VVolumeolume 8 - NumberNumber 4 AAprilpril – MMayay 22012012 ££44 | €€55 | UUS$6.5S$6.5 TTHISHIS ISSUEISSUE: PPALESTINEALESTINE ● PPalestinealestine StudiesStudies atat SOASSOAS ● CConsequencesonsequences ofof ddeclineecline ● RReinforcingeinforcing thethe structuresstructures ofof occupationoccupation ● GGradationsradations ofof pacificationpacification ● UUrgentlyrgently sseekingeeking a solutionsolution ● RRightight ttoo rrights,ights, aandnd rightright toto rreturneturn ● A ppioneeringioneering anthropologistanthropologist inin PPalestinealestine ● PPalestinealestine onon fi lmlm ● EEdwarddward SSaidaid andand MahmoudMahmoud DarwishDarwish ● PPLUSLUS RReviewseviews andand eeventsvents iinn LLondonondon VVolumeolume 8 - NumberNumber 4 AAprilpril – MMayay 22012012 ££44 | €€55 | UUS$6.5S$6.5 TTHISHIS ISSUEISSUE: PPALESTINEALESTINE ● PPalestinealestine SStudiestudies aatt SSOASOAS ● CConsequencesonsequences ooff ddeclineecline ● RReinforcingeinforcing tthehe sstructurestructures ooff ooccupationccupation ● GGradationsradations ofof ppacificationacification ● UUrgentlyrgently sseekingeeking a ssolutionolution ● RRightight ttoo rrights,ights, aandnd rightright ttoo rreturneturn ● A ppioneeringioneering aanthropologistnthropologist iinn PPalestinealestine ● PPalestinealestine oonn fi llmm ● EEdwarddward SSaidaid andand MMahmoudahmoud DDarwisharwish ● PPLUSLUS RReviewseviews aandnd eeventsvents iinn LLondonondon Patchwork on a woman's coat, Galilee, Palestine, late 19th century © British Museum About the London Middle East Institute (LMEI) Volume 8 - Number 4 Th e London Middle East Institute (LMEI) draws upon the resources of London and SOAS to provide April – May 2012 teaching, training, research, publication, consultancy, outreach and other services related to the Middle East. It serves as a neutral forum for Middle East studies broadly defi ned and helps to create links between Editorial Board individuals and institutions with academic, commercial, diplomatic, media or other specialisations. Nadje Al-Ali With its own professional staff of Middle East experts, the LMEI is further strengthened by its academic SOAS membership – the largest concentration of Middle East expertise in any institution in Europe. Th e LMEI also Narguess Farzad has access to the SOAS Library, which houses over 150,000 volumes dealing with all aspects of the Middle SOAS East. LMEI’s Advisory Council is the driving force behind the Institute’s fundraising programme, for which Nevsal Hughes Association of European Journalists it takes primary responsibility. It seeks support for the LMEI generally and for specifi c components of its Najm Jarrah programme of activities. George Joff é Cambridge University Max Scott Mission Statement: Gilgamesh Publishing Sarah Searight British Foundation for the Study Th e aim of the LMEI, through education and research, is to promote knowledge of all aspects of the Middle of Arabia East including its complexities, problems, achievements and assets, both among the general public and with Kathryn Spellman Poots those who have a special interest in the region. In this task it builds on two essential assets. First, it is based in AKU and LMEI London, a city which has unrivalled contemporary and historical connections and communications with the Sarah Stewart LMEI Middle East including political, social, cultural, commercial and educational aspects. Secondly, the LMEI is Ionis Th ompson at SOAS, the only tertiary educational institution in the world whose explicit purpose is to provide education British Foundation for the Study and scholarship on the whole Middle East from prehistory until today. of Arabia Shelagh Weir SOAS LMEI Staff: Co-ordinating Editor Rhiannon Edwards Director Dr Hassan Hakimian Listings Deputy Director and Company Secretary Dr Sarah Stewart Vincenzo Paci-Delton Executive Offi cer Louise Hosking Designer Events and Magazine Coordinator Vincenzo Paci-Delton Shahla Geramipour Th e Middle East in London is published six times a year by the London Middle Disclaimer: Letters to the Editor: East Institute at SOAS Publisher and Opinions and views expressed in the Middle East Please send your letters to the editor at Editorial Offi ce in London are, unless otherwise stated, personal the LMEI address provided (see left panel) views of authors and do not refl ect the views of their or email [email protected] Th e London Middle East Institute School of Oriental and African Studies organisations nor those of the LMEI or the Editorial University of London Th ornaugh Street, Russell Square Board. Although all advertising in the magazine is London WC1H 0XG carefully vetted prior to publication, the LMEI does United Kingdom not accept responsibility for the accuracy of claims T: +44 (0)20 7898 4490 made by advertisers. F: +44 (0)20 7898 4329 E: [email protected] www.lmei.soas.ac.uk