CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by DigitalCommons@CalPoly Volume 39 Number 43 California Polytechnic State Unlverelty, San Lull Obispo Wednesday, April 2, 1975 Legal decision overrules SAC by FRED VULIN which Councilman T. Keith Gurnee was seeking M uiuni Daily stuff writer» have the right to re-election. endorte candidate» for public office, according to a In the Feb. 5 column Harvey wrote: legal opinion ittued by the Chancellor'» office. "Gal Poly students have an opportunity to The opinion, in effec t, nullifiet a Feb. 12 vote by show that they want a voice tn the decisions—a vote the Student Affair» Council, which called for an tyith some power—by voting for Keith Gurnee." immediate halt of such endortementi. Ronca saw the column as a violation of Title V The endowment», SAC held, were in violation and asked SAC to vote accordingly—which the of Title V (Sec. 42405) of the California Ad- legislative body did. The Ronca motion received miniitrative Code. The code prohibit» the u»e of only one dissenting vote—that of Mike Murdy of fund» of an auxiliary organization to: the School of Communicative Arts and "Support or oppo»e any i»»ue before the voter» of Humanities. thii »late or any »ubdiviiion thereof or any city, Mustang editor Marji Nieuwsma immediately munic ipality or local governmental entity of any requested the Chancellor's office to make a legal kind..." interpretation of Title V. The letter by Mayman HoweveV, Linda G. May man, an attorney work represents the official view of the California Suite ing for the Chancellor'» general counsel, informed University and Colleges on the subject. the papet »igned per»onal endowment» did not Editor Nieuwsma had mixed ieelings on the violate the texie. announcement by the Chancelor's office which In a March 12 letter, Maytnan cited a 1965 was based on the 1965 ruling. opinion from the general counsel'» office which "Although it's a victory, it wasn't a complete dec lares editorial endorsement» of candidate» to be vie lory. They (SAC) kept us from endorsing c an- in violation of 1 itle V. didates in the city election. If that was the goal, But, the letter continued, "Signed columns or then they achieved it," said the editor, letter» to the editor expressing personal opinion» ax She went on to say the paper was "relatively to the merit of a particular candidate would be sure'a favorable decision would be granted. permissible." Various court cases around the country, according This interpretation of Title V reinforces the to Nieuwsma, had dealt with the problem before beliefs already held by the editor and staff of and freedom of the press (at the college level) had Mustang Daily and at the »ame time it rebuke» a 22- been consistently reinforced. I vole by SAC, which called (or the bait of "It's ironic they didn't have to draw on a new endorsement». ruling," she said and pointed out some time could The vote by SAC was made on a motion by John have been saved if SAC had done more research on Roiua of the School of Business and Social the legal problem. Sciences—who claimed columnist Alison Harvey According to Nieuwsma, the legal opinion violated the pertinent sections of Title V in the Feb. slightly alters the relationship between the paper 5 issue of the paper. and SAG. "The paper always thought it was In her column Harvey discussed the then up­ independent from SAC's control—now we proved Marti Nlauwama, Mustang Daily atfltor. coming San Luis Obispo municipal election in it." Santana music on Alcohol bill Saturday before SAC by ANDREW TANNER Possession and consumption of no legal power but only advise The music of Santana, which b m and wine on campus would Pres. Kennedy of the students' will be heard in the Men's Gym be allowed under a revision of the desire to allow beer and wine on Saturday night beginning at 8 Campus Administrative Manual campus. pm is difficult to describe in proposed by ASI Vice-Pres. Mike conventional terms. It springs Hurtado. A decision in letter form from the Chancellor's office concer­ from the primal sensuality of Hurtado will preient his rock, goes through the technical ning Muaung Daily's right to resolution to the Student Affairs endorse candidates for public of­ complexity of jau. and into new Count il tonight when SAC' meets realms of abstraction and fice also will be read to SAC at 7:15 p.m. in Rm. 220 of the tonight. mysticism. University Union. This unique sound is made The Chancellor's staff possible by the band's unusual Hurtado s resolution asks SAC ruled Muaung Daily have instrumentation, featuring, a