October 8, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2463 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO THE CONGREGATION I received $897,000 for the Coastal Data In- It is estimated that approximately $8.1 billion GEMILUTH CHASSODIM formation Program/Southern California Beach is spent in the United States each year on Processes Study within the Army Corps of En- treatment of breast cancer. However, while the HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER gineers. Through this program, high-resolution rate of breast cancer diagnosis has increased, OF LOUISIANA wave data and forecasts are disseminated in the overall breast cancer mortality rate has real time via the internet to the National dropped steadily—decreasing by 1.8% per IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Weather Service and to tens of thousands of year from 1999 to 2005 among women ac- Wednesday, October, 7 2009 diverse users each day. Sea state and surf cording to the Centers for Disease Control and Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam Speaker, I rise warnings are issued based on this information Prevention. today to pay tribute to the Congregation for the protection of life and property. In addi- This decrease in mortality rates can be at- Gemiluth Chassodim of Alexandria, La., origi- tion, beach elevations are monitored and ana- tributed to a combination of early detection, nally known as the Hebrew Benevolent Soci- lyzed, and this information is provided to expanding screening, and improvements in ety of Rapides. Chartered on Oct. 2, 1859, the coastal communities online where local gov- treatments as well as a willingness to openly congregation recently celebrated its 150th an- ernments and engineers use it for making discuss breast cancer. Breast Cancer Aware- niversary of distinguished service to the Jew- educated policy decisions for protecting and ness month is an opportunity to help the more ish community, as well as to providing faithful enhancing local beaches. This request is con- than 211,000 American women who learn they dedication to the Alexandria area. sistent with the intended and authorized pur- have this disease each year. These newly di- The congregation first held religious serv- pose of the Army Corps of Engineers, which agnosed women, survivors, their families, and ices in various private homes with lay leader- has the federal responsibility for shoreline pro- all those affected will benefit from the re- ship. The initial Jewish sanctuary was built in tection and uses this data for coastal dredging search, education, and awareness, which in- 1870, and the first rabbi, Marx Klein, came in and construction projects. This program is crit- crease early diagnoses and save lives that 1873. On Oct. 14, 1873, the young congrega- ical to marine safety and operations for the Breast Cancer Awareness month highlights. tion became one of the original charter mem- coastal United States and there are no com- f bers of the Union of American Hebrew Con- petitive funding sources available. HONORING REVEREND ROBERT E. gregations, presently known as the Union for f Reform Judaism, which today represents 900 HENSON PERSONAL EXPLANATION affiliate congregations in the United States and abroad. The present sanctuary was con- HON. DALE E. KILDEE structed in 1952. HON. J. GRESHAM BARRETT OF MICHIGAN OF SOUTH CAROLINA The congregation has been served by 23 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rabbis and 33 board presidents. It grew to a Wednesday, October 7, 2009 peak of nearly 300 families during the mid- Wednesday, October 7, 2009 Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, Reverend twentieth century. Mr. BARRETT of South Carolina. Madam Many members of the Temple have held Robert E. Henson is celebrating 30 years as Speaker, unfortunately, I missed recorded pastor of the South Flint Tabernacle on Octo- various leadership roles in civic and charitable votes on the House floor on Thursday, Octo- organizations throughout Central Louisiana. In ber 10th at a dinner to be held at the church. ber 1, 2009. I ask the House of Representatives to join me addition, they have made significant contribu- Had I been present, I would have voted in congratulating Reverend Henson on this tions in the fields of medicine, law, govern- ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall vote No. 746, on Motion to momentous occasion. ment, social services, education and the cul- Instruct Conferees to H.R. 2892; ‘‘Aye’’ on roll- Prior to his ministry at South Flint Taber- tural life of the region. call vote No. 747, on motion to suspend the nacle, Reverend Henson served pastorates in The Temple, the Rabbi and individual mem- rules and agree to H. Res. 517; ‘‘Aye’’ on roll- Texas and Indiana. He has over 40 years bers continue to play an integral part in call vote No. 748, on motion to suspend the serving as a minister. For seven years he was achieving