The Daily Register VOL.98 NO.130 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1976 15 CENTS $363,000 restored to Hazlet school budget By HILDV MeCOBMICK Just exactly how the restored funds will be used will be He described a recent meeting with Donald Bart, town- The budget, she said, was being prepared with the state- determined by the school board, Mr. Konopackl explained. He ship auditor,-as extremely fruitful mandated cap — a ceiling designated by state formula — but HAZLET - The Board of Education was notified yes- said he will make some recommendations himself, "but we The meeting, he said, lasted approximately five hours and in extension for budget preparation and public vote will en- terday that $383,00) of the 1*0,001 cut from the district's 1075- will have to ace If this is going to be appealed by the Town- involved a discussion of auditing practices of the school dis- able the board to determine if it will appeal the cap. 78 budget was restored by the state commissioner of educa- ship Committee. trict "It was probably the first time the two bodies (school Some extra curncular offerings of the past, such as driv- tion. "They have 30 days to appeal," he continued. "If they don't and township officials) were able to do something in a friend- ers education, have been eliminated from the coming school Eugne A. Konopackl, board secretary-business adminis- appeal the board can go ahead with restoration." ly tone. We were finally able to talk to each other without year budget, she said, because of lack of funds. trator .announced that he was notified in a letter from Fred G. On the other hand, he said, "If the Township Committee ap- going at each others throats." Mr Konopacki said The postponement of school board election will open the Burke, state commissioner of education, that all but f 100,000 peals, this money goes into limbo until the appeal is decided. Mrs Janet Kay, board president, said board members ballot for additional school board filings. of the fund! cut by the Township Committee early last year This will hurt the programs in the district for the balance ol have been preparing the 1978-77 school budget, and until yes- Thus, Mr Konopacki did not conduct a drawing for ballot was restored after appeal by the school board. the year. terday's decision by the State Legislature to postpone region- positions. Mr. Konopackl said Mr. Burke has directed the county "The quicker we get this restored, the quicker we can al and regular school board elections from February to Board members agreed unanimously to withdraw from Board of Taxation to restore |3U,000 for current expenses in make decisions as to how the money will be used in this March, board members had planned to present it for tentative the county audio visual program ^y—^~~s the ll75-7« budget of 17,782,7(13. school year," Mr. Konopackl said adoption Jan. 13 - See Bidget, page ! Tax bill fails in Assembly; state workers in fsick'-out' By THOMAS G. DONLAN would not,be paid for the day they would try to raise bus and rail lines because of sed himself and would accept they missed unless they could through, budget transfers, the defeat. paying the raises through TRENTON (AP) -Two prove illness without a tax increase. Only the 112 million for budget transfers. If the legis- unions that called a sick out The Assembly's 21-35 vole state workers' raises agreed lature enacts them. said they would send their yesterday on the cigarette tax to last fall by several unions The defeat of the rest of the A spokesman (or Byme said members back to work today, increase scuttled a $36.5 mil- and the state was left alive supplemental appropriation the governor made "no com- despite the refusal of the As- lion proposal to add to stale (or possible action by the Sen- means there is nothing to slop mitments in advance." sembly to pass * five-cent spending In the current fiscal further cuts in Medicald ser- ate and Assembly on cigarette tax increase that year. vices from going into effect Thursday. Prison guards and some would hive paid for the work- Legislative leaders said last Jan 18 Transportation De- Assembly leaders said after workers at state hospitals ers' raises night they would give up on partment officials plan new a meeting with Gov. Brendan called in sick yesterday in a The legislature scheduled the package, except for 112 fare Increases and service T. Byrne following the vole job action designed to pros another meeting (or million for pay raises that cuts on the state's subsidized that the governor had rever- See Tax Mil. page 1 Thursday, billed as a last at- tempt to meet the "emer- gency," sparked by the threat of bigger unions to strike next week. 10 are indicted on charges The atate prepared court papers to seek an