Sending aints to v , SEE STORY BELOW Cle^r and Cold Clurand cold today *»d tonight. Increasing doadtnte FINAL tomorrow, little temperatme Ked Bank, Freehold cluiige --—-^-^-s—— I -'- Long Branch : EDITION Bf onuiouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 26 PAGES VOL.94 NO. 178 RED BANK, N J. MONDAY, MARCH (6,1972 TEN CENTS HWIIIIWIIIUIIHIUIIHUttllllllll Resume ITT Memo Report Inquiry Today WASHINGTON (AP) - A He declined yesterday to ex- /derson. Rohatyn, an.ITT director, to had been located by FBI weck before she will be able Senate last week before An- President Nixon's campaign cardiac surgeon to lobbyist plain the reason (or the The columnist wrote that an settle the case. agents Saturday and served» t0 leave the hospital. They is- derson made his allegations. manager, has denied allega- Dita D. Beard was to appear change or who will appear. antitrust action against ITT Kleindienst, in an appear- with a subpoena. sued a statement: Asked Hearing tions against him. The memo toddy before the Senate Jud£ But it was learned the first to was settled in its favor after ance before the committee Seriously III "Mrs. Beard is suffering Kleindienst, who served as attributed to Mrs. Beard said clary Committee Inquiry into testify at today's hearing the conglomerate pledged last week, said the Beard Liszka and another physi- from impending coronary deputy attorney general the Mitchell "is definitely help- accusations against acting At- would be Dr. Victor L. Liszka, $400,000 to help finance the memo -was false, and said be cian said in Denver yesterday thrombosis due to acute coro- last three years, requested ing us, but cannot let it be torney General Richard G. of Arlington, Va., who has Republican National Con- had taken no part in negotiat- that Mrs. Beard is seriously ill nary ischemia. Additional the panel's hearings last week known." Kleindienst. been treating Mrs. Beard. vention in San Diego in Au- ing the ITT settlement. with a heart ailment, coro- stress could have precipitated and denied there was any link Democratic Sen. George i The panel had been sched- It was Mrs. Beard's memo- gust. Anderson and Mitchell are nary ischemia—a decrease in the thrombosis with resultant between the settlement and McGovern of South Dakota uled to resume taking testi- randum to her boss, the head Anderson accused expected to testify tomorrow. the blood supply to the heart permanent heart damage or the ITT pledge, or that he said the incident raised mony tomorrow on allegations of International Telephone Kleindienst, who was named Dr. Liszka returned to the muscle. death." knew of the pledge until the enough questions about the ef- made by columnist Jack Ander- and Telegraph Coip.'s, Wash- to succeed John N. Mitchell Washington area Sunday after The physicians said Mrs. Kleindienst's nomination to out-of-court agreement was fect of big money on adminis- son, but committee counsel ington office, that prompted as bead of the Justice Depart- treating Mrs. Beard, 53, at the Beard's condition was im- be attorney general had been reached. tration policy so that "the John H. HoUoman 3rd said the the allegations against ment, of participating in se- Rocky Mountain Osteopathic proved slightly yesterday, but approved unanimously by the Mitchell, who resigned as American people have a right inquiry would resume today. Kleindienst, according to An* cret meetings with Felix Hospital in Denver, where she added it may be more than a committee and reported to the attorney general to become to be suspicious." Addonizio to Go NEWARK (AP) - Former Morte and reputed under- ting a fair trial. The con- Newark Mayor Hugh J. Ad- world figure Joseph Biancone. viction was upheld by that donizio, of New Shrewsbury, They and two others were court-in September. 1671.'The is scheduled to turn himself convicted on charges they ex- U.S. Supreme Court refused over to federal authorities torted thousands of dollars . to hear the appeal and Addo- today to begin serving a 10- from firms doing business nizio was ordered to turn him- year jail sentence — the pen- with the city. self in. alty he received when he was When they were sentenced For the one-time mayor and convicted on extortion on Sept. 23, 1970 by U.S. Dis-congressman, the last 17 charges in July 1970. trict Court Judge-George Bar- . months, spent quietly with his Addonizio, 56, and two oth- low, Addonizio said, "I've be- wife and five children, were ers convicted with him, were come accustomed to the the first time in 22 years he ordered by the 3rd U.S. Cir- worst. I had hoped for the was out of the political arena. cuit Court of Appeals to re- best." In 1948 he was elected to port to the federal courthouse He remained free on $25,000 Congress, along with 80 other in Newark at 10 a.m. ball 17 months while his at- freshmen Democrats. He had The order was made after torneys appealed. During that little experience in politics, the US- Supftme-Court de-,; time:tur.worked. for a firm but he had a good war record nied Rearing-of-their appeal* called QUart»~ Radiation Inc. and he was *uppor}ed by the that the convictions be rever- in Falrfield". party during the campaign. sed: He appealed to the 3rd U.S. In 1962, after 14 .years in Going to jail with Addonizio Circuit Court in Philadelphia Congress,: he was elected 1 are iormet Newark Public . on grounds thatprafrial publi- mayor of Newark. 