We Lost... BIG! A liffle Culture The Cal State Sacramento Bozeman Symphony opens Hornets put the hurt on the season with acclaimed ·cats. singer. page 11 page 7 'Tuesday, September 28, 1999 Issue 9Volume 9 PONEN Board ofRege nts approves university proposals our students will get to use the armory for trairung or storage." , \shley Coogan The Board of Regents also approved the Exponent Writer $260 million operating budget for the university. including an average 3 percent raise for MSU The Montana Uni\'ersity System Board of faculty. Regents voted Friday to approve the design and In other financial issues. the board gave construction of a $1 million weight room facility that will be available to all students. All .tem, on th Classified empl yees request list wer.: dpproved by the board. left out of pay raises The weight room. which will be hmlt onto the Mike Malone rC'ce1v('d a ) 9 Athletic Complex. \.Vill be Jason Lehman percent raist. bnngm • his paid for out ofthe am..-iliary Exponent Writer yearly salar) to 12~ 309 budget. which doe,; not Carol Bittinger chau of include mone) from The Montana Board of classified e P11 loyt•e-. \\a-. Regents met in Great Falls student tuinon. not amused. 'We gm; c apprm al to last week. approving salary "I tho ht 1l "' a" increases for Montana . the weight room bffau.'e mappropna University System (MUS) there is an ob\ iou.-. need for how the leµ faculty and administrators. it:· said Jererr\· Frtz. 1he upset about e mo· · ., -. Also approved at the the admin ,trator meeting was the new budget been getting Bitt n r for M U. totaling "260 said. "I sat 111 un tlit million. up almost 12 hearings last year lobb) mg percent from last year. MSU abo for classified raises at 3 unanimom;ly approved a students contributed $35 percent, and they had a deal that \vill allow the million dollars through hard time justifying it to ;\ational Guard to lease tuition and fees for their constituencies." land on the edge of campus operating costs. Last April, classified for the construction of an The average pay employees received a 3 Phoro hy Erit: Ferguson armory. The building, increase for faculty and percent raise from the state. Gla.ss[ficdu:orkerslu.mcllenumyofh~isti~d1utkcep,\18L'1wmiJig which will be paid for by administration was 3 ,·Vthough cla~ificrl empl.o_ya><;.. 1a.'C.'11tly rcccRx:cl ct pay rrri.. ~ d1ey~l.! the National Guard, will be percent. MSU President see Increase page 4 nocinchuleil in d1e3 penxmtfitcHlJ;yand allmiJ1istratormi..~x.;. available for some use by MSU students. In return, the National Guard parking lots, but there will also be underground repairs made." , will receive a free 50-year lease. approval to the expenditure of $1 million in The payment for the design and construction of a new sound 'The construction of the armory is a nice parking and traffic funds for the repair of parking system in the football stadium was also approved. opportunity for both MSU and the National lots and streets on campus. The money will come "When the financial committee reviewed the bid for the sound Guard," Fritz said. "President Malone should be from student parking fees. system, we found that it, wasn't that large," Fritz said. "All of the > commended for all his work on the plans. They 'There are a lot ofareas in need of repairs.'' items that we approved were needed at MSU; things were pretty will get to build their facility on our land, and Fritz said. 'The money will go towards work on straightforward." $30 million to help N .H. greeks protest booklet tribal college facilities urging students not to pledge t h e fund's "Ca mpa ign of or sorority is time-consuming commitments that could TMS Campus H ope" - a five-yea r TMS Campus and often takes time away detract from studies. such as e ffort to raise $ 120 from ) our sludies," the part-time jobs and athletics. CHICAGO (TMS) - million to rep a i r t h e manual states." ... A semt>ster They also pointed out that thl' The American Indian facilities of 30 tribal DURHAM, .H. (TMS) of pledging can be last y0ar's top graduate of the College Funcl is the colleges - off to a solid - Greeks at the Universily of hazardous, if not fatal. lo a busincs sehool \\as a member reeipient of a $:30 million start. New H ampshire are student's career in college." of llw Sigma i u fraternity. donation from the Lillv About 26,000 Native prolesting a "peer advising After seeing the manua l. Greeks from several Endowment. It is th~ American students manual" produced by lhe student:; affilialcd wit,h different houses worried largest private gift to he attend tribal colleges in school of business and several greek organizations that tlw manual would lown given to a :\ative 12 states. Of thosE' economics that strongly demanded to