A VIRTUAL MEETING OF THE PARKS AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE HELD ON MONDAY 6 JULY 2020 AT 7.31 PM VIA ZOOM PRESENT: Councillors Allen (Deputy Mayor), Biscoe (Mayor), Mrs Butler (Vice- Chairman), Mrs Callen, Mrs Eathorne-Gibbons, Ellis, Mrs Neale, Ms Southcombe (Chairman) and Wells. ALSO PRESENT: Councillor Webb. APOLOGIES: Councillor Tamblyn. Also in attendance: Richard Budge – Parks and Amenities Manager. Kate Bell – Compliance Officer. Mr Peter Kessell – Union & Staff Health & Safety Representative. 1 member of the public – Ms Santolamazza, Truro resident. 76 MEMBERSHIP OF PARKS & AMENITIES COMMITTEE The Chairman reported that the Committee vacancy would be considered at a future meeting of Full Council (Minute 24). The report was noted. 77 DISCLOSURES OR DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no disclosures or declarations of interest. The Mayor (Councillor Biscoe) requested that it be noted he was a member of the Board of Towns Fund (Item 9 Towns Fund Board.) 78 OPEN SESSION FOR ELECTORS OF TRURO RELATING TO ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA - VERBAL QUESTIONS There were no questions. 79 MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 June 2020, having been before Council on 29 June 2020, were signed as a correct record. 80 VIRTUAL ANNUAL INSPECTION BY PARKS AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE The Parks & Amenities Manager reported the Committee’s first Virtual Annual Inspection had been held prior to the Parks and Amenities Committee meeting. The Committee had viewed a number of short video clips & he highlighted the following points: i. Victoria Gardens – the floral displays & replacement railing project which was nearing completion. ii. Hendra Skate Park – where repairs were required. iii. Boscawen Park – riverbank erosion, on-going works to improve the staff accommodation, busy tennis courts & the temporary staff facilities which could be relocated for another use at an alternative location in the future, temporary site for the café. iv. Idless New Nursery development. Having viewed the extensive erosion to the riverbank adjacent to the Riverside Walk at Boscawen Park, Members suggested Truro Harbour Master be requested to impose a temporary speed restriction on river traffic, in an effort to limit the extent of erosion until repairs were affected. Reference was made to the wash created by boats & ships travelling along the river including to & from Lighterage Quay. It was also noted a 5mph limit was already in place. Members noted the issue of riverbank erosion was relevant to the Committee’s consideration of Item 9 Towns Fund Board (Minute 83 refers). The work of Mr George Lovering, who was in the process of completing the manufacture of the replacement railings at Victoria Gardens was commended. The Mayor also suggested his achievement be recognised in any future City Council community award process. 35 PARKS AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE – 6 JULY 2020 It was proposed by Councillor Wells, seconded by the Chairman, and RECOMMENDED that the Parks & Amenities Manager request the Truro Harbour Master to consider imposition of a temporary speed limit in the area of the riverbank adjacent to Riverside walk with the aim of reducing erosion until repairs were affected. 81 HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK – PARKS AND AMENITIES DEPARTMENT (i) Update - On-going Coronavirus Pandemic The Compliance Officer reported work with the Parks Department continued. One member of the Toilet Cleaning Team continued to ‘shield’. She would be meeting the Manager of the Café in the Park later that week to assess the future detailed operation of the Café including the staff & public seating areas. It was planned to bring back the Communities Team from 1 August. To comply with central government’s strict ‘track & trace’ guidelines, no visitor could enter the Library Building without an appointment; this applied to all Councillors & would include an induction process. The report was noted. (ii) Parks and Amenities Department – Report of any Recent Accidents The Chairman agreed this matter be considered before training. The Compliance Officer reported all accidents were notified to her by phone. Any Covid-19 implications could be considered & processes updated as necessary. Four accidents at work taken place since the beginning of the pandemic, all of which were not serious. One member of the public had an accident on a wildlife area looked after by the Council’s Countryside Ranger. Learning processes which had resulted included the application of first aid & height of the poly-tunnels. The report was noted. (iii) Training of Staff The Parks and Amenities Manager reported work on training had been interrupted by the pandemic & he was planning to arrange training in the next couple of months including: use of brush cutters, mowers, ride-on-mowers, blowers, hedge cutters & chainsaws (which was a legal requirement). Work was on-going on the preparation of training facilities including holding training locally e.g. using hedges in Boscawen Park for hedge-cutting training. A range of training providers would be used. The report was noted. (iv) Shop