• _J..,~ .. All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes F1orne of the News Entered as second Class Matter at _.00 Per Year VOL. 27 - No. 48 The Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POJNTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 1', 1966 IOc Per Copy ,,28 Pages - Two S"ctions - Section On. ------------------------4 I IIEADLINES Seven Went to GPMotion Picture Neighborhood of the .l E Club Starts WEEK CDUnCl xpresses New Building As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News I 0,'pinions of Cod~, $300,000 Structure To Re.. _________ ....J/ 'v place Former Heedquar .. Thursday. November 24 ters On Waterloo A $1.1 BILLION CUTBACK I ------ I C' in the federally aided highway Compiles Open, Letter to Focus Attention of Residents n Ity program has been ordered by On Shortcomings of Regulations Imposed Ground breakt'ng for the President Johnson. This amounts BY_F"'I m ~ucE._rsP d new Net'ghborhood Club to a 25 percent cutback. This --- --- reduction for the current fisca'i The Grosse Pointe Motion Picture and Television building in Waterloo ave. year is part of the President's Council has compiled an Open Letter to all residents of nue between Neff and St. program to cut at least $3 bil. The Pointe, expressing its views on the adoption of a Clair, was held at 9:30 lion from funJs appropriated new movi6 code. The letter in full follows. Tuesday morning, Novem- by Cor.bress. The reduction is :II II< "'~. ber 29. The ceremony was zxpected to affect every state tt d d b C ff' . I in the nation. The Motion Pkture Producers f. a en e y ity 0 lela s, • • '" Asso:iation has adopted a new Vauda 1sRaid the Board of Trustees of SECRETARY OF DEFENSE mOVlecode. Great, you say. - I , the Neighborhood Club as Robert S. McNamara announced now perhaps we'll be able to D T well as the volunteers and that he expects a new military take the family to the mwrle:;, t,.,O members of the board o~ again. Not necessarily ,so! True', I amage manpower cut of about 300,000 Police described an accident on East Jefferson sengers in one car and the driver and lone occupant the MPPA is one of the few in-I P k H the Thrift Shop. less than last year's 900,000: avenue between Fisher and Lincoln roads, last Friday of the other, that causE~d the collision, were taken to dustries to incorporate self'im-I ar 0mes Land given to the Npighbor. This will apply to both draft- night, as "the messiest" they had even seen. These Bon Secours Hospital, wpere four of them are still posed regulations, but, we fear, hood Club in IS41 by the late ees and enlistments. He said are the cars that figured in the accident. Six pas- patients. with ulterior motives. It'is eVi-I' C W--0 . Dexter M, Ferry Jr., and until that we were reaching a level- , dent that, for the most part, au~e. ant.o~ estruchon now used as a parking lot, is ing.off point. I this new code's primary pur. In Llvmg, Dmlng Roooms the site of the new building. It is scheduled to open in the win- THE FEDERAL'"· · GOVERN- Seven Hur t New H-19h SChIP00 ro]ec· t Chorus G.J,v,es pose is tQ forestall legislation And Kitchens ter of 1967 and will take the MENT voiced official approval th ...t would certainly put tighter place of the former clubhouse of the auto indU6try prices. It In Jefferson Pretty Close to ScheduIe Yule CORee'rt films.limits Aton least,the itdistributionappears thatof The p erson ,or p ersons, VIh'ICh St00d across the str eel. said that the new 1967 models " the producers, are aware of who broke into the resi- David E. Burgess, Mayor of justifieQ an average $55-a.car 3 C C h PTA C I I d Th· S da grassroots movements seeking dence of Ira Latimer, 1346 the Cit.y of Gros;;e Pointe, com- increa3e because of built - in • ar ras ounci Is nforme IS 'un Y more meaningful movies than Kensington, did not take a mented: "When the Neighbor- safety features. Taken as a have been available. thing, although every room hood Club was forced to move, whole, the prices of 1967 autos it carried on its recreational are only approximately two. Head-On Collision Follows Discussion On Middle, School And Showing Of Film- To Present Christmas Pro- Examination of the code reo in the house haa been com- activities in the school~ and tenths of one percent higher