PORTSMOUTH’S LEADING Johnnye Jr.’s duet dress in singing tri-colors! Designed in no-stretch heather jer­ sey so that it always keeps its shape. Tuck in blouse and skirt come in grey, emerald or burnt orange back- grounds tfith contrasting tri-colors on yoke and hipline slash pocket. Sizes 9 to [’' • M /■/MI ; 1n■ i, . 7* French COMPANY 37-41 Market Street PORTSMOUTH, N. H XXI.. NO. 8 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16. 1950 Dine at The CASINO FREE DISTRIBUTION Outstanding Acts Will Feature Carnival Week LUNCH BAR RESTAURANT Bay State Y outh New York Girl Church To Mark In just a few days Beach visitors will begin to enjoy the carefree Catches Bluefish Junior Winner 25th Anniversary gaily of Carnival week. This year Completely modern and up-to-date Billy Scanlon, eight year old son the Chamber of Commerce has In Talent Show The Community church will mark changed the dates from the tra­ .. Mr and Mrs. Timothy J. Scan- its twenty-fifth anniversary at the ditional Labor Day week and the 1 of' Andover. Mass., enjoyed his B ill Elliot, the Talent Show Sunday morning aervice, August 20, Carnival program will begin Thurs­ Be assured of a wonderful meal or a snack... Our success is measured by your pleas­ first deep sea fishing trip on Mon- master of ceremonies, presented a with the presentation of chimes by day, August 24, and continue wide variety of entertainment the Ladies' Aid. through Wednesday. August 30. was a very eventful day for when an enthusiastic audience ure. Make your plans to enjoy CASINO hospitality and wonderful food. Mrs. Martha Greene, president of Highlighting a week of spec­ Billy as he caught the first blue- gathered for tin weekly Monday the organization, will give a brief tacular activity, Ralph Harris, fish in many, many years, accord­ nigh show. history of the church. chairman, announces a feature at­ ing to the skipper of the fishing Three Lowell, Mass., youthB, the The morning service is held at traction in Bruno Zacchlnl, the party, William Eastman. Edwavi Trio, copped first prize 10:30 a. m. at the church, D street human cannon ball. Brnno will BHiy is spending the month of with an acrobatic dance. All about and Marsh avenue. Rev. John allow himself to be shot from the August at Hampton with his family 24 years old, they were Edward Feaster, D. D., of Portsmouth will month of a large cannon each at the "Lucky” cottage on O street. Boucher, Walter Clark, and Victor be guest pastor and music will be afternoon and evening throughout M ayo. furnished by the Graniteer quartet. the week. Rescue Fam ily Second prize in the Senior div­ Also on this program are Frank ision went to Joseph Flood, 23 of Cook in his death-defying ex­ Beach Chamber hibition of stunt riding a teetering HAMPTON BEACH CASINO From Sandbar Belmont, Mass., who sang when bicycle on a high wire, at the Irish Eyes Are Smiling." Four persons tried to walk home Thanked For Aid same time running through his from a ride last Wednesday after­ Third place in this group was comic rountine which features his Official thanks for assistance ex­ noon — not because they ran out of won by Robert LeVitre, 15, of Turn­ collapsible rubber legs. ers Falls. Mass., for a cornet selec­ tended the American Red Cross gas, but because they ran out of Hip Raymond and a comely during the recent Hampton Beach tion, “ Flocktonlan Polka." assistant will present a bag of boat. fire was received this week by the The Kremenich family from New In the Junior Division 13-year-old tricks that will have the viewers local Chamber of Commerce from Enjoy an Evening of York City, Miro, Pauline, Marion Margaret Cowan of New York City holding their sides. Alternating William D. Walker, chairman of the and Joseph, had rented an outboard sang “ My Foolish Heart” for first with Raymond and Company will Exeter District chapter. motor boat far a little fishing trip, place and second award went to In a letter to Mr. Charles F. But- be the renowned Chinese Tien when they suddenly struck the Smiles Lee, 12, Worcester, Mass., CHAMBER CARNIVAL who sang “If I had A Million Dol­ RESCUE (Continued on Page Ten) ( Continued on Page Seven) (Continued on Page Fifteen) lars.” DANCING “Specializing in Hampton Beach Properties for over 15 Years” At the Beautiful CASINO BALLROOM FEATURING TED HERBERT’S ORCHESTRA Tues., Aug. 29 Tommy Dorsey, His Trombone & His Orchestra FRIED CLAM BAR REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY DELICIOUS - AND FRENCH f r i e s t o t a k e HAMPTON BEACH, SOMETHING PO r E V e r Y ( ^ TELEPHONE 588 HAMPTON BEACH the New Hampshire Coast Estate Agency CASINO Largest The BEACHCOMBER The Beachcomber Incorporating The Hampton Beach Advocate The Cover NO RTON’S Boardwalk Brevities The attractiveness of Happy Seafood Market A Vacation Digeat of all the news Hampton as a ‘‘family beach" FIRST TO HUBBARD'S GROCERIES Information for