman and Wildlife sent out a call for Public comment on Pavilion, Tricounty Fairgrounds, 1234 Fair the State’s new trout fishing regulations. The St., Bishop CADFW has worked for two years to help simplify the regulations. Below is the announcement. Wednesday, March 27, 2019 6-8 p.m. Red- ding Library Community Room, 1100 Public Comment Sought on Parkview Ave., Redding Statewide Regulation Wednesday, April 3, 2019 6-8 p.m. Betty Ro- driguez Regional Library, 3040 N. Cedar Ave., Changes of Trout Season Fresno Posted by CADFW on 08 Mar 2019 03:09 PM PST Saturday, April 6, 2019 Noon-2 p.m.
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