Noticeboard Weekday Masses Forthcoming Events Mon Bonaventure, Friar, Bishop, Teacher of the 22 July Parish Council Meeting—7 pm Faith, 1274 23 July Pastoral Group at Ros Simmons’ 15 FRIENDS OF ST MARK’S EVENTS (after Mass) Tue 16 12.00 pm Holy Communion 14 July TODAY FRENCH DAY—IN HONOUR OF 14 July 2019 Wed BASTILLE DAY—croissants & more John Keble—Catholic Renewal Sunday 17 10.30 am Mass 28 Jul SOUP MORNING—OUR Thu DELICIOUS ANNUAL EVENT Guide to Today’s Solemn Choral Mass 18 7.30 am Mass 25 Aug ANNUAL PRODUCE AUCTION The liturgical colour used today is Gold. It is used for the most solemn of Feast Days of the Lord and of this Church Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, and his sister Ma- Fri dedicated under the patronage of Saint Mark. We rejoice in the inheritance of the catholic faith. We celebrate crina, Deaconess, Teachers of the Faith, Next Choral Masses c.394 and c.379 John Keble, widely regarded as the initiator of the Oxford Movement, 185 years ago. We rejoice in the faithful 28 Jul 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time witness of countless priests, religious and lay people in this parish over 166 years. 19 18 Aug Mary, Mother of the Lord Sat Presiding Fr Stuart Soley Homilist Fr Stuart 8 Sept 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 Hospitality Welcoming Team at the door Jacquie Joslin and Peter Owens 6 Oct Saint Francis of Assisi Next Sunday—21 July Organist Jeremy Fletcher Entrance See p.2 Here within this house of prayer Tune: Ratisbon (NEH 234 ii) The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time We are reflecting on 9.00 am Lauds Richard Rohr’s The Divine Dance Setting St Mark’s Setting—De angelis—Cox and Skinner, 1984 23, 30 July & 6 August 9.30 am Solemn Mass Readings Lamentations 3:19-26; Psalm 26; Romans 15:1-6; Matthew 5:1-12 @ 7 pm in the Church Readings for Next Sunday Reader Leon Warden Cantor Matt Hadgraft Books have arrived: Genesis 18:1-10a; Psalm 15; $25 to Fr Stuart or Russell. Psalm Colossians 1:24-28; Luke 10:38-42 Publications—In the Narthex Monthly Pub Lunch—21 July TMA July edition Procession See p.2 God is here! As we his people Tune: Abbot’s Leigh (NEH185) Talk to Angus or book on the Saint Mark’s Copies of old Pew Bulletins including 30 of the Gifts website—all welcome! Eucharistic Robyn Gunther June issue on Religious Freedom Assistants Rod Conn Directory Communion 341 Blest are the pure in heart Tune: Franconia Parish Priest: Fr Stuart Soley SCP T: 03 9419 5051 E: [email protected] Priests Assisting: Dr Cecilia Francis, Dr Graeme Garrett, Dr Brian Porter, Dr John Spring The Angelus See booklet Director of Music: Dr Geoffrey Cox Recessional Quoniam tu solus sanctus—Adrian Fish Wardens: Mr Rod Conn, Mr Philip Cornish, Ms Louise McGuire Secretary: Ms Heather Stock Hospitality In the Narthex Host The Friends of Saint Mark’s Addresses: A: Cnr George & Moor Streets, Fitzroy P: PO Box 124, Fitzroy, Vic 3065 Community Programs Flowers Donations gratefully received—for a thank offering or in memory of a loved one St Marks Community Centre—250 George St Fitzroy St Marks RECYCLED—298 Smith St Collingwood A Partnership with Anglicare Victoria A Community Program Supporting Saint Mark’s Community Centre Hours: Mon—Fri: 11.00 am—3.00 pm Hours: Sun—Sat: 11.00 am—5.00 pm Coordinator: Chris de Paiva T: 03 9419 3288 Manager: Mr Michael Goldwaser T: 03 9417 2965 FB: stmarksfitzroy / stmarksfitzroychoir / stmarksrecycled www.stmarksfitzroy.com ENTRANCE HYMN HYMN FOR THE GIFTS How the Church is marginalising itself and blames everybody else Here within this house of prayer God is here! As we his people continued …. In the 1994 Queen’s Birthday Honours, his leadership of St Paul’s from 1985-1999. I 1 Here within this house of prayer, 1 God is here! As we his people Bishop Grant was awarded membership of am grateful for his continued longstanding meet to offer praise and prayer, all our Father’s love declare; the Order of Australia in recognition of his association with St Paul’s through the twen- love that gave us birth, and planned may we find in fuller measure service to the Anglican Church of Australia, ty years since, including as a weekday Chap- days and years beneath his hand: what it is in Christ we share. and in 2010 he was made a Senior Fellow of lain and Trustee of our Music Foundation. praise to God whose love and power Here, as in the world around us, Trinity College Melbourne. Our prayers are with Rowena and his family, bring us to this present hour! all our varied skills and arts In celebrating