Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-29-1969 The Ledger and Times, March 29, 1969 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 29, 1969" (1969). The Ledger & Times. 6244. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/6244 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. :1116M1F-11—Mil Selected As A Beat All Round Kentucky ComMUillty Newspaper The Primary Largest Paid Source of News k• "Circulation In Murray kZ1‘fr'-'"m and Both In City Calloway County And In County nited Press International In Our 38th Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, March 29, 1969 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXX No. 75 °RID MOURNS DEATH OF HU TODAY 00 FFA Members Froin West Great And Small Praise entucky Here On April 1st Life Of Former Statesman More than 1100 Farmers of go, Hickman County, Benton, rica, representing ideals, fond me- 21 West- Trigg County, Fulton County, by United Press International praise tor rib; Kentucky high Farmington, mories of his wide grin, elo- schools, are Lone Oak and The world today mourned ted to compete in the North quent condolences for his Mo. an- Marshall. one of its great. Dwight D. Ei- 1 Purchase FFA Federation Chapter ily and nation. sweethearts and in- senhower was dead, and men Contests Tuesday, April terested From France which he lib- 1, parents also are ex- In many lands lamented his 'Murray State University. clmtcsi germany which he pected to swell the visitors' to- passing as they do only con- The schools represented defeated, presidents and plain will tal to more than 500 people on querors, heroes and those of people acknowledged his feats CaIluiasi, &rine:run, Carlisle the Murray campus for the vast power. unty, in a war that ended a quarter Livingston Central, Ly- events. There was awe once again at County, South Marshall, The activities will start at century ago. his accomplishments in battle, as, Heath, Sedalia, Cuba, 3:30 p.m. with a general assemb- Charles de Gaulle of France, diand and a final gesture to his fellow Clifford Kellogg Fancy Farm. ly in the Student Union Build- In Also, Ballard general and president, said he len are replacing Memorial, Win. ing at which time the groups will be welcomed to the camp- Cold Wave would attend Eisenhower's state a mile of 1A•ooden us by Dr. Harry M. Sparks, funeral in Washington. arty 190024 when president of Murfly State, Chancellor Kurt Georg Klee stalled. and we Wrecks E. B. Howton, chairman of the Warnings Are inger of West Germany, de- Department of Agriculture. scribing Eisenhower as • man All contests will be held in who had worked "Indefatigably" vestigated the Agriculture Building with Posted Today to safeguard' peace and foster KIATION finals scheduled to start at 1 "confident cooperation between P.m. The competitions will in- ----- • our two peoples,". announced Police elude: Public Waking; by 111410.1 Press international he too would be present for the By ducting a chapter meeting; is Cabll wave warnings were in last rites. promptu Most of the Midwest Postpones State Visit 1%9 speaking on room pre- west tar Five traffic accidents were paration, beef, swine, dairy and end the But Central Plains to- Australian prime Minister investigated by the Murray Po- creed; and, music. day as an Arctic cold wave con- John Gorton postponed a state llee Department on Friday with Members of the Murray State tinned its southward push a- visit to the united States to at- so injuries reported. This makes University agriculture faculty, cross the nation's midsection. tend the funeral instead. Philip- r a total of fifty-five reports of vocational agriculture teachers Temperatures dropped to pines President Ferdinand E. accidents investigated by the in the participating schools, stu- many 20 below zero is north- Marcos and his wife, Imelda, City Police for the month a dent teachers and Mike Staples, eastern Minnesota today while said they would come. So would 1041) March that have been published guidance counselor at the Tilgh- South Vietnamese vice presi- (Continued on Back Pain) entucky Dam In the Ledger & Times. man Vocational School, Pads- dent Nguyen Cao Ky. Cars involved in the first col- cah, will do the judging. South Korean Premier Chung 6th and fi-Kwon prepared to make the from ReidlaDd lision at 3:38 p.m. at **camore Streets were a 1964 Winners in the various con- Church Of Christ long journey to Washington, as Chevrolet two door hardtop tests will compete in the state Sermons Announced did former Japanese premier owned by Jonnie .Used Cars of championships at Louisville Nobusuke Kiehl, whose country- AIN Coldwater and driven by Ger- June 4 with the