.. , ., .. Thursday, February 17, 1966 Page Six THE JEWISH POST Th__u_niW __~y~,F_e_b_nuuy __~1_7~._~ ______ ~------------------~.------~~T~H~E~·~J~E~Vf~I~S~H~P~O~S~T~ __________~ ____________________________----- Page Seven · F .W ,. h P 84 Dena Katz (181). '. EZRA CHAPTER OF HADASSAH- munity," said Mr. Kaufman. .M rs. anny as .. asses at I Garde~ City.B'nai B'~tb .Mr. and 1 '. WIZO will meet Monday. Feb. The spring 1966 UJA drive starts Winnipeg, and Sam, of Edmonton; ~. FIve Pin Bowl.mg League 121, at 12:30 p.m. a~ Hadassah head- this year wi.th the ~paralleledad- BARNEY GLAZERIs and .by seven grandchildren. highs last week were. Kay Sera 1 quarters. There will be a book re- vaIlltage of advance preparations, he SUPPLIES to ISRAEL Funeral service was held at the, 721, (284), Curly Jurofsky 664 (235), view by Heinz Frank. Bazaar items said. He indicated that further ap­ Bnay Albraham Synagogue. Inter~ lrv Schom 636. (234), Jack Shapiro will be welcome.. pointments would be' announced in HOLLYWOOD ment was in Hebrew Sick Benefit 627 (225), Irv Sera 6()0 (234), Belle HANITA CHAPTER of PI01'lEER the coming weeks and foresaw a SHOWER Cemetery. Private Sheva. Flowers Schorn 629 (281), Simmie Etkin 619 Women will meet Monday, Feb. record participation of new and HOTLINE gratefully declined. (224), Maxine Gilman 585 (231), 21, at 8:30 p.m. at the home- of younger leadership who would join Marcia Corrin 562 (2Ml). Team high Mrs. Myel' Mozersky, 132 Machray this f th·· first ff .- was Irv Schom with 3102 pins. year, or ell' e ort, m Avenue. th Hollywood. Calif. (TCNS) - Bound to happen eventUally, Jerry Wednesday,' March 2 Bessie Senior Men's B'nai B'rith Bowl. supportrng· e continuing efforts of Lewis and Dean Martin shook hands, smiled, and posed. for photographers Mrs. Pac/c. ing 'highs last week were: Nate KFAR ETZION' CHAPTER . OF veteran campaign leadership and · for the fust time in a decade.... Jerry's son, Gary, who makes more Passes' af' 77 .Fingold 596, Len Rayter 570, Harvey 'Mizrachi Women will meet canvassers. money with his teenage hand than. a general, received his notice, "You're Zimberg 569, Harold Kopelow 560, Thursday, Feb. 24, at 8:30 p.m, at Mrs. Bessie Pack, 77, of 402 Red-. .. , in the Army now.'" . '.. The Li.te H~ Marx's son, Bill; ill piano' accom­ * * woOd. Ave~~e, passed a~ay Febru_ Mike Starr 559, Harry Meyers '542, ~hehome ·of, Mrs. Dora' Bakalinsky, . panist 'f';r Ann Richards, Stan Kenton's ex.. : '. Music-publisher Martin . Ed Sasicu 537, Morley Wolovick533, 433 Se~ple Avenue. ) SEND YOUR CONTRIBlJTION IN' CASH OR ary 11 at the Victoria Hospital. SHe J AII;'Ways S/ale.· Mills visited his wife E<lie Adams on the Rome set of ":Anyone for .~"==:======="...."._"'.-"'-"'-"'-"'-"''''''1 is survived by three daughters, Min, Sam Pesochin 523, Arnold sector I. L. PERETZ SCHOOL COUNCIL Venice" and let it be known that qe was bored stiff. .. SUPPLIES FOR· ISR,AEL TO Ruth and Freda Lonsdale of Mont- 520. will hold a "Puri~ Evening" Tour to Israel Robert Colbert rested at the Springs Motor Hotel Apartments, Palm real, and four grandchildren. BRANDEIS LODGE MIXEDVHiH I Wednesday; March 9, at 8 p.m. at \ A special Independenc~ Day tour Springs, after completing "The Time Twmel," multi-m.i.l.iion-doliar te1e- ·A•. Lang Brandeis Lodge. Mixed Five .,in .. the school,601 Aikins Street. to Israel under the' supervision of · vision pilot. ... Nat "King" Cole's younger brother' recorded "Ike Cole's 1 League highs Sunday were: Estelle I . BNAY Ben Cutler of All- Ways Travel Tribute to His Brother Nat" (DeeGe€.) He told NellaiJ.d Lester Rosen­ The Hebrew Fraternal Lod'ge Hershfield 700 (280). Ben Shore 644'I CUSTOM TAILOR, . ' Sophie .Tuck.er. ABR~HAM SIS~H~D Bureau offers a variety of experi~ berg of Chicago, "1 owe part of my success to you for hiring me to A".1t'~~;.:- ~\ ,.~~ ~ ":' i~-; ... '.:O'~.. ,""1./~-:"':':'_ : .:. .. ~· ..'i __ --......l.!b;' . .' Ruth Posen·.609, Sid Moss 605, Rube.', WIll hold Its annual Mltzva din- u enees not only during a 1S-day stay Machray and Main Mrs'. Fann~ (Falgel) ~a~sh, 84, a I Cohen 570, Pinnie Fainluch 565, Bill I ner Wednesday, Feb.. 23, ~t6:30 entertain' at your Wilmette home when r needed the inspiration the most. Phone WHitehall 2·6612 Passes Away in the Holy Land but in Italy,' MICHAEL LANDON'S former wife Dodie asked for an increase in long-time reSident of WIIUppeg, for~ .' Diamond 544. Clara' Hamovich 538' p.m. at the synagogue. Deadline for fr:om 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. merly of the Balfouria Apartments, New York (JTA)~ophie Tucker, (273) F dIM . reservations, through the synagogue Switzerland, France and England child support. Mike agreed without <;';urt action, explaining,"r didn't . 