SUBJECT INDEX A Page Page Accounts, Bureau of, appropriation for_ 32, 42, 58 Agricultural Commodities. See also indi-. Actors' Equity Week, National, designa­ vidual commodities. tion 18 Acreage allotments and marketing quotas 13, 79, 81, 92, 114, 279 Administrative Expenses Act of 1946, Importation, proclamation 1032 Amendment, student trainees, pay­ Surplus— ment of transportation expenses 252 Appropriations for removal, use of Advisory Commission on Intergovern­ funds for related programs 826 mental Relations, appropriation for__ 65 Sale for foreign currenpies, additional Advisory Committee on Private Enter­ prise in Foreign Aid, establishment-- 385 funds 3 Advisory Committee on Vocational Edu­ Agricultural Library, National, appropria­ cation, establishment 410 tion for 35,830 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, appro­ Aeronautics and Space Administration, National. See National Aeronautics priation for effecting provisions 822-826 and Space Administration. Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of Aged: 1937, appropriation for effecting pro­ Chronic diseases and health of the aged, visions 826 appropriation for services 233 Agricultural Marketing Service, appro­ Grants to States for public assistance, priation for 34, 825 appropriation for 24 Agricultural Research Service, appropria­ Housing for the Elderly Fund— tion for 34,820 Appropriation for 27, 438 Agricultural Service, Foreign, appropria­ Loans, increased funds authorized 278 tion for 34,826 Agency for International Development: Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva­ Deputy Inspector General, Foreign As­ tion Service, appropriation for 20, 827 sistance, appointment; compensa­ Agricultural Trade Development and As­ tion 388 sistance Act of 1954: Deputy Under Secretary, rank 388 Amendments, surplus agricultural com­ Agricultural Act of 1949: modities, inclusion of fishery prod­ Amendments— ucts 390 Corn, 1964-1965 crops, price support- 44 Appropriation for effecting provisions-. 434, Feed grain program, 1964-1965, price 777, 821, 832 support 44 Countries preparing for military aggres­ Mexican farm labor program, exten­ sive efforts against United States, sion 363 restriction on sales to 387 Appropriation for effecting provisions- 226, 227 Agriculture, Department of: Agricultural Act of 1954, appropriation for Acreage allotments and marketing effecting provisions 826 quotas -- 13, 79, 81, 92, 114, 279 Agricultural Act of 1961, appropriation for Advisory Committee on Vocational effecting provisions 826 Education, membership 410 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938: Agricultural Act of 1949. See separate Amendments, acreage allotments and title. marketing quotas 13, 79, 81, 92, 114 Agricultural Act of 1954, appropriation Appropriation for effecting provisions- 825, 827 for effecting provisions 826 Agricultural Advisory Commission, Na­ Agricultural Act of 1961, appropriation tional, appropriation for 830, for effecting provisions 826 1091 1092 SUBJECT INDEX Agriculture, Department of—Continued Page Agriculture, Department of—Continued Page Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938— Flood prevention, appropriation for__ 34,824 Amendments, acreage allotments and Foreign Agricultural Service, appro­ marketing quotas 13, 79, 81, 92, 114 priation for 34, 826 Appropriation for effecting provisions _ 825, Foreign assistance programs, additional 827 funds 3, 832 Agricultural commodities. See separate Foreign currency program, appropria­ title. tion for 821 Agricultural experiment stations, re­ Forest Service. See separate title. search facilities 90 General administration, appropriation Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, ap­ for 35,830 propriation for effecting provisions, 822- General Counsel, OfBce of the, appro­ 826 priation for 35, 829 Agricultural .Marketing Agreement Act General provisions. Appropriation Act. 833 of 1937, appropriation for effecting Great Plains conservation program, ap­ provisions 826 propriation for 34, 824 Agricultural Marketing Service, appro­ Hatch Act (Experiment Stations), ap­ priation for 34, 825 propriation for effecting provisions. 822 Agricultural Research Service, appro­ Housing facilities abroad, appropriation priation for 34, 820 authorization 121 Agricultural Stabilization and Conser­ Information, Office of, appropriation vation Service, appropriation for_ 20, 827 for 21,829 Appropriation Act, 1964 820 International Wheat Agreement Act of Appropriation for 20, 1949, appropriation for effecting 34, 74, 108, 134, 281, 342, 820 provisions 833 Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, ap­ Land-use adjustment program, appro­ propriation for effecting provisions. 824, priation for 829 831 Marketing research and service, appro­ Cape Fear River Basin, N.C., joint priation for 825 investigation with Army Depart­ Meat inspection, appropriation for 34, 821 ment 840 Mexican farm labor program, extension. 