Farrowing progress and cortisol level in sows housed in SWAP pens Pedersen, Janni Hales; Moustsen, Vivi Aarestrup; Nielsen, M.B.F.; Weber, Pernille Mixen; Hansen, Christian Fink Published in: Moving on DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-797-4 Publication date: 2014 Document version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Citation for published version (APA): Pedersen, J. H., Moustsen, V. A., Nielsen, M. B. F., Weber, P. M., & Hansen, C. F. (2014). Farrowing progress and cortisol level in sows housed in SWAP pens. In I. Estevez, X. Manteca, R. H. Marin, & X. Averós (Eds.), Moving on: Proceedings of the 48th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (pp. 149). Wageningen Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-797-4 Download date: 11. Oct. 2021 edited by: Inma Estevez, Xavier Manteca, Raul H. Marin and Xavier Averós Applied ethology 2014: Moving on ISAE2014 Proceedings of the 48th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology 29 July – 2 August 2014, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain Moving on edited by: Inma Estevez Xavier Manteca Raul H. Marin Xavier Averós Wageningen Academic Publishers Buy a print copy of this book at: www.WageningenAcademic.com/ISAE2014 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned. Nothing from this publication may be translated, reproduced, stored in a computerised system or published in any form or in any manner, including electronic, mechanical, reprographic or photographic, without prior written permission from the publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers P.O. Box 220 EAN: 9789086862450 6700 AE Wageningen e-EAN: 9789086867974 The Netherlands ISBN: 978-90-8686-245-0 www.WageningenAcademic.com e-ISBN: 978-90-8686-797-4 [email protected] DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-797-4 The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain First published, 2014 the responsibility of the authors. The publisher is not responsible for possible © Wageningen Academic Publishers damages, which could be a result of content The Netherlands, 2014 derived from this publication. Welcome to the 48th Congress of the ISAE What makes science most exciting is not how much you know, but how much you can still learn, widening the possibilities of exploring new horizons. In this learning process diversity of experiences, exposure to new ideas, concepts or methodologies enrich and expand our capacity for innovation. This is why we centred our main goal for the 2014 ISAE Congress in providing the audience with a multidisciplinary and diverse forum. Our aim was not only to bring the most recent advances in applied animal behaviour and animal welfare, but also raise awareness of new interdisciplinary approaches, ideas and tools that would allow us to further advance in the study of animal behaviour and welfare. The scientific program ‘MOVING ON’ that you are about to experience will cover a great variety of traditional, but also many non-traditional topics such as: movement and space use, modelling and social networking, precision/smart farming, from pain to positive emotions, clinical behavioural problems, welfare in wildlife, neurobiology of behaviour and welfare, and behaviour and reproduction. The congress will feature several challenging plenary lectures that will present the state-of-the-art in applied behaviour sciences and animal welfare, free communications and posters, in addition to specialized workshops, and exciting social events. Furthermore, in this Congress you will have a chance to celebrate with us the 50th Anniversary of the publication of Ruth Harrison’s book ‘Animal Machines’, the first book which exposed the welfare issues of the intensive farming. We sincerely hope you will greatly enjoy this special celebration and the scientific program. We also decided to take some risk in changing partially the format of the Congress. This year we are giving you ´free choice´ on having hard copies of the proceedings, staying for the excursion depending on your ´accessibility to resources´, or by giving you a chance to promote your poster with your own ´video spot´ for the first time ever!!! As Einstein said ´Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new´, so we are trying new ideas with the sincere hope that they will work. If they do not, next Congress organizers will know what not to try again! Our most warm welcome to Basque Country and to ISAE 2014 MOVING ON! Ongi etorri Euskadiko! Inma Estevez & Xavier Manteca Applied ethology 2014 7 Acknowledgements Congress Organising Committee Inma Estevez (chair) Neiker-Tecnalia & Ikerbasque Xavier Manteca (co-chair) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Marta Alonso Universidad de León Marta Amat Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Xavier Averos Neiker-Tecnalia Ina Beltrán