MARCEL DUCHAMP A retrospective exhibition organized by the Philadelphia Museum of Arr and The Museum of Modern Art, New York, made possible in parr by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arrs MoMAExh_1050_MasterChecklist EXHIBITION PREPARED BY Anne d' Harnoncourt and Kynaston Me Shine PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART September 22 to November 11, 1973 THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, NEW YORK December 3,1973 to February 10, 1974 THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO March 9 to April 21, 1974 1. Landscape at Blainville, 1902 Oil on canvas, 24 x 191716 in. (61 x 50 cm) Collection Vera and Arturo Schwarz, Milan tt1D 41-.1 2. Church at Blainvil!e, 1902 Oil on canvas, 24 x 16% in. (61 x 42.5 em) Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Louise and WaIter Arensberg Collection Jl1D J.i t . , 3. Garden and Chapel at Blainville, 1902 Oil on canvas, 24 x 19171c in. (61 x 50 em) CHECKLIST OF THE Collection Frank Brookes Hubachek, Chicago A\D 21'.' 4. Suzanne Duchamp Looking at a Painting EXHIBITION 1903 (Blain ville) Conte pencil and watercolor on paper, 12% X 91:~U in. (32 x 24.9 cm ) Collection Mile Magde!eine Duchamp, Neuilly Ii1P I~.I 5. Suzanne Duchamp Seated, 1903 (Blain ville) Colored pencils on paper, 19V:! x 12% in. MoMAExh_1050_MasterChecklist (49.) x 32 cm) Collection Mme Marcel Duchamp, Villiers-sous-Grez I\.\D '5.11}$ G. Hanging Gas Lamp (Bee Aller), 1903-4 (Rouen ) Charcoal on paper, 81'Yto x 6% in. (22.4 x 17.2 em) Collection MmeMarccl Duchamp, Villicrs-sous-Crez '4D 1'5.1"" 7. Grandmother, 1904 Etching, watercolored double trial proof, on paper, 9% x 12% in. (24.4 x 32 em) Galleria Schwarz, Milan M DI-(~.J{1- 8. Portrait of Marcel Lefrancois, 1904 (Blninville ) Oil on canvas, 25+2 x 23% in. (64.8 x 60.7 cm) Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Louise and Waiter Arensberg Collection M '0 ~ j. ~ 9. Portrait of Jacques Villoll, [904-5 (Paris) Charcoal on double sheet of paper, 1.2}j() x 7lo/tu in. For tbose 1/lork.r tobicb Dllc!Jamp titled ill French, the (31 x 20.2 em) French tnle is gil'ell lin! (wei, when possible an English , Collection Dr. Robert Jullien, Paris jc.t 0 a.Co· I trnnslation follows. Dimensions are listed in inches and centi/JIe/en! heigh! preceding width. The place name in 10. Head of Yvonne Duchamp, 1904-5 (Rouen ) Parentbeses a/fer the title and dale of a work is the town Conte pencil on paper, 610/16 x 4::K.Gin. (indica/ed when known) ill which tlJe work tees executed, C 17.3 x 10.7 rrn) Iii Frettl/ell/ small discrepancies between the date alsiglled to Galleria Schwarz, Milan .