'He. easily Wo^» Difljctw Anthony Ly ttSttelflfl get- wonreety|ptfJ3i«M jMonntou PROPOSED APARTMENTS — Plans for a 120-un)t apartment building on West Front St , Red Bank, to be called Harbor ministrators would hold "a House, reVeaf that a driveway leading to an Inner court will provide a view of the Navesink River from the east-west thorough- NEW SHREWSBURY - fights Thursday in which at fare. The narrow end of the buildlnq will face oh Front St. and will be bounded by Boat Club Court, shown left rear, and over- Classes at Monmouth Region- least three students were in- professional day" today to try al "High School were sus- jured.. • ; .• ' " to determine the causes of the look Union St., at right. (See story page 2.) *N . pended today in" the wake of Board President Norman J. tensions and to correct them. mounting tensions after two Field said teachers and ad- Classes, he said, would re- sume tomorrow. The trouble started about 2 p.m. Thursday inside the Garr to File Complaints of City Legislators Hear school, police said, when a group of students attacked Keith Eddleman, a senior. ? Tax Data Today An hour later, as school, Irregularities' With Prosecutor was getting -out, police said, TRENTON (AP) - The already reached some con- andther group of students The mayor said no formal in his report to Mr. Coleman. Robert Freeman, however, state legislature reconvenes clusions in print. - LONG BRANCH - Milton Saturday to outline his com- beat up Keith's brother, Ken- Garr, the • self-proclaimed plaints of incidents which, Mr. action would be taken in the The prosecutor announced watched last, week as a city today after a three-week re- But the legislators have hot neth. They are sons of Lt Col. future on complaints by "mal- Friday that he is conducting a worker dug two four-foot cess, and the lawmakers are yet delivered any verdict, offi- "city watchdog," last night Garr says, may be unlawful. Kenneth Eddleman, a Signal said he will forward a written "I will cooperate to the full- contents" unless signed state- probe of Mr; Garr's allega- trenches with a back-hoe in scheduled to hear an ex- cial or unofficial. Part of the School instructor. ments are.filed first with John tions that several tons of tho_ locations where the glass was position of the mammoth re- reason is that today's presen- outline of his charges of "irre- est," he said last night. Police Called gularities" in the city's oper- the frequent city adminis- M. Buffin, city public safety city's reclamation program reportedly buried. , . port of-Gov. William T. Cah- tation will be the first official 'director. scrap glass had been buried No evidence; of glass was ill's Tax Policy Committee. explanation of the report to Police from Eatontown and ations to County Prosecutor tration critic was eluded by New Shrewsbury were called, James M. Coleman Jr. tomor- Mayor Henry R. Cioffi last Mr. Garr added last night last October near the city ga- found. them. rage, S. Seventh Ave. Mr. Garr also said lastTnight The presentation will be For this reason, it has been but the- fight was over by the row. week for making "baseless that he will outline specific made in a special joint ses- , time they arrived. Mr. Garr last night said he charges and allegations" complaints made by city Dug for Glass that he will question the legal- difficult to determine legisla- County Detective Capt. An- ity of a pair of bills totaling sion. tive sentiment on the com- received a request from the about city departmental oper- workers, as well as his own It was known that a number newly-appointed prosecutor ations and personnel. objections to city operations drew Manning and Detective $290 submitted last month by Although the Appropriations mittee's recommendations, of parents kept their young- Media Consultants, Seaside Committee has been consid- which may be the subject of a sters home from school on Park, the city's public rela- ering the report over the last special session this summer.
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