Agenda A meeting of the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee will be held on Thursday 17th October 2019 at 09:30am, in the Boardroom, Tai Calon Community Housing, Solis One, Griffin Lane, Rising Sun Industrial Estate, Blaina, NP13 3JW AGENDA Committee Briefing 9:30 PSB Update Blaenau Gwent Presentation Eryl Powell/ 45 Claire Waters mins RPB Strategic Partnerships Update Presentation David 45 Hartwell- mins Williams Break (10 mins) 11:00 Preliminary Matters 11:10 1.1 Welcome and Introductions Verbal Chair 15 mins 1.2 Apologies for Absence Verbal Chair 1.3 Declarations of Interest Verbal Chair 1.4 Draft Minutes of the Committee – Attachment Chair 31st July2019 - For approval 1.5 Action Sheet – 31st July 2019 – For Attachment Chair approval Items for Assurance 11:25 2.1 Any Items arising from the Verbal Chair 5 mins Committee Briefing 2.2 IMTP Emerging Themes Verbal Sarah Aitken 20 mins 2.3 Child Immunisation Attachment Mererid 20 Bowley mins 2.4 Risk Register Attachment Will Beer 10 mins Governance 12:20 3.1 Revised Terms of Reference Attachment Sarah Aitken 5 mins Final Matters 12:25 4.1 Items for Board Consideration Verbal Chair 5 mins To agree agenda items for Board consideration and decision Items for Information 12:30 5.1 PSB Minutes Attachments Chair PSB Annual Reports 1 Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee - Thursday 17th October 2019-17/10/19 1 of 222 Agenda Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 29th January 2020 at 9:30am in the Executive Meeting Room, Chair Headquarters, St Cadoc’s Hospital, Caerleon 2 2 of 222 Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee - Thursday 17th October 2019-17/10/19 Tab 1.4 Draft Minutes of the Committee - 31st July 2019 1.4 Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee Date 17th October 2019 Agenda Item: 1.4 Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Minutes of the Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee held on Wednesday 31st July 2019 at 9:30am in Conference Room 3, Headquarters, St Cadoc’s Hospital Present Katija Dew - Independent Member (Third Sector), (Chair) Shelley Bosson - Independent Member (Community) Pippa Britton - Independent Member (Community) In Attendance Phil Robson - Special Board Adviser Sarah Aitken - Executive Director of Public Health Sian Millar - Divisional Director of Primary and Community Care Will Beer - Consultant in Public Health Emily Warren - Assistant Director of Transformation Dr Natasha Collins - Gwent LMC Claire Barry - Committee Secretariat Apologies Richard Bevan - Board Secretary Prof Dianne Watkins - Independent Member (University) Emrys Elias - Vice Chair Judith Paget - Chief Executive Mererid Bowley - Consultant in Public Health PPWB 3107/01 Welcome and Introductions The Chair welcomed members to the meeting and introductions were made. PPWB 3107/02 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were noted. PPWB 3107/03 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest relating to items on the agenda. Page 1 of 9 Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee - Thursday 17th October 2019-17/10/19 3 of 222 Tab 1.4 Draft Minutes of the Committee - 31st July 2019 1.4 PPWB 3107/04 Minutes of the Meeting held on 11th April 2019 The Minutes of the meeting held on 11th April were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. PPWB 3107/05 Action Sheet The Committee considered the Action Sheet from the meeting held on 11th April and noted that all actions had been completed or were progressing. PPWB 1104/09 Living Well Living Longer Programme – this item had been added to the Committee’s forward work programme as work was ongoing. The Committee asked if this could be brought forward to October’s meeting. ACTION: Will Beer/Secretariat PPWB 3107/06 A Healthier Wales Regional Partnerships Board Update Emily Warren provided an updated report on the delivery of the Transformation Programme. It was advised that the programme was constructed in two parts – the first ‘Delivering an early intervention, prevention and improved population Wellbeing system’ focused on the development of new integrated services, specifically Integrated Wellbeing Networks and Primary Care Transformation. The second, ‘creating integrated models of health and social care’, focused on the service redesign of existing service models in Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Hospital Discharge. It was reported that all four programmes were now underway with appropriate Programme Leads and associated governance. Programme Leads had reported into Welsh Government on achieving their quarter 1 milestone and it was advised that quarter 2 was soon to be completed. It was highlighted that at present, the key focus was ensuring that the Regional Partnership Board (RPB) Members and Executive Directors were sighted on early outcomes and were able to consider sustainability issues as a priority, in order to test proof of concept and future viability of the programmes once the funding ceased in December 2020. Four