better interfaith understanding, work- rules and agree to H Res. 487; ‘‘No’’ on roll- the Youth President of the Indiana District of ing to strengthen the quality of life for all citi- call vote No. 749, on agreeing to H. Res. 788, the United Pentecostal Church International. zens in the communities of the region. which provides for consideration of the con- He also worked as the Editor of the Indiana Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join ference report to accompany H.R. 3183; ‘‘Aye’’ District United Pentecostal Church Inter- with me in commending the Congregation on rollcall vote No. 750, on motion to suspend national periodical the ‘‘Indiana Apostolic Gemiluth Chassodim. the rules and agree to H. Res. 692; ‘‘Aye’’ on Trumpet.’’ After he moved to Michigan, Rev- f rollcall vote No. 751, on motion to suspend the erend Henson spent 16 years as presbyter rules and agree to H. Con. Res. 151; ‘‘Aye’’ EARMARK DECLARATION and member of the Michigan District Board of on rollcall vote No. 752, on Agreeing to the the United Pentecostal Church International. Conference Report to H.R. 3183. HON. BRIAN P. BILBRAY He was the Home Missions director for one f OF CALIFORNIA year. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BREAST CANCER AWARENESS Reverend Henson has written several arti- MONTH cles and several books including ‘‘Effective Wednesday, October 7, 2009 Altar Ministry,’’ ‘‘The Silhouette of Majesty,’’ Mr. BILBRAY, Madam Speaker, I would like HON. ZOE LOFGREN ‘‘Prayer Force One,’’ ‘‘Marvelous Mercy,’’ ‘‘Liv- to submit the following Earmark request: OF CALIFORNIA ing a Balanced Life . In an Unbalanced Requesting Member: Congressman BRIAN World,’’ ‘‘World Changers,’’ and ‘‘Just Braggin’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILBRAY on Jesus.’’ He co-authored ‘‘Victorious Living Bill Number: Conference Report to H.R. Wednesday, October 7, 2009 for New Christians.’’ 3183, FY 2010 Energy and Water Appropria- Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Madam Together with his wife, Shirley, Reverend tions Speaker, I rise this October day in strong sup- Henson has two daughters, Melissa and her Account: Army Corps of Engineers, General port of and to draw attention to Breast Cancer husband Jonathan Hudson, and Jerusha and Investigations, Miscellaneous Awareness month. According to the National her husband Jason McGhee, and four grand- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: Scripps Cancer Institute, in the United States, breast daughters: Jelissa, Macy, Jade, and Madelyn. Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego cancer is the most common non-skin cancer Madam Speaker, I ask the House of Rep- Address of Requesting Entity: 9500 Gilman and the second leading cause of cancer-re- resentatives to rise with me today and applaud Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093 lated death in women. the work of Reverend Robert E. Henson and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:07 Jan 16, 2010 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\E08OC9.REC E08OC9 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E2464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 8, 2009 South Flint Tabernacle as they celebrate 30 TRIBUTE TO JESUS GONZALES, His 14th summer, 1989, was his first sum- years of worship, service, and spirituality RECIPIENT OF THE 2009 ST. MAD- mer working for Sacred Heart. He painted speed bumps and dug irrigation trenches. under his guidance. I pray that he will continue ELEINE SOPHIE AWARDS, SA- to guide the congregation and serve the com- CRED HEART SCHOOLS Always a big smile on his face and usually a wise crack to go with it to try and deflect munity for many, many years to come. me from seeing how sore he was from swing- HON. ANNA G. ESHOO ing the pick. f OF CALIFORNIA In high school he worked in the Gator Pit IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where he would flash those green eyes and HONORING PAULETTE WALZ, Wednesday, October 7, 2009 talk with all of the high school girls because, LEESBURG, FLORIDA Ms. ESHOO. Madam Speaker, I rise today well, heck, he was in high school too. to honor Mr. Jesus Gonzales, a recipient of In 1997 he was hired full time in the Main- HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE the prestigious St. Madeleine Sophie Award tenance Department. from Sacred Heart Schools. Established in the Two years later he was put in charge of St. OF FLORIDA year 2000, the St. Madeleine Sophie Award Joseph’s and the Montessori School and his honors individuals in the Sacred Heart com- job changed from actually physically hands IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munity who have made a sustained and sig- on working, to management and dealing nificant contribution to the Schools and em- with the administration, faculty, coaches, Wednesday, October 7, 2009 parents and neighbors.
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