. Ill L . I I " ■ . ■ ■.'■'i'-','’'-■; ■ 'll . I TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1968 The Weathw FACB 8IXTECT Averafs T h S j Net Prsaa Ron Fareeaat a# O. S. WBidlll Bar Ike Week EadeS Aptii s, issa Oeattag Sanight. law be rapraaanted would lOaa Deborah A. Bates Of 23 enter Uito an agreemeiU FOR About Town Tanner Bt. and Mias Kathleen Refuse Group Manchester, but that the bill 14,125 C. Vennart of 70 Weaver Rd. was being submitted to MtnSwr o f «he A«6tt were honored at a tea Thursday antes a district. If the NRDD Cosmetics Baieau a t CXreulndoe 0lanl«y Circle of South MeOi* at Southern Connecticut State Sets Meeting failed for lack of enabling legis­ College. The committee for the Church wW sponeor a rum- lation. ‘ IT'S MW niuveday at B a.m. Superior Student Progrram at Ttie four-town Northeart Ref­ Attembts will be made Thurs­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1965 atOooper Hall. the college sponsored the tea use Disposal District (NRDD), day ulgnt to mollify hurt feel­ VOL. LXXXIvi NO. 169 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) for 60 frsehmen who achieved ings and to patch up differences. consisting of Manchester, Ver­ RadMUian Seaman Appren­ a 3.2 point average out of a pos­ If they fail, thia may be the Uggeits tice Richard L. Getsewich, son sible 4.0. non, South Windsor and Bolton, last meeting fW the fcur towns. «( Mr. and Mra Richard P. Oet- wfll meet si 7:45 p.m. Thurs­ At The Parkadt nearich a t S7l Hartford Rd., is a His Sixth Words: 'I t la fin­ day in the Muidclpal Building MANCHESTER crew member of the dertroyer ished," will be the theme of the Hearing Room to decide Us fu­ Damages Heavy Comsat Satellite U8S Flake while undersoins re­ Ijenten program for senior high fresher training at Ouantanamo on Thursday at 7 a.m. in the ture course of action. Red Jets Firing Cannon In 2-Car Crash Bay, Cuba, the Btake operates chapel of Second Congregation­ The NRDD, a paper organiza­ out of Newport, R X al Church. tion -with no financing powers, Orbiting Earth failed to endbrse le^slation Both vehicles Involved In an Daughten of Civil War Vet­ Mountain Laurel Chapter. which would have granted it accident last night at Center IRAND NEW Utose powers and Its March erans wtil meet tonight at 8 at Sweet Adelines, Ino., will meet and Cooper Sta. were towed meeting was adjourned with the ■ y HOWARD BENEDICTT ^ It wlH appear to hover mo- the home of Mrs. William An­ •niursday at 8 p.m. at the KofC from the scene with extensive drews, 86 School St. district's organization in Jeopar- AF Aerospace Writer Uonless directly over the equa­ Home, 1396 East St., N«w Brit­ damage. One of the motorists, ’65 ain. The tenor section Is re­ dy. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. tor to provide continuous com­ The vote to endorse the legis munications traffic between Buzz Berlin in Display an Ellington resident, was given Robert Burke, son of Mr. and minded to bring costumes for lation, now before the State As­ (AP) — The pioneering Mrs. Joseph Burke, 33 Teresa approval by the costume com­ a court summons as a result of North America and Europe. sembly, failed to pass when five police investigation. Studebaker Early Bird communications The first sateUlte designed for Rd., a senior at Oak Hill School mittee. of Manchester’s six delegates for the Blind, Hartford, will at­ Police say that Eugene Dow satellite raced today toward commercial uee was injected voted "no.” BYancis DellaFera, glewicz, 26, in making » All Models— into on elUpUcal ortrit ranging tend a Key Club convention at Officers of all organizations the town’s sixth delegate, voted an outpost where it is to be­ A i r Lanes Boston, Friday through Sunday. turn from Cooper St. into Cen­ Immediate Delivery from 800 to 22,900 miles. of Zion Evangelical Lutheran with the representatives of the ter St., pulled almost into the come a switchboard for the He is pianist with the Oak Hill Church will attend a Church At Substantial In mld-momlng ’Ihursday, a instrumental combo, which will other three towns for endorse­ path of an automobile ^ t - first public utility spawned Elxtension Fund dinner-meeting ment. Savings ground signal is to Ignite a mo­ HANOI Plagued by compete in a talent contest at tMund on Center St., striking by the space age. tor aboard the craft to rtdft it LBJ to 'niureday at 6:30 p.m. at Beth­ The five local delegates ob­ its right side. The operator of Data from tracking stations the parley. any Lutheran CSiurch, West jected to the bonding clau.se, AS LOW AS Into a circular path In which the second vehicle was Bldwaro around