The Journal of A

The Journal of A

The Journal ofa Historical Review VOLUME FIVE, NUMBER ONE / SPRING 1984 'Uor Ausr:l~wilzMyllros': A Il(~(~lictrrcl Ils l'c~lo 11y Williclrn Slr~rtglic:l~ 1100K IIIiVIIiWS: Cl~r~rlcsLullo~l 011 Slc~lii~'sS(:clbcl Wul. 1111(1 Pclwns of Y(II~(I Keith Stimcly on I)rrs I'r~otir-crhauptrlu(~rlicr 1939-1945 tlrlri Ilio C~.osscZcil dos 13ouLscl1or11:ilrns 193:1-1!)45 Mtl rk Wol~or.on Tho Pr.iol.ily of N.C. Pnulescu iri 1110 I)iscovr~r'yof Iris~~lir~ h1AI.T13t 13. AI.I,I<NIII~,1'11.1). SAMLIEI. li. KONKIN Ill ~JII~VUI'HII~II~'~)~IIIII~IH AI~IIII 'I'IIIINIIW I,~IJIII.IIII.~~III U~IIIIIIIYA irus, A ~~IIII~~IIII I.1111~111111~:11. (:l1111'11r11l11 ALJS'I'IN 1. Al'll, 1'11.11. MAItl'IN A. LARSON. Pl1.11. 1.11 sllllll ~:llllll~llll~lll.] ~1~1111Sftl~~li~lll I'hilutlull~l~iu,I)IJIIIIH~~VIII~~II WIIH~I~II~~IJII,I).(:. Cl~Olt(;l~AS1 ll,l<Y. lll~.l) !.us A~~yuluuU~lillucl SI:IIIIIJI I1islrir:l liistory I~~slructur jAMES J. MARTIN. 101IN LII<NNI.'I~I' Ph.D. I~IIIIIIIblyl~jn l'ul~linlior~ Victuriu (:c~ul~nilIor (:ivil l,il~c~rties (:cllori~~loSprings. Colorc~do blttlb~lur~~ct.A~~al~.uliu AR'I'I IUIt It. llU'l'7,. 1'11.1). N~~rthwctnlorl~(Ji~ivur~ily liv~~~intt~~i,1lli1111i~ The Journal of Historical Review is published quarterly by the I~i~tilutafor 1lisloric:rll Ilovicw. l'osl 0ffir:o Box 130G, 'Torrnnce. C;ilifornia 90505. Subscriptions include the JHN Newsletter, an fivf!~ilf~~l~IJII~II~II of i~iIt:ri!stlo r~cilcli~~iiii:i11ii1 lriy liislc~ric~r~lrnvisi1111- isls, issued eight lirncs per yeur UII llle illlernale nionllis of issue of 'I'lla \orrrnnl rlj 1listo1-ic:rrl Havinw. Conil)inc!tl s~~l)scril,lii)nprico is $30 pi:r yc:tr. $50 for two yi:ilrs, ii~~tl$70 for Il~rt!~?yt:iirs. Acltl $10 Ilc:r yr::lr for tlon~c:slic: rirsl c:lilss tlc~livc:ry. Atlrl $5 pc:r yc:clr fur I'or~!igrisii1)si:ript ir111s.At111 $1 5 111:r VI!JI r f11r ~~vi:rsoi~s11 ir~iir~il dc- livery. Rc!n~itt:i~~t:t:sfor s~~l)s(:ri~~~i~~~~sri111st l)e pr~yr~I)lo iri U.S. clot- Irlr':{. Atlil $5 if I'l~r~tlrcrlrc! tlri~w~l011 11 11011-1I.S. II~III~.U~lrl~ililv s~il~sc;~~ipli~~~l~III~IIJI~I~ isst11: r;~II!S i11~:~IVI~~I~IIJ~I; 1111 r1:1111osl. Appro- prirlli: mr~nuw:riplsi1r.t: wr?l(:orliotl I)y 1111: nclilor. nil mils1 bo i~i:i:ornpenied by return postage. J.ihrnry id Coli~rt?ss l!~~ilit~l~I,~III.II lqy linc:ycIopc?tlirl of Assclr:in lions WI*~~I)I*SMIII*!AIII I !)!):I PTLA Cil ti)log I.I1Si;O I, l~~r~cll)c~r~L. ISSN: 01 95-6752 I~I!~I~~IIII!cIIIV ~)orri~issiol~or 'l'l~r! IOIII.IIII~01 llisloi~i(;c~lIic?vi(!w, I3.0. Ijox iXX, *I'orrr~~~r:o,(;rlIifor~~ir~ $10505. 