Football, Summit vs. Glen Ridge Victory Loan Starts Oct. 29 S7t| YEA*. No. 20 SUMMIT. N. J, THUUDAT. OCTOKR 26, IMS Hospital Bridge State Chamber Wor RMMC* Conmitto* Prapariiq for tht Nevetnbef 4 OMI '11 - So, Lei's Finish the Job Benefit linen Fund Commerce Favors Th« American Legion and the Civil Air Patrol now have charge With the Victory Loan of the- collection of wastepsper, as Friday Afternoon Local Pension Plan heretofore announced. With the slogan "Let's Finish the Job" as a keynote, Although tomorrow, Friday, The board of directors of the To* dates of the collection have the Victory Loan Drive will open officially October 29, October 26, la the day of the Over- Summit Chamber of Commerce at been set as above. Have bundles extending to December 8. look Hospital Bridge Benefit It la a recent meeting, discussed the tied and at the curb the Saturday Robert" J. Davidson, chairman of the Summit War still not* too late to get tickets. referendum concerning the adop- night previous, or early Sunday They may be purchased from Mrs. tion of the State Employees' Re- morning, rain or shine, 10 that Finance Committee, states that a quota of $1,800,000 has Frederick G. Sikes, Summit 6-3551 tirement Fund which will appear quick handling by the collectors ————"---—-—-—————— .— j j,een nutated to the Summit area or at the door of the Hotel Beech- on the ballot at the November « may be possible. Hril WAVE Uqlonnoir. with an £ Bond quota of $3tJ0,0Q0. wood on Friday. election. This is to provide a re- The area includes New Providence North Side collection November Borough and New Providence Mrs. Sikes and her committee tirement plan for those municipal 4, South Side the following Sun- have planned the party' and hope Township. employees not so covered. day. 1 that a large, number will gather As the Research Department of "The world's worst war is over, * at the Beechwood Hotel at 2:30 the New Jersey State Chamber of ^aid Mr. Davidson, "but that's on Friday to enjoy it. There will Commerce have jiwt completed a not the whole story by any means. be a prize for each table and each most extensive study of the entire Red Cross Working We must pay the bills for muni- table winner will have the privi- pension fund situation in -New* tions and material already dcliv* lege of making her own selection Jersey, a report on which will ercd and used. We must pay the .from the variety of articles that shortly be published,.. the iocai To Ease Hardship coat of guarding Germany, and the prize commute^ has gathered. chamber consulted with the State Japan. Above all we must pay for }n addition, the committee will body on the subject. the care of our wounded and dis- Of Europe's Needy abled, and pay off and provide award door prizes to holders of the The following excerpts are The following article was writ- lucky numbers. quoted from the information fur- beneiits for 8.000,000 or more vet- ten by Mrs! Gilbert Cant for the Those attending the card party nished by the State Chamber: erans to be discharged by next will be helping their hospital meet Summit Chapter, American Red July. And we must keep the lid on 1. The report will recommend Cross Bulletin of October: one of its moat vital needs. For that municipal employees in New price Inflation. So, let's finish the Yes, we are our brother's keeper. 1 the entire proceeds of the bridge Jersey, who are not presently pro- job! ' So often we have heard people say, will be given to the linen fund of tected by a pension fund or who The Suminft War Finance Com- "Let Europe solve her own prob- Overlook Hospital. Last year be- are members of insolvent existing mittee has a Central Committee lems and let's stay clear of that tween four*ynd five thousand dol- pension systems, he enrolled In which has been actively preparing mess." We might as well say that lars was expended for linen. the actuarially sound and well ad- for the drive since early this our neighbors' problems are not Contribution* by those unable to ministered State Employees Re- month. Mr. Davidson, chairman, ours, that if he starves while we attend the bridge will be .welcome. tirement System of New Jersey. is manager of the upper Manhat- Standing—Left to right: Henry have food and If he goes ragged Checks should be Bent to Mrs. 2. Should your Chamber act to C. Thompson, Jr., Arthur T. Dalley, RITA A. BERG tan office of Fahnatock Co., N. Y. while we are clothed, that Is not He is asakted by John N. May, Jr. Paul GadebuBch, treasurer, 14 endorse the proposal that the mu- John 6. Voegtlen; Mated—left to Begins Ltcturt Serbs our business. And if that