de Heredia Neiker-Tecnalia Tomàs Camps Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Ricardo Cepero Universidad de Zaragoza Guiomar Liste Neiker-Tecnalia Nerea Mandaluniz Neiker Tecnalia Eztiñe Ormaetxea ELIKA Roberto Ruiz Neiker-Tecnalia Antonio Velarde IRTA Raul Marin Neiker-Tecnalia Scientific Committee Xavier Manteca (chair) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Inma Estevez (co-chair) Neiker-Tecnalia & Ikerbasque Ana Cristina Barroeta Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Francisca Castro Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Antonio Dalmau IRTA Silvia García Universidad de Zaragoza Jorge Palacio Universidad de Zaragoza Jose M. Peralta Western University of Health Sciences, California USA Tomas Redondo CSIC Deborah Temple Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Miguel Angel Aparicio Tovar Universidad de Extremadura Arantxa Villagrá Centro de Tecnología Animal CITA-IVIA Morris Villaroel Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Jesús Martín Zuñiga Universidad de Granada 8 Applied ethology 2014 Reviewers Algers, B. Gispert, M. Olsson, A. Amat, M. Goddard, P. Padros, F. Andersen, I.L. Gonzalez, G. Pageat, P. Averós, X. González, L. Pajor, E. Barroeta, A.C. Gunnarsson, S. Palacio, J. Bartosova, J. Hargtung, J. Paranhos, M. Blache, D. Hill, S. Pluijmakers, J. Blokhuis, H. Houpt, K. Raj, M. Boissy, A. Huertas, S.M. Rodemburg, B. Buijs, S. Hultgren, J. Roque, A. Butterworth, A. Jensen, M.B. Siracusa, C. Casey, R. Jensen, P. Spoolder, H. Cassinello, J. Jones, B. Sylvie, C. Cheng, H.W. Jovani, R. Tallet, C. Corboulay, V. Keeling, L. Temple, D. Cozzi, A. Knierim, U. Thaxton, Y.V. Croney, C. Koene, P. Tuyttens, F. Dalmau, A. Leone, E.H. Valros, A. Damian, J.P. Llonch, P. Velarde, A. de Jong, I. Mainau, E. Vergara, P. Devillers, N. Makagoon, M. Vermeer, H. Diaz, S. Manteca, X. Villagrà, A. Duncan, N. María-Levrino, G. Villalba, J. Dwyer, C. Martín-Zúñiga, J. Villaroel, M. Earley, B. Meunier-Salaum, M.C. von Borrell, E. Peralta, J. Mills, D. von Holleben, K. Fàbrega, E. Minero, M. von Keyserlingk, M. Faraco, C.B. Moe, R. Waiblinger, S. Faucitano, L. Morton, D. Weary, D. Ferret, A. Mullan, S. Winckler, C. Galindo, F. Munksgaard, L. Zanella, A. Gallo, C. Newberry, R. García-Belenguer, S. Nicol, C. Applied ethology 2014 9 10 Applied ethology 2014 Applied ethology 2014 11 12 Applied ethology 2014 Sponsors 18 Applied ethology 2014 Applied ethology 2014 19 Durana /Estación L1 Circular Argibideak / Información Durana /Pueblo L2 Periférica Ospitalea / Hospital L3 Betoño L3 Betoño - Zumaquera Autobus geltokia / Estación Bus L9 Gamarra Viveros Tren geltokia / Estación Tren Gamarra Mayor L4 Lakua - Mariturri Abetxuko Aireportua / Aeropuerto L5 Salburua - Elejalde Kañabenta Plaza Gamarra Kristo Portal Bergara 25 L5a Trenbidea / Ferrocarril Portal Gamarra 41 Portal Bergara/ Salburua-Elejalde-Astegieta Eskalmendi L5b Salburua-Elejalde-Jundiz Ordua egokitzeko geltokia/ T Abetxuko Parada de regulación horaria L5c Lanzadera Jundiz norte Bide amaierako geltokia/ L4 Lakua Parada terminal Landaberde 57 L6 Zabalgana - Arkaiate Artapadura Lineaz aldatzeko geltokia/ Portal Foronda 64 Portal Gamarra 17 L6a Trasbordo en Parada Portal Gamarra 46 Lanzadera Aldaia Donostia 49 Larragana/Kapelamendi Disuasio aparkalekua/ Arriaga Larragana/ Landaberde Portal de Portal Bergara L7 Borinbizkarra - Salburua Parking disuasorio Foronda Portal Foronda 44 Donostia 25 Buesa Arena L8 Unibertsitatea Gernikako Arbola Portal Gamarra/ Fernando Buesa Arena Urartea/Alibarra Ibaiondo Cantabrico Portal Zurbano 2 T Harrobi Betoño Pueblo Portal Zurbano/ Ibaiondo Lakuabizkarra Portal Foronda 24 L9 Gamarra - Zumaquera ronda Biosfera Buesa Arena Donostia 11 Fo Urartea/San Miguel Atxa de P. Arriaga ronda 35 Zaramaga/ L5a Astegieta Portal Juan de Garay/ Portal Guatemala Reyes Navarra Centro de T Tranvía Alibarra/Gobeo Portal Fo Gamarra 3 Portal Juan de Garay/ L2 Portal Betoño/Krea Interpretación Arriaga Gamarra 28 ATARIA Urartea/Vitoriabidea Zaramaga/ Wellington C.C.Boulevard Alibarra/Bekolarra Portal Betoño 15/16 Antonio Machado 17 Intermodal Zaramaga/Portal Gamarra Parque de Salburua Urartea/Vitorialanda Portal Arriaga/ L1 Portal Gamarra/Deba Antonio Machado 58 Euskal Herria Venezuela Reyes de Navarra/ Alibarra/Mayoristas L8 Telefónica Portal Portal Betoño 4 13 Legutiano 41 Madrid 36 - Av. Los Huetos/ Antonio Machado/Pasaje Honduras Reyes 27 Mayoristas Coronela Txagorritxu Madrid - Av. Los Huetos/ Paula Montal/ Ibaibarriaga Navarra 19 Paula Montal/ Escolapias Txagorritxu Portal Arriaga 20/21 rAzuca era Av. Los Huetos/ Casas Rojas Reyes Portal Legutiano 50 Jose Atxotegi 22 Católicos 1 Portal Legutiano/ rMe cedes Madrid/ Juan Carlos I vA . Los Huetos/ Basoa 2 C.C.Iparralde Reyes Navarra 10 Andalucía HUA/ Jose Atxotegi/ A Av.Gasteiz 93
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