the summer visitor 18 wcl1 borne out by the pres- FISH LOBSTER3 cnee of many families enjoying P u b lish ed Wednesdays, June 28 to August 30 Kd Keobane sitting on a car nothing but the bites you scratch a Picnic lunch on the sandy King’s Highway Foot of 15th S t hum per in front of the Ashworth . to show for it . Louise Blake beaches. Then By The L Batterbury returning from a and John Jach6on having a serious HAMPTON PUBLISHING COMPANY L p sea dip . Earl Olmsted get- discussion on the beach . Phil The cover photo this week HAMPTON NEW HAMPSHIRE ,:ne sp ecia l attention from Denise Jason and Barbara Canning tan- shows the Hahn family from Y O U N G ’S BACK TO SCHOOL deming to Rye and back in less Greenfield, Mass., puttting FOR ADVERTISING RATES IN THIS PAPER p arcelle at the Frolics • • Bfcb aside all cares as they head CABINS TELEPHONE HAMPTON 655 ' . • . L\ Owens crooning to Cathy as they than 5 hours . Win Sawyer. v danced at the Casino . • Gary P eg Marshall and Lee Dawson at for a swim and picnic at the State Park reservation at the Ocean Boulevard Communications and Items from Johnson and Marge Evans having the Hampton Playhouse. south end of the beach. readers are welcome at all times. breakfast as usual at' Foley's . TeL 670 Peggy Hughes, Mary Corby, June Complete with blankets, Sully and Mary Smerle returning Beach Notes beach umbrella, and happy Hampton Beach During the evening a delightful from an afternoon of fis h in g witli Members of the Commission smiles, they are certain to en­ Nudd Group Holds luncheon was served, banQuet form H. W. Young present were W. R. Brown, Dublin, joy the spacious beach and by the Dunfeys. Bud and Jack 710 chairman, Harry K. Rogers, Sun- cooling waves of this popular were on hand to see that all had resort. Birthday Party H A V E N ’T Y O U H E A R D ? cook, secretary, Charles E. Green- plenty to eat and received many man, Hampton, Owen Johnson, r:vm i 1 0 The Nudd Terrace Associates compliments for their efforts. Unusual values in ail fabrics . Manchester, and Randall E. Spauld­ held their weekly meeting at the Entertainment was provided by FOR REMNANTS ing. Whitefield. home of Mrs. Thomas K eefe in Mrs. Mary Kiley, Sally M’Namara, VISIT OUR BARGAIN ANNEX Rev. and Mrs. Donald Weymouth Margaret M. Junkins the form of a birthday party in Kay Hurrell, Mac O’Brien and Kay and family of Clinton, Mass., are honor of their hostess. Taken com­ Largest selection of wool rug Duffin. Mr. Marty Sepi entertained freQuent visitors on the beach dur­ CANDY SHOPPE w pletely by surprise Mrs. Keefe re­ with impersonations of well known strips In New England ing August. Mr. Weymouth was sponded graciously to the well characters and was well received. pastor of the Hampton Falls Bap­ wishes of the group and thanked The orchestra composed of Jim DANA SHOPPE N O W OPEN 25 Middle St. Nbypt., Mass. tist church 1932-1939. and now them all for their kindness. Keefe, Ted Kennedy, Jack Dunfey, ministers in Clinton, Mass. He is Established Candies Mailed Plans for the party were ar- Bud Dunfey and Chubber Spillane, Off State Street vacation preacher in Hampton 1920 Hampton Beach, N. rainged by Alvee Gilligan, Louise provided music for general dancing Telephone 2455 Falls during this month, at the Collins, Kay Moran, Mary K eefe which went on until late evening. church of the White Spire. and Mrs. Leroy Dunfey. Members really joined in the celebration H A V E Y O U HEARD? and many wonderful talents which That G erry D. and Fred S. just GUYON’S SERVICE STATION up to now were hidden, really were walked the girls home because shown to advantage. A real holiday “they were afraid?" A WELCOME COMPANION spirit prevailed and all enjoyed an Complete Automotive Service evening of general dancing, games, ON YOUR TRIP That Josie K. got a gift from community singing and movies of Marty that will keep her going for a recent meeting. Choose your school clothes from our large some time? . • BACK TO SCHOOL selection of Fine Quality Nationally Ad­ OR COLLEGE vertised brands. The w orld ’s fastest Portable Typewriter McGregor Sweaters unties Jiavekn $5.95 to $10.95 THE ALL NEW 1950 McGregor Sport Shirts HAMPTON CENTER Hathaway Shirts $2.95 to $5.95 Van Heusen Shirts $4.95 SMITH - CORONA Interwoven Socks $3.65 to $3.95 55c to $1.50 HAMPTON BEACH Jockey Underwear Famous For Fine Old BOAR’S HEAD 706 Corduroy Jackets $1.10 to $2.15 Congress Jackets $16.95 to $22.95 i\ ew England Cooking Plymouth Raincoats $7.50 to $12.50 $16.95 to $22.50 All Wool Trousers Silent Model Pioneer Suspenders and Belts $12.95 to $16.95 Dobbs Hats $1.50 to $8.50 Luncheon Specials 90c up $8.50 to $10.00 OUNFEY’S Borsalino Hats $89.50 Botany 500 Clothes $20.00 o n THE BOULEVARD Varsity Town Sport Jackets $60.00 Dinners $1.50 up Jarman Shoes $9.0o to $14.95 Plus Tax r .np Clam Shoppe I K Sts.
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