EARTHQUAKE! WHY EXPERTS WARN IT COULD HAPPEN HERE FUN S O V MIDWETT DAYA CATION IDEAS CLOSE TO HOME! LABOR PAINS THE PLOT TO BUST THE UNIONS AND TAKE AWAY WORKER RIGHTS SCANDAL! AUTHOR/HISTORIAN STEPHEN AMBROSE THE BERNIE MADOFF OF From Heartland to THE LITERARY WORLD? Hollywood, to Italian SECRET LOVE Villa; the last of the IOWA’S MARILYN MAXWELL true stars turns 50! WAS ROMANCED BY BOB HOPE, ROCK HUDSON George Clooney A TravelingTTrrravaavvelingeling Exhibit AAppearing Mayy 21 - SeptemberSepttemberembber 4, 2011 Join CliffordClifffffororrdd TM and his friendsfriennds forfor “paws-on“pawpawws-ons-on funfun”n”n aatt the FamilyFamily MusMuseum!seum! SponsoredSponsorreded locally bbyy 2900 Learning Campuss Drive Bettendorf, Iowa 52752722722 (563) 344-4106 wwwwww.familymuseum.org.familymuseum.org ©2009 Scholastic EntertainmentEnterttainment Inc. SCHOLASTIC and logos arearre trademarks of Scholastic Inc. CLIFFORD and CLIFFORD THE BIGB RED DOG and logos are trademarks of Norman Bridwell. All rights reserved. Lose Your Heart to the Hills INFORMATIVE, TIMELY, And Relax in the Guadalupe River in Downtown Kerrville! ENTERTAINING & UNIQUE! Heard weekly on stations across 10 states in the Heartland... and LISTEN ANYTIME AT Kerrville, a scenic one www.midwesttoday.podblaze.com hour drive west of San Antonio, is an ideal base for exploring the treasures of the amazing Texas Hill Country. KerrvilleTexasCVB.com MIDWESTTODAY [email protected] • 800-221-7958 Radio Edition EVERYTHING T WAN YOU AND MORE 24-hour24-hour ccasinoasino aaction,ction, ooverver 11,000,000 sslots,lots, 3300 ttableable ggamesames aandnd a pprivaterivate ppokeroker rroom.oom. 514514 comfortablecomfortable hhotelotel rroomsooms aandnd ssuitesuites aandnd ddeliciouselicious oon-siten-site ddiningining ooptions.ptions. OverOver 440,0000,000 ssquarequare ffeeteet ooff flflexibleexible mmeetingeeting aandnd bbanquetanquet sspace.pace. 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New at the Zoo for 2011: Dinosaurs (May 27-Sept. 5) Australian Adventure (opens July 1) and so much more! 7401 SW 9th St !"!"#$%&'("#$)$*+,-*$)$*-*./0*.12//$)$3334567(897:8;&&4<&= NEWSFRONT: THE PLOT TO BUST THE UNIONS • 6 STAR TRACKS: GEORGE CLOONEY • 12 HOMEFRONT: LET THERE BE LIGHT • 21 HOME COOKING: FIXING FISH • 24 The Oasis On the Plains EARTHWATCH GROWING YOUR OWN • 26 MEMORIES: THE FORGOTTEN MARILYN • 29 SCANDAL: LITERARY GALL • 37 FAMILY FUN: HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MARBLES? • 38 ADVERTISE IN MIDWEST TODAY •Copies in upscale hotel rooms plus subscribers •Your ad FREE in “Exact replica” Digital Edition •Weekly radio show heard in 10 states Call Julie Jordan 641-332-2515 © Copyright 2011, all rights reserved. LARRY N. JORDAN, Publisher and Editor JULIE CAMPBELL-JORDAN, Assoc. Pub./Adv. NEAL LAWRENCE, Senior Writer SALLY KNIGHT, Lifestyle Editor BOB HALE, Travel Editor OLGA JORDAN, Counsel In Memoriam Writers: MATT ANDREWS, MARY BROOKS, ZADE DUVAL, SARA JORDAN, NAOMI LENOX, JON MACINTOSH, TIM PEARSON, WOODY SCULLEY P.O. BOX 685, PANORA, IA. 50216 PHONE: 641-332-2515 email: [email protected] MIDWEST TODAY www.midtod.com Not responsible for unsolicited materials. New Madrid Fault Threatens Earthquake in the Heartland OMETHING IS AFOOT, AND SCIENTISTS AREN’T SURE WHAT. ington, D.C., rang church bells in Boston and even toppled There are concerns that the New Madrid Fault, situated chimneys as far away as Maine. The quakes measured magni- S right here in the Heartland, might be coming to life again. tude 7.0 or greater and there were over 1,800 aftershocks dur- This is an earthquake-prone area six times bigger than the San ing the next year. (See map of affected area). Andreas fault in California and it covers portions of Illinois, Jeremy Heidt of the Tennessee Emergency Management Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi and Ten- Agency says that if a similar earthquake happened in the same nessee. The federal government recently re-drew and enlarged area today, life in the region would be instantly transformed the map of projected devastation should an earthquake occur. along the New Madrid fault. He says “all communication would According to the U.S. Geological Survey, more than 500 mea- be out. All air travel would be out as the FAA air control would surable earthquakes have been recorded in central Arkansas go down. All rail travel would fail. Ports would shut down; oil just since September. A magnitude-3.8 quake and natural gas pipelines would be offline.” that shook north-central Indiana on FEMA has warned that a serious earthquake December 30th is being called “unprece- in this area could result in the highest eco- dented.” It was strong