No S. iforaee Goodin for Let Up in Demand Buys Small Home Buyers H. Cruikshank SURROGATES' NOTICES pressure Being Brought Attractive Muitinroneck Estate lames SURROGATES' NOTICES For Business Active in IN PURSUANCE OF AN Space Brooklyn Takes Another Profit ORDBR OF IN PUR.S'JANCg- OF AN ORDER Of ' S. Horace Goodin, h manufacturer, of Samuel Galitzka and J. Honorable JOHN P. COMALAN, a Burro Labor Lacov have James H. Cruikshank has sold 8 East gate of tho County of »v.- V'ork, NOTICE Honorable John P. Coba Ian, » Surrogat« Stabilization Cincinnati, who luis recently trans¬ sold for Margaret two onts- ts hereby given to all of the County :,i New York, NOTICB t«.*' Concerns Find Lucey, persona having Wage Many Locations a on claims h"r»by given to all per«' ns avlng t ma I'amily houses at 1341 and 110th Street, five-story single flat, »gainst Helen ferred hia business interests to this 1343 East W. Watt», late of againat Grace O'Day Macpheraon, late ttî_ in Loft Ninth Street, Flatbush. a lot between Fifth and tho County of Now York, decreased, to pre¬ Building*; (tarage city, has tho 10.6x100.11, sent the same with voucher« tn« County of N"W Yo'k. dw^iwi, to pré¬ purchased Domniira, Tho Realty Trust has sold for the the thereof sent the same with voucher« thereof to. in in Avenue B Leased property of M. Sergey at Arten Madison avenues. subscribers, at their place of trans- th«1 subscriber«, at tin lr place ot tiansrtct- Building Circles That if Friede, Realty Corporation two one- _.- acting bualness, at the office of Loula H biisiii'sB at tiie of Mu- Relief Agreement on their Ing office Mesara. The Cross & Brown Co. has leased Oriental Point, Mamaroncck, N. family dwellings the north side of Porter, attorney, at No. CO Broa«) ray, Prentice * How'.an.:. ti 'ir attorney.*». Y., West St., in tho Borough of in Can Be Reached for ten an Forty-fourth Street, between Fifteenth Side Garage Leased of Manhattan, thy »t No. 37 Wall Street. !n to« Borough of Construction the West Motor Company the build¬ comprising acres, with attrac¬ and City New York, Statu of New York, Man' aitan. In the ' Now York. Staf« Resumption tive Sixteenth Avenues, Mapleton to on or before the City ing on the cast side of dwelling, greenhouses and out¬ 1541 With Option Buy 30th day of Januaiy, 1920, of ,\vw v'ork. on or bei the 20th day oí Avenue B, be¬ The Park; to Rosie Lisa and löT^ to A. next. November. 1919. next. tyill Be Soon Started at Full tween buildings. purchase price is said Louis Schif. Albert N. Atchinson has leaned the Dated Ne?? the Force Nineteenth and Twentieth to be inoro than $100.000. four-story on lot 6x100, at 235 York, 11th day of July, Dated, New York, tho Stli dav of Mar.-- The Meister Builders have sold to and 237 garage, 1919. J919. streets, to the Eastern Garage for a Mr. (ïoodin is to spend upward of an West Fiftieth Street, between JOHN AVALTBR AVOOD, EDWIN ALLAN MACPHËR90N $50,000 investor the three-story apartment CAROLINE TUB is bciiip hroupht to the issue term of years; the store at the north¬ for alterations. William Ncw- on Broadway and Seventh Avenue, from H. TERRY, EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY Ójf ." Strong pressure to a point' it. is more than bery, of the Country Brokers house, plot 25x100, at 189 Eighth Oscar T. lease is for five HENRY YV. CREEN. NlfW YUPK, tho entire Eastern building ikely that considerable j east corner of Street ami Bureau, Street. at Mackay. The Kxsjcutors. Administrator». bear upon impetus will Sixty-sixth ¡ represented both tho buyer and seller years an annual rental of $(5,500, LOUTS H. M1 RRAY. PRENTICE & HOWLA It» to reach a basis >ie given to the Bronx house to the ¦nth to PORTER, Attorney for Bx- instruction industry building Broadway Story Rubber Corpor- in the transaction. option purchaae for $125,000. ecutora. Office, and P. O Add rea«, '0 attorneys for admlnist -atora. Office boom, because the organized employers ation; the entiro sixth floor at (18 Hunt- Broad Street, of end P. U. addi'-U" 37 Wall Streot.