No 23 (2018) Р.3 The scientific heritage (Budapest, Hungary) The journal is registered and published in Hungary. The journal publishes scientific studies, reports and reports about achievements in different scientific fields. Journal is published in English, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, German and French. Articles are accepted each month. Frequency: 12 issues per year. Format - A4 ISSN 9215 — 0365 All articles are reviewed Free access to the electronic version of journal Edition of journal does not carry responsibility for the materials published in a journal. Sending the article to the editorial the author confirms it’s uniqueness and takes full responsibility for possible consequences for breaking copyright laws Chief editor: Biro Krisztian Managing editor: Khavash Bernat Gridchina Olga - Ph.D., Head of the Department of Industrial Management and Logistics (Moscow, Russian Federation) Singula Aleksandra - Professor, Department of Organization and Management at the University of Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia) Bogdanov Dmitrij - Ph.D., candidate of pedagogical sciences, managing the laboratory (Kiev, Ukraine) Chukurov Valeriy - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Minsk, Republic of Belarus) Torok Dezso - Doctor of Chemistry, professor, Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry (Budapest, Hungary) Filipiak Pawel - doctor of political sciences, pro-rector on a management by a property complex and to the public relations (Gdansk, Poland) Flater Karl - Doctor of legal sciences, managing the department of theory and history of the state and legal (Koln, Germany) Yakushev Vasiliy - Candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor of department of higher mathematics (Moscow, Russian Federation) Bence Orban - Doctor of sociological sciences, professor of department of philosophy of religion and religious studies (Miskolc, Hungary) Feld Ella - Doctor of historical sciences, managing the department of historical informatics, scientific leader of Center of economic history historical faculty (Dresden, Germany) Owczarek Zbigniew - Doctor of philological sciences (Warsaw, Poland) Shashkov Oleg - Сandidate of economic sciences, associate professor of department (St. Peters- burg, Russian Federation) «The scientific heritage» Editorial board address: Budapest, Kossuth Lajos utca 84,1204 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.tsh-journal.com CONTENT CULTUROLOGY Moysey A.A., Roman L.A. THE PARTICULARITIES OF CELEBRATION OF GREATEST RELIGION HOLIDAYS IN UKRAINE ..................................................................... 3 HISTORICAL SCIENCES Sliusarenko A.V. BECOMING, TRANSFORMATION AND CURRENT STATE OF THE SPECIAL FORCES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (1987 - 2014) ............................................. 5 JURIDICAL SCIENCES Rubtsova M.V. THE SPECIFICITY OF VIOLATIONS OF THE LEGISLATION ON THE SAFETY OF AIR TRANSPORT, IDENTIFY THE TRANSPORT PROSECUTORS ....... 12 PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES Binetskyi D.O. Lai Xiao qian CRITERIA OF EDUCATION OF YOUNGER STUDENTS SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO THE FORMATION OF STRIVING FOR INDEPENDENCE IN THE PROCESS OF CULTURE OF INTERPERSONAL CREATIVE SPORTS – GAMING ACTIVITIES ............................. 17 INTERACTION OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF MUSIC ART .............................................................................. 35 Vakhnova A. INFLUENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ON Mychka I.V. ADAPTIVE AND FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES OF THE BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE THE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS BODY .................. 21 STUDENTS’ STRENGTH QUALITIES IN THE PROCESS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION .................. 39 Kasich N.P. THE BASIS OF DEVELOPMENT OF DEDICATION TO Nazarenko G.A. PURPOSE OF 7th - 9th GRADE STUDENTS IN THE DEMOCRATICIZATION OF SOCIO-CULTURAL PROCESS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPACE OF A GENERAL EDUCATIONAL RECREATION ACTIVITIES ....................................... 26 INSTITUTION IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERNIZATIONAL SOCIAL CHANGES ............. 41 Kovalenko S. INTRODUCTION OF PRACTICAL-ORIENTED FORMS Fedyuk G.Z. AND METHODS OF TRAINING AIMED AT FORMATION OF SELF-EMPLOYED CULTURE OF ASSIMILATION OF AN ACTIVE PROFESSIONAL- TEACHER .................................................................... 45 VALUE POSITION IN THE ISSUES OF LABOR EDUCATION OF STUDENTS OF THE VOCATIONAL Khadzhiev S.M. SCHOOLS AS A PEDAGOGICAL CONDITION OF THE THE INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF STUDENTS' PROCESS IN THE PROCESS OF PROFESSIONAL PROJECT ACTIVITY IN MULTICULTURAL TRAINING OF FUTURE ENGINEERS AND EDUCATION ............................................................... 