PUBLICATION ORH HAÏM VE MOSHE 11, rue du Plateau - 75019 ParIS • france tel: 331 48 03 53 89 • fax: 331 42 08 50 85 Lyon • Hevrat pinto 20 BIS, RUE DES MURIERS 69100 vIlleurbanne • france tel: 334 78 03 89 14 • fax: 334 76 68 68 45 u.S.a • cHevrat pinto 8 morrIS road • SPrIng valley ny 10977 tel 1 845 426 1276 • fax: 1 845 426 1149 Contents iSraeL • aSHdod HOW HEVRAT PINTO SPREADS TORAH AND TZEDDAKA AROUND THE OROTH HAIM OU MOSHE WORLD ...................................................................................................................3 REHOV HA-ADMOUR MI-BELZ 41/6 Man’s DUTY IN THIS WORLD: THE TORAH AND MITZVOT ................................8 aShdod • ISrael tel: 972 88 521 527 • fax: 972 88 524 153 Man’s GOAL IN THIS WORLD IS TO PREPARE HIMSELF FOR THE WORLD TO COME .....................................................................................................................14 iSraeL • jeruSaLem THE GREATNESS AND POWER OF PRAYER .....................................................17 KOLLEL OROTH HAIM OU MOSHE KOLLEL MISHKAN BETSALEL THE IMPORTANCE OF TZNIUT ...........................................................................20 YESHIVA NEFESH HAIM THE WEDDING OF RAV RAPHAEL MEIR AMRAM - THE FIRSTBORN OF THE rehov bayIt vagan 97 • jeruSalem TZADDIK RABBI DAVID HANANIA PINTO CHLITA ...............................................21 TEL: 972 26 433 605 THE EVIL INCLINATION IS CONQUERED BY THE POWER OF PRAYER .........25 fax: 972 26 413 945 • 972 26 433 570 A NIGHT OF SPIRITUAL ELEVATION, TORAH, AND THE FEAR OF HEAVEN ...29 THE MAGNIFICENT RECEPTION IN HONOR OF THE TZADDIK RABBI DAVID PINTO SHLITA .......................................................................................................35 “the PARCHMENTS ARE BURNING BUT THE LETTERS ARE SOARING ON HIGH HIS TORAH PROTECT us” .........................................................................37 THE GRAVITY OF A MACHLOKET ........................................................................44 THE HILLOULA OF RABBI HAIM PINTO ZATZAL - ESSAOUIRA, MOROCCO ...........47 STORIES OF THE TZADDIKIM .............................................................................52 A TSADIK HAS LEFT THIS WORLD - THE GAON RABBI NISSIM REBIBO ZATSAL ..................................................................................................................57 KOLLEL YISMACH MOSHE TORONTO (CANADA) .............................................64 IN MEMORY OF THE GAON RABBI YEHUDA YOSSEF BEN RABBI AVRAHAM YITCHOK WENGROWER ZATSAL “When i saw this picture above, my Emouna on Hashem and his Tzadikim grow stronger” (Rabbi David Pinto) 2 HOW HEVRAT PINTO SPREADS TORAH AND TZEDDAKA AROUND THE WORLD t is said that Rabbi Haim Pinto granting financial assistance to any- sciousness, as well as the desire for Zatzal was responsible for helping one, especially those who study To- constant self-improvement. Around the poor in the community. Each rah, for it is upon them that the world the world, Hevrat Pinto thoroughly day, he hastened to distribute to rests. In fact, everyone should real- carries out important work among the needy all the donations that he ize that coming to the aid of those those who study holy texts. The sheer had received from people who came to who study Torah is the key to the number of those who frequent its in- Iask him for a blessing. very survival of the Jewish people. stitutions gives honor to all men who The main goal of Hevrat Pinto con- In France as well, many Torah in- love Torah. sists of creating and maintaining, as stitutions and charity organizations For several years now, Rabbi best possible, those institutions aimed benefit every year from the support David has traveled around the world at teaching Torah. of Hevrat Pinto. In addition, dur- to spread Torah. With uncommon ing the last years Hevrat Pinto has eloquence, he encourages those Up to our day, not a single yeshiva greatly contributed to helping wom- who are far from Judaism to come or Torah institution in the Holy Land en with regards to Hachnassat Kal- closer, and in this way he has brought experiencing financial difficulty has lah. On this point we may say that thousands of Jews to do Teshuvah. ever been refused the least request for Hevrat Pinto, with G-d’s help, has What’s more is that he has brought grants from Hevrat Pinto. As everyone assisted in building many Jewish thousands of families spiritual and knows, Hevrat Pinto runs its own insti- homes. In addition, the organization financial assistance, enabling people tutions, along with all the considerable has built numerous mikvaot, namely to continue studying Torah and per- expenses that their operation entails. three in France, one in Russia, and forming mitzvot. Like all other institutions, Hevrat another in Sefat, Israel. In parallel to Just like his holy ancestors, it is Pinto has also experienced periods of this, Hevrat Pinto has contributed with great tzinah (discretion) that he financial difficulty. However these pe- financially to the construction of sev- practices Tzeddakah on a massive riods are much more severe because eral Torah centers around