79 t 'J' h t rta' f ., rae e anusow 515. 306 EDMONTON ST. Cathedral Avenue passed· .away on ' ve eran eWls en e mer or I B' . B' . h . office, is Sunday, Feb. 20.' during the 3D-day excu,ion leaving want our children to suffer.'" Nice. guy, Mike is now happily married to . , . d d . Am' h b" nm rIt Mr. and Mrs. 10 Pm . April 10 from New York. the former Lynn Noe. They have two children: ... Prior to. a recent. February 14.. An early Jewish SIX ecE) es~_ erlcan S ow USI- i Bowling League highs February 13 ---..,-:'------~ Winnipeg settler in Old, Kildonan where her ness, paSS"Q away last Thursday d 14 . Th' 11' I'l t £. ~ 274 -0 testimonial dinner, Frank Sinatra made it clear to Roastmaster George * * . h h h f 1 '1m an. were: Barry Segal 565, ·Herzl,·a Slates e a mc 1.LS ve cos 0 ~1 .0 Jessel, "No jokes about Mia and me." husband conducted a' dairy farm'l edre ~dt er f ?lme 0 a ung aI ,en.t Aubie Jacob 530, Ben Green 527 ..!wili assure gue~ts reserVed seats' at she was interested in Jewish com- .an ney al ure. S h e was a tlI'e- H' AKa' . l' ' the. dramatic annual military parade, BOB SCHILLER, head' writer for the Red Skelton show. (he also thtl home of ,the home of . I I f d' b h 1£ f enry . tz 520, Bil Greenfield F. ash,·o.n· Shoo w '. munity affairs, particularly in the ess un on e a 0 h nurner- , (208), Esthcr Bermack 485, Barbara " tours of Israel, hotel arrangements wrote "Lucy" for nine years) said, "'A Tho'uslmd Clowns' is' the only ----- -- --" - _.- - -- -.- I' ~~~llser Jewish Orphanage Jewish Old Folks ous Jewls causes throug out her B od 478 (200) . R th Sh b k' Bro.the.rhoOd and S'isterh--~ of 'I' 'and guo ided tours "in Rome (2 days), .- play I've ever seen that was improved in picture form." ... Age differ­ m,.;,.·s. s. peilo/l 111rj. J,jt".bei'/ rJilitman '. .. I . dd d . : r y ; u en ac 460, uvu Timex&Wesfc Home Bobrover Ladies SoCIety and ,(,,'-stu e career.. , H' . S'l . Herzlta Adas Ycshurun Svnagogue' Flore.nce (2 dav_ s), Lucerne (2 days), ences, carry nQ weight in the Frank Sinatra family .. Tina' Louis, .19, is Sal.. & S_,v;c.· 1003 EdInburgh House' 562 Oak Street . ' . I .. • .' \ enn I verman rolled a 135 triple. J". dating Sammy Hess, 27 .. ' .. Oscar Levant's two daughters have accw:nu­ PIOneer Women. I Born of RUSSIan-Jewish parents Glendale !\Iixed 10 Pin (highs last will hold its second annual men's: Paris (4 days), and London (4.days). Exclusive 'in. the West 99 Wellington Crescent· lated a batch of their incorrigible father's letters but have r('fused 2 to 5 p.m. Pred",:",ased by !1er h~sband,' na.med . Kalish, Miss Tucker was. weekwer.e: GeorgeG~rshman 607, and women's fashion show sUnday, What' with .continlmtal breakfast publishers offers to· put them between book covers. Prompt Attention to !\Iail Orders '.2 to 5 p.m. Velvel, m 1928, she -,IS survived by . rrused m ~ston and Hartford .and· Monty Guberman 602 Sam Slotin March 27, at 8:15 p.m. at the Sky- plu.s lunch or dinner. included in Work Guaranteed AFTER producing, directing and starring 'in his own films at Para­ twodaughte:s, . Mrs.. Sam Stern! rapidly 1'0se ·t~ fame in the the~tri- !531, Zivy, Guberm~ . 522, Gert view Ballroom.' Co-ordi;"ators are the Switzerland and Italian tours, ASSOCIATED HOROLOGISTS (Sally) of Wmrupeg, and Mrs. Joe i cal field as a smger and entertainer. Ludwt'ck 509 J D' 491 Mrs. Bertie Segal and Syd Halpern. plus the. right to pay . land costs in .mount, Jerry Lewis moved his gear to 20th-Fox where GOrdon D<)UI~lasl . " . " '. ' , . oyce mer, , ROyal Hotel Lobby • 2nd St. W. Tabaclmi~ (Betty) of Calgary; four I S,he a~tlvely ~upported the JeWish Evelyn Gladstone 456, Sylvia Rosen- Commentators will be Miss Sheila Israel with Israel Bonds, Mr. Cutler i~ directing him in "Way ... Way Out." Well-meaning friends with . Phone' 269-2990 * * malice aforethought warned DouglaS that Jerry would never take direc­ sons, Harry, Ernest and Perry, of: Thcall'lcal Gwld and helped estab- be~g 453. Knowles and'~y Torgrud, co-hosts has arranged .a package tour that CALGARY ALBERTA, . Let this be your Purim' "Shalachmoness" to' the ______________ : lish schoolS and youth· ~entres in of. Channel 7's 'Take A Break.' can meet the· most exacting stan- tion from another man, "They proved so wrong," reported Douglas.
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