m0et wilh t he number of people Am<'rican organization in students, 85 percent live discourages first-year university officials. including participating in rush wet>k the United State~. students from pledging a the business school's dean. The posted signs t'ncouraging new fraternity or sorority. The donation geti; seP Tribal pnge 4 studenls complained th1JL the stuclenls to join their ranks. "The problem is that manual didn't ul::;o warn being a member of a fraternity students about other September 28, 1999 2 Opinions, Edilori11ls J nd Letters from the lontana State Uni\·er'iitv Communit· - . Maybe mo1n's right: You Should Sleei: More, Drink Less Sherri Richards University of North Dakota As I sat at the table, the slice of pizza starL~ at me, taunting myalread: full stomach. My friend sat across the table. taunting my pride.One she they said. I could do it. Twelve slices later, I was resigned to bein champion of the all-you-can-cat piz.za contest. I al was resigned to the fact that I was r,oing to thro up any minute. The abuse college students put their bodi AHem-terS through boggles my mind more than a qua.ntu 1RY'THAT physics test. We ne,·er sleep. \\e always cat, an AGAiN• the weight of the books in our backpacks is hca\ enough to knock us down if the \\ind picks up Gimme A little. We sit hours on end in classls. stretching o ''G \'! brain cells to the limit. We then drink ourselves int a stupor, destroying the already worn out littl buggers. We laugh, but such bcha,iorisn'talways fwm. Z! More than one-third of college students adn · to binge drinking - having four or more alcoholi beverages per sitting for women, five or mor drinks for men. Besides the strain on the wallet th this can lead to, ifs a strain on one's health, not t mention his or her life. Between 25 and 50 studen die each year from alcohol poisoning or alcohol related deaths. see Sleep page 3 The summer America E XPONENTASMSU The Expo11c11t is published most Tue.;days and Fnd.:t\ s throughout the academic school year, distributed free throughout the University finally lost its mind and the Bozeman community and is affiliated with the Associated Students of Montana State University. you feel any better to know Control says that 80% of those Editorial Policy Nick Henry they were thrown out a killed by guns last year were The Ex1'01umt welcomes letters to the Editor and guest editorials from its window?" My answer would be ExPonent Columnist suicides. Do the math. 80% of audience. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and addn.>s..-.ed to "no." 35,000 leaves only 7000 gun­ the Editor. Guest editorials should be no longer 600 words. All Why are Americans related murders. That's 1/2 of submi!:,.,,ions should include the authors name, add.rt>s.s ,md phone The last summer loosing a respect for human the drunk-driving rate. number. Anonymous ubrrussions will not be printed The £9v11t'l1I anyone will ever see during life? Is it because there are Yet, people are misusing reserves the right to edit ,ill submissions for content, gramrn.1r .md the 20th century is one guns in our society? Of course the "right" to drive by doing it spelling. The fa1'011ml also n.'SCrves the right to rtjcct ;my submi!,,.ion. marked with tragedy. not. drunk, murdering twice the Signed editorials repn.'Sent the opinion of the author and in no w.1; reflect Children, still living at home, Sure guns can kill, but number of Americans that the opinions of the £'qXJ11<71I Advertisers, ASMSU or l'-1ontan.1 State marched into schools across what can't kill anymore? guns murder each year. Why University. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the edittln,11 ~tatt of the &,~)111'111 and do not n-flect the opinions of Ad,·ertiscrs, ASMSU or the nation and began Cigarettes give you cancer, no talk of limiting car Montana S1<1te Unive~1tv. shooting their peers and Mountain Dew will make you ownership? Because the teachers with no remorse. sterile and some of the twenty­ majority of us couldn't survive Editor • '19-1-2-155 Sa ks Representative • 'i<l-1-:!.:!llii America is split as to why we pound textbooks I have bought without cars. We'll throw the Marcus H1Non John C Ro'e consider this a tragedy. for college could easily be used book at a drunk-driver who Managing Editor- 9'M-:!:!2-I Business Manager• QQ.j--1590 If we don't blame the to bash someone across the killed someone, but maybe Michelle Tok;u-.,IJ r,uis ~fodgson media, we blame the video back of their )wad, but there is even give him/her a temporary ews Editor• QQ-l-:!551 Addsor games; if not MTV than the no talk of making textbooks license in a couple months to Martha M1ddkbrooks Canll F<"me parents; if not the parents smaller.
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