Dr. Solomon Gaon addressing historic first Sephardic Synagogue Leadership Conference at Yeshiva University. Seated (I to r) Dr. Samuel Belkin, President, Yeshiva University, and Mr. Joseph Kattan, Conference Chairman . Vii PUBLISHED BY THE SEP~ffo1c STUDIES PROGRAM OF YESHIVA UNIVERSITY /olu me I Number I Kislev 5727-December 1966 MENDEL GOTTESrAAN LIBRARY Letter from the Editor Dear Reader: With the publication of the Rrst bulletin of "THE AMERICAN The Rev. Dr. Haham Solomon Gaon SEPHARDI," the stage is set for a new adventure in the saga and of Jewish group life in America. The editorial board of "THE The Faculty of AMERICAN SEPHARDI" has responded to the call of Sephardi leaders to launch this bulletin so it can serve as a clearing-house THE SEPHARDIC STUDIES PROGRAM for the exchange of information and ideas on religious, educational of and communal activities. Equally important, it will also provide a platform for the expression of significant issues affecting our group. Yeshiva University Much has been said about the obstacles facing us, the most extend warmest appreciation and blessings to the formidable being the one of maintaining and strengthening the ties of our scattered brethren. In our increasingly shrinking world, initiators of the physical obstacles of establishing face-to-face contact and of "The American Sephardi" opening lines of communication between our communities can be readily overcome. The crux of the problem lies more with our determination to strengthen our spiritual and cultural bonds. If MR. AND MRS. DAVID POLITI "THE AMERICAN SEPHARDI" is to serve a useful purpose, it must address itself to the key objective of discovering effective whose generosity in making possible this publica­ means for the revitalization of the Sephardic group life here in tion, and whose understanding, vision, and devo­ America. tion to higher Jewish learning in America, will The enthusiastic responses to our Erst letter lead us to believe strengthen, enrich and help perpetuate our noble that we will succeed and that our expectations are well placed. Sephardic heritage. Your reactions to this and future bulletins will serve as barometers of the vitality and interest value of our material. So keep in regular contact with us and let us know that you care! Hyman J. Camp eas THE A MERI CAN SEPHARDI MR. DA YID POLITI, recently elected Vice President of the Union of Bulletin for American Sephardic Congregations published semi-annually Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, is a Past President and Treasurer by the Sephardic Studies Program of Yeshiva University in association with of the Mens' Club of the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue, New York City. the Community Service Division. He is also a Past President and active member of the Board of the Central . Address all correspondence to: The American Sephardi, Community Serv­ Sephardic Jewish Community of America, a founder of the Sephardic Home ice Division, Yeshiva University, 186th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, New for the Aged and holds leadersrup positions in many other community York, N.Y. 10033. organizati ons. MRS. DAYID POLITI, is a Past President of the Sisterhood of the Spanish & MR. H YMAN J. CAMPEAS, Editor Portuguese Synagogue, New York City, Past President of the Womens' Division MRs. BLANCHE ATTAS, Technical Assistant of the Central Sephardic Jewish Community of America and actively par­ ticipates in all worthy Jewish causes. RABBI HERBERT C. D OBRINSKY Advisor to The American Sephardi 2 3 'lll"'\r1 EJ,uc.L GOTTESMAN LIBRARY 1966. Boys and girls, 14 to 18 years of age, from New York State, ~ ew Jersey and Pennsylvania, are invited to participate. Rabbi Current Events Barris Guedalia will supervise the program. Mrs. Blanche Attas will 3rd Annual Sephardic Synagogue serve as Advisor to the girls. :Many congregations are partially sub­ Leadership Conference-December 18th, 1966 sidizing this strictly kosher, educational trip which will be an excit­ Mr. Victor Tarry, Chairman of the Ste(:)ring Committee of the ing experience in Jewish learning and living in addition to seeing Sephardic Synagogue Leadership Conference of Yeshiva Univer­ the sites. For further information, contact Rabbi Herbert C. Dobrin­ sity, has announced that all rabbis, officers and congregational sky at Yeshiva University, LOrraine 8-8400, extension 264. leaders are cordially invited to participate in the 3rd Annual Sephardic Synagogue Leadership Conference to be held at Yeshiva Lecturers on Sephardic Themes University on Sunday, December 18th, 1966. Chairman of this 5727 Through the Lecture Bureau of Yeshiva University's Commu­ Conference will be Mr. Robert Salomon of New York City. The full day Program will begin with a Symposium on the nity Service Division, a host of outstanding lecturers