This list contains citations of the GAP system in scientific works. It has been obtained from author’s notices and searches in scientific citation databases including MathSciNet, for which we acknowledge the American Mathematical Society. Published work which cites GAP [1] M. Abas and T. Vetr´ık. Metric dimension of Cayley digraphs of split metacyclic groups. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 809:61–72, 2020. [2] A. Abbas, A. Assi, and P. A. Garc´ıa-S´anchez. Canonical bases of modules over one di- mensional K-algebras. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas F´ıs. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM, 113(2):1121–1139, 2019. [3] I. Abdeljaouad. Calculation of primitive invariants of finite groups. RAIRO-INF THEOR APPL, 33(1):59–77, 1999. [4] A. Abdolghafourian and M. A. Iranmanesh. Divisibility graph for symmetric and alternating groups. Comm. Algebra, 43(7):2852–2862, 2015. [5] A. Abdolghafourian, M. A. Iranmanesh, and A. C. Niemeyer. The divisibility graph of finite groups of Lie type. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 221(10):2482–2493, 2017. [6] A. Abdollahi. Some Engel conditions on finite subsets of certain groups. Houston J. Math., 27(3):511–522, 2001. [7] A. Abdollahi. Engel graph associated with a group. J. Algebra, 318(2):680–691, 2007. [8] A. Abdollahi. Commuting graphs of full matrix rings over finite fields. Linear Algebra Appl., 428(11-12):2947–2954, 2008. [9] A. Abdollahi. Cohomologically trivial modules over finite groups of prime power order. J. Algebra, 342:154–160, 2011. [10] A. Abdollahi. Non-solvable groups generated by involutions in which every involution is left 2-Engel. J. Group Theory, 18(1):111–114, 2015. [11] A. Abdollahi, M. Ahmadi, and S. M. Ghoraishi. Finite p-groups with the least number of outer p-automorphisms. J. Algebra Appl., 16(6):1750111, 12, 2017. [12] A. Abdollahi, F. Ashraf, and S. M. Shaker. The symmetric group of degree six can be covered by 13 and no fewer proper subgroups. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2), 30(1):57–58, 2007. [13] A. Abdollahi, M. J. Ataei, and A. M. Hassanabadi. Minimal blocking sets in PG(n, 2) and covering groups by subgroups. Comm. Algebra, 36(2):365–380, 2008. [14] A. Abdollahi, M. J. Ataei, S. M. Jafarian Amiri, and A. M. Hassanabadi. Groups with a maximal irredundant 6-cover. Comm. Algebra, 33(9):3225–3238, 2005. 1 [15] A. Abdollahi, A. Azad, A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, and M. Zarrin. On the clique numbers of non-commuting graphs of certain groups. Algebra Colloq., 17(4):611–620, 2010. [16] A. Abdollahi, R. Brandl, and A. Tortora. Groups generated by a finite Engel set. J. Algebra, 347:53–59, 2011. [17] A. Abdollahi, B. Daoud, M. Farrokhi D. G., and Y. Guerboussa. Groups of prime generalized exponent. Internat. J. Algebra Comput., 27(7):849–862, 2017. [18] A. Abdollahi, A. Faghihi, and A. M. Hassanabadi. Minimal number of generators and minimum order of a non-abelian group whose elements commute with their endomorphic images. Comm. Algebra, 36(5):1976–1987, 2008. [19] A. Abdollahi, A. Faghihi, S. A. Linton, and E. A. O’Brien. Finite 3-groups of class 3 whose elements commute with their automorphic images. Arch. Math. (Basel), 95(1):1–7, 2010. [20] A. Abdollahi, A. Faghihi, and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi. 3-generator groups who- se elements commute with their endomorphic images are abelian. Comm. Algebra, 36(10):3783–3791, 2008. [21] A. Abdollahi, M. Guedri, and Y. Guerboussa. Non-triviality of Tate cohomology for certain classes of finite p-groups. Comm. Algebra, 45(12):5188–5192, 2017. [22] A. Abdollahi and A. M. Hassanabadi. 3-rewritable nilpotent 2-groups of class 2. Comm. Algebra, 33(5):1417–1425, 2005. [23] A. Abdollahi and A. M. Hassanabadi. Non-cyclic graph associated with a group. J. Algebra Appl., 8(2):243–257, 2009. [24] A. Abdollahi and F. Jafari. Zero divisor and unit elements with supports of size 4 in group algebras of torsion-free groups. Comm. Algebra, 47(1):424–449, 2019. [25] A. Abdollahi and F. Jafari. Cardinality of product sets in torsion-free groups and applications in group algebras. J. Algebra Appl., 19(4):2050079, 24, 2020. [26] A. Abdollahi and S. M. Jafarian Amiri. On groups with an irredundant 7-cover. J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 209(2):291–300, 2007. [27] A. Abdollahi, S. M. Jafarian Amiri, and A. M. Hassanabadi. Groups with specific number of centralizers. Houston J. Math., 33(1):43–57, 2007. [28] A. Abdollahi, S. Janbaz, and M. Jazaeri. Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs are determined by their spectra. J. Algebra Appl., 15(9):1650175, 15, 2016. [29] A. Abdollahi and M. Jazaeri. Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs are integral. European J. Combin., 38:102–109, 2014. [30] A. Abdollahi and H. Khosravi. On the right and left 4-Engel elements. Comm. Algebra, 38(3):933–943, 2010. [31] A. Abdollahi and H. Khosravi. Right 4-Engel elements of a group. J. Algebra Appl., 9(5):763–769, 2010. 2 [32] A. Abdollahi and N. Rahmani. Automorphism groups of 2-groups of coclass at most 3. Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 43(3):2313–2320, 2020. [33] A. Abdollahi and Z. Taheri. Zero divisors and units with small supports in group algebras of torsion-free groups. Comm. Algebra, 46(2):887–925, 2018. [34] A. Abdollahi, E. R. van Dam, and M. Jazaeri. Distance-regular Cayley graphs with least eigenvalue −2. Des. Codes Cryptogr., 84(1-2):73–85, 2017. [35] A. Abdollahi and E. Vatandoost. Which Cayley graphs are integral? Electron. J. Combin., 16(1):Research Paper 122, 17, 2009. [36] A. Abdollahi and M. Zallaghi. Character sums for Cayley graphs. Comm. Algebra, 43(12):5159–5167, 2015. [37] A. Abdollahi and M. Zallaghi. Non-abelian finite groups whose character sums are invariant but are not Cayley isomorphism. J. Algebra Appl., 18(1):1950013, 15, 2019. [38] A. Abdollahi and M. Zarrin. Non-nilpotent graph of a group. Comm. Algebra, 38(12):4390–4403, 2010. [39] H. Abdolzadeh and B. Eick. On efficient presentations for infinite sequences of 2-groups with fixed coclass. Algebra Colloq., 20(4):561–572, 2013. [40] A. A. Abduh. On the representations of subgroups of the Janko sporadic simple group J1. Far East J. Math. Sci. (FJMS), 2(6):963–971, 2000. [41] R. J. R. Abel, D. Combe, A. M. Nelson, and W. D. Palmer. GBRDs over supersolvable groups and solvable groups of order prime to 3. Des. Codes Cryptogr., 69(2):189–201, 2013. [42] R. J. R. Abel, D. Combe, A. M. Nelson, and W. D. Palmer. Block designs signed over groups of order 2n3m. Discrete Math., 340(12):2925–2940, 2017. [43] M. Aboras and P. Vojtˇechovsk´y.Automorphisms of dihedral-like automorphic loops. Comm. Algebra, 44(2):613–627, 2016. [44] N. H. Abu-Ghazalh. Finiteness conditions for unions of semigroups. PhD thesis, University of St Andrews, 2013. [45] O. A. AbuGhneim. On nonabelian McFarland difference sets. In Proceedings of the Thirty- Fifth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Compu- ting, volume 168, page 159–175, 2004. [46] O. A. Abughneim. Nonabelian McFarland and Menon-Hadamard difference sets. ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, 2005. Thesis (Ph.D.)–Central Michigan University. [47] O. A. AbuGhneim. All (64, 28, 12) difference sets and related structures. Ars Combin., 125:271–285, 2016. [48] N. Adamenko and I. Velichko. The investigation of some topologies on finite sets. Appl. Sci., 8(1):8–12, 2006. 3 [49] E. Adan-Bante and J. M. Harris. On similar matrices and their products. Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (3), 17(2):117–126, 2011. [50] S. R. Adhami and A. Iranmanesh. On sharp characters of type {−1, 3} or {−3, 1}. J. Algebra Appl., 16(1):1750004, 10, 2017. [51] K. A. Adiprasito, B. Benedetti, and F. H. Lutz. Extremal examples of collapsible complexes and random discrete Morse theory. Discrete Comput. Geom., 57(4):824–853, 2017. [52] A. Adler. The Mathieu group M11 and the modular curve X(11). Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 74(1):1–28, 1997. [53] N. Adrianov. Primitive monodromy groups of rational functions with one multiple pole. Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI), 446(Kombinatorika i Teoriya Grafov. V):12–30, 2016. [54] M. Afkhami, M. Farrokhi D. G., and K. Khashyarmanesh. Planar, toroidal, and projective commuting and noncommuting graphs. Comm. Algebra, 43(7):2964–2970, 2015. [55] A. Aguglia and A. Bonisoli. On the non-existence of a projective plane of order 15 with an A4-invariant oval. Discrete Math., 288(1-3):1–7, 2004. [56] A. Aguglia and L. Giuzzi. Orthogonal arrays from Hermitian varieties. Innov. Incidence Geom., 5:129–144, 2007. [57] A. Aguglia and L. Giuzzi. An algorithm for constructing some maximal arcs in PG(2, q2). Results Math., 52(1-2):17–33, 2008. [58] A. Aguglia and L. Giuzzi. Construction of a 3-dimensional MDS-code. Contrib. Discrete Math., 3(1):39–46, 2008. [59] F. Aguiló-Gost and P. A. Garc´ıa-S´anchez. Factoring in embedding dimension three numerical semigroups. Electron. J. Combin., 17(1):Research Paper 138, 21, 2010. [60] F. Aguiló-Gost, P. A. Garc´ıa-S´anchez, and D. Llena. On the number of L-shapes in embed- ding dimension four numerical semigroups. Discrete Math., 338(12):2168–2178, 2015. [61] F. Aguiló-Gost and D. Llena. Computing denumerants in numerical 3-semigroups. Quaest. Math., 41(8):1083–1116, 2018. [62] D. Aguirre-Guerrero, G. Ducoffe, L. F`abrega, P. Vil`a,and D. Coudert. Low time complexity algorithms for path computation in Cayley graphs.
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