
Miatni University, <>nord. Ohio Tuesduy, Jan uary 12, 197 1 Est. 1826 PhOl'l.tlll 529-6726, 2118. 2210 ' Faculty R&R Issue Delayed Senate Fails to Seat Quorum Junuury 10,1971 A quorullJ req ui res 175 Se nat e members more faculty support. His resignation, he and the resolutiolls ure passed by a good prese nt. stresses, was not a resu lt of the Senate's vote , th e Trustees will be forced to concede L:lsI Sat urday 's University Senutc The meeting was cu lled to discuss the failure to act on the par ticul ar motion that Saturd ay's lack of quorum is due 10 failed to moterinlize for lack of 0 continuing cnntroversy over faculty rights before th e Senate, but ra lher because of the olhcr things th an a lack of interest. Those who stoyed llway (with ~() n cerni n g promotion, tenure lind sa lnry apparent lack of faculty interest. " I suppose it will in ev itably be atcvcr views of the issue at hand) were Increases. The malter, initiated by Prof. The motion called in pa rt for th e Senate interpreted by so me as a victory for Ih e Clllonstrntillg, consciously or Ruland Duerksen at the Dec . 19 Senate to "reject the July 25, 1970, resolutions of Trustees," he said. , their true feeling about the meeting, will now be di scussed as old the 130ard of Trust ees regarding failure to " Until this happ elled I hav e ha d no of the Senute ond its committees !I t business at the next regular mee ting on Feb. grant increases in salary and promotions in feelillgs th at I .was wastin g my tim e on the University. 25. rank" to five professors th at the comm ittee commilt ee," sa id Gregg. '" ree l Ihat lhere is In light of the history of the issue on the As a result of th e Sellate's failure to and the Se nate found had been unjustly a segmcn t of th e fa cu lty--·thosc who are the obsentees made a forthright achieve a quorum, Duerksen has announced treat ed. intcrcsted with th e status of the lion that the Selllite lind the committees his resignatioll fmm th e University Senate's "The Board of Trustees will interpret the fa culty--.. ·th at I represe nt on the committee. un ahsurd fu cade hehind which the Comm itt ee o n Faculty Rights and lack of quor um as con fi rma ti on of th eir last By slaying on th e comll1ittee, I co uld and the Administration can work Respon sibilities. response," said Duerksc n. " I think they will pos sibly help th elll if th ey ge t into trouble . will. "The fac ulty has quite cl ea rly ex pressed regard it as an expr ess ion of faculty " I ca n't say th at th e co mmittee ha s really Buv ing no desire to perpetuate my role in that it wants nothing more to do with this sati sfaction with [h eir policies. In my don e anything, excep t perhaps to bring th e ,1, Ihey have demollstrutcd to be u false malter," said Duerksen. "I am not morose opinion, the fac ulty has abnegated its pa rt in issli e before the Sena te and th e Trustees," about the situation; I just don't want to the governan ce of the university . comm ented th e chairman, "but perhaps th e I, I alll resigning from the Committee on waste anym ore of my tim e." "I personally am not adamant about Trustces and Admillistration will not be so nigh ts and Res ilollsihilities. Roland A. I)uerksen "I think Sa turday'S lack of quorum sending th e issue back to th e Trustees, but I hasty in Ihe future. We might be wotse off mak es it clear that the faculty docs not take felt th e Senate should confront the isslie withoul this committee." the committ ee seriously and that they do rather than to let it pa ss. I am cllnvinced Gregg said thai he is opposed to th e id ea l3y TIIOM HALL nol re spect it. I know of one instance where th ut five men have been done a grave of a union of professors, because he feels th e Editor II professor who felt he had been wronged injustice," cOlllmented Dli erksen. advantages would be on ly for 11 short term. Univers it y Senat e, the major legislalive dec ided not to tuke it to th e committ ee Th e English professor stated that he feels "I don't thin k that a ullion efforl is really \ . \ '\ . of th e Universit y