Steward, Unite The Parks and Amenities Manager reported in the continued absence of a Shop Steward from Unite, all union members were aware of the St Austell Unite contact. (v) Parks and Amenities Department and Unite Health and Safety Representative Mr Peter Kessell, the Parks and Amenities Department and Unite Health and Safety Representative reported the following: i. He had spoken to all staff at Boscawen Park, Victoria Gardens & the Cemetery. He noted work started by the Maintenance Team on the new fence at the Cemetery had stopped & he had spoken to the Compliance Officer. ii. Concern was expressed at the height of the tree canopy along Morlaix Avenue which was about head-height when the ride-on mower was being used. iii. Since the easing of the lockdown (in relation to the pandemic) he noted there had been a gradual increase in the number of people in the City Centre. Concern was expressed regarding social distancing requirements by staff who worked on the maintenance of floral displays in the vicinity of the public. iv. In his capacity as Joint Nursery Supervisor, he monitored personal protective equipment (PPE) stock including masks (industry standard), gloves, wipes & hand sanitizer & liaised with the Compliance Officer on supplies. He had no concerns in this area or on staff social distancing which he also monitored in relation to his remit & receiving feedback from other areas. 36 PARKS AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE – 6 JULY 2020 v. In response, the Parks and Amenities Manager advised in relation to works at the Cemetery, the Maintenance Team had been called away on other duties; this work would now be re-scheduled. He agreed to raise the issue of the height of the tree canopy along Morlaix Avenue with Cornwall Council. He would also discuss with relevant staff the potential use of a barrier system or use of flexible working arrangements (working when the town was quieter) to maintain social distancing. The report was noted. 82 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Appendix A The Chairman’s report, previously circulated, was taken as read. The Chairman also reported the Green Truro webinar was scheduled for 18 September 2020 & the keynote speaker was Professor Ian Bateman. The report was noted. 83 TOWNS FUND BOARD Appendices B & C The Committee was requested to consider developments it wished to nominate for submission & consideration by the Towns Fund Board. A report by the Town Clerk had been circulated with the agenda & a supplementary report had been circulated to the Committee & was tabled at the meeting. The Council’s two other standing committees, Planning & Finance & General Purposes Committees would be considering similar reports & Full Council would consider the Committee’s requests in due course. The Mayor expressed the view, given the current serious economic situation, schemes which generated as much economic value to the local community, e.g. generating profit, jobs or skills were most productive. He acknowledged this might be more difficult to do in the area of parks & gardens, however, the aim of linking Newham with Boscawen Park & increasing use of the Park – involving aspects such as flood defense, pitch drainage, slipway improvements & increasing access to water was an example. Such a scheme might incorporate the aims of increasing access to sport & sporting excellence. This view was generally supported by Councillors, who also suggested expanding the popular play park, improving access to the Park off Malpas road for cyclists & a small sports facility (on the old nursery site) & stopping the current erosion of the riverbanks. The Parks and Amenities Manager drew the Committee’s attention to the supplementary report by the Town Clerk which reported there was an opportunity to bring forwarded the allocation of £750K for projects which were ready to proceed with the deadline for expressions of interest of 14 August 2020 to central government. He also advised, noting the next Committee meeting was not until September, in light of the short timescales a small working group including relevant officers & other organisations, could be established to develop a submission. The Mayor clarified the Board was required to submit bids to central government by January 2021 & it was expected that outline projects be developed e.g. in terms of investment plan by October. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs Butler, seconded by Councillor Allen, and RECOMMENDED to Full Council that: Truro City Council would welcome the inclusion of a bridge between Newham & Boscawen Park, & on that basis, the Council would want to develop a project which was making the best & most productive use of the old Nursery site; including an element which enhances the play equipment & other sporting access & facility on Boscawen Park. Pursuant to Standing Order 3.u.Councillor Biscoe abstained from voting on the above matter. 37 PARKS AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE – 6 JULY 2020 84 CORNWALL COUNCIL COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY FUND App D Members were requested to consider the report by the Town Clerk.
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