Agreement between Iceland and Norway on the Continental Shelf Between Iceland and Jan Mayen Agla Margrét Egilsdóttir 2013 Master of Law Author: Agla Margrét Egilsdóttir ID number: 080885-2619 Instructor: Catherine Banet Lagadeild School of Law i Útdráttur Samkomulag Íslands og Noregs um landgrunnið á svæðinu milli Íslands og Jan Mayen Með samkomulagi Íslands og Noregs um landgrunnið á svæðinu milli Íslands og Jan Mayen frá 1981 var kveðið á um mörk landgrunnsins á svæðinu sem skyldu vera hin sömu og mörk efnahagslögsögu þeirra. Í samningnum var einnig skilgreint sameiginlegt nýtingarsvæði sem nær yfir beggja vegna landgrunnsmarka Íslands og Jan Mayen. Samkvæmt fyrirkomulaginu um sameiginlegt nýtingarsvæði á Ísland rétt á 25% þátttöku í olíustarfsemi á norska hluta svæðisins og einnig á Noregur rétt á 25% þátttöku í olíustarfsemi á íslenska hluta svæðisins sem er þekkt sem Drekasvæðið. Markmið þessarar ritgerðar er að rannsaka lagagrundvöll fyrirkomulagsins sem kveður á um sameiginlega nýtingasvæðið þar sem lagagrundvöllur þess hefur verið umdeildur innan þjóðaréttar og þá sérstaklega hvort það sé talin vera þjóðréttarleg skylda að ganga í slíkt fyrirkomulag um sameiginlegt nýtingarsvæði. Það verður gert með því að rannsaka samspil ákvæða Hafréttarsáttmálans og annarra reglna þjóðaréttar, venjuréttar meðal þjóða og úrskurða Alþjóðadómstólsins. Einnig var kannað hvernig aðilar samningsins hafa útfært og túlkað samninginn enn frekar, sérstaklega þar sem að síðustu misseri hefur þurft að reyna á samninginn vegna útgáfu sérleyfanna. Eftir ítarlega greiningu kom í ljós að slíkt fyrirkomulag er ekki sérstaklega krafist af þjóðarétti, heldur er það eitt af nokkrum mögulegum lögfræðilegum fyrirkomulögum. Hins vegar er skylda fyrir ríki til að ganga til samstarfs og fá fram friðsamlegar úrlausnar deilumála samkvæmt sáttmála Sameinuðu Þjóðanna. Þessi skylda hefur einnig verið staðfest sem skylda til að ganga í samstarf við ríki vegna vinnslu á kolvetnisauðlindum þar sem það hefur verið viðurkennt af venjurétti og starfsháttum þjóða. ii Abstract Agreement between Iceland and Norway on the Continental Shelf Between Iceland and Jan Mayen The Agreement on the Continental Shelf in the Area Between Iceland and Jan Mayen, 1981 provided that the delimitation line between the Parties ' parts of the continental shelf area should be the same as of their delimitation line of their economic zones. Also, the agreement defined the so called joint development zone that covers both sides of the boundaries of the continental shelf of Iceland and Jan Mayen. According to the arrangement of joint development, Norway and Iceland both have a 25% participation right in any hydrocarbon activities that take place in each other’s area. The aim of this thesis is to examine the legal basis of the arrangement that provides for joint development on the defined area, where the legal basis has been controversial in international law, especially, whether it is considered to be obligatory by international law to establish such joint development arrangements or not. The analysis will study the interaction of the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other treaty law, customary law and state practice. Furthermore, it was examined how the Parties have implemented and interpreted the agreement further, especially because of the issuance of the concessions in the Dreki Area in January 2013, which were issued by the NEA. A thorough analysis of the joint development arrangement shows that it is not required by international law to enter into such an arrangement, but it represents a possible legal regime. However, nations have an obligation to enter into cooperation for peaceful resolution of disputes under the United Nations Charter. This obligation has also been confirmed as a duty to co-operate regarding the exploitation of hydrocarbon resources by customary law and state practice. iii Table of Contents List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ vi List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ vii Table of International Cases ....................................................................................................viii Table of International Treaties and Conventions ...................................................................... ix Table of Legislation and Preparatory Legislation ...................................................................... x Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... xi 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 2 Basic concepts ......................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Sources of International Law ............................................................................................ 5 2.2 The principles of the Law of the Sea applied to the common area between Iceland and Norway .................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1 The Law of the Sea ..................................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 International Principles of the Law of the Sea ........................................................... 7 2.2.3 The 1982 UNCLOS .................................................................................................... 8 2.2.4 Marine spaces, Sovereignty, Territory, and Boundaries .......................................... 11 3 The Background for the Agreement ...................................................................................... 13 3.1 Jan Mayen and Iceland .................................................................................................... 13 3.2 The Jan Mayen dispute ................................................................................................... 15 3.3 The legal status of Jan Mayen as an island ..................................................................... 17 4 The Agreements between Iceland and Norway on Jan Mayen.............................................. 18 4.1 The Agreement between Iceland and Norway concerning Fishery and Continental Shelf Questions ............................................................................................................................... 18 4.2 Continental shelf of Iceland and Jan Mayen and their sovereign rights ......................... 19 4.3 Recommendations to the governments of Iceland and Norway by the Conciliation Commission .......................................................................................................................... 20 4.4 The Agreement on the Continental Shelf between Iceland and Jan Mayen ................... 23 4.4.1 Maritime boundary delimitation ............................................................................... 23 iv 4.4.2 Delimitation of the Continental shelf of the area between Iceland and Jan Mayen . 25 Consideration of relevant circumstances of Iceland and Jan Mayen ................ 28 4.5 The Iceland – Norway joint development arrangement .................................................. 30 4.5.1 The concept of joint development ............................................................................ 30 4.5.2 The Iceland – Norway joint development zone for hydrocarbon development ....... 32 5 What is the legal basis for joint development arrangements? ............................................... 37 5.1 The legal status of the Joint development arrangement between Iceland and Norway .. 37 5.2 Is the Jan Mayen Agreement a temporary solution to the delimitation problem? .......... 42 5.3 Actual significance of the Agreement between Norway and Iceland on the continental shelf between Iceland and Jan Mayen .................................................................................. 44 6 Implementation and Interpretation of the Jan Mayen Agreement today ............................... 47 6.1 Agreement between Iceland and Norway concerning transboundary hydrocarbon deposits ................................................................................................................................. 47 6.2 Hydrocarbon resources on the Jan Mayen Ridge today .................................................. 50 6.3 The Dreki Area and licenses for exploration and production of hydrocarbons .............. 51 6.3.1 The Participation rights of Norway on the Dreki Area ............................................ 53 6.4 Implementation of the Agreement by Norway today ..................................................... 53 6.5 Legal and Regulatory framework for Oil Exploration in Iceland ................................... 54 7 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 57 Annex I : Agreement on the Continental Shelf Between Iceland and Jan Mayen ................... 62 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 66 v List of Figures Figure 1. Jan Mayen and the surrounding region. The yellow lines depict the distance from Jan Mayen
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