the world showed Early both high and low points would Hartford. which would have given the dis­ L. Dettore, 24, of 9 Lilac St. NORTH Other Planes WUling Workers C bde of Bird is orbiting the earth every be about 22,300 miles. trict autonimous power to fi­ Dowgiewicz is slated to ap­ 67 minutes at altitudes ranging V IIT NAM South Methodist Church will Reynolds Circle of South nance operations up to a $4 mil­ pear at the Manchester session Ground controllers then are to meet Ihuraday at 2 p.m. at the from BOO to 22,680 miles. BERLIN (AP) — Four Methwilst Church will meet lion limit. of Circuit Court 12 on April The U hour and 10 minute fire small gas Jets aboard the On Viet home of Mrs. Qailhrt Carr, SB I Soviet MIG19 jets firing with Wesley and Percy Smith They insisted that financing 19 to answer a charge of failure *1995 orbit Ume was 13 minutes elow- satelUte for a week to nudge It F o ^ r St. gingerly toward Its stationary Circles tomorrow at 8 p.m. at should be permitted only after a to grant the right of way at an ar than had orlginaUy been cal- 1 cannon flew over Berlin to- ^-Cabinet meeting in which he Susaimah Wesley Hall. Mrs. referendum vote In each of the Intersection to a vehicle not eulated. posiUon. By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER I day and other jets harassed British American Chib wlH meet Eau"! Swallow will speak on four member towns. obliged to stop. "R looks very good, very The launching was the firrt AP Special Correspondent declared the United States Allied air corridors as West tonight at 8 at the clubhouse. A “Spanish America." At a public hearing on the pro­ A written warning for failure close to the planned oibit." said venture Into space for Oomsat, WASHINGTON (AP) — would not be second to any c n i u boffet wSl be served after the posed legislation before the to grant the right of way was BOLAHD a business partnership of com- country in seeking an honorable Germany’s Parliament met a spokesman at ths SateUlts President Johnson will de­ meeUng. The bouse oommittee Airman apprentice Richard E. Sisterhood Prepares Items for Auction State Assembly’s CiUes and issued to Stanley Sombric, 58, Control Center In Washington. municaUons interests in 46 na­ peace. He also opened up the lin this old German capital. wUl meet sAer ttie buffet. Giraro Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Boroughs Committee, Reps. of 251 W. Center St., after he "The tracking data we have tions headed by the United liver a major statement of poaslbllity of U.S. economic a.s- The flight of the four Richard E. Giraro of 8 Angel Mrs. Harold Krantz and Mrs. Joseph Kopman, chairmen, are assisted by Mrs. Leonard Steve Oavagnaro and Atty. Paul MOTORS, INC. sistance to a peaceful Southeast reportedly struck an automoblj# now gives a picture that is States. The utility plans to have U.S. policy on the Vietna­ Im IGs at 1,000 feet altitude, St., recently graduated from Seader (left to right) in prepeuing articles for the secMid annual Public Auction, spwisored Groobert, Town Counsel Irving while making 4 left turn from much better than last night. The a global space communications mese war tonight in an ap­ Asia In which Cofnmunist North e m u Aviation Mechanical FUnda by the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom. Scheduled for Thursday at 7 p.m. irf the new Aronson and Chamber of Com­ McKee S t into Center St. yes­ 369 Center St. network In operation In 1967. Viet Nam might share. power display for the engineers feed they have a very parent move to encourage A new element was injected to mentats SchooS at the Naval Air temple, the auction will feature antiques, new and used furniture, jewelry, electrical ap­ merce vice president Bruce terday. This vehicle, traveling go^ orbital picture.” If successful, Early Bird wlM West Parliamentarians, FOR RENT Technical Training Center, 643-4079 the crisis Ia.st Thursday when 8 and 16 mm. Movie Projee- pliances, bric-a-brac and an air conditioner. No clothing will be sold. William Spear Of Mid­ Watkins, all urged defeat of the west on Center St„ was oper­ Nine days of tricky orblt-ehlft- open a new era tn the history of peace efforts by a group of came after members had Men^phis, Tenn. dletown, a pitrfessional auctioneer, will return again this year to conduct the sale. Refresh­ measure. ated by William E. Walsh Jr., communlcatloDs. For the first 17 nonaligned countries. the heads of government of 17 tore—eonnd or snent, aleo ing maneuvers must be accom­ countries, including India, Yu­ assembled in Congress Hall.
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