P2 Redux.Pdf

P2 Redux.Pdf

PAI (M. KESAVA). - -- See LAMB (G.) M.D. and P. (M.K.) PAI, PING -CH'I. - -- See GILLIS (IRVIN VAN GORDER) and P., P. -C. PAI, SHIH-I. - -- Fluid dynamics of jets. New York [1954.] Engin. Lib. - -- Introduction to the theory of compressible flow. Princeton [1959.] Engin. Lib. - -- Another copy. Tech. Math. Lib. - -- Viscous flow theory. 2 vols. Princeton. Engin. Lib. 1. Laminar flow. [1956.] 2. Turbulent flow. [1957.] PAIDOLOGIST (THE); the organ of the British Child-Study Association. Vols. 1 -9 (in 4). 1899 -1906. Cheltenham. Per. .37 Pai. PAIGE (DEBORAH). - -- and BEACH ( GOTTFRIED). - -- A comparison of national output and productivity of the United Kingdom and the United States. Introd. by M. Gilbert. Paris, 1959. .338(42:73) Pai. - and JONES (KIT). - Health and welfare services in Britain in 1975. [Nat. Inst. of Econ. and Soc. Res. Occas. Papers, 22.] Cambridge, 1966. .362(42) Pai. [Continued overleaf.] AI)1)1Tl()NS PAI, CHU -I. - -- 200 selected poems ... Tr. by R. Alley. Beijing, 1983. .8951(568) Bai. - -- See WALEY (ARTHUR). The life and times of Po Chü -i, 772-846 A.D. PAI (DAMODOR MANGALORE). - -- See MORT (J.) and P. (D.M.) PAICE (D.A.). - -- Critical path analysis; basic techniques. A programmed text. Lond., 1982. Architect. Lib. PAIDEIA. - - Special Aristotle issue, 1978. Editor: G.C. Simmons. Brockport, N.Y. [1978.] .1851 Pai. - -- Special Plato issue, 1976. Editor: G.C. Simmons. Brockport, N.Y. [1976.] .1811 Pai. PAIEN, de Maisières. - -- La mule sans frein. See JOHNSTON (RONALD CARLYLE) and OWEN (DOUGLAS DAVID ROY) eds. Two Old French Gauvain romances ... Le chevalier a l'épée and La mule sans frein. - -- La damoisele a la mule (La mule saiz frain); conte en vers du cycle arthurien. Nouv. ed. critique ... par B. Orlowski. Paris, 1911. .8)4119 Pai. PAIGE (DEBORAH) [continued]. - -- and JONES (KIT) [continued]. Adam.} Svc. Admin. Lib. - -- Another copy. Soc. Med. Lib. PAIGE (LOWELL J.). - -- and SWIFT (JONATHAN DEAN). - -- Elements of linear algebra. 4th pr. [A Blasdell Bk. in the Pure and Appl. Math.] New York, 1965. Math. Lib. PAIJKULL (CARL WILHELM). - -- A summer in Iceland ... Tr. by M.R. Barnard. Lond., 1868. Bi.3.8. 3p. eS PAIKERT (G.0 w). - -- The German exodus; a selective study on the post -World War II expulsion of German populations and its effects. [Res. Group for Europ. Migration Problems, Publ. 12.] The Hague, 1962. .3252(43) Pai. PAILHÉS (GABRIEL). - -- La duchesse de Duras et Chateaubriand. D'apres des documents inédits. Paris, 1910. Zr.7.62. PAILIN (DAVID A.). - -- The way to faith; an examination of Newman's Grammar of assent, as a response to the search for certainty in faith. [Lib. of Ecumenical Stud.] Lond., 1968. New Coll. Lib. ADDITIONS` i PAIGE (Ji; FFHY M.). -- Agrarian revolution; social movements and export agriculture in the underdeveloped world. New York [1975.] .3381(5 -8) Pai. - -- Another copy. Soc. Anthrop. Lib. PAIGE (NIGEL). - See GEORGE (SUSAN) and P. (N.) PAIJKULL (CARL WILHELM). - -- En sommer i Island. Reiseskildring. B.Aenhavn, 1867. LL.104.2.24. Blöndal Collection. PADGET (GEZA CHARLES) . -- The Danube Swabians; German populations in Hungary, Rumania and Yugoslavia and Hitler's impact on their patterns. [Stud. in Soc. Life, 10.] The Hague, 1967. .3231(4391) Pai. -- Another copy. Politics Lib. PAILLARD (L. VALLÉE -). See VALLÉE -PAILLARD (L.) PAILLAT (CLAUDE). - -- Archives secretes, 1968 -69; les coulisses d'une année terrible. Paris [1969.] .3232(44083) Pai. - -- See T,ESOURD (PAUL) and P. (C.) PAILLERON (MARIE -LOUISE). - -- François Buloz et ses amis; la Revue des deux mondes et la Comédie française. Nouv. éd., rev. Paris, 1930. .8409G Pai. - -- François Buloz et ses amis; la vie littéraire sous Louis -Philippe ... 