363 Colleges of agriculture and the mechanic Milk program, special, appropriation arts, appropriation for endowment. 230 for 826 Commodity Credit Corporation. See National Agricultural Advisory Com­ separate title. mission, appropriation for 83 0 Commodity Exchange Act, appropria­ National Agricultural Library, appro­ tion for effecting provisions 827 priation for 35, 830 Commodity Exchange Authority, ap­ National Forests. See separate title. propriation for 34, 827 National School Lunch Act, appropria­ Conservation reserve program, appro­ tion for effecting provisions 826 priation for 20, 829 Organic Act of 1944, appropriation for Consolidated Farmers Home Adminis­ effecting provisions 820, tration Act of 1961, appropriation 822-825, 829-831 for effecting provisions 21, 824, 831 Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, Cooperative State Experiment Station amendment, voluntary programs Service, appropriation for 34, 822 of research, etc 79 Corporations, appropriation for 831 Pilot Food Stamp Program, appropria­ Credit agencies, appropriation for 830 tion for . _.-. 826 Economic Research Service, appropria­ Plant and animal disease and pest con­ tion for 824 trol, appropriation for 34,821 Farmer Cooperative Service, appropria­ Range improvements, appropriation for_ 110 tion for 34, 823 Report to Congress, experiment stations, Farmers Home Administration, appro­ research facilities 92 priation for 20, 831 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Research and demonstrations, appro­ appropriation for 34, 832 priation for 820 Federal Extension Service, appropria­ Rice, acreage allotments, validation— 279 tion for 20, 822 Rural Areas Development, Office of, Feed Grain Act of 1963 44 appropriation for 829 SUBJECT INDEX 1093 Agriculture, Department of—Continued Page Air Force, Department of the—Continued Page Rural Electrification Act of 1936, appro­ Medals and decorations— priation for effecting provisions 830 Extension of authority to award Rural Electrification Administration, certain 94 appropriation for 35, 830 Recognition, Maj. Gen. Benjamin D. Rural Housing for the Elderly Revolving Foulois 131 Fund, appropriation for 21 Military Construction Appropriation Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Trust Act, 1964 463 Liquidation Act, appropriation for Mihtary Construction Authorization effecting provisions 831 Act, 1964 316 School lunch program, appropriation Mihtary personnel, appropriation for__ 22, 254 for 826 Missile procurement, appropriation for_ 261 Secretary, Office of the, appropriation National Guard. See separate title. for - 830 Officers, authorized strength for lieu­ Smith-Lever Act, appropriation for tenant colonel, time extension 79 effecting provisions 822 Operation and maintenance, appro­ Soil Bank Act, appropriation for effect­ priation for -- 23, 257 ing provisions 827, 829 Parks Air Force Base, Calif., relief of Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot­ certain persons 467 ment Act— Pay and allowances— Amendment, feed grain program, Basic pay rates, increase 210-212 1964-1965, acreage diversion 45 Combat Duty Pay Act of 1952, Appropriation for effecting provi­ repeal 216 sions 20, 824, 827, 829 Contract surgeons, physicians and Soil Conservation Service, appropriation dentists 212 for 34, 823 Family separation allowance 217 Statistical Reporting Service, appro­ Foreign duty 217 priation for 20, 825 Korean combat pay, repeal of provi­ Sugar Act of 1948, appropriation for sions 216 effecting provisions 827 Retired pay and retainer pay, com­ Supplemental appropriations, 1963 3 putation 212-215 Tobacco, acreage allotment transfer, Special and incentive pay 215-217 time extension for filing lease 81, 114 Travel and transportation allowances Watershed Protection and Flood Pre­ under canceled or modified vention Act, appropriation for orders 475 effecting provisions 34, 823 Report to Congress, public works, con­ Yearbook of Agriculture, appropriation struction costs 316 for 829 Agriculture and Related Agencies Appro­ Research, development, test, etc., appro­ priation Act, 1964 820 priation for 262 Air Force, Department of the. See also Reserve components— Armed Forces; Defense, Department Aliens, appointment or enlistment 474 of. Appropriation for 255 Aircraft and missiles, procurement and Enlistment program 134 research, etc., appropriation author­ Military construction, appropriation ization 48, 49 for 464 Aircraft procurement, appropriation for_ 261 Reserve Forces Facilities Authorization Appropriation for 254-270 Act, 1964 329 Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952, Retirement, pay— enlistment in Ready Reserve, repeal Appropriation for 255 of provision 134 Computation 212-215 Chief of Staff, retired pay, computa­ RS-70, research, development and test, tion 213 appropriation
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