-- between labor and em¬ are more Developers Plan Homes Borough Manhattan,.' of of agreement concerned with the hiß com¬ era Point Avenue, Long Island City, to Sixty New York City. Borough Manhattan. New York" so that construction, now that mercial operations in this and other Harrison 11. and Paul j Sells House For to Cost Get Suites in East City. ployer» cities. Boyec L. Veedee; Neppcrhan Edgemere $400,000 and ARTHUR prices are practically stabil¬ the second loft at 506 Fifth to Robert E. STURGE9. PBMBBRTON.IN .TN material Index to the Avenue Farley Organization has A syndicate composed of Isidore Wit- West Side pursuance of an order of Honorable ALTSHELER, JOSEPH A prr.M... with some semblance figures pointing high Kardos & Co. sold for Watson «fe Bremmcr their Apartments John P. a of thi> anee of an order of Honorable John 1* ized, may proceed cost of show kind, Philip Horwitz, Nathan Siegel and L. Cohalan, Surrogate a Surrogate "The Dow Service living that July costs wore E. K. Van Winkle has rented the fol- house on Morningside Road, in the Louis B. Douglas Elliman & Co, havo leased i'ounty of New York, NOTICE is hereby ohalau, of «he «'ounty o' of freedom, says higher than those of but Brotlsky purchased the Phillips to all perooim claims New York. NOTICE is hereby given t-, a'f June, that furnished 81 Nepperhnn Heights section of Yonk- at apartments at 471 given having agalnat v Building Reports" to-day. general costs were much for the lowing apartments: At homestead, Edgemere, L. I., consist¬ Park Avenue to Arthur Pcmberton Sturgeg, late of the persons bavlrtg claim« againsl Joseph rjjjly higher Gramercy Park to ,1. K. at ers, lo Mrs. Emma F. Smith, of New of over 100 on Reís; at 116 of New York, Altahefcr, late ai the County same months last year. Paulding,; ing lots, Bay Avenue,!¡Julius East County deceased, to present York, deceased, t.. th. Severs! important economía factors Economista .141 West Seventieth Street to Frank York City. the ocean, Beach and Street for Mrs. E. M. Fifty-eighth the same with vouchers thereof to the present studying the factors entering into the Twenty-eighth Treat to Mrs subscribers, at their of vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, ..'. .'i\ are operating to stimulate building cost of U. Seavcr; at 255 West Eighty-fourth Twenty-ninth streets. Juliet Carleton, and at 10 East Kixtv- placo transacting place of tranaact4ng business, at the oftlc« living and cost of constrnction to business, at the offloe of the Guaranty of A- now. In the start of Street George Maurice, and unfur at The purchasers will the first Street for W. T. Middleton to Dr Trust Company of New at No. Murray, Prentice Howland, its a'- construction fact, buildings concur in the belief that nished at McNulIy Buys Scarsdale improve S. York, 140 torneve, nt No. 7 \\.,i| Str« t, tn th-«". the level has apartments 50 W<*<t Seventy- property with sixty two-story dwell¬ A. Clarke and Dr. Dudley ¿. Stet- Broadwav, in the Borough of Manhattan, of th. has been made. New York high been touched or is sixth to The Scarsdale Estates In the of New York. State of Borough Manhattan, In Ity of 7s already Street Mrs. A. and Miss C. Organization, ings, with private garages, and also a Bon. City New State of New on ; b >re almost within touching distance. The Robert E. on or before tho 10th of York, York, th«. mason material dealers, compiling their best minds Reed; at 285 Central Park West to Farley, president, has sold bathing pavilion. The approximate cost Douglas L. Elliman & Co. York, day Pob- «1st day of January next. in the building material for Mrs. A. Graban her on have 'ruarv. 1920, next. Dated. New York, the 17'h <l*v for actual movement of ma¬ William M. Pratt; at. 285 Central Park Mary house is $400,000. leased the parlor store at 24 East Dated, New York, the 20th day of of July, reports producing and distributing markets to Cooper Road, in the Hill sec¬ July. 1919. their to actual admit that the has West Thomas S. Kelly; at 285 Cen¬ Murray Forty-ninth Street to Bjerken & Eten, 1919. THE EQUITABLBnTRUST C< 51- terials from yards top been reached tral Park West to M. tion of Scarsdale, to George V. Mc- furriers, and the floor at 20 FORD HUNTINGTON. except, in so far as the cost of labor Mme. Matzo- of parlor East TRUST PANJJ OF NKW YORK operations in July, will show at Nally, this city. Resident Invests Street to GUARANTY »COMBAN V i building ascends and, also the im¬ nauer; 36 Gramercy Park to Mrs. A. Flushing Forty-eighth Henri Oraux, OF NEW YORK. Executor: of more than 47 per cent in perhaps, T. Slosson and at 36 Park to hairdresser; the second and third floors MURRAY. PRENTICE *. HOWLAND. a gain pending advances in freight rates, Gramercy In Flushing Home Executor?. Attorneys tor Executor, Office an.l P. over June, and which is not Dr. William Dennett. Estate at Mount at 24 East Forty-ninth Street to Mme. ALEXANDER & GREEN. Attorneys for O. Address, 37 Wall volume approximately generally considered an Buys Vernon Joseph Zoufaly has sold his home Marta Executors, 120 Broadway. of Street. Borough over the best month important factor in its relation to the Charles F.
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