are available to discuss a variety of stimulating topics of special interest to theme, "Developing Responsible Synagogue Leadership Among Sephardic Congregations and organizations. Without a doubt, our Youth." Discussants will be Rabbis, Synagogue Leaders, Youth vour organization's program can be greatly enhanced by including Personnel and Youth Committee Chairmen of various congrega­ ;ome of these personalities in your events. For the Lecture Bureau tions. At the luncheon, which will follow, the Rev. Dr. Haham, brochure, write to Rabbi Robert S. Hirt, Community Service Divi- Solomon Gaon will deliver the keynote address. In the afternoon, several leadership workshops will grapple sion, Yeshiva University. with different aspects of the problems and challenges related to the development of leadership within the synagogue among our Leon A. Ligier Confers Gift young people. Professional consultants of the Yeshiva University Upon Yeshiva University Staff will serve as advisors during these discussions on effective Mr. Leon A. Ligier of Los Angeles, California, author of the Youth Programming, raising our educational standards in Talmud forthcoming book, "The Odyssey of the Sephardim," presented the Torah, the development of a Sephardic Hebrew Day School, and manuscript as a gift to Yeshiva University, in honor of the Rev. Dr. the role of the Sisterhood in preparing our youth for the future. Haham Solomon Gaon, Director, Sephardic Studies Program, and The Sephardic Synagogue Leadership Conference will also pay Rabbi Herbert C. Dobrinsky, Director, Sephardic Community tribute to men and women through whose generosity and vision the Sephardic Studies Program at Yeshiva University has been Activities. It is hoped that the manuscript will appear in book form in sustained. Sephardic students of the University will be available the near future and tl1at appropriate support for the publication to conduct guided tours of the University's Washington Heights of this significant work will be forthcoming from the community. campus and will participate in the sessions. We invite the participation of patrons of Sephardic Jewish history For reservations, please contact the office of Rabbi Herbert C. who would like to bring to light this scholarly treatise which is so Dobrinsky, Director, Sephardic Community Activities, Yeshiva Uni­ beautifully prepared to attract the popular reader. versity, 500 West 185th St., New York, N.Y. , 10033 or telephone him at LOrraine 8-8400, Extension 264. Tour for Sephardic Teenagers The Sephardic Community Activities Program of Yeshiva Uni· versity is featuring its second Sephardic Teenagers TOUR Oi\ 'WHEELS. The first tour was to the Touro Synagogue in Newport Rhode Island, and the current excursion is a two day trip to the ~f' v5°lho_mon Gaon addressing Second Annual Sephardic Synagogue Leadership Conference es 1va University. nation's Capital, Washington, D.C. on December 26th and 27th• .J 4 Current Events 1966. Boys and girls, 14 to 18 yea :\Tew Jersey and Pennsylvania, ai 3rd Annual Sephardic Synagogue Harris Guedalia will supervise the l Leadership Conference-December 18th, 1966 s~r~ . as Advisor to the girls. Many Mr. Victor Tarry, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the s1d1zmg this strictly kosher, educati Sephardic Synagogue Leadership Conference of Yeshiva Univer­ ing ~xperience in Jewish learning sity, has announced that all rabbis, officers and congregational the sites. For further information, c, leaders are cordially invited to participate in the 3rd Annual sky at Yeshiva University, LOrrain, Sephardic Synagogue Leadership Conference to be held at Yeshiva University on Sunday, December 18th, 1966. Chairman of this 5727 Lecturers on Sephardic Them Conference will be Mr. Robert Salomon of ew York City. The full day Program will begin with a Symposium on the Through the Lecture Bureau c theme, "Developing Responsible Synagogue Leadership Among nity Service Division, a host of ou our Youth." Discussants will be Rabbis, Synagogue Leaders, Youth to discuss a variety of stimulatin Personnel and Youth Committee Chairmen of various congrega­ Sephardic Congregations and or: tions. At the luncheon, which will follow, the Rev. Dr. Haham, your organization's program can b; Solomon Gaon will deliver the keynote address. some of these personalities in your In the afternoon, several leadership workshops will grapple brochure, write to Rabbi Robert S. with different aspects of the problems and challenges related to sion, Yeshiva University. the development of leadership within the synagogue among our young people. Professional consultants of the Yeshiva University Leon A. Ligier Confers Gift Staff will serve as advisors during these discussions on effective Upon Yeshiva University Youth Programming,
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