1J1iitntI SIIIIOSof Anioricn. Sul~scriptiorirolo: $30 per. yeur. Two copies of each printing should be submitted to the Editor of The Journal of Historical Review. Contents '1'110 Diosi~lGl~s Clll~~lll)ol*s: Myth Within A Myth Friedricli P. 13cr.g 'Der Auschwitz Mytl~os': A nook ii1ic1 Its ITc~to Wilhelrn Stcloglicli Karl Marx: Anti-Semite Ir~nics!I. Mlllisli(?~. 1 Iillol*, 1110 111ioml)loyotl and Auti-lrky lit~(Iol,f]~~(I(III Roviow Articlc- Stttlin's War: Victims and Accomplices Charles Lutton Book Reviews News and Comment About the Contributors A Note From The Editor n 1979 a group of 34 French Iiistorinns, rnncting to tlio first discom- I fiturcs caused by Professor Robert Faurisson's investigations of the World Wrir I1 "gas cllambers" allegation, published rt declnrntion in Le Monda which contained lhese scntcrices: . It is rlcrt nocossciry to risk Ilow Loc:l~nic;crlly SIII:~I rr~rissrntlrtlor wrls pc~ssil)lo.It WJIH po~silrlo.sooil~g tI1t11 it look 1)1~1c:o.TIIIII is tho rot111ir1!1l1)oirlI IJ~IJ~~III~III~I~ or ovary I~ist~rrit:~~li111111iry 1111 tliis n1111io1:l.'l'l~is tr11t11it 1)1!1111rrv11s11s to rarn~?n~Ilorill sin~pI(?tertns: IIIII~I~if4 IIIII IIII(I IIIIJJ-II I:IIIIIIII~ IIII 11 (IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III~I~rxi!tIrrr~~:r~ of Ill11 KIIH ~:l~~~rr~lj~~rs, Ir~tloatlit H~IIIIIHllluro c;r~r~~~ol--il'11111 story (11' tl~rrKIIH I:IIIIIIIIJOI~SIH 11) r11rn;1i11JII:I:~JI~(?(~ IIU II I~ist~rri~~~~If11ct. '1'110 34 l:r(;~lcli Ilistorif~~~s,OIIO mriy Wall Hll~)~)OHII,kllll~ OXIII:IIV ~~111~Illlly WOr(? ~Jl~ill~111111 ~11~ ~IIC)Y hfltl to rtr~y il. III~IIXII I~III~~IIWIIH 1111 ~~xlr~~orili~~~~rysloj~.111 f11(:1 Illis is 1111 II~II~I:I-!~~JI~I!IIIIIII~:I:IIIII~IIW I'I'OIII II~S~III'~IIIISit WII!~IIIII~ i!~ 1111llli11g IIIHH 011111 mi~~(l-l)oggli~~g.IJut ~IIOII III(!sI! 11istori~111sI'II(:II(I 11 1111il1t r~~i~~~l-l)~~ggli~i~ 1~roI)lorn. It rc:m:~ins 11 prohlem, grrlvcr for tlli:m riow 1111111 I!VC'~-S~IIC(I I110 tlnhntr! t~1)outthe gas chi~ml)ers,fur from consing tit llie stroke of 34 IJIJIIH, II~~HIJ~III:I)I)I~II(~ will) vir(~rr.A ~oo11pnrl of it in Arnnrit:n 1ins I~eon condi~ctedin the pages of this journal. 'l'hc detnilcd Locl~~~icc~l("corn- IIIIIIII~II" rror11 IIII lligl~ncrlwitI~.qtr~r~cli~~g) ilivostigntions of the nlleged gas c:l~;ln~l)o~.sti1111 gr~ssi~lg~II'IJI:OH~I!S ~)I*O:IIIII~III~ill IIIIHI is.q~~o.qIry Ilr. I:r~l~rir~r~rrr~IIIIII 11y I)r. Willir~rn1,intlsc:y Ilrlvo clrrl~o rntlcll to cltirify tho iss111;01' 1I1c; rol(! or Zyh11r1111, 11111 III~IIIII~II~I~I.III:YIIII~I: 111:itIHII~I~IIIIIIII~~~ IIHOIJ t)y IIII! f:ornl~rn~10 11111r11r1rnrillio~~s ill t11c A~~scl~witzgrrs clir~ml)ors. I~;~:IIII~I:or I111:ir work WI! (i11111 34 I;I~I!III:~I 11isIorii111sill slrilo of IIIIIIII- HOIVI:~;1l11:y l)rol)~lhly tlon'f i~c:t~~rllly11r1t Illoir l~r~r~rlsovor Illc!ir oyos) now krtow IIIIII:~Irlltlro III)IIIII 11111 ~:l~~!rr~i~:~~l/~~l~ysii:~~ll)ro1111rIi11sof Zykl1111 11. 