2e ed. Paris [1929.] .8409G Pai. * ** 2e éd. on cover only. PAILLET (MARC). - -- Table rase, 3 mai - 30 juin 1968. [Coll. Contestation.] Paris, 1968. .3232(44083) Pai. PAILLIET (JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH). - -- Manuel de droit civil, commercial et criminel. 9me éd. 2 tom. Bruxelles, 1833 -34. Law Lib. PAILLOT (A.). - -- L'infection chez les insectes; immunité et symbiose. Trévoux, 1933. Zool. Lib. PAILLOT (R.). - -- See DAMIEN (B.C.) and P. (R.) ADDITIONS PAILLAT (CLAUDE). -- Dossiers secrets de la France contemporaine. Tom. 4. Paris. .94145-3- .1 (4409 - Os 3) Pte. 4. Le désastre de 1940. 1. 1. La répétition generale. [1983.] PAILLOT'l'ET (PROSPER). - -- See PASSY (F.), MODESTE (V.) and P. (P.) PAILLOUX (M.H.). - -- Un aspect du calcul tensoriel. [Mém. des Sci. Math. Fasc. 130.] Paris, 1955 51 SCM Lib. - -- lasticité. [Mém. des Sci. Math. Fasc. 132.] Scc1 Paris, 1956[1955] .r5-1.@+-444IN* PAILLUSSEAU (JEAN. - -- DELHAY (FRANCIS ) and RUBELLIN- DEVICHI (JACQUELINE). - -- Quelques aspects de la nouvelle situation de la femme mariée. Préface de Y. Loussouarn. [Paris, Fac. de Droit et des Sci. Lon. Tray. et Recherches. Sér. Droit Privé, No. 5.] Paris, 1968. Law Lib. PAILTHORPE (GRACE WINIFRED). - -- Studies in the psychology of delinquency. [Med. Res. Counc. Special Rep. Ser. No. 170.] Lond., 1932. C.M.L. Arethr Dc..r.-.L,i.-,tunt_ Ti1. - -- Another copy. Psychol. Lib. PAIN (GODFREY SMORTHWAI'IE). - -- comp. The vigil; a book of prayers for older boys and girls. 2nd ed. Lond., 1935. New Coll. Lib. PAIN (HENRI. - -- Une souche vaccinale pure, le neuro- vaccin; son application á la vaccination antivariolique. [Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence.] Paris, 1925. C.M.L. PAIN (HERBERT JOHN). - -- The physics of vibrations and waves. Lond. [1968.] JCM Lib. - -- Another copy. JCM Lib. - -- Repr. Lond., 1971. JCM Lib. PAIN (JAMES). - -- See PAIN (WILLIAM) and P. (J.) PAIN (THOMAS). See PAINE (THOMAS). PAIN (WILLIAM). - -- The builder's companion, and workman's general assistant, demonstrating, after the most easy and practical method, all the principal rules of architecture ... Republ. Farnborough, 1972. F .7293(4207, Pai. * ** Facsimile repr. of the London, 1762, ed. - -- The builder's pocket- treasure, or, Palladio delineated and explained ... Republ. Farnborough, 1972. .7293(4207) Pai. J *xx Facsimile/epr. of the London, 1763, ed. - -- and PAIN (JAMES). - -- Decorative details of the eighteenth century. With a preface by A.E. Richardson. [Eng., Fr. and Span.] Lond., 1916. .7293(4207) Pai. - -- Another copy. Architect. Lib. - -- Another copy. Fine Art ADDITIONS PAIN (HERBERT JOHN). - -- The physics of vibrations and waves. 