\ " ' "W' "\) .I I \ 1 I Vol. XLlI, No.1 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Thursday, September 22, 1960 Tom O'Keefe Replaces Slaver McGuire Dedicates Nolan At Hoop Helm Week to Fearful Freshmen Former Hoya Letterman Fear & Trembling Presage Moves from Frosh Post Arrival Of Black Monday by Bill Dailey "Hazing plays an important Sports Editor part in the life of every fresh­ After serving three terms man class. It provides a means as freshman basketball coach of uniting a new class and in­ here at Georgetown, Tommy stilling in its members a rev­ \ O'Keefe has moved up to the erence for, and a sense of \ varsity spot to replace the re­ loyalty to Georgetown. The ulti­ mate goal of hazing is to remove tiring Tommy Nolan. Mr. any uneasiness on the part of the \ Nolan has been forced to relinquish freshmen and to accept them into ! hi;; services for reasons of health. our ranks as a well-knit group Coach O'Keefe compiled quite an filled with school spirit." That, f exceptional record as frosh mentor, stated John McGuire, Hazing Chair­ man, is the purpose of hazing. winning for,ty-one of fifty-six con­ PROMOTED ..• Tommy O'Keefe, Hazing Chairman John McGuire confers with Sophomore Prexy John new basketball mentor tests. He never failed to drain the Frosh Rules last drop of potential from his Walsh on "entertainiing" the Class of '64. Hazing is due to begin officially teams, drilling them in offensive on Monday, September 26, on which Philodemic Girds and defensive patterns that were New Whip date the frosh will begin to be gov­ designed to produce a maximum erned by a number of rules: For Busy Season in teamwork. 1. Freshmen will purchase a haz­ SPO Reins Change Hands; ing kit which will consist of a hat With New Coach Former GU Star and tie that will be worn at all Tommy has had a good deal of The final touches are being times. baskethall experience. He was in Fr. Logan 'In Driver's _Seat 2. Freshmen will commit to added this week to plans for GU's starting lineup for four years memory the official songs and the reorganized Philodemic and scored 898 points during this "My main concern at the moment is in ,'learning how cheers of Georgetown. \ Debating Society. As' a result stretch. In his senior year, 1950, he· things are run here," says Fr. Joseph Patrick Logan, S.J., 3. Freshmen will have their hair was selected to play guard on the trimmed to a length not to exceed '" of the merger last May of the newly appointed Director of Student Personnel. Eastern Collegiate All-Star team His gray hair belying his youth, the new SPO Director one half inch. ; Campion and the Philodemic along side such greats as Bob 4. All doors will be considered ;' Societies, there now exists only one Cousy, Chuck Share, Dick Schitt­ is already known about campus. Thanks to the mass of prob­ three feet high for freshmen. group which is open to all varsity ker and George Yardley. lems that always accompany a new school year, he has had 5. No freshmen is allowed alone debaters from the undergraduate After graduating from George­ ample opportunity for exercising on campus. He must be accom­ schools. town, he played a season with the his abilities. panied by a member of his own class or an upper-classman. An important factor in George­ Washington Caps professional bas­ I' Father Logan was born in Phila­ 6, In order to be well oriented, town's forensic plans is the first ketball squad. Later he entered the delphia and attended Roman Cath­ service and coached For,t Meyer's freshmen will take one complete lap full-time debate coach in many olic High School there. In 1945 he years. He is Dr. William M. Reyn­ basketball forces. Then, after serv­ around John Carroll each time they olds, formerly of the University ing as head coach at local Gonzaga joined the Society of Jesus; his pass the statute. of Florida, who will teach public High School, Mr. O'Keefe returned ordination took place in June of 7. No freshman is allowed on the speaking in addition to coaching to his alma mater as freshman 1954. His first assignment was at left side of 0 St. i debate. Dr. Reynolds will initiate coach. Loyola College, Baltimore two 8. Freshmen must wear name \ tags and carry a ball and eight one of the most ambitious pro­ In 1957 and 1958 he turned out years later. Two more years ! grams in the Philodemic's history, two of the finest freshman aggre­ brought him to the University of jacks, gum, and cigarettes bearing the seal of the Hazing Committee. including intramural, intercolleg- gation in the school's history, cop­ Scranton, his