the life and ministry of Bish- and all who mourn his death: may he rest in 2 Here, till earthly praises end, wait upon the coming of his Spirit op Grant, the current Dean of Melbourne, peace, and rise in glory’. tell of Christ the sinner’s friend; into open minds and hearts. Andreas Loewe said: ‘We give thanks for Bishop James’ funeral will take place at St Christ whose blood for us was shed, 2 Here are symbols to reminds us the generosity of service of Bishop Jim, and Paul’s Cathedral on Friday 19 July at 11 am. Lamb of God and living bread, of our lifelong need of grace; life divine and truth and way, here are table, font and pulpit; Religious Freedom light of everlasting day. here the cross has central place. 3 Here may all our faint desire Here in honesty of preaching, Statement from the Rev Peter Catt, Presi- speech. Neither should such a Bill allow peo- feel the Spirit’s wind and fire, here in silence, as in speech, dent of A Progressive Christian Voice Aus- ple who provide goods and services to with- souls that sleep the sleep of death here, in newness and renewal tralia. hold them from say, LGBTIQ+ people. To al- stir to life beneath his breath: God the Spirit comes to each. low this would be a retrograde step, taking may his power upon us poured 3 Here our children find a welcome “There is no need for a Religious Freedom us back half-a-century to the days when Bill. There are many people throughout the send us out to serve the Lord! in the Shepherd’s flock and fold, goods and services were withheld from peo- world who are persecuted for their faith. To ple based on perceived race. 4 Here may faith and love increase, here, as bread and wine are taken, align oneself with them in the current Aus- flowing forth in joy and peace Christ sustains us as of old. tralian climate is self-indulgent. I get attacked more often for my views and from the Father, Spirit, Son, Here the servants of the Servant practices by fellow religious travellers than I undivided, Three-in-One: seek in worship to explore Freedom of religion has to do with the free- do by people from outside the faith commu- his the glory all our days what it means in daily living dom to hold to a particular belief system, nity. Will the Bill stop that from happening? in this house of prayer and praise. to believe and to adore. freedom to assemble for worship unhin- Not that I think that it should. But the Bill is dered, and freedom to undertake religious WORDS: Timothy Dudley-Smith 1926- 4 Lord of all, of Church and Kingdom, predicated on the idea that it is them observance and practice. It does not and (secular forces) and us (religious people). The © 1984, Hope Publishing Company in an age of change and doubt, TUNE: RATISBON (NEH 234, 2nd tune) should not include insulating church institu- reality is more complex. How will the Bill deal keep us faithful to the gospel, tions or members from being challenged or with religious people attacking one another? help us work your purpose out. Feasts are made for laughter criticised for poor behaviour. Here, in this day’s dedication, Finally, the Government should reflect on its Ecclesiastes 10:19 There is a real danger that a Religious Free- all we have to give, receive: behaviour during the last Parliament when we, who cannot live without you, dom Bill will become a Freedom to be Sec- the greatest threat to religious freedom was tarian Bill. Religion when it functions proper- we adore you! We believe! the Government’s attempt to curtail religious ly is about love and inclusion. No Religious WORDS: Fred Pratt Green 1903-2000 charities from speaking out on policy matters TUNE: ABBOT’S LEIGH (NEH 185) Freedom Bill should ever sanction hate that affected the poor and vulnerable.” 2 7 Tributes to Bishop James Grant continued …. Parish News Bishop Grant was well known as a church his- The Tribute from the Cathedral GIVING OPTIONS torian, and was Patron of the Anglican Histor- St Paul’s Cathedral gives thanks for the life A ADF Parish Giving Account ical Society from 1983. He published, in 1972, of the Twelfth Dean of Melbourne, the Rt Arrange for a direct transfer each week a history of Trinity College, Perspective of a Revd James Alexander Grant AM, who died to our ADF Parish Giving Century, and wrote a history of the Anglican 10 July 2019. Account: SAV 0500 4612 Church in Victoria, Episcopally Led and Synod- Forms at back of the church. ically Governed: Anglicans in Victoria 1803– Ordained sixty years ago this year, Bishop 1997.
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