injunction against the job action, ac- cording lo a spokesman (or Gov. Brendan T. Byrne. The of fraud in manpower jobs spokesman also said the sev- DEMONSTRATE FOR PAY RAISES - Prison guard* picket outside Tren- eral thousand prison guards, By WILLIAM J ZAORSK1 and the (ollowing Brielle resi- Sharon Kierner ol Shore counts of aiding and abetting ton State Prison yesterday. About 430 of 530 prison guards staged o 'sick- maintenance men and hospi- dents who were enrolled in Drive. others in obtaining money un- out' in an attempt to get the legislature to Increase their salaries. tal workers who called in sick FREEHOLD - A former Manpower programs at the The indictment was among der false pretenses by alle- summer counselor and nine time: those handed up to Superior gedly signing his name as su- enrollees of the Monmouth Jon Hoenge, 20, of School Court Judge Merntt Lane Jr.. pervisor on lime sheets of six County Manpower Program House Road; Charles Farrell. - county assignment judge. program enrollees — whs also were charged In a 42-count in- 42, nl Woodland Ave.. who Vaught is charged with ob were Indicted — during the Political tempo quickening dictment with cheating the was employed by Briell* is a talning a total of $4(3(4by al- (all and winter of 1174 and tht program of $13,(41 07 by alle maintenance man; Karen legedly representing to the fall of 1975. gedly submitting false time Morton, IB, of Glen Wall county he worked (or the Hoenge is charged with 10 sheets. Apartments, and Linda Manpower Program on vari- counts of aiding and abetting Eight of the 10 codefen- Young of Park Ave. ous days last July and August eight codefendants in obtain- with Reagan, Ford active dants are charged with ob- Also, Patricia Hcnshaw of and had . curred various ex- ing money under false pre- tenses by either signing his U1A L- I I • I 1 •_-!_ _i___l_l__ I - A _ ft • m . taining money under false Gull Lane; Theodore Lewis of penses, but in (act had By DAVE RILEV |M billion In federal social service programs to the states, but pretenses from the Manpower Lyman'Ave.; Tanya Bridges, worked as a Brielle police of- name or signing the names of Associated Press Writer he said he did not intend for the program to force states to Program by falsely reporting no address available; Francis ficer on those days. Manpower supervisors to enact new taxes. that they worked for the pro- Fleming of Agnes Ave and He is also charged with six their time sheets. He also Is While President Ford defended his farm policies in St. Reagan called his plan "not a budgetary proposal, but one gram, but allegedly had not charged with eight counts of Illlllllllll IIIHIII IIIIIIIIMIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIUIIIIHIIIIII Louis, former California Gov. Ronald Reagan toured frigid for transfer of control, authority and responsibility ..." He in 1974 and in 1175. forgery when he allegedly New Hampshire by bus and had the voters of the earliest pri- said critics of the plan had misinterpreted it. Two of the 10 were charged signed the names of the su- mary state all lo himself on the first day of the 1978 political "The people through their state and local governments with either signing iheir pervisors. would and should decide If they want lo expand, modify, names as supervisors or sign State postpones Reagan launched his campaign for the Republican presi- change or replace these programs and how best to do so." Farrell Is charged with ob- ing the names ol Manpower taining $988 56 under false dential nomination yesterday and was the only announced Reagan said. But he avoided saying how state programs repl- supervisors, Helene Zilai and presidential candidate meeting voters in the state, which acing the federal programs would be financed. pretenses between June It Francis J. Rudavsky, on lime and Sept. 28 by falsely repre- ho,ds the nation's first primary balloting on Feb. 24. Reagan made the proposal in a speech three months ago, sheets for nine codelendants school elections Few of the 10 candidates (or the Democratic presidential suggesting that programs such as welfare, education, health senting he worked (or the The 10 are also charged TRENTON (AP) — Gov. Brendan T. Byrne yesterday Manpower Program when al- nomination were on the road yesterday. Ford spent the day in and food stamps be transferred to the states, allowing the fed- with conspiracy lo defraud signed legislation lo postpone local school board elections by • St. Louis where he spoke to an American Farm Bureau Fed- eral budget to be cut. legedly he worked as a full- the county program by ob- a month, hours after the bill received final legislative passage time employe for Brielle eration audience.
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