-N\D '1/Q. '1 a u-orl: (mel fha! mscribed »pon it are due to DI/champ's I babi, of inscribing works some time after they were done 11. Head of Yvonne Ducbamp, 1904-5 (Rouen ) (o/Ien at tbe lime when he gave tbem to a friend). Conte pencil on paper, 61~6 x 47)(; in. I Certain soores wiLL not be exhibited in aIL three cities; the (17.3 x 10.7 em) jo/lowiJlg symbols indicate where these items will be seen: Galleria Schwarz, Milan Au) f./t.·3 * Sholl"J;n Phi/rule/phia 12. Raymond Duchamp-Villon, 1904-5 (Paris) t Shown in New York Conte pencil on paper, 8lA x 5!i in. (21 x 13 cm) t Show)] hi Chicago Collection Charles Koch, Cincinnati Jt1, D 30· I 23 13. Dog's Head, 1904-5 (Pans) 26. Man and Woman in a Nightclub, 1904-5 {Paris} Conte pencil on paper, S:}16 x 5% in. (13.2 x 14.3 em) Conte pencil on paper, 61:rlo x 4:7'16 in. Galleria Schwarz, Milan M£:) r./".:t" (17.3 x 10.7 COl) Galleria Schwarz, Milan M'O~C£l.'5" 14. Sous-Prefet with Goatee, 1904-5 (Paris) Pencil and wash on paper, 8~ x 5~sin. (21 x 13 em) 27. Man in a Hat, 1904-5 (Paris) Collection Mr. and Mrs. Alan L Katz, Troy, Michigan I\1C Conte pencil on paper, 8y!' x 51;10:in. (21 x 13 em) "ll-.~ TILe Pollqelc GallCJ),J"CsFslite -el, 1""'"" '\ St.t..f'"~d~'t.. 15. Policeman, Back View, 1904-5 (Paris) C..l\e,e. ...IO""' Mr. ~'bc.u. rrc...",K.~ I ,... '0 L.f '2.1 Conte pencil on paper, SY!x 5;~ in. (21 x 13 em) 28. Kneeling Peasant, Back View, 1904-5 (Paris) Galleria Schwarz, Milan I\o\D'It.·lb Watercolor on paper, 61:Y,{j x 4:J16 in. (17.3 x to.7 crn ) Collection Dr. and 1'[r5. Richard J. Glins, I 16. The Knife-Grinder, 1904-5 (Paris) Hamilton, Ohio I\..\D IQ.I Pencil and india ink on paper, 814 x 5:Y§in. II (2lxl3cm) 29. Woman's Head with Large Hat, [904-5 (Paris) Collection Mille Marcel Duchamp, Vif liers-sous-Crez ""'0/5.1 Conte pencil on paper, BY! x 5~ in. (2l x 13 cm) Galleria Schwarz, Milan Mol> "Ic..tO I [7. Gasman, 1904-5 (Paris) Pencil and wash on paper, 61%6 x 40/)6 in. 30. Moulin de la Galette, 1904-5 (Paris) (17.3 x 10.7 ern) Pencil and wash on paper, 61}:;6 x 4:yjG in. Collection John J. Sullivan, Cincinnati M.),c;I.1 (17.3 x 10.7 cm ) Tile:: Polled, G,t1I'W21\0LOlltO \ -t-; Ie. \ C d--\ l8. Vegetable Peddler, 1904-5 (Paris) c..ullec.\-I01l"'\ Mr. Do..v,c:, ,~ C!. ) ;;)c.6.1'S ......e.. MoMAExh_1050_MasterChecklist Pencil and wash on paper, 61~6 x 40/16 in. 31. The Sacre-Coeur, 1904-5 (Paris) (17.3 x 10.7 COl) Pencil on paper, 4Y.: x 4% in. (11.5 x [0.5 cm) The Pollock Gallery, Toronto .M P '12. .3 Galleria Schwarz, Milan MD £.oj(,·8 Messenger with Umbrella, 1904-5 (Paris) 32. Magdeleine Duchamp Wearing a Red Hood Pencil and watercolor on paper, 61,'}J.(lx 4YJ.(lin. 1905 (Rouen ) (17.3 x 10.7 cm) Watercolor on paper, I 81:YtG X 12=7'\nin. (48 x 31 em) Collection Mme Marcel Ducharup, Villicrs-sous-Grez MO '5, '1' Collection Mile Magdeleine Duchamp, Ncuilly A1.D I--{. 