com posed of more be ca use he fell it would be 110 u~c,!I raculty influence ca n now be uc hi cvecl only philosuphically aligned with a professo r," he 758 faculty und administrators find 29 Duerksen said. through the formation of II teac hers union. said . "III the long run, I think we would elliS, fuil ed to fill a quorum for th e Du erk se n said that co ntinuing his work Several memb ers of th e faculty have beon esse nti al l y be s ub s tituting o ur Ill ce l ing sched ul cd Sat urduy llIorning. on the co mmitt ee would be futile without sounding out the pllssib ility of organizing Administration and 13 0a rd of Tru stees for such u union through the America n (George ) Meany ~ Ild his Board of Trustees, Federation of Teachers si nce last fa ll. and they arc mllch 1I10r e repressive . When contacted by the STUDENT "The staW s of th e faculty hu sn' l iami Chest Campaign Sunday night, Prof. Thomas Gregg, changc cl - - it's as low as before," stated KENT STATE. .. MAY 4 AND UEYOND--"Whal huppe ned at Ken t Sta te co uld Chairman of th e FaCUlty Ri ghts and Gn.:~ . "I thin k it is fa ulty logic, however, happ en at an y large university:' said Dr. Jerry Lewis, a professor of Sociology at Ke nt Respo nsibilities Committee, said that he was for the faculty to thin k thut sweeping things State, in opening 3 four part lectu re series that will examine the university's ro le in not aware that Duerksen had resigned. und er th e carpet will 111 like every thing okay. sll ciety. Lewis, who testifi ed before t.h e Ohio Grand Jury, ((l Id the audience of his Sets Goal of $16,000 "Perso n ally, 1 am th oro ll ghl y I think that letti ng th il\gs pass is itself likely IInhappiness wit h th e Gra nd Jury's Report. --Photo by Mall disaPPO int ed th at th e facu lt y cou ld not to l:aLISe troubl e." By BRAD I3RADFORD devi se fund -raising projects as the Lambda make a quorum for a malt el' of slIch grave Res um e Editor Chis did last full when they sold "BEAT import ance," Gregg said . "How the Trustees aU" T·s hirts and as th e Fijis did when they will receive this Illay depend on subsequcnt Mi am i Chest hopes to receive $! 6,000 in sold buttons for Parents Weeke nd," he development s. For example, if th e next ](SU Prof Cites Unhappiness YC ilr's fund ·raising campa ign that begin s add ed. meeting or the Se nate has a good attendllnce ry 8 and end s February 12. "If we cnn obtain one dollar from every and receive some additional funus With Grand Jury Report th e faculty and from T·shirt and bake I beli eve that we call reach oUr goal," By DIANA STARK Jlll ii t ici'l.ed but outside or thc cla ssroom." responsibilit y. Lewis proposed Ihal an int ermedia te Mark 'Rosenberg, co-chairman of "I SHW th e smoke come ou t of the Lewis WHrHC(\ Ih al professors were also force, ,;; h' h "s l it ,; ~~\,tlc lligl'\\'JY I':a t w i, be Ches t. ' .... r,a pons and I nil I and toole GOYe( ," s,atcli ~ l '. b i cct Ie !h,.;s,· Uiil 1210, ilil Ohio bill d c:iling wi th campus dis ruptions, and ca lled to th e campus in stead or th .: National said this year's campaign Kent Stale professor Dr. Jerry Lewis st udenls shou ld keep this in mind. He Gu ard. f;oncent ra te o n door-to-<loor describing hi s reaction to the confrolltatio n brough lout that t he fac ulty could play an "As fa r as viol enc<.! at Ken l Stat c, I don't ion both in th e dorm itories and the of stu (lcnts and National Guard Troops on import anl role in nego tia ti ons between think th ere' ll be 3 I1 Y," CQlI1m ented Lewis in Im ent co mpl exes . the ca mpu s last May 4 in wh ich four students and administrators. rega rd to future oulbreaks of dissent. He studen ts wt:rc killed. lidd ed that th e on ly thing he could foresee On e way of increasing student donations' Lewis , a professor of SOC iology and was n memorial se rvic e ill th e spring for the believes is to have solicitors t hal "know Anthropology, has test ifi ed as an eye witness As an orga nizer of the fa cult y mars hall s studcn ts killed la st May.
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