winners there 'The Pregnant Church" will men had embarrassed him with IYhre• ald H. Garner of 1629 Farmer going on to the national con- be the sermon subject of bloody riots that forced Eisen- Heifers Bro. Avenue, and a 1966 Dodge four tests at Kansas City in October. Bill Threet at the Sunday morn- hower to cancel a visit to Japan door sedan driven by Laura Principal arrangements for ing a decade ago. Pivaisten fight • blow ist• yeeterday efternean worship services at the Curd Holland of Murray Route the program are being handled trotter Hundreds of men and women eit the Shady Osks Seventh and Poplar Church et Four. by Gayle Perry, vocational agri- Trailer Caen illwridsup debris hes been who knew Eisenhower only by (lkaries Now pulled from the trailer and firemen ars domino It with wee. Christ. President Pollee said the Holland car, culture instructor at Ballard reputation lined up at American L. D. Miller, Jr. firemen The sermon subject for the going south on 6th Street, slopp- Memorial and advisor for the Hospital To Sr. One Is turning to reenter the trailer to remove embassies to sign books of giber barman. &Malec six o'clock evening service will y for stop sign, but failed ao Purchase FFA Federation; Attends Housing be 'The Nearsighted Person" mourning. keit Photo by Gene McColl:hoes. Tributes flowed see the Chevrolet going west Ralph Bugg, Fulton County The luorning scripture from in from all High vocational agriculture tea- Meet At Louisville parts of the on Sycamore Street. Hike Rates Acts 5:12-16 will be read by globe — from cher British Prime Damage to the Chevrolet was and president of the Pur- W. 0. Spencer, and the evening Minister Harold L D. Willer, Jr., executive Wilson, who on the right side and bumper chase District Vocational Agri- Hazel Alumni scripture from II Peter 1:5-11 learned of t h e director of the Murray Munici- death as and to the Dodge on the left culture Teachers Association; On Aril 1 will be read by Don Kavanaugh. he met with Nigerian pal Housing Commiadon, and Dinner Set leaders in front fender. James West, coordinator of the Trailer Home Josiah Darnall will direct the Lagos; from the Vati- Reimbursed Program, Paducah; Mrs. Eva Grumback, Paducah can where Pope Paul For April 5 song service and announcswen VI said he Mousing Commishon, represent- The Board of Commissioners would Marvin Edgar Houston of and, Eldon kleathcott of the will be by Gerald Ellison. pray for Eisenhower's ed their communities at the of the Murray-Calloway County from Murray State agriculture facia Destroyed By Reservations for the Rase era for the two services will soul; Saigon where Amer- two day meeting of the Ken- Hospital and Convalescent Divis- ican GIa said (Continued on Reek Pone) ty. High School Alumni A/social,/ led by Joe Thornton, Ted How- Eisenhower's de- tucky Housing and Redevelop- ion announced today that ef- termined fight ion dinner to be held on Satur- ard, Cecil Thurmond, and Kew to live revealed ment Association held in Louis- fective April 1, 1969, there will "the soldier in him." vilie Tuesday and Wednesday. Fire Friday day night, April 3, at the Mur- ny Burton. be a $3.00 per day rate increase ray Eisenhower's old European The KHRA group formulated Woman's Club House have 'Tommy Carroll Speaks for semi-private rooms, a. E , been made from graduates liv- comrades in arms mourned him IF APRIL Last plans for a three day Urban $25 to $28.00), and private ing as far away as 650 deeply. Renewal workshop which will miles. Dr. And Mrs. Jones rooms, (I. E., $3000 to $33.00), One such distance reservat- Montgomery Reminisces be held in Bowling Green April in the hospital and $1.50 per At Meeting Field Marshal Viscount Mont- Night At Democratic Meet 7-9. A trailer, owned by Larry ion was received from Mrs. Science day r* increase for the con- Peggy gomery, who served under Gen. Officials from the Atlanta Re- Nance at the Rolling Acres Hawks Hays, Class of valescent division facilities, 1940, who now lives in Dr. and Mrs. Franklin B. Eisenhower in the invasion of Nearly one hundred Demo- gional Office of the Department Trailer Court, located east of Detroit, hitting review ox tne state of (I. E., semi-private rooms, $11.- Michigan. Jones of David Lipscomb Col- Europe, reminisced: "He had crats met at the Holiday Inn of Housing and Urban Develop- Murray, was completely destroy- the Democratic Party in the 00 to $12.50, and private rooms Reservations include lege in Nashville, Tenn, are at- anlY t9 smile at you and there last night to hear Tommy Car- ment and specialists from ur- ed by fire on Friday about 5:30 many lo- Commonwealth.
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