to endorse a c hange in CAM that the right to endorse single guitar and a variety of would make beer and wine con­ provided the endorsements are keyboard and woodwind effects, sumption legal at Cal Poly. signed by their author. all set against the drive of latin The resolution also directs SAC rhythms, (solos Santana, a San to request that Pres. Robert SAC voted overwhelmingly last Franciscan by way of Autlan, Kennedy approve the proposed uarter to ban political en- Mexico, leads the seven-piece revision of CAM. doirsements in the newspaper. group and plays the wide-ranging Hurtado is not sure whether a guitar lead. The sec lion of CAM that deals formal nullification of that vote is Although continually in transi­ with alcohol is Sec. 673. Il now nreded. but said that would be tion throughout “ its eight year reads, "it is not permtssable for decided at the meeting tonight. history, the group is responsible either student or staff members to bring intoxicating liquor on the In other action tonight SAC for six gold albums on the Gnlum- will: e b ia la b e l. campus." Hurtados resolution would —Appoint a SAC represen­ Sharing the bill with Santana drlete that portion of Sec. 673 and tative to serve on the Student will be Journey, a spin-off group, replace it with: Disc iplinary Review Committee. featuring former Santana —Hear a report from Dee Dee members Neal Schon and Gregg "Possession and consumption Bacon, student represenutive on Rolie. of alcohol (beer and wine) shall be the Foundation, about the rise in Tickets for the concert are permitted in designated areas of prices at the El Corral Bookstore. available at theL'niversity Union the campus for those persons of box office from 10 until 2 daily at legal drinking age. Designated —Hear a report on the tutus of J3 50 for students and 54 for areas shall include but shall not a drive to initiate a new but token others. be limited to the privacy of a program for students Any remaining tickets will go student's room in a residence —Be told of legislation pen­ on sale at the door Saturday at hall." ding in the Sute legislature that is Carlo« Santana will laad hi« group thl« Saturday night In 7:30 pin for an additional 50 Hurtado said even if SAC en­ pertinent to students by ASI Pres. at Cal Poly. cents in each price category. dorses his resolution il will hold Scott Plotkin. pm«i Wednesday. April t. i n Editorial Freedom by choice or politics? The ever-present curse of a itu- to SAC'i belief that Mustang was already Mustang Daily’s statement to u body he knew I he city council election was deni newipaper ii ihe threat of in violation of the law, the right,...as of ten years ago. respected his opinion? Tuesday, March 4, Has the average college ad­ political control. Chancellor's legal staff didn't Of course, one can hardly Mustang received the rulini Whether it be the administra- think so. blame them.. ministration reached a point of March 14 * lion, SAC or major itudent It voted in favor of the concept After all, when a top member of such control that another "Free the administration speaks, Speech" movement, as in the 60s, Voltaire once said, "I disap­ organiutioni on campui, the that freedom of the press does not prove of what you say, but I will dominant belief hat been that stop when you enter state univer­ everyone listens—and accepts. is becoming a necessity? And Deun of Students Everett I hope not. defend to the death your right to Miutang Daily it juit a tool, to be sity property. say it." uied to lay only the "right" The ironic thing is that no new Chandler made the utilement that looking at the situation from another angle, Mustang Daily thingi. ruling was necessary—the deci­ turned SAC around that night; Obviously, that is not thiscam- We've been fighting that fan- sion was based on a precedent set "There is no doubt about the may not have won the case as completely as it seems at first pus' philosophy. r taiy all year, typified by Dean of in 1965. policy. The Chancellor's legal But we at Mustang intend to Student* Everett Chandler'! re­ With only minimal research, staff has dealt with the question glance. The conservative factions on uncover the things on this cam­ cent deicription of Mustang ai a Mustang Daily discovered the before. Mustang Daily’s action pus that students need to know "houie organ." previous ruling less than a week was clearly illegal." this campus, headed by such studenu as John Ronca and such about, and continue to report Nothing could be further from after SAC's censorship.
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