challenge and support sessions had been held to look at early outcomes and sustainability, and an initial sustainability report would be prepared to inform Page 2 of 9 4 of 222 Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee - Thursday 17th October 2019-17/10/19 Tab 1.4 Draft Minutes of the Committee - 31st July 2019 1.4 discussions regarding sustainability and viability of successful programmes during 2020. It was agreed that the report would be brought back to the Committee at a future meeting. ACTION: Emily Warren/Secretariat It was reported that all programmes would be independently evaluated, and a procurement exercise for evaluation providers for the Transformation Programme went live during July 2019. The Committee discussed the contents of the report noting that there was some learning from the introduction of this service, and agreed that this should be taken account of in future developments. The Committee received the report. Focused Session – Delivering Place Based Integration Sian Millar and Will Beer provided a presentation on the progress that had been made with the establishment of the delivery milestones for the Primary Care Strategic Programme. The Committee was advised that this session was in two parts – the first being around Place Based Integration and the second was around Integrated Wellbeing Networks. It was advised that the Primary and Community Care Division had been working with Local Authority colleagues to look at the opportunities to coalesce services around place based integrated care. It was reported that as part of the Strategic Programme for Primary Care, health and wellbeing hubs/Centres were being introduced. These hubs consisted of place based teams with the following skill mix: GP Practice Nurse Practice Pharmacist Physiotherapists Occupational Therapists Mental Health Worker Community Connector The aim of these hubs was to introduce Multi Disciplinary Teams (MDT) working with practices, with the wider team Page 3 of 9 Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee - Thursday 17th October 2019-17/10/19 5 of 222 Tab 1.4 Draft Minutes of the Committee - 31st July 2019 1.4 providing coaching and mentoring for GPs in this new way of working. This approach would help to reduce paper referrals and hand-offs, and would help to develop services designed around need, linking it to the integrated wellbeing network in a meaningful way. This would then enable further time for nurses to follow up on patients who had been discharged from hospital, to ensure they were kept safe at home and avoided being readmitted on numerous occasions. Will Beer advised that as part of place based working, GP practices had introduced a Care Navigation Service. This service was supported by Care Navigators who were receptionists that had been trained and developed to care for patients by helping them to see the right professional or get the right support first time. It was highlighted that although this service had transformed how some GP practices were working, not all GP practices were onboard with using this service and it was considered that the service needed to continue to be promoted as there was evidence that this service had helped to reduce GP workload. The Committee discussed the Place Based Integration model and agreed to give the second part of the model around Integrated Wellbeing Networks further consideration and asked for it to be brought back to a future meeting. A copy of the presentation would be circulated to the Committee. ACTION: Will Beer/Secretariat The Committee thanked Sian Millar for her leadership in this area. PPWB 3107/07 Flu Immunisation Update Will Beer provided an update on the flu immunisation and the lessons learnt from the 2018/19 flu season and that these have informed planning for the coming 2019/20 flu season to increase overall uptake of flu vaccine amongst eligible groups, and reduce the variation of uptake between individual GP practices. Welsh Government had set vaccine uptake targets amongst identified at risk groups. These groups included people aged 65 years and older, people under the age of 65 in a clinical risk group, Health Care Workers who provided direct patient care and 2 and 3 year olds, and it was advised that for 2019/20 these remained unchanged Page 4 of 9 6 of 222 Public Partnerships and Wellbeing Committee - Thursday 17th October 2019-17/10/19 Tab 1.4 Draft Minutes of the Committee - 31st July 2019 1.4 from last season. The Committee was asked to note that specific targets for the 2 and 3 year olds had not been set this year, but the expectation was that uptake across this programme would improve on the last season. The Committee was advised that a review of the Influenza Vaccination Online Reporting system showed the number of vaccines administered to over 65 year olds was 84,073 and the uptake was 69.5% ranking the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) third among the Health Boards in Wales and above the Wales average of 68.2%.
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