It«.-: 50c OCTOBER 1957 Second Annual INTERNATIONAL ISSUE SIX FEATURE ARTICLES FROM FOREIGN AUTHORS and EUROPEAN HOMOPHILE MAGAZINES Prejudice Against Homosexuality How Churchill Became Marlhorough Let Us Be Proud I The Mutiny On The Rack ^ Homosexual Literature--A Partial Picture . I' ■ I I'-; H T P ' fU ‘ M S row THINKING ADULTS the Review's 50c OCTOBER 1957 bound volume Second Annual In rtsponse to roquotts from roodor«, wo kovo hod INTtRNATIONAl ISSUE on additional quantity of volomos bound— for both yoors 1955 and 1956. Thoy oro on bond NOW for immodioto obip« SIX FEATURE ARTICLES FROM FOREIGN AUTHORS and mont. Orders mailed some day received. EUROPEAN HOMOPHILE MAGAZINES f These ttvo volumes are in matching blue cloth, udth gold stamping. Volume I (1955) contains more than 300 pages Prejudice Agoiiut Homosexuality and includes the Society’s Yellow Booklet of General Information. Volume II (1956) contains 448 pages, in- cluSng copies of INTERIH, national news quarterly for How Cliurdiill tetame Marlliorougii mem hers, Let Us Be ProudI PRICE OF EACH VOLUME, SHIPPED PREPAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN THE UNITED STATES: k — r The Mutiny (California residents must add 4% sales tax to die above) SEND ORDERS TO ► On The Rath Homosexual Literature--A Partial Picture mattadiine REVIEW ► Sen Fraocifco 3, Calif. OFFICE OF THE BOARD Of DIRfCrORS Mattachine ^orictg, 3nc.. aittacliine w n n x i y CO Pm C H T 19S7 BY THE MATTACHINE SOCIETY, INC. Volume III October 1957 Number 10 Second Annual INTERUTIONAL ISSUE CONTENTS ARTICLES PREJUDICE AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY, In view of the dearth of suit­ Our first International Issue a Dr. med- Wolfgang E- Bredtschneider ..................................... 5 year ago tried to give as wide a able German articles for trans­ representation as was possible of lation, we feel especially grati­ HOW CHURCHILL BECAME MARLBOROUGH, Marc Daniel 14 fied and honored that Dr. Bredt- foreign language publications, in LET US BE PROUD, L-W................................................................ 22 translation. There were difficul­ schneider, a psychiatrist working ties however, especially in find­ in Frankfurt, Germany, submit­ THE MUTINY, Classen Von Neudegg .................... 25 ing translators from the Scandi­ ted his original article to us- In navian languages, auid mater­ addition he lightened our editor­ ON THE RACK, Scorpio ............................. 27 ials from such countries as Italy ial burden by furnishing the HOMOSEXUAL LITERATURE, A PARTIAL PICTURE, and Spain. basic English translation of his Andre Beaudry ...................................................................... 29 article. The work needed to transform it into its present This year we have been guided SHORT FEATURES by a different goal: to select for shape was minimal- We trust translation those materials which that other foreign authorities WOLFENDEN REPORT ................................................................ 2 will be stimulated by his exam­ might be presumed to have pri­ PERUVIAN RIDERS, a poem ............................ 11 mary interest for our readers, re­ ple to submit original work of gardless of the source from their own to Mattachine Review. DO WE NEED A WORLD CENTER, Jack Argo 12 which they came. There is, there­ * * ' fore, but a single translation HEARD AND SEEN, Aiidre Baudry ................ 21 from the German periodical, WOLFENDEN REPORT Humanitas. which is unfortun­ As we go to press, word has DEPARTMENTS ately no longer published. It been received that the long- 1 EDITORIAL ........................... 2 READERS WRITE .............. 33 seemed to the Editorial Board awaited WOLFENDEN REPORT I when we were independently se­ has finally been made public in LOOKING AHEAD............... 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY (Part III) , 36 London- Sir John Wolfenden was lecting materials for translation, A FOREIGN PUBLICATIONS .. 24 MATTACHINE DIRECTORY 38 that the available German-lang­ appointed three years ago to head uage articles were either overly a committee of 1 1 prominent English professional people, sentimental in treatment or too MATTACHINE REVIEW is published monthly by the Mattachinef preoccupied with internal legal charged with the problem of drafting recommendations for a Society, Inc., 693 Mission Street, San Francisco, San Francisco 5, situations- As a consequence, we Calif., a non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in the public have relied heavily on articles modernization of British sex laws. Many of our readers may interest for the purpose of providing true and accurate information which appeared in French origi­ toward the solution of problems of human sex behavior, particularly nally- Arcadia and La Caicla sec­ not realize that, under existing English law, penalties for homo- those of the homosexual adult. The REVIEW is available on many tion of Dar Krais have been oui U.S. newsstands (six alternate-month issues per year). main sources of materials (Continucd on page 20) . Printed in U. S. A. 3 ABOUT THE PREJUDICE AGAINST L 0 0 KIN 6 AHEAD Hov.