the world. scale. The mitzvot that are performed Hevrat Pinto has committed itself to Since the first year of its estab- do not require publicity. For example, aiding other organizations that do not lishment until today, Hevrat Pinto his father Rabbi Moshe Aaron Pinto operate under its auspices. has opened the doors to Torah study Zatzal did not head any yeshiva or Such is the legacy that Rabbi David (which people have expressed in- other institution. Nevertheless, he Pinto Shlita has inherited from his holy creasing interest in) and has pro- received hundreds of millions of ancestors. Simply put, it is to not refuse moted an awakening in Jewish con- Francs in donations. When he passed the Hevrat pinto (paris France) yeshiva pinto (Lyon France) 3 is with him in every- mation instituted by our great teacher, thing he does. the Tzaddik Rabbi David Hanania Let us begin Pinto Shlita. This was accomplished with the yeshiva by the construction of a synagogue, and kollel. These a mikveh for men, a study hall for are among the most women, and a Beit Midrash for Ba’alei magnificent in all of Batim. Naturally, all this helps the Europe, shining with members of the community to come their brilliance in closer to their Father in Heaven and Lyon-Villeurbanne, strengthens them in Judaism, be it by where both day and putting on Tefillin or by observing the night classes are laws of family purity. Concerning this given by the rabbis latter topic alone, thousands of pam- Shlita of the town. phlets have been distributed. Most im- The building in portant of all are the Torah classes for which the mikvaot youngsters each night, as well as two for men and women weekly classes for women. is housed is the This revolution has not forgotten most beautiful in Bussières, where a kollel and yeshiva Europe. (bearing the name of the Tzaddik Let us continue Rabbeinu Gershon Liebman Zatzal) with the building have been opened. They receive that we purchased considerable financial support each not so long ago. month from Hevrat Pinto. It houses a syna- Yad Mordkhai school in Paris re- tHe neW yeSHIVA in jeruSaLem gogue, a reception ceived tens of thousands of Euros in hall for the com- financial assistance, and the school of away, although people firmly believed that he had left a fortune in his bank account, the truth came to light: From around the world, evidence began pouring in from institutions that rendered homage to the Tzaddik for the considerable financial aid that he had provided them with. Furthermore, hundreds of households in which the father was studying Torah fulltime also benefited from his support. Hence it was only then that the mystery was cleared up concerning the enormous donations received by Rabbi Moshe miKVA For Women in Lyon - France Aaron, may his merit protect us. For the first time, we shall slightly munity, and a study hall for women, Rav Rottenberg Shlita also received a lift the veil concerning what is done who come there in search of piety similar amount of aid. In fact there are with your money and donations to and to increase their understanding in many institutions (numbering in the Torah institutions and charity origi- Torah through courses given by Torah hundreds and whose names we shall nations in France in general, and to greats. not list) that receive financial support the Oroth Haim VeMoshe institutions There is a Beit Midrash for men in particular. All this and more is ac- who are not fluent in Hebrew, which is complished by the merit of the Pinto used two or three times a week, and family’s holy Tzaddikim, as well as there is also Hessed Haim, a charity by the considerable efforts of their grandson, the Tzaddik Rabbi David organization that distributes food to Hanania Pinto Shlita. the needy. The spiritual desert into which the Today, Lyon has become a minia- Tzaddik David Hanania Pinto Shlita ture Jerusalem from which Torah and infused life was only accomplished mitzvot spring forth. through the merit of his holy ances- The Jewish community in Paris has miKVA For men in Lyon - France tors and by the help of Heaven, which also experienced a profound transfor- 4 from Hevrat Pinto. In addition, the door is never closed to those asking for help, and everything is done with discretion, with no fanfare, and with- out anything in return. It is all done solely to serve Hashem. All this and more rests on the shoulders of our teacher, who draws holiness and purity from his saintly ancestors, may their merit protect us, Amen. Without this material and spiri- tual assistance, we would not be here today. As you are no doubt aware, we cannot send contributions from France to Israel, which is why all contribu- tions arriving in France are distributed only to institutions in France. However thanks to the generous support of our The new Torah Center “Oroth Haim Ou Moche” at Ashdod (Israël) American friends, we can also help This goes to helping the needy carry of yeshivot and charity institutions Torah and charity institutions in the out the mitzvot of the holidays and to that we help each month with sizable land of our forefathers.
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