enough to cause cracks nomic losses due to a natural disaster in U.S. along the ground and it was felt in portions history. FEMA further predicted widespread of Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky. and catastrophic damage across Alabama, Around this same time, thousands of birds Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Miss- mysteriously fell out of the sky in Kentucky at issippi, Missouri and Tennessee. The quake Christmas; thousands more dead birds would likely even be felt in Iowa. dropped on New Year’s Eve. Over 100,000 One interesting theory is that the “oil vol- fish washed up dead on the shores of the cano” unleashed by the BP oil spill in 2010 Arkansas River. There is suspicion this is may have sparked renewed seismic activity in linked to an increase in geologic instability. middle America. Worldwide, there’s been a big surge in recent seismic activity Jack Reed, a retired Texaco geologist-geophysicist, has been along the “Pacific Ring of Fire.” In addition to the Japan earth- carefully studying the geology of the Gulf for over 40 years. quake, there have been devastating quakes in New Zealand, Reed is convinced that the Gulf of Mexico is currently tectoni- Chile and Argentina. The earthquake in Haiti, located in the cally active, and that it is the source for most seismic activity Caribbean, killed 230,000. along the New Madrid fault. If a powerful earthquake hit the Two hundred years ago, in 1811, there were several earth- Midwest it could potentially alter the surrounding geography quakes that were so powerful in the area of the New Madrid enough that it could actually create a new major body of water fault zone, that they opened deep fissures in the ground, in the middle of the United States. Geologists say there’s a 90% caused the Mississippi River to flow backwards — permanently chance of a 6 or 7-magnitude quake occurring along the New altering the course of the river — cracked sidewalks in Wash- Madrid fault in the next 50 years. BILLIONS IN DELINQUENT TAXES OWED TO U.S. Chlorine In Pool HILE POLITICIANS OF ALL POLITICAL STRIPES ARE CUTTING PROGRAMS THAT HELP May Cause Cancer poor and middle class Americans, the Government Accountability Office HLORINE IS ADDED TO SWIMMING POOLS W has released a study showing that, as of the end of fiscal year 2010, to kill bacteria, but researchers say roughly $330 billion in federal taxes had never been paid. A good chunk of the Cthe chemical in large quantities can evasion, the GAO concluded, was committed by individuals with “substantial per- cause DNA damage that could increase the sonal assets” including multi-million-dollar homes and “luxury cars.” One tax risk of cancer. Yet swimming in chlori- dodger bought a house for $2 million and another property for $1.5 million while nated water is still safer than swimming in owing $1 million in federal taxes to the U.S. Treasury. water without it. “The positive health im- Despite evidence that a single dollar spent on enforcing the tax code could pacts of swimming can be increased by result in up to ten dollars in revenue, Republicans in Congress demanded that reducing the levels of these chemicals,” funds be slashed for IRS agents, and compliant Democrats and President Obama said Manolis Kogevinas, who co-directed went along. Both parties are to blame for this situation. the study. “In no case do we want to stop “Cutting back on IRS enforcement could easily cost the treasury much more in swimming.” revenue than it saves,” said Chuck Marr, Director of Federal Tax Policy at the Reducing the levels of disinfection by- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. If you wonder how lawmakers can be products (DBPs) can be achieved by rigor- against going after tax evasion while simultaneously preaching fiscal responsibil- ously applying measures such as shower- ity, the answer is simple: they’re hypocrites who protect the rich. ing before swimming, wearing a bathing cap, and doing proper maintenance. MIDWEST TODAY 3 Iowa Cuts Music In Schools UMANS ARE “WIRED” FOR MUSIC AND, design schools in an effort to employ out- in fact, science has proven music’s of-the-box thinkers to gain a leading mar- Hability to raise kids’ IQ. Intellect ketplace edge aside, music is a primordial pastime that •Amid a flailing U.S. education system transcends age, race, and social status. As that’s rapidly falling behind other coun- today’s most popular television program- tries, cutting music education initiatives ming will attest to, with the likes of will actually further damage our global High Speed Rail “American Idol” and “Glee” attracting academic standing.
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