is true, SKD S/C of the WAVES was ad- Badeau avenue, Summit nicipal employees of Summit be Camp Clearance right: Harry W. Edgar, Robert J. mitted Into membership of the as co-chairman. Mr. May is, aa- then there Is rife brotherhood of ststant to the president of the enrolled in the State System, you Davidson, chalrmad; Joim N. May, nan. The past six years of Mood- American Legion, Summit Post will, in our opinion, be doing the Jr., Norman S. Clark, (Herald No. 138, at Monday nights session Summit Trust Co. Harry W. Edgar, Reports Success shed, horror and starvation have vice-president of the Citizen Trust right thing by your taxpayers as Staff Ph*o.) proved to u» that we cannot eat In the Legion home corner of Music Department well ar your public employee*. Broad and Elm streets. SKD 3 C Co. is chairman of the bankiug while others starve, that we can- committee /or victory bouds. Other 3. From the standpoint of the Of New Procedure not have peace while others are Berg Is the first woman of World taxpayers and the general public, War II to become a member of membera include Norman S. Carts, Schedule Complete The 76 member organisations in at war, that we cannot have free- chairman of publicity; Henry C. .sound pension provisions for pub- the Council of Social Agencies this Avery Lecture dom while others are enslaved— Summit Post. She is presently lic employees are a morale builder stationed at 90 Church street, New Thompson, Jr, vice-president of week received a summary of the in fact that we most definitely the First NaU«nal<!Bank; John G. For Four Meetings and therefore, conducive to more first camp clearance program. It •it our brother's keeper. And it York City. SKD 3/C Berg is the efficient administration of the va- Series to Begin Voogtlen, accreliary of the Hill City The Music Department of the states: U on that principle that tht Red daughter of Mr. and Mm. Fred rious services rendered by Munici- Savings and Loan A&sociation, who Fortnightly has announced the "This year for this first time In Cross Ii founded. Berg of Silvan terrace. pal Government. has, as in the last six drives made artists who will give programs this Summit, a central committee hat Next Tuesday Tht problems of peace art, in • the officers of his association avail- The survey was made under tilt year, at four scheduled meetings. operated to coordinate the summer Miss Harriet Av«ry'« first lec- sense, greater than tht problems able to the committee for head* The first, a joint meeting with supervision of Alvin A. Burger, camp placements of local boys and director of research of the New ture, "At the Crossroads of Peace." of war because it is more difficult quarters, and he and his staff as- the Garden Department, will be girls by Summit agencies and clubs. will be given at 3;15, p.. m. in th« to construct than to destroy. Re- Fine Weather Slows sisted the workers; and Arthur T. at the home of Mrs. George E. Jersey State Chamber of Com- Forty-five children were sent to merce. Y.M.C.A., Tuesday, October- 80, conversion to ft peacetime program Oailey, executive vice-president of Kanouse, on Friday, November 9. camp. under the ipomorahip of the is slower and fraught with more United Campaign the Summit Federal Savings and At this time, besides the iHUeal This Camp Clearance Committee League of Women Votent, Mra. oaiaundtrctandlngt than prepara- Loan Association, who is also program, Mrs. Myrtle Fish Thomp- was appointed in April by the C Philip Dean, committee chair- tions for war. Tha tumult and tht chairman of the Chamber of Com- son will speak on "Musical Ther- Council of Social Agencies at the man. •boutlnfe'sxt now over, tot thtrt Sunday,, October 21 merce committee for the sal* of 1 legion Adds 19 apy,* and the Garden Department request of the Child Q»r» Commit- Mis* A very, interpnter of w^rld WHMilnaJ the tndi***, sstinlngly Not «wt|f/1JM>: United Campaign victory bonds to industrial and will hav* Mrs. Stephen G. Van tee (War 8ervice* division of the affair*, has Just rtv^ted uvpt-m tntifcltiri Job tf lltljrtMt tliN** who ttopt* "^J^m^ After Church, business houses. Charles Monica Hoesenjalk on "Gardening Ther- New Members, "-'"Tn ^-HIMitlijinjIMti i-V"l)Wr Oius, starti««^it the Tan F*Aclsoo earitnot help themselves. TaSs"win- Sunday, Oclower 21," until a work- (Continued on page 3> apy." .T^ V Mrs. Am BrokwV (Cooperative Conference, then hrPrince Rupert, ter will be « test of oar Influence er should call, could keep the peo- The November 14 meeting will be 97 to Pasf Year Service Ass'n.), Mm.
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