«ü», U.U., lor subscribáis (bu, uo, f will feature three important articles on the homosex by 1 WOLFENDEN COMMITTEE—This article will discuss re- Dr. med. Wolfgang E. Bredtschneider io m m e S o n s o, the Government Committee ol <3'« ‘ Bnta'n wluf ia s studied the problem of homosexuality and proximately thre^ years and issued its conclusions early in Septem­ " A thing may ba looked at in three ways: in a scien- ber. (See also page 2 of this issue). tifíc way, in a legal way, and in a reasonable way.” - 2 PROBLEMS OF HOMOSEXUALITY-“Among sex laws, none August Bier. are so punitive or inequitable as those concerning homosexu^ acts, ”. and thus let us ■ • . not do what is done but narticulwly male homosexual activities,” states Dr- Normari Reider, what still wants doing." - Martin Buber. £ Francisco physician, in a straightforward article reprinted from California Medicine- 3 NEW LIGHT ON HOMOSEXUALITY-by the research staff of Scientific literature in the Lxology magazine, is an analysis of a survey of 1^00 male homosex­ ABOUT THE AUTHOR German language which deaU uals, and concludes that persons who consider these people to be with homosexuedity is mainly vicious, depraved and mentally ill need to question their thinking. It any proof were needed that preoccupied with attempts to both the basic roots of prejudice find the causation of this sexu­ PLUS other articles and features, book department, bibliography and the ways it finds expression ality which is directed mainly to­ and letters from readers- Of special interest will be a report on the are not confined within any geo­ ward members of the same sex 4th Annual Convention of the Mattachine Society, held recently in graphical boundaries, this arti­ and, occasionally, with sociolog­ San Francisco. cle could help to furnish it- Dr. ical problems connected with Bredtschneider, Frankfurt - am - this. The literature in the Ger­ Main, a diplomata of the German man language also is much less D«:*mb«r Issue, due off the press on November 20, wUl present Board of Psychiatry and Neurol­ extensive than the corresponding these outstanding headline features: ogy, as well as diplomate of the literature in English- The many Gorman Board of Internal Medi­ variations among homosexuals 1. ADJUSTMENT OF THE MALE OVERT HOM OSEXUA^n are but superficially alluded to. important and fully documented paper read by its author, Evelyn cine, identifies himself as ”Psy- choanalytically oriented” in his The usual conclusion is that Hooker, Ph.D., of the Department of Psychology, Umversity of C^if- people living with this kind of omia at Los Angeles, at a recent convention of the American Psy­ therapeutic practice- Judging from his article, however, it sexual behavior and inclination chological Association. would be as wrong to classify are more or less sick or emotion­ 2 PANEL DISCUSSION ON HOMOSEXUALITY—First install­ him as a narrowly doctrinaire ally maldeveloped. Several re­ ment of papers read at the recent Mattachine convention where a analyst as to label him nation- cent court decisions demand that panel of five experts discussed the topic, “Must the Individual Homo­ alistically German. His patients the defendant submit himself to sexual Be Rejected in Our Time?” must benefit as much from the medical treatment. width of his cultural background It is understood thereby that 3. PRESS REACTION TO WOLFENDEN REPORT—Taking up and the depth of his thinking as the "cure" of a homosexual i.s where the November presentaUon left off, this article will describe do we, the readers of his article. successfully completed when his the pros and cons of Wolfenden report recommendations as voiced sexual appetite becomes directed by the press in Great Britain and the U S. xMXKtCte R B V i e W most hideous injustices- that they have fallen victims to even know of such prohibiUons, towErds the other sex- Except Prejudice and superstition a more or less conscious feeling for some cases in which the or that they do not look upon feed in turn on the laws which of guilt which has been imposed such matters as of particular in­ homosexual interest was either they foster. Many people justify on them by force by the jnajor- terest- While psychiatry cannot rather superficial or one symp­ their opinions by pointing to the ity of "normals”: one feels much tom of a more polymorphous avoid considering the sociolog­ law: these laws would certainly less guilty if the guilt-arousing general maldevelopment, experi­ ical basis on which an individual not exist without reason; and the cause is congenital or inherited ence has shown the unpossibilily happened to grow up, and whUe lawmakers should certainly have than if it were “acquired’’ even of such cures. Hence it came to it has to regard their strong in­ known what they were doing in at very early stages of childhood. be considered satisfactory to help fluential and formative powers, enacting them. This thought will One feels uncomfortable if it is the homosexual patient in ad­ any general biology and any re­ be particularly^ stressed where possibly true that the psycho­ search of a biological-anthropo­ justing to the actual society he belief in authority is very strong.
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