t Joseph Dobson, formerly of Long Lofthotise, and last of East James Swan, formerly and late of She/field, in the West Riding Ardslcy.juXlie West Hiding of,Yorkshire, butcher* of. Yorkshire butcher. : ..... -.- -• -._ •• '•-.:•-- •-..'. • :: :. ,• •: •• •-• JolinDrummohd,-formerly of MiiWleton, and last of Aislaby, John Spivey, formerly and. late .of Leeds, in the-. West Riding of , in'tlie North Hiding of Yorkshire, .labourer.. Yorkshire, cloth-junker.- , . .- - . .Robert Dawsoii, formerly of Bristol, and late ^of Stoltesley,. in John Snt.ton, formerly and late of Slidburn, in the West the North Riding of Yorkshire^ engineer. • Hiding of Yorkshire, hatter.' . - . • _., .. ' '. < . .• ., 'M./H''Dale, formerly of .the city.of London,-bnt; last; of Giiis- •Thoma* Smith, formerly and late of Wyke, in the West Rid- brongb, in the North Hiding" of Yorkshire, merchant. ing of. Yorkshire, farmer. •William Dilib, formerly lind late of t.he town and county of the Timot|ij- Smith, formerly and laje of Brotbevtan^in the West '' town of Kingston upon Hull, joiner. Rjding.of.Yorkshii'<.v-bJacksmith. •-•., •.- . • William Dobson, formerly of, Huswjjrp, and late of Wliitby,,in Ann Story, foruH'.rJy and. late ol Sculcoates,- in tire East-Hidrng the North Riding ofYprkshir.e, brandy-merchant and grocer. of Y(<i'Ushire, laundre.s;>. John Fletcher, formerly and late of .Croft, near Darlington, Matthew Stelling, formctly.and late of West Harsley, otherwise in the North Riding of Yorkshire, husbandman. ,. Haiisey, in -tlu1- North Riding of Yorkshire, farmer. Thomas Edwards, formerly 'arid late, of Halifax,, -in the West .Charles 'f'hoJtipson, formerly and late of Blubberheuses, in the " Riding" of the county of York,-j,oincr. ' West Riding of Yorkshire, grocer. James Taylor YletchtT,.- formerly and late of Goole, in -the Richard Tireman, formerly of Yanu, and last of Wethcrby, in West Riding of Yorkshire^ farmer. the West Riding of Yorkshire,. Gent. ... l.,-^- Abraham Oarnett," formerly of Leeds, but late of Balk, near John Tmnmond, formerly and late of the Levels, in the parish Tiifrsk, in the North Hiding of Yorkshire, mechanic. of HutfieM, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, inn-keeper. • John Gouldsbr'ough, formerly and late .of Hutton UuJby,. in James Thompson, formerly and late of Bradford, in the West the North Riding of Yorkshire, hiuhandinan. •Riditig of Yorkshire, miller; -.' - -•;;.: •;. ^. -; .-:' Jaiqes Harrop,; formerly andlafe of Silkstone, in the. West John. Utlcy, formerly and late of Heppenstall, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, carrier and wold-merchant. HiiMng of Yorkshire, clogger. John Hutchinson, formerly and late of De\ysbury,.iu.th.c, Wc$t Hicluird.Wilsiin, formerly' and late' of Kirby Wis.tet-in_j,h« ' Riding of Yoi-kshire,~oil-dealer. North Riding of Yorkshire, farmer. , '" .". John Hartley, formerly of' Artbing'ton, and last of Knarcs- George1 Wells the yoniiger, formerly of Knaresbrongh, and last brough, in the West Kiding.of.-Yorkshire, brandy-merchant. of Stntton, in the West Hiding of Yorkshire, flax-dresser. John HeQley., .formerly and late of "Dexvsbury, in the West John Whitaker, formerly of Newport, and late of Sutton, ia Riding of Yorkshire, joiner. the East Hiding'of Yoi'kilijre, iine-iAe'Kchanl. ' '"""' David Healey, formerly and late of -Dewsbury, in .the West John WiHdnson, formerly of Wihse'y ami, of'BUicUburn, and Riding' of Yorkshire, joiner. last of Sheffield, iirthe West, Ridiiigof Yorkshire, victualler.. John Hoe, formerly and late of Sproatley, in the East Riding Oliver Wood, formerly 'and late of LmtOn and ThreshGcld, ia of Yorkshire, plumber and glazier. • the West Hiding (if Yorkshire, labourer. _ . - - B. L. Hawkins, formerly ''ofKingstori npori Hull, but last of Samad Walton, formerly and late ' of _ Halifax; *ih the 'West Scarborough, in thc:North Hiding of Yorkshire, surgeon. Riding of Yorkshire, ct6tb-<rf'e'sscr'l t'.i ..<-.. Henry Harrison, formerly and late of Cononley, near Skipton, George M'liitfield, formerly of Thorp Basset, and. late of Far* in the West Riding of Yorkshire, inn-keeper.. • • • naby in'l'hornton, i'n'the Nortfi riding of Yorkshire, IjutclRT. William HaH.; forjixm-ly of Stanley, late of Wlritwooo', in the Joshua Wainwright, formerly and fate of Eecleaon, near. Brad* ,paris.h-of.lveather.stone,-in the .West Riding of Yorkshire, ' ford, iii the West' Ruling of Yorli.