1111) I:~IIII~~~~IIIIHIIIII:OHHIII'~ IOI* its II~O,1110 II~III:III~~~II~I~111111 IIIIIH~ Iro IJI~IIII IIV ill1 IriccJr.rl ir~IIIIV r~lrlrlit:rllilrrl. 11111 IIII~I)OH~r~~r wlli(:ll il WJIX 111~11111- Srrr:t~~r*r!rlIIJIII IIHJI~,1111) V~IJ.~IIII:IIII)H!III)~II I IIIH 111111 ~III~III!I!IIIII~~IIII!II*IIIII I~II~ Itr it!{ i~lrl~lir:r~lir!~~,IIIIII so forlll. MosI i~r~l)c~rlr~~~llyfor I)rc~~~tl-l~ist~~ric:~tl I)III*I)IIHI!:+. WII ~IIIIWI'rcrr~l 1111 Illi:i IIIIW III II~I~II~IIII~:IIIIIIII jlr(l{:r~ IIIIIIIY 1i11(1 v11ri1111s(:IJI~~IIS JI~I~III Zyklol~ 11 111111 IIIIVII Iroo11 IIIII(~Oill i:~~llt~o~:lio~lwit11 1111; "IIIIIIICJIII~~" story, illid IIIJII (111 ~:ol~.qlit~IuJI vt!ry ~III~~~IIIIIII)II~I of II~ilt~IOI*~. 1311111s Frior1rir:h 1'. 13r:rg rrtmintls 11s in this ~SSIIC'Sfc!~lluro orticlo. "Thc: Diosel Gas Chnmbc:rs: Mytl~Williirl A Myth." tllo Zyklo~iI3 clnims, irnpcrrtnrlt as they arc, constitute! only a part of the story: in fact, as they rclatc: to Ihr: toli~lnurnb~:rs of allegotl victilns, nbout one-l~rilfthe story. Acr:crrtlirig to th~:lognncl ns it has r:cr;~l~!scctlnnd bocn presented by its rnosl careful :~nclscric~us prol)or~o~~ls. ill IIIO rnrlirrrity or 1110 grtlrlt killing centers other than Auschwitz, t~swell os in tliu various "mobilc" killing inst:~llations,the victims were gassed to den th not with cynnidic Zyklon B, but with carbon morloxidic Diesel fuel exhaust. Mr. Berg's highly A Note From The Editor * ttlclllli~:llliIivustig~~tit~~i 11uru is t11u first s11(:11to 1111 1:11rrio(1011t OII this question in any forum-and, for that matter, on any sido in the "IIolo- cuust" colitrovorsy. It is a brouktlirougli. 'I'hc uutlior's ililim~tcfumili- nrity, ns a profassiontil engineer ~ndonvironrnontal consultant, with the c:liumiccil/~)liysicnl~~ropurties of I)ilisc?l fun1 oxlir~usl1111tl tlio rcingo of its t:ffccts on liuniu~ibuirigs c!uulifies him wall fur u riturly wliicli nu Iiiu- toritln of tho "Holocaust" has undertaken in any deptli but which will l~u~ic~~fortl~11onr tlio 11it1stsori1111s ~:IIII~~~~II~II~~IIII 1)y 1111 SII(!II 11istt1ri1111s(of Ilro soritrus vurit~ly). It is ill SIIIIIII WII~S1111 o(111 ~~ioi:o10 i11)1)oi1r ill II I~i~tori(:~~l~IIII~IIII~. 1Itlsic:tilly a treatise uri engineering urid clicn~istryprilicipltts i~r~dii ~~rtlst~~~tc~tiilnof orill~iric:rrl tlittr~ will^. Iri~wovi~r,tlltr I~isti~ricnlcor~tr~xt 111111i~iipilrl 1ii11i11) vury cluc~r111 i)utst~t[I 11c1 i!~itl), 111ii3 111igI1tux111~;t-if it rolt~totl to lr~iytl~i~i~otl~itr I~III~IIIIII "I III~II~:IIII~~"~HHII~wit11 it^ ~lill- t~ffit:t~~:it~i~s~~IIIO~S-III~II it ~vi~ultlIII)I)~IIII.

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