last stop before 9. All freshmen will wear their iate, and exhibition debates. ping thirty-three out of thirty­ Georgetown. eight games. L,ast year's squad pants rolled above their knees ex­ Election Adjustment Father Logan picks up his duties posing one blue and one grey sock It was agreed at the time of the started out slowly, dropping nine of their first ten, but soon straight­ where Fr. John L. Ryan, S.J., leit and a pair of well shined shoes. merger that the Presidents-elect of j ened out enough to win seven of off when he sailed for Europe last On Monday evening at 7:00 p.m. 1 the Campion and the Philodemic their last eight. What they lacked month at the head of a group of the Sophomore Class will march on Societies respectively would auto­ in balanced material they made Georgetowners-at-Fribourg. the quadrangle and escort the matically become the sole candi­ up in hustle and teamwork, a trib­ freshmen to Gaston Hall. John dates for the offices of President Along with the change in SPO ute to Mr. O'Keefe's guidance. Walsh, Sophomore Class President, and Vice President of the expanded Directors goes a new prefect of the New South dormitory, Fr. Ed­ will speak, establishing the author­ organization, to be voted upon by Veteran Hoopsters Back ity of the sophomores and discuss­ all the membership sometime be­ ward I. Burns, S.J. Father Burns This year he is more or less on FATHER JOSEPH LOGAN, S.J. leaves his post as HOYA moderator ing hazing in general. Following fore the end of October of this the spot. Many observers feel that him, John McGuire, Hazing Chair­ year. These candidates will be Bob to replace Fr. Vincent P. Bellwoar, Georgetown possesses some of the formerly in charge of New South man, will explain the rules and add Bennett 'of the Philodemic and finest material and potential that and now prefect on second New a few remarks of his own. John Heidt of the Campion. The we have ever had. The fact that Included in the week's events are: remaining officers will be duly lfu flrmnrium North. only only one varsity letterman was Prayers are requested for the The Kangaroo Court, held on Wed­ elected according to the constitu­ Although Fr. Logan says he is lost to graduation last June au­ soul of Roger William Pape of nesday at 3:30 p.m.; the traditional tion soon to be drafted. Fr. D. Gil­ not yet familiar enough with cam­ gurs well for an improvement over the Class of '60 who was killed pushball game on Wednesday even­ bert Sweeney, S_J_, will continue as 1959's rather mediocre record. In in a boating <"accident on Long pus operations to have planned any Chancellor. basic changes, he reports that a ing at 6 :30; the Songfest on Thurs­ any case, much will be expected of Island Sound in August. Father day evening at the same time; and Tentatively on the program for this team and their new coach, but William H. Powell, S.J., of new program has been arranged the coming year are twenty-four for student prefects. This he de­ the Slave Auction on Friday at 7~00 you may rest assured that Mr. Georgetown said the funeral p.m. intercollegiate tournaments, includ­ O'Keefe will do his utmost to ful­ Mass which a number of last scribes as '''an in-service training Distinctive Flavor ing Dartmouth, Harvard, Notre fill these expectations. year's seniors attended. program designed to assist prefects Dame and the University of Mi­ Roger, who resided in Wood­ in being of better service to the The Hazing Chairman, in sum­ ami in Florida. Dr. Reynolds has Having coached everyone of the student." The chief feature of the ming up the program said: "Over varsity players at one time or an­ bury, ,_ .. Connecticut, graduated , also planned many conferences and last June from the College with program will be regular group the years 'it has acquired a dis­ briefing sessions on the topic as other, Tommy already has a good discussions under the guidance of tinctive flavor just suited to the view of the strong and weak points an AB (Classical) degree in his­ well as two practice rounds of de­ tory. While at Georgetown he faculty members of the medical Georgetown Freshmen. It satisfies bate each week for every member. of their games, and will not be school, who will outline methods of their instinctive urge toward docil­ stepping into the job cold. was active in the Sailing Asso­ The National Collegiate Debating ciation, the Collegiate Club, the helping students with emotional ity and deference to their elders. Topic for the year is, Resolved: An official.
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