EXPECT MAYOR Lonergan Is Against M M DEALERS Automobile Sinks In River STAVISKY, FRENCH TO FIGHT FOR Nomination o f Bergin GO ON STRIKE; SWINDLER CAUGHT; • ” I F E A R m U B L E DICTCTORSHIP Wuhington, Jan. 8.— (AP)— The^maintained silence as to whether he nomination of Frank 8 . Bergin of would oppose the nominations when they are reported out to the Senate. ATTEMPTS SUICIDE New Haven ra Connecticut District He is not a member of tb>) judiciary Vnlence Flares Over 100 LaGoardia l^edicts Governor Attorney made over the opposition committee, which will consider Ber- of Senator Lonergan (D., Conn.) gln’s nomination. Lehman Will Support New was sent to the Senate today as the Wilson, whom Senator Lonergan Mile Area Arennd GUea- Mao Bhmbd (or CeOapM of unsuccessfully sought to have nomi­ ELEVATOR KILLS Senate Finance Committee ccmsld- ered two other nominations opposed nated u district attorney, has been York City’s Plea for large mentioned both as a probable ap­ go; Danilied ea Masy| 40 MBIion Dolhr French by the senator. WEST HAVEN MAN The Finance Committee voted to pointee to the Federu bench In a Share of State Taxes. refer to Senator Lonergan as a New York District Coxirt or tbe Raais Lea^ig to Gty. Bank, Traced by Detec- committee of one, the nominations New Yo»-k Custolna Court, and ak a of Mrs. Fanni'' Dixon Welch of C(ri- successor to William D. L. Star- umbia as CoSector of Customs, and buck of Connecticut as a member of' Trapped in Pit He Is Smoth­ tires to Deserted V3h — New York, Jan. 8.— (AP)—Mayor the Federal Radio Commission. Cailcago, Jsii. 8.— (A P ) — MHk of Dr. Edward G. Dolan of Manches­ cM lveries w in halted in Chicago Florello H. LaGuardia predicted to­ ter as Collector of Internal Reven­ Starbuck’s term expires February Hres BoDet late Head as day that Governor Herbert H. Leh- ue. ’The nomination of Bergin was 28. today as ykdeiice flared over a 100* ered to Death; State’s Old­ automatically referred to the Senate It has been regarded unlikely that mile area ip a dairymen’s strtka tnan would support the city’s plea Senator Lonergan would oppose the for a larger share of the state’s tax Judiciary Committee. against rcduced- prioes. est Woman Dies. (NHcers Smash Deer ef Senator Lonergan said the finance administration nominations as long revenue. as there remained a probability of Dumping of mUk spread from committee was not expected to re­ highways surrounding Cwoago' and ‘Tm sure the Governor will rec­ port the nominations for several anolb'. Federal post for Wilson. Reem — Net Expected Moreover, while there has been reached Into the city itself. Uide- By ASSOCIATED PRESS ommend that,” he said. “It is in weeks. Both nominations were pendent retail dealers who atUmpt- keeping With the fundamental prin­ widespread dissatisfaction among A single person met violent death made during the recess uf Congress ed to deliver milk bad their trucks ciples of our American sytem of without the Senator’s support Senators over the administration’s last weeki^end in Connecticut — to Ure. patronage policy, no general oppo­ tipped over or the contents spilled government with equitable repre­ Asked by another member of the Frank P. Hyde, 69, of West Haven sentation and equitable allocation of sition has been reported, and it is into sewers. committee, if State Chairman David who was trapped and smothered to taxes. I am sure that is what the A. Wilson of Connecticut was a can­ expected Senator Lonergan will be With both producers and distribu­ Chamonix, France, Jan. 8.— ( A P ) . Governor has in mind.” didate for appointment to the Fed­ unwilling to act without the assur­ tors anxious to settle the strike, con­ death beneath the elevator in the —Serge “Hsuidaome Alex” Stavisky, ferences were held to devise means The mayor conferred for an hour eral Radio Commission, Senator ance O'* support from other disgrun­ pit of a New Haven wardiouse. ' alleged |40,(X)0,000 swindler, shot of meeting the farmers’ demands, a and a half at his home, before going Lonergan replied Wilson was a CU' tled Senators. Hyde, a piumbmg salesman, was guaranteed basic price of $1.85 a himself in tbe head today when po­ to the a ty HaU today, with Alder- didate only for appointment as Unit­ The nominations of Bergin, Mrs. hundred pounds. Fatal to two Penntylvapians waa the motoring tragedy pictured here found crushed beneath the elevator lice surrounded him in a hidden manic President Bernard Deutsch ed States District Attorney. Welch and Dr. Dolan were all made Twenty-five larger Chicago dalf- at MorrlsvUle after the car In wtich they were riding plunged off the in the warehouse of the firm for and others whose names