-ljire, 'clotfi-niaker. * h'awker. .-..-.. ... Daniel Ye<;nian, formerly of lUiithwardi and lute'ot' Whi'tby, Jo1nv:HaTdca.stle^-formerly of Bal-nslcy, but last of Knotting- L in tlie'North'lJiding'of Yorks'hire, ihariner. ley, in the'West Hiding of'Yorkshire, vintner. William Walker, formerly- and late of Sheffield) : m'the t^cst Charles Holmes, formerly of Mirfield, hnt last of Skipton, in Riding of Yorkshire, grocer. the West Hiding of Yorkshire,- plumber and glazier. Joseph Green, formerly and late of Huddcrsfield, in the West John Hird, formerly and late of Mashaiu, in the North Hiding Hiding of Yorkshire, corn-merchant, against whom a com- of Yorkshire, fcUmonger. mission of liankrupt lias issued, and is still in force, and who John Huseroft, formerly and late-of Beale, in the parish of has not obtained a certificate of his conformity to the sta- Kellington, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, butcher. tutes concerning bankrupts', drily allowed, doth hereby give Isaac Heaton, formerly and late of Dewsbury, in the West notice, that, he hath made a full disclosure of his effects un- Riding of Yorkshire, grocer. der the said commission, and that he has no estate or effects Wilt Inghani, formerly of Olley, but late of Skiptbn, in the which can be vested in an Assignee under the said Act for West Hiding of Yorkshire, druggist. the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, all his estate and effects William Life, formerly and late ofSawley, in the West Riding being vested in the Assignee or Assignees tinder such com- of Yorkshire, labourer. mission, by virtue of such commission, and the assignment Robert Linn, -formerly and late of Catterick, in the North made in pursuance thereof. Riding of Yorkshire, butcher. Thomas Lee, formerly awl late of Earles Heatoo, in the pnrish Prisoners in the Gaol of the City arid Ainsty of ofDcwshury, in the West Riding of York-hir«>, tioth-inal:cr. YOkK. Leonard Lister, formerly of the parish of Horton, and la*t of THIRD NOTICE. Chapel-le-Dale., in the West Riding of Yorkshire, labourer. 1 Richard Morris, fornuTly and late of Hatfield Woodl>onse, in Richard Geldard, formerly and late of the city of Yort, glass the West Riding of Yorkshire, labourer. and chinsf dealer. Edward Moore, formerly and late of Guisbrough, in the North Joseph Mortimer, formerly and late of'the city of York, saddler. Riding of Yorkshire, dealer in earthen-ware. William Dawson, formerly and late of the city of York, dealer George Mitchell, formerly and late of Halifax, in the West in cattle. Riding of Yorkshire, cloth-dresser. Robert Hernagc, formerly and lateof the city of York, cabinet- Thomas Newsome, formerly and late of Dewsbury, in the West maker. Riding of Yorkshire, carrier. John Peacock,, formerly and late of Elmer, near Topcliffe, in Prisoners in the Gaol in and for the Town and the North Riding of Yorkshire, farmer. County of the Town of KINGSTON-UPON- -Samuel Pearson, formerly and late of Sheffield, in the West HULL. Riding of Yorkshire, victualler and gardener. William Piggin, formerly and late of Sheffield, in the West THIRD NOTICE. Riding of Yorkshire, butcher. Ephraim- Ledgard, formerly of North Kelscy, fn the county of John Richardson, formerly of Liverpool, but late of Settle, in Lincoln, weaver, afterwards of Hull, mariner. the West Riditig of Yorkshire, draper. John Sutton, formerly of Maltby-le-Marsh, Lincolnshire, far- Bothelt Robinson, .late of, Beverley, in the East Riding of mer, afterwards of Hull. Yorkshire, but last of Hutton Crauswick, in the said Riding, John Hebblcwhitei of Hull, labourer. clerk. John Mills, formerly of 'Charlton, Kent,' afterwards of the- William Stockclale, formerly and late of Barton in Lonsdale, parish of Sculctfates, Yorkshire, butcher and1 publican. in the West Riding of Yorkshire, inn-keeper. Francis Lane, of Hull, publican. Thomas Shaw,-formerly and late of Quick in Saddlewortb, in John Leak, formerly of Balkholuij Yorkshire^ farmer, after— tfce West Riding of Yorkshire, cloths-maker,. wards of Hull, ccHV-kee*per,.
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