Sideswiping', Four Of t' P d d A Co II AI F I P n A d' veals that it is far from ade. pletely ransackect, but the churches and realized the need than 1966 mode'ls after allow. s rIp ro uce t rne so eature gram n arce s u 1- quate. They announce that some culprit did leave a trail of of a central club house for our ance for quality changes. Injured Still In Bon Second Meeting Of Group torium 3:30 O'clock films will now be labeled, "Sug- wanton destruction, accord- teen youth. I am delighted that • • '" Secours Hospital --------- gested for Mature Audiences." ing to Park Police Chief now the City of Grosse Pointe FridaYt November 25 The second meeting of the Grosse Pointe PTA Coun- The Grosse Pointe Com- If the advertising space is limit- Arthur Louwers. will have a Center comparable SIX HOURS after he was: Seven persons were taken cil of the 1966-1967 school year was held Monday eve. munity Chorus will start ed, it may be designated only A neigh,bor of the LHtimer to those in other communities." knocked unc~)Dscious and taken Ito Bon Secours Hospital ning, November 28. Chaired by president Charles Par- the Christmas season Sun- as "SMA." Actually this means fami,ly called police at 11:15 .Contemporary Structure to a .Lake Ene. cottage a;-.d held 'I with injuries on Friday, cells, the session was scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Exhi- day afternoon, December 4, little or nothing. How this clas- p.m. on Tuesilay, November 22, I SInce the sale of the old dl!b. captIve, a WIDd~or teen _ager November 25 fol1o'~ing &n bition Room of the Central l.ibrary. at 3:30 o'clock with its 14th sification is determined, is not to re-port that a rear door had house and play field to the escaped from a kIdnaper Thur"'-j'd '.'. .',>----- . A ' "spelled out. The code is rampant been found open. Pol , um't Board of Education, Mrs. James day. Ian Berks, 17, son of Dr.., ac ~t en t th at Clt y P0IIce, Main topics of discussion were~ nnual Christmas Progra, m Wle'th h d"gmg gr.ammar, such as crews were di""""t~~~ ....to in. F.. McClelland Jr, and the Build- and Mrs. Gerald Berks of 3510 r saId was one of the worst a progress report on the con. the beginning of the 1968-196l' in the. auditorium of Par- "undue ... excessive .. : with h<'JlO>t d "tr Ul~ mg Committee have been work- Oullette, freed himself from his \they'd ever seen. struction of Grosse Pointe High sch':lol year would find full- cells Junior High Sehool, restraint." Interpretation is left veS~<6"e, a~ ~y nvere<i ing ()n drawings with the archi- ,: hil th bd t Th'd t' l' th School No~ a.nd'-the- develop- '~IOWD."niliIqIe sch.ools, in oper-, Ma,:,,',~'at, VIhOft.ftP.-. 'to, to-the, Administrator of the ,code .th~t entry Into the house was teet, A. O. Schnu'dt. ' bonos wee a uc or was e aCCl en ,tnvo~vmg ree f th ddl h I h ~ .... u..~., . gamed b br"""'1...l_ ... tb If. i' d' . ment 0 e ml e sc 00 con- atlon ere. He .stressed the fact .'D;"'ec'.;"~L • Rich"rd Johns, ac~ who 'is the judge 'y ~ e g ass <> Plans call for a contemporary res t ng In an a JOInIng room. I ears, occurred at 7:45 p.m. cept for grades 6, 7, and 8. that the transition from' the ..... Wit,' ,the rear porc'" and by brf~aking Charged with Berk's <!!>ductiCJn'when Louis Moyaert of 23223 companist Jerry Hughes and the ", Doesn t Halt Releases .the ki,tchen window glass, styled building containing two . IS' I 20 f 351 Joe Spagnoli, Assistant Super- junior high school concept to h b t th t b ff d I t' was Dante DIve y, ,0 0 ,Robert John St. Clair Shores h h committees have arranged a J, e es a can. eto e:e 1Jllvestiglating officers sa i d arge recrea 1011 rooms, each 40 Maissoneuve, a Windsor la. I'lost control 0' f I.I'S car and hI't' intendent-Administrative Servo t e middle sc 001 will require . th ro enforce th code u, WIth by 60 feet 1 bb ff' d r ices of The Grosse Pointe Pub. a period of thougbful transition program of mteresl. to e en- e IS "" - every room in the house h.ad ' a 0 y, 0 Ices an borer. He was held pending a another driven by Lena Cra- . 1" II tire family with numbers rang- hold the MPP~ code .seal of ap- beei'l ransacked, and consider- the Thrift Shop. psychiatric examination. II parotta, 1025 B--lfour.
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