he would 'The committee’s act in referring on the suggestion of National Com­ which he worked when he failed to villa. He was at first thought to ies, supplying most of the city’s Penn Valley bridge into the Delaware and Lehigh canal, where it is not reveal. City Hall observers the nominations of Dr. Dolan and mitteeman Archibald McNeil of shown half submerged. The victims were J. H. Stearway of Jenkln- return to his home for dinner last have died instantly but a hastlty thought the conference indicated a Mrs. Welch to the Senator gives BrldgcTcrt, who, with Attorney milk, announced wiUingBese to pay night and his wife notified a com­ summoned ph3rsiclan found a sign of the price asked, but the problem Jf town and J. T. Stone of BHstoL determination on the part of the him the power to delay a report to General Cummings, led the faction pany official. life. how to compel smaller independents Mayor to continue his fight for fi­ the Senate on them until some ac­ or Connecticut democracy which Smothered to Death A battle immediately was begun to agree held up the settlement. nancial rule. tion is t^en on the reported can­ unsuccessfully sought to pledge The medlc^ examiner said death to save Stavisky from death in or* Questioned on the fact that there didacy of Wilson for the Radio Com' that state’s delegation to the Na­ Fanners* Demands was due to “accidental smothering” to turn bim over to trial. was a great deal of talk about a mission or the Federal bench. tional convention to support Roose­ The farmers have demands^ SAYS AUTO CODE PREMIER RECEIVES as the man’s body waa cruabed by Application of restoratives possible compromise with the Gov- Meanwhile, Senator Lonergan velt. through the Pure MUk Assodatlep tbe elevator. Hyde waa believed to brought aa apparent consdousnsss cm or on the matter. La Guardia representing 18,000 producers, that have stepped onto the floor of the to the m u who had been eouglit said: the minimum price be paid by every elevator well, mlstaktog it for tbe for two WMks following the collapse "Any time snyone disapproves dairy to every farmer, r^anUess ef IS HERE TO STAY ARMS CUT REPORT lift itself, and to have ' pulled the of the Bayonne Pawnshop which he anj^lhg they must have something whether the farmer bolds member­ cable wblch catiaed the elevator to founded. to take its place—not talk.” ship In the association. descend upon him. Lstier, however, he lapsed into a Aooosed of PoUtlos SENATE ASKS REPORT Qovenunept Bcanslng of dairieti Death came quietly to Mrs. BUlza* I coma and tbe doctor id he feared The Govemmr’s refusal to sanetioc \ipdar the s^eultural adjustment, Head of Natioaal Dealers MacDonald and Sir Jolm beth Qulntard, 104 years old and be-1 the wormd eras mortal, which would firs La act has bean Suggested by Pura; lieved to have beu the ddeat wom­ Was livliig Akms Oiardla financial dlctatoriwp until MUk oincialp as a means of enfere-' an in the state. She died Sunday Stavisky was living atone in one ON PROCESSING TAXES ing the price. Tbs association re­ October 1 caused the Mayor yastsr^ Associatiefl dam s It Is Simon Hold Conference on night at tbe home of her grand­ room of a villa at the foothills of 4 ay to accuse the state executive of cently withdrew from a Chiepspe daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Ward of the French Alps-' Injecting the problem “into the field milk nxarketiPg agreement beenttse Bethel. The Secret Service traced him of poUUcal maneuvering.” of faUure in eatorcement Aiding Industry. New Peace Plans. Fomid Dead In Bed there and its agents entered the up- As to a possible compromise by Reqimti Secratur Walltca SEEKS TO RAISE The most eerioue repprte of xior Daniel B. Sheehan, 75, was found heated house. No signs of life had which the Board of Estimate would lenoe oaine from Wisemmhi, whsca dead In tbe bed of his hotel room been seen about It. bw given the power sought by him, to Deteribe Fnascing Op- iterfer^ce with raUroad trains New York, Jan. 8.— (A P )— F . W. London. Jan. 8.—(AP)—PrtSM yesterday in New Raven. He was One room, later found to be ths the Mayor said: uiUng -mUk was reportod. Sherlfl A. Vesper, president of the Nation­ Minister Ramsay MacDohald saft found by another roomer. The only heated quvter in the villa, was “The time dement is more la ^ r- TAX ON SPIRITS Clarence Bhickson reported finding medical examiner said Sheehan’s found locked. The sgents knoeksd al Automobile Dealers’ Association, Foreign Secretary Sir John Simon, taat now than the votes of the entM u; Big Batch of of obetruetkas on tracks of the death waa from natural causes.
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