LEAVING HOtILL CALAFORNIX Undamming the world’s rivers, forcing the collection of that which falls from the heavens and/or your ass, o camillo. An autobiographic historical expose, for Life. Introit I’m John Lawrence Kanazawa Jolley. Currently life on the planet is having a stroke, diagnosed from a human’s anatomy point of view, severe blockage of its flow ways. From life’s point of view humans are dam, slacker home building, ditch digging, drain the well dry, devil’s GMO food of the god’s, monocultural, sewage pumpers or porous dam sheddy flushtoile.t. ecocide artists. Compounding this problem is a machine/computer/vessel/organism that creates clone doppelganger pirates that’ve highjacked the surface guilty of the same crime. If we do anything well its intuitive container transportation. This is the case. I’m educated University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Horticulture. I’m a trapper, gardener, carpenter, fisherperson, cooper and teacher. Drainage is the most important idea to consider when gardening. I paddled a canoe across North America and back, been through Lake Sacagawea twice. I’m a bullfighter, the foremost gardener in the world, the point spokesman for life, the man himself, hole puncher, obstacle remover, the pencil man, the one, Christ almighty. The character who appears again when it’s an “Obama nation of desolation” to save the world from damnation. I’m a specialist, designed specifically to solve the currentless dam problem. The timeliest, most intelligent, aggressive, offensive, desperate character ever created, for a reason. The health of life on the planet is in severe question. The oceans are turning blood red. The timely flow of naturally fertile water to the sea has been stopped by the dams on the rivers. Modern agriculture is sending fertilizer laden water down to the sea in late summer and early fall instead of when the snow melts and the rain falls. The fish and other organisms that eat the algae and move this energy up the food chain have been overfished and even if they hadn’t they wouldn’t be waiting for the unnaturally timed discharges. As a result, the “red tide” algae bloom “rots” absorbing all the oxygen and killing everything alive in the affected area which is getting larger every year. The carbon dioxide from the fossil fuels that we are burning, the largest part from the energy required to control the flow of fluids, is being absorbed by the ocean. This lowers the pH and “burns” the life in the sea. We are dependent upon the health of the ocean for persons continued existence on this surface. Plus, we’ve got to have a product (the genetic info within the chromosomes) to put in the container to transport, good food to eat so we can think clearly and transport the product past any dam obstacle, through any eventuality, for all time. The solution to the problem, the Infinity Project, is the idea that goes the furthest for the longest time. In the past floods were productive as the flood water deposited its fertile sediment load on the flood plains. Foolishly, we decided to build our cities in some of the most fertile areas, dam the rivers, submerging the rest of the most fertile areas and control the waters flow to grow food in the desert and live under a dam dike. We could have grown primarily fruits and nuts irrigated with water collected from the structures. The sediment lode the river once carried is filling up the reservoirs behind the dams. This will reduce the ability to control the floods and grow food. Eventually, if the present dam scheme was continued the reservoirs and canals supporting the agriculture would completely fill with sediment, the water would flow over the dams and they’d fall like dominoes. Without diesel fuel our ability to maintain the dam shiddy system will collapse. Realistically, it looks like the whole dam shetty system is likely to collapse before either of these scenarios pans out. You might think the ruler of this universe or the head prisoner, the machine/computer/vessel/organism, viewed by myself as a forreign entity or the largest local pirate, nicknamed by the humans God and the Devil (good and evil) Allah and the Gin or in local parlance Santa Clause and its elves would lead the humans in the correct way but considering how bad the humans want to dam it, even though they (the humans and the ruler of this universe) all already damned (ever had de ja vue) it decided to dolly the sheep into dam doom or set up a situation that was so bad the humans would want to get out of damnation. It orchestrated the human dolts into damming the rivers, digging ditches, flew by in a spaceship and sprinkled corn out on the surface, suckered the humans into driving down the dam broad in no sense route real fast, tricked the dam fools into growing ethanol grade not fit for consumption corn and now ethanol grade corn is in the soda pops, corn chips, grape jelly and ketchup. It also snookered us into stacking the yellow stone, the gold, in bars at the easiest to steal locations. The gold is the spaceship electrical wiring material. So, if the humans don’t come about to undamming the rivers it’d just whack the dam fool monkeys with the poisoned fruit of the dammed scheme (as it appears the humans are Roundup Ready™ to be ground for sausage to Ignite™ on the grill, seeing how the trade mark name of the drugged dam GMO feed is Roundup Ready™ Ignite™ {you are what you eat} its legal for there to be human meat in sausage, the Bible reads, “You get served up as you serve up.” Trump says, “You’re fired!” …) and steal the gold. This is obvious. The humans often point out or ask, “Aren’t they in control of the weather?” Not the rain, the temperature and the wind. Whether or not we get out of damnation. A massive degree of cooperation is required to solve the dam problem, it needs assistance from the people solving the damn/dam problem and the people need assistance from it solving the souls trapped/water control structure problem. The foundation of the development scheme installed over the last several thousand years (plane.t.) is the dams and their associated dikes, weirs, piers, ditches and levies. This is what imperials life, the most, of all the dumb stuff we do. To do anything to fix any problem without solving the foundation of our problems, the dam problem, amounts to a repair of the façade. Any fix one does to the structure of civilization without first repairing the foundation would be wasted effort as the fix would be “lost” when the foundation is eventually repaired. Any “fine tuning”, “green fix” or anything that prolongs the currentless stranglehold on life is a deliberate attempt to continue down the dam broad in no sense route. Really, there is nothing good, creative or productive to do on the surface of this planet except undam it first. In large part, the dam reservoirs filling up with mud and the associated ecological disaster is the history of the rise and fall of past civilizations. Humans in the past would usually have an exodus and move to the next valley and start the process over, but now practically all the rivers have been dammed and there is nowhere to run to. I call this the suicide mud staircase cemetery project/last carp locust farm. Humans express this currentless dam situation in many ways, “Hello” as they show you their palm (the international “everything’s OK” sign) as if, “I’m OK with the bottom of Hell are you”? And then talk about anything but the dam problem or solution. “Have an ice day” is another likely thing a human dolt will say, the root of nice (a word meaning discriminating {of crime}) is ice, frozen locked up water. On a planet where the frozen locked up still water in the reservoirs behind the dams on the rivers is certainly the #1 problem it’s significant that it’s noted constantly. The Latin meaning of “hello” is “helio” or ice, dammed, frozen locked up water, controlled situation. In the U.S.A. a constant chorus of, “Hello”, “God dam it”, “Jesus”, “Dam it”, “Dam”, “Good dam it”, “Ho dam” and “Have an ice day” … is vomited forth by the humiliating dolts as they charge to dam oblivion in vain. A response of “Reviere”, “Free flowing rivers” or “A naturally flowing river system is the solution to the dam problem” is the enlightening responsive solution. Introductions to communication about the solution offer an opportunity to express the idea. “How ya doing?” Dam terrific. Even better, “How ya doing?” Flush free dam terrific no shed. “What’s up?” The dam water bills up, rue be due. I’ve learned that once one is fully committed to a belief one stops thinking. In the dictionary “believe” is defined as to take for granted or to take as granted. The Latin/slang meaning of “be lie ve” is to be a life of lies or to take lee from life’s reality. Thinking and knowing (sabe) is better than believing because it allows for learning. Plus, who would want to be fully committed to any idea except dam free fluid reviere and the transportation of product for all time? After all, it’s swell to have options, beside dam doo doo doom or enslavement then one can make a choice.
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