1. 20. Road Sweepers, 1904-5 (Paris ) 33. Suzanne Ducham p Standing, 1905-6 (Paris) Conte pencil on paper, 61}}6 x 4716 in. Pencil and india ink on paper, folded in half, (17.3 x lO.7 COl) 12'}jlj x 7'% in. (31.2 x 20 ern) Galleria Schwarz, Milan ~D &.fCc>. '9'- Collection Mile Magdeleine Ouch amp, Neuilly M 00,,/.3 Y NOT E,'I(t-:! N. 21. The Reservist, 1904-5 (Paris) 34. Portrait of Yvonne Duchamp-Villon, 1907 (Paris) Pencil on paper, 8Yl x 5% in. (21 x 13 COl) Oil on canvas, 27\.Yio x 351:Y1ti in. (71 x 9l cm) Collection Timothy Baum, New York oM D ~. ':L The lvfary Sisler Collection 22. Funeral Coachman, 1904-5 (Paris) Courtesy Fourcade, Droll, Inc., New York Al'L> 1ft·" Conte pencil on paper, 8% x 5lh in. (21 x 13 em) 35. Femme·Cocher (Woman Hack Driver), 1907 (Paris) Collection Timothy Baum, New York m C £,0. I Brush and ink, pencil, anJ "splatter" on paper, 23. Undertaker, 1904-5 (Paris) 12Y.!x 9% in. (31.7 x 24.5 cm) Conte pencil on paper, 6% x 5Yt. in. (15.5 x 13.4 cm) The Mary Sisler Collection Galleria Schwarz, Milan /lA.I> '1'CQ.q Courtesy fourcade, Droll, fnc, New York t1-\D 1:S.J3 24. Coachman on Box, 1904-5 (Paris) 36. Flirt, 1907 (Paris) Pencil and watercolor on paper, 8% x 5~ in. lnk, wash, and blue pencil on paper, 12% x 171~(i6in. (22 x 14 cm) (31.5 x 45 cm) Galleria Schwarz, Milan 1\o\0 ....lo·1 Galleria Schwarz, Milan /"l D "'Ifs;,." 25. Big Woman and Baby, 1904-5 (Par's) 37, House among Apple Trees, 1907 (Puteaux) Pencil and wash On paper, 61.}'1ljx 4:}1ijin. Oil on canvas, 21Yi x 28% in. (54 x 73 cm) (17.3 x 10.7 em) Galleria Schwarz, Milan ~ D ..,~. Jt,. Collection Mr. and .iv[rs. Alan L. Katz, Troy, Michigan I'l1D':1 ft. I 24 38. Man Seated by a Window, 1907 (Yport) 50. Saint Sebastian, 1909 (Veules-Ies-Roses ) Oil on canvas, 21'l§ x 15% in. (55.6 x 38,7 em) Oil on canvas, 24% x 18t4 in. (61.3 x 46.4 cm) The Mary Sisler Collection The Mary Sisler Collection Courtesy Fourcade, Droll, Inc., New Yo-k w D 18.1 Courtesy Fcurcade, Droll, Inc., New York ~Dli·S 39. Menu de Reveillon (Christmas Eve Menu) 51. Portrait of Yvonne Duchamp 1907 (Paris) 1909 (Veules-Jes-Roses ) Drypoint, 9% x 6% in. (24.5 x 15.5 em) Oil on canvas, 341!J.6x 26:Ih in. (86.5 x 67.3 em) Musees de Rauen Ao\.P 3Q. I The Mary Sisler Collection Courtesy Fourcade, Droll, Inc., New York "'1.l)'i.T 40. Nude on a Ladder, 1907-8 (Puteaux ) Pencil on paper, 11% x 8% in. (29.5 x 21.9 em) 52. Mi-Cardrne (Mid-Lent), 1909 (Neuilly) Collection MJle Magdcleinc Duchamp, Neuilly "'" C 11-/·5 Conte pencil, ink, and "splatter" on paper, 24 x 1913 in. (61 x 48.6 em) 41.
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