, :. I. t ~ 31 ournal of ~!i!'tbical, <!&ccult, anb ,fflp~tical l\e!)earcb FOUNDED Editor : Past Rev. W . STAINTON MOSES, (M.A. Oxon.) E.W. WALLIS. IN 1881 GEORGE H . LETHEM. Editors : { EDMUND DAWSON ROGERS. DAVID GOW. .. D D~ ..,. ~~·· · · ·· · · · · ·· · · · ·· ···· · ··D No. 2738. VOL. LIII. (Registered as FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1933. a Newspaper) Price FOURPENCE Entered as Second Class Matter March 12, 1929, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., under the Act of March 9, 1879 (Sec. 327, P.L. and R.) PRLNCIPAL CONTENTS Psychic Phenomena in the Old Testament. By Sir Oliver Lodge's ''Pronouncement'' 405 H. Ernest Hunt 401-2 Inter-Religious Crusade 406 Mrs. Eileen Garrett's work in America. An Book Review : Byways of Inspiration. By H. F . Interview 403 Prevost Battersby .. 409 Fiction, Fancy and Fact. By David Gow 411 Foreign Notes 404 Strange Recurring Dreams .. 412 PSYCHIC PHENOMENA IN THE OLD TESTAMENT PROPHETS WHO WERE SEERS AND them : and that which should have been for their welfare let it become a trap." MEDIUMS One wonders whether this reference to their " table " By H. ERNEST HUNT means the table that is so frequently used to-day in elemen­ tary communication, just as one may ask whether the THE difficulty in dealing with this subject is the wealth reference so often made to trumpets and voices that speak of psychic material available, for practically all the foreshadows our present means of manifestation. Habakkuk phenomena with which we are familiar to-day can be rr. 2, says " Write the vision, and make it plain upon found illustrated in the Old Testament with the exception, tables, that he may run that readeth it " : Isaiah xxx. 8, for very obvious reasons, of psychic photography ! tells us," Now go, write it before them in a table, and note Dowsing is one of the first phenomena, and it may at it in a book," While Daniel II. 27, records that " both any rate be plausibly contended that Moses, when he these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall was told to take his rod with him to find water, was but speak lies at one table ; but it shall not prosper." We anticipating a process with which we are more familiar seem to have heard contemporary reference to " lies " than were the Israelites. at the table prospering no more to-day than in the days Psychometry, wherein from inanimate objects living of yore. history may be obtained, seems to be referred to in Joshua Clairaudience also is frequently mentioned, being the xxxrv. 27, where it is said that" this stone shall be a witness hearing ear. Samuel is the classic instance, and his unto us ; for it hath heard all the words of the Lord which earliest experiences are given in I 1$,amuel m. All his he spake noto AA '=.Jt _,5hall ~r G-fo+e- b.e._a.. :wil:fleS.S untQ life this gift of inner hearing wa_s with__ him, and itiJ you." The idea of a stone" hearing" and thus testifying Samuel rx. 15, we read "Now the Lord had told Samuel is not in the least incongruous to one familiar with psychic in his ear a day before Saul came ;" and Ezekiel in chapter phenomena of this order. nr, verses 12 and 14, thus narrates : " Then the spirit Clairvoyance appears again and again as the " open took me up, and I heard behind me a voice," just as in vision " which was precious in the Old Testament, and another verse, xr. 24, he says " the spirit took me up, and Ezekiel explains that through the spirit he sees " in the brought me in.a vision by the spirit of God into Chaldea." visions of God." Proverbs xx. 12 records that " the Clairvoyance and clairaudience were thus both of them hearing ear (clairaudience) and the seeing eye (clair­ frequent manifestations, and the voice is evidently meant voyance) the Lord hath made even both of them," and in the various references to be " the oracles of God." II Chronicles xxvr. 5, mentions Zechariah " who had Writing has already been referred to in the case of understanding in the visions of God." The Seer was tables, but the Ten Commandments were " written," naturally one who saw, but there would be no point in the words of the covenant upon the tables; by the hand of any such mention unless the sight were supernormal. Moses ; and when he came down from the mount after \'\le are told in I Samuel rx. 6, that the Seer was a man of his fast of forty days, " behold, the skin of his face shone" God, an honourable man, and " all that he saith cometh a phenomenon with which spiritualists will not be un­ surely to pass," this indicating that the clairvoyant sight familiar. Then at the feast of Belshazzar "came forth penetrated into the future. The loss of this inner vision fingers of a man's hand and wrote upon the plaister of the is clearly implied in Psalm Lxrx. 23, where it says " Let wall of the king's palace; and the king saw the part of their eyes be darkened that they see not," while the pre­ the hand that wrote." (Daniel v. 5.) ceding verse reads " Let their table become a snare before Voices speak throughout the Bible, and the oracles of 402 LIGHT JUN E 30, 1933 PSYCHIC PHENOMENA IN THE BIBLE (Continued from previow page) The fact that the servants make this suggestion almost God are heard in many guises. Sometimes the voice is as a matter of course indicates that at any rate they would " direct," generally out of a cloud or out of heaven and hardly have been surprised if such a thing had indeed _ sometimes in darkness under the ordinary seance conditions happened. and the many references to " dark sayino-s " seem to be Fire tests, such as we know in the case of D . D. Home i·ather to the conditions of communicati~n than to any and others, are paralleled in the incident of the burning veiled content of the messao-es. Numbers xn. 8, says of bush and in the adventure of Shadrach Meshach and Moses, " with him will I speak mouth to mouth, even Abe~ego in the burning fiery furnace. 'rt is at any rate appare71tly, and not in dark speeches," while in the a spmtual fire which discriminates and is prepared to precedmg verse we _read, " if there be a prophet among consume all the prophets of Baal, while refusing to singe you, I the Lord will make myself known to him in a even the hair of the prophets of the Lord. vision, and will speak unto him in a dream." And of MATERIALISATIONS course we kn_ow from Job X,'i:XI~I. 'i.4, that" God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perce1veth it not. In a dream Materialisations are a little difficult, for while to us at in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men' present they are somewhat recondite phenomena, one can in slumberings upon the bed. Then he openeth the ear~ only conclude that in Bible times they were more or less of men, and sealeth their instruction," and many of us a matter of common experience. The woman of Endor can testify to the educational process that goes ori in the is ~he classic case of materialisation : but angels appear subconscious during sleep. On the other hand sometimes quite naturally and are taken fo r and treated as normal men, the communication is so direct that " the Lord spake then they disappear, and only the fact of their mysterious unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend,'' disappearance acquaints the visited with the fact that the so natural was the process of speech. visitors were supernatural, or, as we suggest, materialisa­ Trance is quite a frequent phenomenon according to tions. For example in Genesis XVI, the angel of the the olden day records, even as to-day, and the references Lord finds Hagar in the wilderness and talks to her in a to deep sleep are many. Daniel vm. 18, has it " Now most natural fashion, giving sound advice. There is no as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep on my ceremony and no surprise. In a contemporary book, face toward the ground : but he touched me and set me The 1\1.asters of the Far East, much the same type of happen­ upright." Numbers XXIV. 4, has a reference to Balaam ing is reported to have occurred in the experience of an as a man which heard the words of God, which saw the American expedition in Thibet. I t may be that only the v~sion of the Almighty, "falling into a trance, but having peculiarly artificial and material character of our civilisation his eyes open,'' so much i_n contradistinction to having to-day inhibits the very practical inter-working thus of the eyes normally closed ill trance as to be worthy of the phvsical and superphysical spheres. special mention. Then in Samuel x. 6, Saul is told that Mediumship runs throughout the pages of the Bible, he will " be turned into another man "-a phrase which is for the Prophets were Seers and Mediums, and sometimes meaningless apart from psychic knowledge, but which they were treated with scant ceremony as when Jeremiah becomes immediately illuminating to those familiar with found himself lowered by ropes into a deep dungeon and trance-control.
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