50 EDUCATORS ............................................................... 29 PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES Gorbachyova I.A., Yansubayeva V.A. Lis Y.V. THE MANIFESTATION OF THE PROSODIC “COMPUTATIONAL” AND ELECTRONIC INTERFERENCE IN THE BILINGUAL STUDENTS’ LITERATURE OF THE 21ST CENTURY ................... 56 SPEECH (ACCENTUATION LEVEL) ........................ 53 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES Koptelova I.E. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ATTRACTIVENESS IN ADOLESCENCE ..................................................... 59 The scientific heritage No 23 (2018) 3 CULTUROLOGY THE PARTICULARITIES OF CELEBRATION OF GREATEST RELIGION HOLIDAYS IN UKRAINE Moysey A.A. Doctor of Historical Science, Professor High State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”, Chernovtsi, Ukraine Roman L.A. PhD in Philology, Candidate High State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovinian State Medical University”, Chernovtsi, Ukraine Abstract The article reveals interesting features of celebration of great religious holidays in Ukraine such as Christmas, Easter and Holy Trinity Day. Particularly illuminated Holy-evening, 12 ritual dishes, which are typical only for the holy supper, the mentioned carols, shchedrivki, the custom to sow on the New Year. Investigated the celebra- tion of the great religious holiday as Easter, customary to paint Easter eggs, to bless Easter paska etc. Also high- lighted interesting moments of celebrating og Holy Trinity Day. Keywords: religion holidays, Christmas, Easter, Holy Trinity Day, celebrations. The best way to know a nation, its character and All Ukrainian customs tied to ancient beliefs, sym- history is to be acquainted with its customs and tradi- bols and images. The New Year, particularly, the New tions. In Ukraine, all of them tightly connected within Year’s Eve, are connected with a rich repertoire of folk Christian holidays because Eastern Orthodox Christi- customs. Their primary purpose was to secure the fam- anity dominates among beliefs of Ukrainians [3]. There ily’s health and happiness. are supporters of both Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox On the eve of January, the 7-th Ukrainians start churches. They mostly live in central and eastern celebrating Christmas. It is the day of Jesus Christ’s Ukraine respectively. In western Ukraine, most people birthday and it is widely celebrated all over Ukraine. support Eastern Catholic or Greek Catholic religion, Christmas is the most important and most interesting which unites Orthodox rites and Catholic rules. religion holiday in Ukraine. The Christmas Eve (Sviat- Ukrainians are traditional nation. It is still very im- Vechir) is also connecting with many magical acts, portant for most people to follow religious customs and which should bring wealth to the family. Among them in a bit less extent national traditions. Otherwise, social are caroling, vertep and Did or didukh. Did or didukh judgement might affect person’s reputation, social sta- is a sheaf of wheat and symbolizes dead family mem- tus and self-confidence. For example, it is almost unac- bers who participate in the eve’s celebration. The reli- ceptable for family not to baptize their child and taking gious festival lasts for three days. The Christmas tree, religious marriages in church are socially obligatory in which was adopt from Western Europe, is today an el- rural areas. ement of the New Year celebration in Ukraine. The As Ukrainian traditions are very old and some of Christmas theme has an important place in Ukrainian them arose in prehistoric times and evolved through the painting, particularly church painting, and in poetry, centuries of Ukrainian history nowadays life of the music, songs (carols) etc. Ukrainian folk as well as holiday’s celebration is often The «holy supper» on Christmas Eve is a meal of accompany with interesting religion customs that have 12 symbolic meat and milk free dishes. These represent passed through the centuries. As a rule, Ukrainian the 12 apostles and contain no meat or dairy, only youth, gladly takes over these traditions, maintaining grains, vegetables and fish [1; 5]. Common dishes in- spiritual continuity with their ancestors. clude pickles, borsch, varenyky, sauerkraut and fried The aim of our investigation is to show the world herring. The order of the dishes and even the dishes of Ukrainian culture, describing the celebration of the themselves are not uniform everywhere, for every re- most greatest Christian religion holidays – Christmas, gion has its own tradition. In the Hutsul region, for ex- Easter, Holy Trinity Day; Christmas carols (“koly- ample, the dishes were served in the following order: beans, fish, boiled potato dumplings (pyrohy or adki” and “shchedrivki”), delicious ritual food such as varenyky), cabbage rolls (holubtsi), kutia, potatoes kutia (sweet grain pudding), Easter cake, even the ex- mashed with garlic, stewed fruit and so on
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