3rd ed. Chichester [1983.] JCM Lib. - -- Another copy. JCM Lib. PAIN (The) and sorrow of evil marriage. From an unique copy printed by Wynkyn de Worde. [Ed. by J.P. Collier.] [Percy Soc. 1.1 Lond., 1840. RM.8. PAINCHAUD (LOUIS. - -- Le bilinguisme a l'universite; description du bilinguisme et du biculturalisme de l'Universite d'Ottawa, de l'Universite Laurentienne et du College militaire royal de Saint -Jean. Montreal [1968.] .4011(71 ) Pai. PAINCHAUD (PAUL). - -- ed. Francophonie; bibliographie, 1960 -1969. [Centre Quebecois de Rel. Int. Bur. d'Information sur la Francophonie.] Montreal, 1972. Ref. .901)4016 Pai. PAINE (ALBERT BIGELOW). - -- Mark Twain; a biography. See TWAIN (MARK) pseud. of SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS. The writings of M.T. Definitive ed. Vols. 30 -33. PAINE (CLARENCE S.). - -- The comedy of manners, 1660 -1700; a reference guide to the comedy of the Restoration. Repr. from The Bulletin of Bibliography. Vol. 17, no. 2 ... 1940. [Bull. of Bibliog. Pamph. 36.] Boston, 1941. Ref.P .8224016 Pai. ADDITIONS PATINE (DAVID P.). --- Aerial photography and image interpretation for resource management. New York [1981.] .526982:.63 Pai. --- Another copy. Geog. Lib. -- Another copy. Forestry Lib. PAINE (E.M.S. JAMES, afterwards Mrs.). - -- The two James's and the two Stephensons, or, the earliest history of passenger transit on railways. A centenary repr. with introd. by L.T.C. Rolt. Dawlish, 1961. 385(42073 075) Fai. 3ß54iZo73-p75) Pa,i. PAINE (MARTYN). - -- A discourse on the soul and instinct, physiologically distinguished from materialism ... New York, 1849. F'* 14.27. - -- The institutes of medicine. New York, 1854. F-* 11.4. --- 8th ed. New York, 1867. H* 20.43. --- 9th ed. New York, 1870. F* 1.18. - -- Letters on the cholera asphyxia ... in the City of New York ... New York, 1832. Bound in *F.5.21. - -- Materia medica and therpeutics. New York, 1854. *1.7.33. - -- Medical and physiological commentaries. 3 vols. New York, 1840 -44. F-* 8.2-4. - -- Another copy. Vols. 1 -2. H* 26.25 -26. - -- An examination of a review, contained in the British and Foreign Medical Review, of the Medical and physiological commentaries. New York, 1841. OP. 202/4. - -- Physiology of the soul and instinct, as distinguished from materialism ... New York, 1872. 0.S. .128 Pai. [Continued overleaf.] AI)I)I'I'IONS PAINE (FRANCES FLYNN). --- writer of introduction. Diego Rivera. [Catalogue of an exhibition held by the] Museum of Modern Art ... See RIVERA (DIEGO). EXHIBITION CATALOGUES. PAINE (JOHN KNOWLES). - See SCHMIDT (JOHN CHARLES). The life and works of J.R.P. PAINE (LESLIE HAROLD WILLIAM). ed. Health care in big cities. See HEALTH care in big cities. PAINE (MARTYN) [continued]. - -- and PAINE (MARY ANN). - -- Memoir of R.T. Paine. By his parents. Priv. pr. New York, 1852. *S.20.42. PAINE (MICHAEL C.). - -- Advertising; the marketing approach. b 5 I Pa; Lond., 1968. ,65882 Pad Ano t4e-P- oopy BAlsi-14e6 s . Co9 Pa, . - -- Another copy. PAINE (RALPH DELAHAYE). - -- Frigate and clipper. Part 1: The fight for a free sea. Part 2: The old merchant marine. 2 pts. (in 1). [ Chron. of Amer. Ser. Vol. 10.] New Haven, copyright 1920, 1919. .9(73) C.A.S. - -- The fight for a free sea; a chronicle of the war of 1812. [Chron. of Amer. Ser., Textbk. Ed. 17.] New Haven, copyright 1920. .41(1/Q) ecc,, - -- The old merchant marine; a chronicle of American ships and sailors. [Chron. of Amer. Ser., Textbk. Ed. 36.] New Haven, copyright 1919. 3 818(73) Pte, PAINE (RICHMOND SHEPARD). - -- and OPPÉ (THOMAS ERNEST). - -- Neurological examination of children.

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