SSubscriptions:ubscriptions: ISSN 1743-7598 To subscribe to Th e Middle East in London, please email [email protected] to request subscription information and a form. Contents 4 16 LMEI Board of Trustees EDITORIAL A pioneering anthropologist in Professor Paul Webley (Chairman) Palestine Director, SOAS 5 Th e life and work of Hilma Dr John Curtis British Museum PALESTINE Granqvist H E Sir Vincent Fean KCVO Consul General to Jerusalem INSIGHT Shelagh Weir Professor Ben Fortna, SOAS Palestine Studies at SOAS: Not a Professor Graham Furniss, SOAS moment too soon 18 Mr Alan Jenkins Haim Bresheeth Palestine on fi lm: toward a Dr Karima Laachir, SOAS research agenda Professor Annabelle Sreberny, SOAS 7 Questions about Palestine and Dr Barbara Zollner Consequences of decline the moving image Birkbeck College US Middle East policy and Nick Denes LMEI Advisory Council Palestine today Lady Barbara Judge (Chair) Gilbert Achcar 20 Professor Muhammad A. S. Abdel Haleem Near and Middle East Department, SOAS Reading walls H E Khalid Al-Duwaisan GVCO Ambassador, Embassy of the State of Kuwait 8 Graffi ti in West Jerusalem Mrs Haifa Al Kaylani Reinforcing the structures of Hanan Toukan Arab International Women’s Forum Dr Khalid Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa occupation President, University College of Bahrain Th e Palestinian Authority’s 21 Professor Tony Allan King’s College and SOAS economic development strategy Bringing Palestine and the Dr Alanoud Alsharekh Adam Hanieh world together; in poetry and LMEI and Fellow, St Antony’s College prose Mr Farad Azima Iran Heritage Foundation 10 Edward Said and Mahmoud Professor Doris Behrens-Abouseif Art and Archaeology Department, SOAS Gradations of pacifi cation Darwish Dr Noel Brehony Israel’s suppression of Atef Alshaer MENAS Associates Ltd. Mr Charles L. O. Buderi Palestinians and the US defence Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP strategy REVIEWS Dr Elham Danish Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Laleh Khalili Mr Kasim Kutay 23 Moelis & Company Mr Rod Sampson 12 RESTAURANT Barclays Wealth, Dubai Urgently seeking a solution Ottolenghi Founding Sponsor and A British view from Jerusalem Nadje Al Ali and Mark Douglas Member of the Vincent Fean Advisory Council 24 Sheikh Mohamed bin Issa al Jaber MBI Al Jaber Foundation 14 BOOKS Right to rights, and right to Books in brief return Rethinking Palestinian 26 refugeehood EVENTS IN LONDON Ruba Salih April-May 2012 The Middle East in London 3 EEDITORIALDITORIAL © Kyle Taylor © Kyle DDearear RReadereader The skyline of Hebron, 2011 Najm Jarrah, MEL Editorial Board his issue of the magazine marks complexity and impact on countries Iran. And it is by no means immune to the launch of LMEI’s new Centre throughout the region. the dynamics of change in the Arab world. Tfor Palestine Studies (CPS). Th e It has become something of a fad over Th ese have only just begun to make their Centre was inaugurated on March 1 as an the past year – in political and media if eff ect felt on the Palestinians’ politics, and institutional home for the broad range of not academic circles – to talk down the to open up new possibilities and choices work on Palestine and the Palestinians that relevance of Palestine and the confl ict to them as a people – whether currently has long been done at SOAS, and brings with Israel to the politics and societies of categorised as West Bank or Gaza Strip together scholars from a variety of academic the Middle East. Pundits assert that the residents, Jerusalem ID-holders, citizens of disciplines. Arab uprisings show that these issues no Israel, refugees in the neighbouring states, Most of the articles published here have longer matter to the Arab peoples, and if or members of the Arab and worldwide been contributed by members of the CPS, they ever did it was because dictators and diaspora. addressing topics related to their areas of demagogues invoked them. expertise, including Politics, International Clearly, this assertion has more to do Relations, History, Development Studies, with wishful thinking than realities on the Economics, Media and Film Studies, ground. Th e wish that the Palestinians and Anthropology and Art. their cause would simply go away is hardly Th e establishment of the CPS has been new. Disengagement from the politics of widely welcomed. Some of the reasons the region has long been seen as key to why are touched on by Haim Bresheeth compelling the Palestinians to accept their in his historical refl ections opposite. ordained fate. Speakers at the inaugural event also Yet even when not in the headlines, Information about the Centre for Palestine noted the importance of Palestine Studies Palestine continues to impose itself on the Studies can be obtained
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